50 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Estruturas e Geotecnia)


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The growing concerns regarding the environmental impact generated by the use of inorganic materials in different fields of application increased the interest towards products based on materials with low environmental impact. In recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards the development of materials obtained from renewable sources, easily recoverable or biodegradable at the end of use. In the field of civil structures, a few attempts have been done to replace the most common composites (e.g. carbon and glass fibers) by materials less harmful to the environment, as natural fibers. This work presents a comprehensive experimental research on the mechanical performance of natural fibers for the strengthening of masonry constructions. Flax, hemp, jute, sisal and coir fibers have been investigated both from physical and mechanical points of view. The fibers with better performance were tested together with three different matrices (two of organic nature) in order to produce composites. These experimental results represent a useful database for understanding the potentialities of natural fibers as strengthening systems.


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High performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC) is developing rapidly to a modern structural material with unique rheological and mechanical characteristics. Despite applying several methodologies to achieve self15 compacting requirements, some doubts still remain regarding the most convenient strategy for developing a HPFRC. In the present study, an innovative mix design method is proposed for the development of high17 performance concrete reinforced with a relatively high dosage of steel fibers. The material properties of the developed concrete are assessed, and the concrete structural behavior is characterized under compressive, flexural and shear loading. This study better clarifies the significant contribution of fibers for shear resistance of concrete elements. This paper further discusses a FEM-based simulation, aiming to address the possibility of calibrating the constitutive model parameters related to fracture modes I and II.


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This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil


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The authors also acknowledge Centre for Textile Science and Technology (University of Minho) and FIBRENAMICS PLATFORMfor providing required conditions for this research. Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Pedro Samuel Leite and Mr. Carlos Jesus for their kind help in sample preparation and testing.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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O presente trabalho dedica-se à caracterização do comportamento de modelos de alvenaria reforçada com FRCM (fiber reinforced cementitious matrix) quando sujeitos a ações que atuam no plano da parede. O sistema de reforço, composto por uma camada de argamassa cimentícia reforçada com uma malha de CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer), foi aplicado a modelos de alvenaria de tijolo furado. Considerando a importância da interface entre a camada de reforço e o substrato para a eficiência do sistema de reforço, procedeu-se à caracterização do comportamento mecânico da interface por intermédio de ensaios de corte direto, com os quais foi possível definir as superfícies de cedência e de rotura da interface. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a quantificação dos parâmetros que caracterizam a interface entre o material cerâmico e uma argamassa do tipo PFRM (polypropylene fibre reinforced mortar) quando sujeita a cargas de corte combinadas com cargas normais à interface. Através de expressões analíticas e do critério de rotura de Mohr-Coloumb foi analisada a adequação de um critério baseado numa aproximação linear, aos dados obtidos experimentalmente.


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This paper presents the main features of finite element FE numerical model developed using the computer code FEMIX to predict the near-surface mounted NSM carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer CFRP rods shear repair contribution to corroded reinforced concrete RC beams. In the RC beams shear repaired with NSM technique, the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) rods are placed inside pre-cut grooves onto the concrete cover of the RC beam’s lateral faces and are bonded to the concrete with high epoxy adhesive. Experimental and 3D numerical modelling results are presented in this paper in terms of load-deflection curves, and failure modes for 4 short corroded beams: two corroded beams (A1CL3-B and A1CL3-SB) and two control beams (A1T-B and A1T-SB), the beams noted with B were let repaired in bending only with NSM CFRP rods while the ones noted with SB were repaired in both bending and shear with NSM technique. The corrosion of the tensile steel bars and its effect on the shear capacity of the RC beams was discussed. Results showed that the FE model was able to capture the main aspects of the experimental load-deflection curves of the RC beams, moreover it has presented the experimental failure modes and FE numerical modelling crack patterns and both gave similar results for non-shear repaired beams which failed in diagonal tension mode of failure and for shear-repaired beams which failed due to large flexural crack at the middle of the beams along with the concrete crushing, three dimensional crack patterns were produced for shear-repaired beams in order to investigate the splitting cracks occurred at the middle of the beams and near the support.


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Applying a certain prestress level to the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcement according to either externally bonded reinforcing (EBR) or near surface mounted (NSM) techniques can mobilize the strengthening potentialities of this high tensile strength composite material. For the prediction of the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures strengthened with prestressed EBR or NSM CFRPs, however, simplified analytical and design formulations still need to be developed as a guidance for engineers to design this type of strengthened structures by hand calculation without any programming help. Hence, the current work aims to briefly explain a developed simplified analytical approach, with a design framework, to predict the flexural behavior of RC beams flexurally strengthened with either prestressed EBR or NSM CFRP reinforcements. Moreover, an upper limit for the prestress level is proposed in order to optimize the ductility performance of the NSM prestressing technique. The good predictive performance of the analytical approaches was appraised by simulating the results of experimental programs composed of RC beams strengthened with prestressed NSM CFRP reinforcements.


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The objective of this paper is to propose a simplified analytical approach to predict the flexural behavior of simply supported reinforced-concrete (RC) beams flexurally strengthened with prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcements using either externally bonded reinforcing (EBR) or near surface mounted (NSM) techniques. This design methodology also considers the ultimate flexural capacity of NSM CFRP strengthened beams when concrete cover delamination is the governing failure mode. A moment–curvature (M–χ) relationship formed by three linear branches corresponding to the precracking, postcracking, and postyielding stages is established by considering the four critical M–χ points that characterize the flexural behavior of CFRP strengthened beams. Two additional M–χ points, namely, concrete decompression and steel decompression, are also defined to assess the initial effects of the prestress force applied by the FRP reinforcement. The mid-span deflection of the beams is predicted based on the curvature approach, assuming a linear curvature variation between the critical points along the beam length. The good predictive performance of the analytical model is appraised by simulating the force–deflection response registered in experimental programs composed of RC beams strengthened with prestressed NSM CFRP reinforcements.


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This paper presents the main features of finite element FE numerical model developed using the computer code FEMIX to predict the near-surface mounted NSM carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer CFRP rods shear repair contribution to corroded reinforced concrete RC beams. In the RC beams shear repaired with NSM technique, the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) rods are placed inside pre-cut grooves onto the concrete cover of the RC beam’s lateral faces and are bonded to the concrete with high epoxy adhesive. Experimental and 3D numerical modelling results are presented in this paper in terms of load-deflection curves, failure modes and slip information of the tensile steel bars for 4 short corroded beams: two corroded beams (A1CL3-B and A1CL3-SB) and two control beams (A1T-B and A1T-SB), the beams noted with B were let repaired in bending only with NSM CFRP rods while the ones noted with SB were repaired in both bending and shear with NSM technique. The corrosion of the tensile steel bars and its effect on the shear capacity of the RC beams was discussed. Results showed that the FE model was able to capture the main aspects of the experimental load-deflection curves of the RC beams, moreover it has presented the experimental failure modes and FE numerical modelling crack patterns and both gave similar results for non-shear repaired beams which failed in diagonal tension mode of failure and for shear-repaired beams which failed due to large flexural crack at the middle of the beams along with the concrete crushing, three dimensional crack patterns were produced for shear-repaired beams in order to investigate the splitting cracks occurred at the middle of the beams and near the support.


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This study presents an experimental program to assess the tensile strain distribution along prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcement flexurally applied on the tensile surface of RC beams according to near surface mounted (NSM) technique. Moreover, the current study aims to propose an analytical formulation, with a design framework, for the prediction of distribution of CFRP tensile strain and bond shear stress and, additionally, the prestress transfer length. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the proposed analytical approach, parametric studies were carried out to analytically evaluate the influence of the main material properties, and CFRP and groove cross section on the distribution of the CFRP tensile strain and bond shear stress, and on the prestress transfer length. The proposed analytical approach can also predict the evolution of the prestress transfer length during the curing time of the adhesive by considering the variation of its elasticity modulus during this period.


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The bond behavior between Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) and masonry substrates has been the subject of many studies during the last years. Recent accelerated aging tests have shown that bond degradation and FRP delamination are likely to occur in FRP-strengthened masonry components under hygrothermal conditions. While an investigation on the possible methods to improve the durability of these systems is necessary, the applicability of different bond repair methods should also be studied. This paper aims at investigating the debonding mechanisms after repairing delaminated FRP-strengthened masonry components. FRP-strengthened brick specimens, after being delaminated, are repaired with two different adhesives: a conventional epoxy resin and a highly flexible polymer. The latter is used as an innovative adhesive in structural applications. The bond behavior in the repaired specimens is investigated by performing single-lap shear bond tests. Digital image correlation (DIC) is used for deeper investigation of the surface deformation and strains development. The effectiveness of the repair methods is discussed and compared with the strengthened specimens.


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Externally bonded strengthening of masonry structures using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) has been accepted as a promising technique. Although the effectiveness of FRPs in improving the performance of masonry components has been extensively investigated, their long-term performance and durability remain poorly addressed. This paper, tackling one of the aspects related to durability of these systems, presents an experimental investigation on the effect of long-term (one year) water immersion on the performance of GFRP-strengthened bricks. The tests include materials' mechanical tests, as well as pull-off and single-lap shear bond tests, to investigate the changes in material properties and bond behavior with immersion time, respectively. The effect of mechanical surface treatment on the durability of the strengthened system as well as the reversibility of the degradation upon partial drying are also investigated. The experimental results are presented and critically discussed.