23 resultados para Medical Problems.
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)
[Excerpt] A critical case from a Portuguese hospital reveals how the ultimate healthcare customer, the patient, is a complete system, not a jumble of parts. (...) The lean production philosophy has made inroads into service sectors, including medical care in the United Kingdom and the United States. Unfortunately, numerous medical organizations in those two countries and the rest of the world treat patients like they are made up of parts, not as a whole system. This leads to disjointed handoffs, bottlenecks in information flow that delay treatment, and sending the patient back and forth from department to department. The following case in Portugal shows how most of the world’s health systems still suffer from functional silos and how waste is all over the place. In this case, the missing links in communication between doctors, nurses, auxiliary staff, the patient and her family led to the patient’s death. Adopting lean healthcare with its proven tools would be a solution to many of the problems described. When a patient dies in a hospital, the family often is told that the doctors did everything they could. Normally, that is the case, as healthcare providers – doctors, nurses, auxiliary staff, therapists – do their best with the system they have.
A large group of low molecular weight natural compounds that exhibit antimicrobial activity has been isolated from animals and plants during the past two decades. Among them, peptides are the most widespread resulting in a new generation of antimicrobial agents with higher specific activity. In the present study we have developed a new strategy to obtain antimicrobial wound-dressings based on the incorporation of antimicrobial peptides into polyelectrolyte multilayer films built by the alternate deposition of polycation (chitosan) and polyanion (alginic acid sodium salt) over cotton gauzes. Energy dispersive X ray microanalysis technique was used to determine if antimicrobial peptides penetrated within the films. FTIR analysis was performed to assess the chemical linkages, and antimicrobial assays were performed with two strains: Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacterium) and Klebsiella pneumonia (Gram-negative bacterium). Results showed that all antimicrobial peptides used in this work have provided a higher antimicrobial effect (in the range of 4 log–6 log reduction) for both microorganisms, in comparison with the controls, and are non-cytotoxic to normal human dermal fibroblasts at the concentrations tested.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)
Com o objectivo de fazer a caracterização da situação social e demográfica e das condições de saúde médica e psicológica das utentes da Consulta Externa de Ginecologia/Obstretícia da Maternidade Júlio Dinis e de seus companheiros, duzentas mulheres e cento e setenta e cinco homens (N=375) foram entrevistados com base num questionário desenhado para o efeito, durante o primeiro trimestre de gestação. Observamos o desfavorecimento social e económico da amostra, particularmente no grupo das mulheres. Constatamos que a situação matrimonial e familiar é estável; no entanto, muitos agregados familiares são recentes, incluem outros familiares e este é um primeiro filho do casal. A rede de apoio social e emocional da amostra é geralmente constituída por familiares, estando mais presente para as mulheres do que para os homens e muitas vezes o companheiro não é referido como confidente, sobretudo pelas mulheres. A gestação não é geralmente de risco; não obstante, a presença frequente de problemas psicológicos uma pior aceitação inicial da gravidez no caso das mulheres. Os hábitos de vida tornam-se mais saudáveis com a gestação; no entanto, é ainda elevado o consumo de substâncias, como o tabaco, pela grávida. Problemas ginecológicos e obstétricos foram referidos, assim como a presença de adversidades na história psicológica e desenvolvimental dos participantes. Concluímos que as utentes da Consulta Externa de Ginecologia/Obstetrícia da Maternidade Júlio Dinis e seus companheiros apresentam indicadores relevantes de risco médico, psicológico e social que devem ser considerados na prestação de melhores cuidados de saúde.
Healthcare organizations often benefit from information technologies as well as embedded decision support systems, which improve the quality of services and help preventing complications and adverse events. In Centro Materno Infantil do Norte (CMIN), the maternal and perinatal care unit of Centro Hospitalar of Oporto (CHP), an intelligent pre-triage system is implemented, aiming to prioritize patients in need of gynaecology and obstetrics care in two classes: urgent and consultation. The system is designed to evade emergency problems such as incorrect triage outcomes and extensive triage waiting times. The current study intends to improve the triage system, and therefore, optimize the patient workflow through the emergency room, by predicting the triage waiting time comprised between the patient triage and their medical admission. For this purpose, data mining (DM) techniques are induced in selected information provided by the information technologies implemented in CMIN. The DM models achieved accuracy values of approximately 94% with a five range target distribution, which not only allow obtaining confident prediction models, but also identify the variables that stand as direct inducers to the triage waiting times.
PhD in Sciences Specialty in Physics
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Aplicada.