23 resultados para Light-beams
Artigo completo publicado na revista "BioMed Research International, (2015), 1-7" e disponível no RepositóriUM em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/33375
Our objective was to validate a new device dedicated to measure the light disturbances surrounding bright sources of light under different sources of potential variability. Twenty subjects were involved in the study. Light distortion was measured using an experimental prototype (light distortion analyzer, CEORLab, University of Minho, Portugal) comprising twenty-four LED arrays panel at 2 m. Sources of variability included: intrasession and intersession repeated measures, pupil size (3 versus 6 mm), defocus (þ0.50) correction for the working distance, angular resolution (15 deg versus 30 deg), temporal stimuli presentation, and pupil size. Size, shape, location, and irregularity parameters have been obtained. At a low speed of presentation of the stimuli, changes in angular resolution did not have an effect on the results of the parameters measured. Results did not change with pupil size. Intensity of the central glare source significantly influenced the outcomes. Examination time was reduced by 30% when a 30 deg angular resolution was explored instead of 15 deg. Measurements were fast and repeatable under the same experimental conditions. Size and shape parameters showed the highest consistency, whereas location and irregularity parameters showed lower consistency. The system was sensitive to changes in the intensity of the central glare source but not to pupil changes in this sample of healthy subjects.
METHODS: Refractive lens exchange was performed with implantation of an AT Lisa 839M (trifocal) or 909MP (bifocal toric) IOL, the latter if corneal astigmatism was more than 0.75 diopter (D). The postoperative visual and refractive outcomes were evaluated. A prototype light-distortion analyzer was used to quantify the postoperative light-distortion indices. A control group of eyes in which a Tecnis ZCB00 1-piece monofocal IOL was implanted had the same examinations. RESULTS: A trifocal or bifocal toric IOL was implanted in 66 eyes. The control IOL was implanted in 18 eyes. All 3 groups obtained a significant improvement in uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) (P < .001) and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) (P Z .001). The mean uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) was 0.123 logMAR with the trifocal IOL and 0.130 logMAR with the bifocal toric IOL. The residual refractive cylinder was less than 1.00 D in 86.7% of cases with the toric IOL. The mean light-distortion index was significantly higher in the multifocal IOL groups than in the monofocal group (P < .001), although no correlation was found between the light-distortion index and CDVA. CONCLUSIONS: The multifocal IOLs provided excellent UDVA and functional UNVA despite increased light-distortion indices. The light-distortion analyzer reliably quantified a subjective component of vision distinct from visual acuity; it may become a useful adjunct in the evaluation of visual quality obtained with multifocal IOLs.
In this work, Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 (BST)/ITO structures were grown on glass substrate and laser assisted annealing (LAA) was performed to promote the crystallization of BST. Atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction studies confirm the crack free and polycrystalline perovskite phase of BST. White light controlled resistive switching (RS) effect in Au/BST/ITO device is investigated. The device displays the electroforming-free bipolar RS characteristics and are explained by the modulationof the width and height of barrier at the BST/ITO interface via ferroelectric polarization. Moreover, the RS effect is signifi- cantly improved under white light illumination compared to that in the dark. The enhanced RS and photovoltaic effects are explained by considering depolarization field and charge distribution at the interface. The devices exhibit stable retention characteristics with low currents (mA), which make them attractive for non volatile memory devices.
This paper presents a search for Higgs bosons decaying to four leptons, either electrons or muons, via one or two light exotic gauge bosons Zd, H→ZZd→4ℓ or H→ZdZd→4ℓ. The search was performed using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 20 fb−1 at the center-of-mass energy of s√=8TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The observed data are well described by the Standard Model prediction. Upper bounds on the branching ratio of H→ZZd→4ℓ and on the kinetic mixing parameter between the Zd and the Standard Model hypercharge gauge boson are set in the range (1--9)×10−5 and (4--17)×10−2 respectively, at 95% confidence level assuming the Standard Model branching ratio of H→ZZ∗→4ℓ, for Zd masses between 15 and 55 GeV. Upper bounds on the effective mass mixing parameter between the Z and the Zd are also set using the branching ratio limits in the H→ZZd→4ℓ search, and are in the range (1.5--8.7)×10−4 for 15
Multilayer systems obtained using the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) technology have been proposed for a variety of biomedical applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. LbL assembly is a simple and highly versatile method to modify surfaces and fabricate robust and highly-ordered nanostructured coatings over almost any type of substrates and with a wide range of substances. The incorporation of polyoxometalate (POM) inorganic salts as constituents of the layers presents a possibility of promoting light-stimuli responses in LbL substrates. We propose the design of a biocompatible photo-responsive multilayer system based on a Preyssler-type POM ([NaP5W30O110]14â ) and a natural origin polymer, chitosan, using the LbL methodology. The photo-reduction properties of the POM allow the spatially controlled disruption of the assembled layers due to the weakening of the electrostatic interactions between the layers. This system has found applicability in detaching devices, such as the cell sheet technology, which may solve the drawbacks actually found in other cell treatment proposals.
Sandwich geometries, mainly in the form of panels and beams, are commonly applied in various transportation industries, such as aerospace, aeronautic and automotive. Sandwich geometries represent important advantages in structural applications, namely high specific stiffness, low weight, and possibility of design optimization prior to manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to uncover the influence of the number of reinforcements (ribs), and of the thickness on the mechanical behavior of all-metal sandwich panels subjected to uncoupled bending and torsion loadings. In this study, four geometries are compared. The orientation of the reinforcements and the effect of transversal ribs are also considered in this study. It is shown that the all the relations are non-linear, despite the elastic nature of the analysis in the Finite Element software ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.
Several types of internally reinforced thin-walled beams are subjected to a feasibility evaluation of its mechanical behavior for industrial applications. The adapting of already existing efficient sandwich geometries to hollow-box beams of larger dimensions may reveal promising results. Novel types of sandwich beams under bending and torsion uncoupled loadings are studied in terms of stiffness behavior in static analysis. For the analysis of the solutions, the models are built using the Finite Element Method (FEM) software ANSYS Mechanical APDL. The feasibility of the novel beams was determined by the comparison of the stiffness behavior of the novel hollow-box beams with conventional hollow-box beams. An efficiency parameter was defined in order to determine the feasibility. It is found that the novel geometries represent an excellent improvement under bending loadings, better than under torsion loadings. Nevertheless, for bending and torsion combined loadings, if bending loads are predominant, the beams can still be interesting for some applications, in particular those with mobile parts.