33 resultados para Euro-ocidente


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Dando continuidade a uma série de estudos já realizados no âmbito do projecto de investigação em que se insere, o presente trabalho questiona a evolução do ecrã televisivo como dispositivo supostamente convergente. Contrariando uma tendência discursiva dominante, quer na esfera dos media quer na própria produção académica sobre o medium televisivo, clarificam-se aqui alguns dos desenvolvimentos teóricos mais significativos, resultantes dos anos de trabalho que este projecto de investigação já tem. Propõe-se, pois, uma distinção conceptual entre o ecrã prometido pela cultura da convergência, que designamos como ecrã convergente, e o ecrã verdadeiramente resiliente da instituição-televisão, o ecrã centrípeto, que ainda obedece aos princípios de sequência e fluxo enunciados por Raymond Williams nos anos 1970.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Empresariais.


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Buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, increasing building energy efficiency is one the most cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. The use of thermal insulation materials could constitute the most effective way of reducing heat losses in buildings by minimising heat energy needs. These materials have a thermal conductivity factor, k (W/m.K) lower than 0.065 while other insulation materials such as aerated concrete can go up to 0.11. Current insulation materials are associated with negative impacts in terms of toxicity. Polystyrene, for example contains anti-oxidant additives and ignition retardants. In addition, its production involves the generation of benzene and chlorofluorocarbons. Polyurethane is obtained from isocyanates, which are widely known for their tragic association with the Bhopal disaster. Besides current insulation materials releases toxic fumes when subjected to fire. This paper presents experimental results on one-part geopolymers. It also includes global warming potential assessment and cost analysis. The results show that only the use of aluminium powder allows the production mixtures with a high compressive strength however its high cost means they are commercially useless when facing the competition of commercial cellular concrete. The results also show that one-part geopolymer mixtures based on 26%OPC +58.3%FA +8%CS +7.7%CH and 3.5% hydrogen peroxide constitute a promising cost efficient (67 euro/m3), thermal insulation solution for floor heating systems with low global warming potential of 443 KgCO2eq/m3.


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One of the biggest challenges for urban space planners is to conciliate the indispensable demands of life with the forms of occupation of the territory. Among these demands is water. Population growth and urban sprawl are challenging water availability. Thus, it is important to evaluate development trends to predict future scenarios, enabling guide preventive actions and decision making. It is essential to have a practical and direct tool that allows us to transmit the necessary information. The objective of this study is to present a method for evaluating the urban efficiency in the process of city expansion and the availability of water supply. To do so, the indicators will be defined, called indicators of "hidricidade". As a result, it is expected to be obtained a direct and practical tool, that is going to allow to transmit the necessary information to the harmonic urban process planning, applicable to medium size Brazilian cities, allowing decision making as a guarantee of water supply and urban sprawl.


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Rainwater harvesting systems allow the usage of properly collected, treated and supplied rainwater for domestic use in situations without good water quality requirement. To be sustainable, a rainwater harvesting system must be truly ecological, economically viable, socially fair and culturally diverse. The key element for this system is the first-flush device, which allows the deviation of the first rains which carry a significant load of pollutants and are not suitable even for non potable use. This article develops a theoretical and experimental study on a rainwater harvesting system for use in a single family dwelling. The main goal is to describe the hydraulic operation of syphonic drainage systems by the incorporation of a first-flush device in a laboratory installed rainwater harvesting system.


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The importance of implementing sustainable practices in buildings is duly proved and understood by the majority of the population. However, its implementation is not yet a reality. Some studies have been performed with the goal of understand this lack of use of sustainable solutions, among building sector stakeholders. The conclusion is that one of the main factors contributing to this is related with economic constraints. Several studies have proven that many sustainable practices correspond to minor costs than traditional practices in a life cycle perspective. However, the building sector stakeholders are not aware of this and do not implement sustainable practices commonly. In this paper a costâ benefit methodology willing to cross this barrier and promote the sustainable practices implementation is presented.


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Nowadays, the sustainability of buildings has an extreme importance. This concept goes towards the European aims of the Program Horizon 2020, which concerns about the reduction of the environmental impacts through such aspects as the energy efficiency and renewable technologies, among others. Sustainability is an extremely broad concept but, in this work, it is intended to include the concept of sustainability in buildings. Within the concept that aims the integration of environmental, social and economic levels towards the preservation of the planet and the integrity of the users, there are, currently, several types of tools of environmental certification that are applicable to the construction industry (LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, SBTool, among others). Within this context, it is highlighted the tool SBTool (Sustainable Building Tool) that is employed in several countries and can be subject to review in institutions of basic education, which are the base for the formation of the critical masses and for the development of a country. The main aim of this research is to select indicators that can be used in a methodology for sustainability assessment (SBTool) of school buildings in Portugal and in Brazil. In order to achieve it, it will also be analyzed other methodologies that already incorporate parameters directly related with the schools environment, such as BREEAM or LEED.


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The Portuguese housing sector experienced a significant growth throughout the 20th century, particularly in the last quarter, after the democratic revolution in 1974. In fact, the number of buildings built between 1970 and 1990 is more than one third of the buildings actually existing in Portugal. Therefore most of them were built before the publication of the first regulation concerning the energy efficiency in buildings. Regarding this scenario, it would be expected that rehabilitation activities would represent most of the current construction activities. However, given some remaining barriers from old social policies, this situation is not observed; actually building retrofitting is the least significant sector, accentuating the degradation level of major part of the Portuguese housing stock. Several studies show that the main problems are found in the buildings envelope elements, such as roofs and façades. Based on this context, the aim of this paper is to introduce some examples of building retrofitting systems that, adapted to the Portuguese main needs and requirements may represent sustainable solutions to overcome the identified needs of Portuguese buildings' envelope.


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Buildings are one of the major consumers of energy in Europe. This makes them an important target when aiming to reduce the energy consumptions and carbon emissions. The majority of the European building stock has already some decades and so it needs renovation in order to keep its functionality. Taking advantage of these interventions, the energy performance of the buildings may also be improved. In Portugal the renovation techniques, both regarding energy efficiency measures as well as measures for the use of renewable energy sources, are normally planned at the building scale. It is important to explore the possibility of having large scale interventions, has it has been done in other countries, namely at neighbourhood scale with district energy system in order to optimize the results in terms of costs and environmental impact.


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The construction sector is responsible for generating large environmental impacts in order to minimize these impacts, environmental standards and seals for the construction were created. This article presents a comparative study between the preliminary requirements of ISO 21931: 2010 Sustainable Building, the requirements of AQUA-HQE stamps, LEED and the Performance Standard NBR 15575: 2013. For this, a literature search was conducted to carry out a comparative analysis of the requirements of each of them in order to know those common to all of them. As a result of this work was identified that the standard of performance, the AQUA seal and LEED are well aligned with the sustainability criteria, comfort and health of the user, and has the ISO 21931 standard has some of these items as options.


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This document reports the importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in the school environment. Education in school has a potential to make the benefits of the building construction visible for society and media, showing to the students, parents and communities how sustainability in built environment could improve the people life in economic, social and environment aspects. Thus, this paper addresses the main events related to sustainability, such as the Stockholm Conference, the Brundtland report, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and Agenda 21, until reaching the necessity of the elaboration of Methodologies for environmental assessment of building, and later, the development of the specific methodologies according to the buildings. It is also described some examples of sustainability in schools in Germany, Finland and Italy and what kind of sustainable systems those countries are currently using.


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The use of thermal insulation materials for the achievement of energy efficient buildings intended, in most cases, the fulfilment of the required heating and cooling needs of the operational phase. The main goal of this paper is â by using exploratory methodology, namely literature review â identify more sustainable insulating materials and, concomitantly, exposing the paradoxical effect of other insulation materials with high Global Warming Potential (GWP) highlighting the role of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Ecodesign and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) tools for the framing, comparison and selection of materials. As a main conclusion, it is noticed the lack of environmental information from the producers which, together with acquisition prices that do not internalize Life Cycle Costs (LCC), has led to the use of insulation materials with high carbon footprint and to the "isolation paradox" as well.


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During the recent years followed by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), most of business and industries around the globe have been hardly hit to the limit that it still struggling to survive, suffering from the crisis financial consequences. For instance, in the construction industry; many construction projects have been suspended or totally cancelled. Nevertheless, among this dilemma, a call has been raised to use the sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of the GFC on construction industry. For the first look, it seems that there is contradiction since the sustainable solutions are often associated with an increase in the initial cost, undoubtedly, the sustainable practices have many advantages in both economic and environment aspects, however, the question which needs to be addressed here is, to what extent using such sustainable practices can mitigate the negative effects of the economic downturn on construction industry. Therefore, it is a challenging argument for using such sustainable construction from its economic perspective, however, this paper is aiming to present the economical benefits of sustainable practices in construction industry, and trying to clear the doubt of the high initial costs of the sustainable construction through studying the life cycle benefit of green building.


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Wind tunnel tests are a reliable tool to determine the effect of natural ventilation on buildings. This paper presents results of wind tunnel tests conducted to evaluate the influence of ventilation modules positioning on a façade system. Modules positioning was modified, resulting in different façade configurations. The tests were carried out with the use of a model, varying the position of the ventilation modules in the façade configuration. The cases tested were six ventilation modules positioned below the window-sill (ventilated window-sill), and three ventilation modules positioned above and below the façade. The façade system proposed was movable and interchangeable so that the same basic model could be used to test the possibilities for ventilation. Wind speed measurements were taken inside and outside the model for the different façades configurations to evaluate the best performance in relation to natural ventilation. Singleâ sided and Cross ventilation were considered for wind speed measurements. Results show the use of six ventilation modules positioned below the window-sill, forming "a ventilated window-sill" is the best solution in terms of natural ventilation.


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Prefácio: Para que exista ciência aplicada é necessária a existência do que aplicar em ciência. Este livro é um bom exemplo dessas duas coisas: a conceituação teórica sobre a criatividade e a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos no âmbito da criatividade aplicada. Na sociedade do século XXI, torna-se cada vez mais premente a necessi- dade de inovação e criatividade. Nas últimas décadas, tem havido mudanças dramáticas na civilização, nos campos científico, tecnológico e social. Em menos de um século, os avanços científicos e tecnológicos superaram os últimos 6.000 anos anteriores de nossa civilização. No entanto, como consequência desses avanços tecnológicos, especialmente no campo das comunicações, as sociedades humanas se transformaram radicalmente, com exceção de alguns redutos isolados das tribos amazônicas ou africanas, zelosas da preservação de suas heranças culturais. Globalização e sociedade de informação são atributos que melhor definem essa transformação humana. Na aldeia global, segundo o conceito proposto por McLuhan, a complexidade e a incerteza impregnam toda a vida social. Assistimos às mudanças vertiginosas que imediatamente se globalizam. Não será necessário lembrar, pois os seus efeitos se prolongaram nos países do sul da Europa, de como a crise financeira e econômica desencadeada pela queda de Lehman Brothers no EUA se transformou em um fenômeno global. Em um nível mais cotidiano observamos, por exemplo, como o último modelo do smartphone comercializado por alguma companhia, em poucas semanas, pode ser encontrado nas mãos de cidadãos nas ruas de Londres, Sidney, Lima, São Paulo ou Nova York. Os movimentos migratórios facilitados pelos avanços e acessibilidade dos meios de transportes maciços permitem que em uma grande cidade de qualquer parte do mundo conviva uma multiplicidade de etnias e culturas jamais contemplada em nenhum outro momento da história. Aqueles do sul no norte, aqueles do oriente no ocidente, e vice-versa; assistimos a um êxito desproporcional e silencioso de pessoas, algumas vezes movendo-se por mais de 10.000 km de seus países de origem em busca de uma vida melhor ou, simplesmente, para enriquecer suas experiências.