4 resultados para Lehrer-Lehrer-Beziehung

em Institutional Repository of Leibniz University Hannover


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Das Arbeitsgebiet liegt ca. 20 km N Helmstedt im Bereich des Meßtischblattes Oebisfelde, das durch die Zonengrenze in einen Ost- und einen Westteil getrennt ist. Auf der westlichen Seite liegt die Ortschaft Velpke an der Einmündung der Bundesstraße 2kk in die Bundesstraße 188. Das Gelände ist infolge pleistozäner Eisvorstöße fast eben; seine Höhenlage schwankt zwischen 55 und 95 m üNN. Zwischen Velpke im S und Danndorf im NW liegen mehrere ältere Sandsteinbrüche. Nach der Geologischen Übersichtskarte 1:100 000 (Blatt Braunschweig) stehen in der Umgebung von Oebisfelde Schichten des Oberen Keupers an (JÜNGST 1929). Ziel der Arbeit war es, in einem kleineren Gebiet die Schichten des Mittelräts durch Profilaufnahmen sowie tektonische und petrographische Untersuchungen zu gliedern und zu parallelisieren. Dieses Thema stellte mir mein hochverehrter Lehrer Herr Prof. Dr. K. RICHTER, dem ich für seine wohlwollende Förderung und manche wertvolle Anregung sehr dankbar bin. Er unterstützte mich durch Diskussionen und Geländebegehungen und ermöglichte mir die Durchführung der notwendigen Laboruntersuchungen im Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie der Technischen Universität Hannover.


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The vertical distribution pattem of mesofaunal elements is described from clay-marl bedding rhythms from the Frielingen section (Hannover, NW Germany), which exposes latest Hau- terivian sediments (early Cretaceous). Some mesofaunal groups show a correlation with the pale- dark bedding rhythms. The pale, marly beds are chracterised by bryozoans. In addition remnants of crinoids, echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids and holothuroids are more common in pale layers than in dark ones. Converseley, the relative abundance of serpulids, fish remains, bivalves and gastropods shows no relationship to the bedding rhythms.


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An overview is given here on the palaeobiogeography of the Korallenoolith Formation (middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian) in NW Germany (Lower Saxony Basin). Based on microfacies observations, abundant faunal and floral elements of the tropical tethyan realm are recognized in shallow-marine calcareous sediments of the Korallenoolith Formation. Foraminiferal fauna is both highly diverse and abundant and mostly of mediterranean character. Also, there is a small flora recorded, which includes heavily calcified red algae, aragonitic green algae, and cayeuxiid algae. They display restricted diversity when compared to those of shallow-marine tropical tethyan seas. Chaetetids and diceratids are locally abundant. Lithocodium aggregatum and Bacinella irregularis have been observed in Late Jurassic palaeolatitudes north of the Tethys for the first time. Corals are present in numerous genera and species. Their occurrence is restricted to a few horizons of the Korallenoolith Formation where they build patch reefs, coral biostroms and coral meadows. The overall character of the coral-thrombolite-reefs (florigemma-Bank Member) is very similar to those of the Tethys. The presence of these marine tethyan taxa assigned the position of the Lower Saxony Basin during middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian palaeobiogeographically into the submediterranean province and reflects northward migration of tropical tethyan fauna and flora which reach in the Lower Saxony Basin their northern limit. These biota seem to be biogeo-graphically transitional between communities present in England and the Tethys.


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Within the Kauffung Limestone dolomite bodies related to volcanic contacts occure and are interpreted as a post-Variscan, hydrothermal volcanogenic formation. Two genetic dolomite types are discernible: a pervasive replacement saddle dolomite and a cavity filling saddle dolomite cement. Micro texture and oxygen isotopy of both dolomite types refer to heightened temperatures of formation. The ocurrence of the dolomite in contact to cross-cutting rhyolithic dikes points to a close petrogenetic relation. Dolomite bodies and rhyolithic injections in contrast to the rock wall are characterized by a distinctive cavernous texture, so that a prekinematic genesis is excluded. The formation of replacement saddle dolomite and saddle dolomite cement altogether are considered as a concomitant phenomenon of the Permo-Carboniferous volcanism widespread in the Bober-Katzbach Mountains.