288 resultados para ddc: Si59
Innerhalb des Lippischen Berglandes in Ostwestfalen sind vereinzelte tertiärzeitliche Vorkommen bis heute erhalten geblieben. Die bekanntesten Lokalitäten sind dort die aufgelassene Quarzsandgrube von Dörentrup und die alten Fossilfundpunkte für das Oberoligozän in Friedrichsfeld und Göttentrup. Zur Gesamtdarstellung des rund 7 km2 großen Tertiär-Vorkommens wurden rund 200 Bohrungen in verschiedenen Archiven aus den Jahren 1861 bis 1986 gesichtet und durch ein Bohrprogramm mit 67 Bohrungen (1 270,4 lfd. m), das v. Verf. in den Jahren 1981 bis 1984 vor Ort betreut und geologisch ausgewertet wurde, ergänzt. Hinzu kam die Aufnahme von 85 Aufschlüssen im Locker- und Festgestein. Das Tertiär von Dörentrup liegt in einem durch Subrosion zechsteinzeitlicher Salinargesteine in mehreren Senkungsphasen (Alttertiär bis Mittelpleistozän) entstandenen Senkungsfeld, das im Bereich tektonisch vorgezeichneter Schwächezonen zwischen den Großstrukturen Niedersächsisches Tektogen und Hessische Senke entstanden ist. Die Schichtenfolge des Tertiärs lagert dem mesozoischen Untergrund (Keuper, Lias) diskordant auf. Sie beginnt mit dem Unteroligozän. Mittel- und oberoligozäne Sedimente sind ebenfalls durch weitere Bohrungen nachgewiesen. Ihre lithologische Ausbildung und die Fossilführung zeigen marine Verhältnisse und Landnähe an. Das Oligozän wird von einer Geröllage mit überwiegend Kieselschiefer- und Quarzgeröllen nach oben abgeschlossen. Die Maximalmächtigkeit des Oligozäns beträgt 73 m. Die fluviatilen sandigen Ablagerungen mit eingeschalteten Tonen und gering inkohlten Braunkohlenflözen sind pollenanalytisch in das Miozän/Pliozän zu stellen. Korngrößenanalysen und granulometrische Parameter zeigen zwei Sedimenteinheiten auf: schluffige Feinsande im älteren Teil und sehr eisenarme Mittelsande mit einzelnen Grobsandlagen ("Dörentruper Quarzsand") im jüngeren Teil. Das Quartär erreicht Mächtigkeiten von über 60 m, die durch eine subrosive Absenkung während der Sedimentation ermöglicht wurden. Die mio-/pliozänen Sedimentproben aus den Aufschlüssen besitzen Durchlässigkeitsbeiwerte von 9,4 x 10-4 bis 5,3 x 10-5 m/s. Eine geologische Profilserie mit 18 Profilschnitten durch das Tertiär-Vorkommen verdeutlicht die komplizierten Lagerungsverhältnisse.
41 samples which have been collected from the Lower Cretaceous section Moorberg/Sarstedt (Lower Hauterivian-Lower Barremian) have been investigated for calcareous Nannoplankton. About 4500 coccoliths have been measured, most of which are determinated as Biscutum constans, Bidiscus rotatorius, Corollithion geometricum, Cyclagelosphaera margereli, Parhabdolithus asper and Sollasites horticus. These dates are evaluated and partly graphically represented. Within the paleontological part 4 5 species are described and partly illustrated by photos and drawings. 2 new species (Chiastozygus octiformis and Chiastozygus tripes) are introduced, while one genus and one species are emended. Based on 18350 countered specimens the relative quantity of 68 species is shown, 15 of which got stratigraphical signifi- cance for NW-Germany and possible further around. According to the calcareous Nannoplankton the connection of the "boreal realm" and the Tethys should have been interrupted already in the lowermost Upper Hauterivian.
Ein Leopardenfund aus der Baumannshöhle bei Rübeland im Harz, der mit Hilfe seiner Begleitfauna und der an der gleichen Lokalität gefundenen Artefakte in die frühe Weichsel-Eiszeit datiert werden kann, wird mit anderen in der Literatur beschriebenen pleistozänen Vorkommen von Panthera pardus (L.) und mit dem rezenten Leoparden verglichen. Es zeigt sich, daß die pleistozänen Leoparden im Durchschnitt etwas kräftiger als ihre rezenten Verwandten waren. Leichte Abweichungen von den rezenten Verhältnissen finden sich übereinstimmend bei den mittel- bis jungpleistozänen Exemplaren in der Längengliederung von P— und P— (Abb. l). Gerichtete phylogenetische Veränderungen von älteren zu jüngeren Formen lassen sich jedoch nicht nachweisen. Einige der Unterschiede, die den altpleistozänen Leoparden aus den Mauerer Sanden von den jüngeren aus dem Eem- Interglazial und der Saale-Eiszeit bzw. der späten Elster-Eiszeit trennen, werden durch den Rübeländer Fund überbrückt (Abb. 2), ohne daß deswegen an der von SOERGEL (1914) und E.SCHMID (1940) betonten und durch einen Neufund (Beschreibung S.105) bestätigten Sonderstellung des Mauerer Tieres gezweifelt werden kann. Es ist dies lediglich als Beweis dafür anzusehen, daß die Variabilität innerhalb des mittel- bis jungpleistozänen Formenkreises ebenso groß wie bei den rezenten Leoparden gewesen sein muß.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene Sandsteine des niedersächsischen "Wealden" (tiefe Unterkreide) auf ihre petrographische Zusammensetzung und ihre technologischen Eigenschaften untersucht und miteinander verglichen. Die Gesteinsproben entstammen den sog. "Werksteinbänken" (Hauptsandstein) aus Teilgebieten im mittleren Niedersachsen, und zwar: den Bückebergen den Rehburger Bergen, dem Süntel, dem Osterwald, dem Nesselberg (a + b) sowie dem Deister (a + b). Weitere Proben wurden zu Vergleichszwecken aus der Fassade des Hauptgebäudes der Universität Hannover entnommen. Die technologischen Untersuchungen umfaßten die Bestimmung allgemeiner physikalischer Parameter wie: Roh- und Reindichte, Gesamtporosität, Wasseraufnahme bei Atmosphärendruck sowie bei einem Druck von 150 bar und die Bestimmung des Sättigungswertes. Öle mechanische Festigkeit wurde mit Hilfe von Druck- und Spaltzugfestigkeitsversuchen ermittelt. Mögliche Einflüsse der physikalischen Verwitterung auf die verschiedenen Gesteinstypen wurden durch Frost-Tau-Wechsel- und Kristallisationsversuche simuliert. Die Bestimmung der petrographischen Zusammensetzung erfolgte makroskopisch im Aufschluß und an Handstücken, mikroskopisch an Dünnschliffen. Die Dünnschliffuntersuchungen lieferten Daten zum quantitativen Mineralbestand und zur Korngrößenverteilung sowie Angaben zum Gefüge der Sandsteine. Aus dem Vergleich zwischen Druck- bzw. Spaltzugfestigkeitswerten und lithologischer Ausbildung lassen- sich folgende Schlüsse ziehen: Die Druck- und Spaltzugfestigkeit der untersuchten Wealden-Sandsteine hängt wesentlich ab vom Festigkeitsverhalten der am Gesteinsaufbau beteiligten Minerale. Sandsteine, die einen größeren Anteil an Quarz aufweisen besitzen eine höhere Druckfestigkeit als Gesteine die weniger Quarz enthalten. Der Vergleich petrographischer mit technischen Daten zeigt dagegen, daß bei gleicher petrographischer Zusammensetzung die Festigkeit der Wealden-Sandsteine vor allem vom Gesteinsgefüge bestimmt wird: Intensive Kornverzahnungen, verursacht durch weitergewachsene Quarzkörner und unmittelbare Kornkontakte bewirken höhere Bindungskräfte zwischen den Mineralkomponenten. Die intensiven Kornverzahnungen erklären auch die günstigen Eigenschaften bei der Druck- und Spaltzugfestigkeit sowie die guten Ergebnisse bei den Frost-Tau-Wechsel- und Kristallisationsversuchen. Weiter werden bei zunehmender Kornverzahnung die physikalischen Parameter (z. B. Rohdichte, Wasseraufnahme, Gesamtporosität und Sättigungswert) positiv beeinflußt: Mittelbare Kornbindung und mäßig verzahnte Körner führen dagegen zu schlechteren Festigkeitseigenschaften und damit zu ungünstigeren Werten bei den physikalischen Parametern. Druck- und Spaltzugverhalten der Wealden-Sandsteine wird durch deren Korngröße nur andeutungsweise beeinflußt. Sandsteine mit geringeren Korngrößen zeigen gegenüber gröberkörnigen bei sonst gleicher Mineralzusammensetzung und identischer Anordnung der Komponenten oft geringfügig höhere Festigkeitswerte. Die petrographischen Eigenschaften (Gehalt an Mineralen höherer Festigkeit, Art des Bindemittels, Verwitterungsgrad der einzelnen Minerale, Gefüge und räumliche Anordnung - z.B. Verzahnung und Verfilzung der Minerale, Korngröße) gestatten somit gewisse Rückschlüsse auf die Verwendbarkeit der "Wealden"-Sandsteine als Werkstein. Innerhalb der Werksteinbänke lassen sich verschiedene Sandsteintypen unterscheiden, die unterschiedliche technologische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Die ermittelten Werte der Druck- und Spaltzugfestigkait sowie die Ergebnisse der Frost-Tau-Wechsel- und Kristallisationsversuche sind in auffälliger Weise mit den physikalischen Parametern korellierbar. Gesteine mit hoher Roh-, und Reindichte und niedrigen Werten, der Gesamtporosität, Wasseraufnahme und des Sättigungsgrades lieferten bessere Werte bei den Frost-Tau-Wechsel- und Kristallisations-Versuchen als Gesteine mit niedriger Roh- und Reindichte, sowie hohen Werten der Gesamtporosität, Wasseraufnahme und dem Sättigungsgrad. Erstgenannte weisen außerdem gute Druck- und Spaltzugfestigkeit auf. Für die Frage nach der Verwendbarkeit bestimmter Wealden-Sandsteine für technische Zwecke könnten diese Befunde von großer Bedeutung sein. Die angeführten, einfach zu ermittelnden physikalischen Parameter, (Bestimmung von Rohdichte, Gesamtporosität, Wasseraufnahme, Sättigungsgrad usw.,) bieten Sich als geeignete Hilfsgrößen bei der Bewertung von mechanischen Eigenschaften der untersuchten Gesteine an. Sie sind gegenüber der Festigkeitsversuchen billiger und einfacher ermittelbar und sollten somit in Kombination mit gesteinsmikroskopischen Untersuchungen angewendet werden, wenn es um die Beurteilung der Verwendbarkeit von Wealden-Sandsteinen geht. Gemessen an den in der [DIN 52100 festgelegten Grenzwerten für Sandsteine erfüllen die untersuchten Wealden-Sandsteine, mit Ausnahme des Gesteinstyps 5, die Eignungsbedingungen für bautechnische Zwecke.
Up to now the bear remains from the "Einhornhöhle,, Cave near Scharzfeld at the foot of the Harz Mountains have been aseribed to the species "Ursus spelaeus" without undertaking comprehensive studies. Owing to an erroneous Classification of the gravel deposits covering part of the cave floor into the Middle Terrace of the Oder Rivulet, the fossil-bearing strata have been assigned to the Eemian Interglacial. RODE, who included a part of the Scharzfeld teeth in his treatise on teeth of the bears, has stated arctoidal features in their formation apart from certain specializations. He arrived at the conclusion that the Scharzfeld Bear differs more pronouncedly from all Central European Cave Bears he had investigated than the same differ from each other, and he named the Scharzfeld Bear: "Ursus spelaeus var. hercynica". The geological exploration of the Einhornhöhle Cave and of its environs carried out by DUPHORN in 196? resulted in the aforesaid gravels pertaining to a terrace of a Pre-Elster- Glaciation age; according to DUPHORN the fossil-bearing Sediments were deposited in a Pre-Elster-Glaciation ffarm- Climate Period. The very sparse aceompanying fauna does not contain any Stratigraphie key form; arctic elements and members of an interglacial forest fauna are missing. Its composition teils in favour of a dry, yet not too cool period of the Pleistocene, which is younger than the Villa- franchium. Consequently the cave must have been taken pos- session of for settling in the Cromerian Interglacial. The investigation of the bear remains has led to the result that, in all systematically .important teeth and skeleton characteristics, the Scharzfeld Bear shows either concor- dance with Ursus deningeri or greater analogy to the same than to Ursus spelaeus; in a few properties it even appears somewhat more primitive than Ursus deningeri. Therefore the bears of the Einhornhöhle Cave belong to the species "Ursus deningeri v. REICHENAU 1906". In the frontal teeth certain specializations occur. However, in view to the great varia- bility of the deningeri-"rassenkreis" there does not seem to be a justification for establishing a subspecies of its own. Whereas up to now nothing had been known in respect of the hibernation habits of Ursus deningeri, there has for the first time been furnished proof that an Ursus deningeri population had oecologically become "cave" bears. Consequently this specialization, as the onset and cause of which the Elster Glaciation was up to now considered, must already be originating in older cold epochs.
The function of the extracytoplasmic AUXIN-BINDING-PROTEIN1 (ABP1) is largely enigmatic. We complemented a homozygous T-DNA insertion null mutant of ABP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana Wassilewskia with three mutated and one wild-type (wt) ABP1 cDNA, all tagged C-terminally with a strepII-FLAG tag upstream the KDEL signal. Based on in silico modelling, the abp1 mutants were predicted to have altered geometries of the auxin binding pocket and calculated auxin binding energies lower than the wt. Phenotypes linked to auxin transport were compromised in these three complemented abp1 mutants. Red light effects, such as elongation of hypocotyls in constant red (R) and far-red (FR) light, in white light supplemented by FR light simulating shade, and inhibition of gravitropism by R or FR, were all compromised in the complemented lines. Using auxin-or light-induced expression of marker genes, we showed that auxininduced expression was delayed already after 10 min, and light-induced expression within 60 min, even though TIR1/AFB or phyB are thought to act as receptors relevant for gene expression regulation. The expression of marker genes in seedlings responding to both auxin and shade showed that for both stimuli regulation of marker gene expression was altered after 10-20 min in the wild type and phyB mutant. The rapidity of expression responses provides a framework for the mechanics of functional interaction of ABP1 and phyB to trigger interwoven signalling pathways.
Cultivation of chilling-tolerant ornamental crops at lower temperature could reduce the energy demands of heated greenhouses. To provide a better understanding of how sub-optimal temperatures (12 degrees C vs. 16 degrees C) affect growth of the sensitive Petunia hybrida cultivar 'SweetSunshine Williams', the transcriptome, carbohydrate metabolism, and phytohormone homeostasis were monitored in aerial plant parts over 4 weeks by use of a microarray, enzymatic assays and GC-MS/MS. The data revealed three consecutive phases of chilling response. The first days were marked by a strong accumulation of sugars, particularly in source leaves, preferential up-regulation of genes in the same tissue and down-regulation of several genes in the shoot apex, especially those involved in the abiotic stress response. The midterm phase featured a partial normalization of carbohydrate levels and gene expression. After 3 weeks of chilling exposure, a new stabilized balance was established. Reduced hexose levels in the shoot apex, reduced ratios of sugar levels between the apex and source leaves and a higher apical sucrose/hexose ratio, associated with decreased activity and expression of cell wall invertase, indicate that prolonged chilling induced sugar accumulation in source leaves at the expense of reduced sugar transport to and reduced sucrose utilization in the shoot. This was associated with reduced levels of indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid in the apex and high numbers of differentially, particularly up-regulated genes, especially in the source leaves, including those regulating histones, ethylene action, transcription factors, and a jasmonate-ZIM-domain protein. Transcripts of one Jumonji C domain containing protein and one expansin accumulated in source leaves throughout the chilling period. The results reveal a dynamic and complex disturbance of plant function in response to mild chilling, opening new perspectives for the comparative analysis of differently tolerant cultivars.
Ultra high pressure homogenization (UHPH) opens up new areas for dynamic high pressure assisted thermal sterilization of liquids. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens spores are resistant to high isostatic pressure and temperature and were suggested as potential surrogate for high pressure thermal sterilization validation. B. amyloliquefaciens spores suspended in PBS buffer (0.01 M, pH 7.0), low fat milk (1.5%, pH 6.7), and whole milk (3.5%, pH 6.7) at initial concentration of similar to 10(6) CFU/mL were subjected to UHPH treatments at 200, 300, and 350 MPa with an inlet temperature at similar to 80 degrees C. Thermal inactivation kinetics of B. amyloliquefaciens spores in PBS and milk were assessed with thin wall glass capillaries and modeled using first-order and Weibull models. The residence time during UHPH treatments was estimated to determine the contribution of temperature to spore inactivation by UHPH. No sublethal injury was detected after UHPH treatments using sodium chloride as selective component in the nutrient agar medium. The inactivation profiles of spores in PBS buffer and milk were compared and fat provided no clear protective effect for spores against treatments. Treatment at 200 MPa with valve temperatures lower than 125 degrees C caused no reduction of spores. A reduction of 3.5 log(10)CFU/mL of B. amyloliquefaciens spores was achieved by treatment at 350 MPa with a valve temperature higher than 150 degrees C. The modeled thermal inactivation and observed inactivation during UHPH treatments suggest that temperature could be the main lethal effect driving inactivation.
Decision tools for bacterial blight resistance gene deployment in rice-based agricultural ecosystems
Attempting to achieve long-lasting and stable resistance using uniformly deployed rice varieties is not a sustainable approach. The real situation appears to be much more complex and dynamic, one in which pathogens quickly adapt to resistant varieties. To prevent disease epidemics, deployment should be customized and this decision will require interdisciplinary actions. This perspective article aims to highlight the current progress on disease resistance deployment to control bacterial blight in rice. Although the model system rice-Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae has distinctive features that underpin the need for a case-by-case analysis, strategies to integrate those elements into a unique decision tool could be easily extended to other crops.
Background: Interspecific hybridization is a useful tool in ornamental breeding to increase genetic variability and introduce new valuable traits into existing cultivars. The successful formation of interspecific hybrids is frequently limited by the presence of pre- and post-fertilization barriers. In the present study, we investigated the nature of hybridization barriers occurring in crosses between Kalanchoe species and evaluated possibilities of obtaining interspecific hybrids. Results: The qualitative and quantitative analyses of pollen tube growth in situ were performed following intra-and interspecific pollinations. They revealed occurrence of pre-fertilization barriers associated with inhibition of pollen germination on the stigma and abnormal growth of pollen tubes. Unilateral incongruity related to differences in pistil length was also observed. The pollen quality was identified as a strong factor influencing the number of pollen tubes germinating in the stigma. In relation to post-fertilization barriers, endosperm degeneration was a probable barrier hampering production of interspecific hybrids. Moreover, our results demonstrate the relation of genetic distance estimated by AFLP marker analysis of hybridization partners with cross-compatibility of Kalanchoe species. At the same time, differences in ploidy did not influence the success of interspecific crosses. Conclusions: Our study presents the first comprehensive analysis of hybridization barriers occurring within Kalanchoe genus. Reproductive barriers were detected on both, pre- and post-fertilization levels. This new knowledge will contribute to further understanding of reproductive isolation of Kalanchoe species and facilitate breeding of new cultivars. For the first time, interspecific hybrids between K. nyikae as maternal plant and K. blossfeldiana as well as K. blossfeldiana and K. marnieriana were generated.
Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is a vernalization-responsive crop. High ambient temperatures delay harvest time. The elucidation of the genetic regulation of floral transition is highly interesting for a precise harvest scheduling and to ensure stable market supply. This study aims at genetic dissection of temperature-dependent curd induction in cauliflower by genome-wide association studies and gene expression analysis. To assess temperature dependent curd induction, two greenhouse trials under distinct temperature regimes were conducted on a diversity panel consisting of 111 cauliflower commercial parent lines, genotyped with 14,385 SNPs. Broad phenotypic variation and high heritability (0.93) were observed for temperature-related curd induction within the cauliflower population. GWA mapping identified a total of 18 QTL localized on chromosomes O1, O2, O3, O4, O6, O8, and O9 for curding time under two distinct temperature regimes. Among those, several QTL are localized within regions of promising candidate flowering genes. Inferring population structure and genetic relatedness among the diversity set assigned three main genetic clusters. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns estimated global LD extent of r(2) = 0.06 and a maximum physical distance of 400 kb for genetic linkage. Transcriptional profiling of flowering genes FLOWERING LOCUS C (BoFLC) and VERNALIZATION 2 (BoVRN2) was performed, showing increased expression levels of BoVRN2 in genotypes with faster curding. However, functional relevance of BoVRN2 and BoFLC2 could not consistently be supported, which probably suggests to act facultative and/or might evidence for BoVRN2/BoFLC-independent mechanisms in temperature regulated floral transition in cauliflower. Genetic insights in temperature-regulated curd induction can underpin genetically informed phenology models and benefit molecular breeding strategies toward the development of thermo-tolerant cultivars.
Quantum mechanics predicts that our physical reality is influenced by events that can potentially happen but factually do not occur. Interaction-free measurements (IFMs) exploit this counterintuitive influence to detect the presence of an object without requiring any interaction with it. Here we propose and realize an IFM concept based on an unstable many-particle system. In our experiments, we employ an ultracold gas in an unstable spin configuration, which can undergo a rapid decay. The object-realized by a laser beam-prevents this decay because of the indirect quantum Zeno effect and thus, its presence can be detected without interacting with a single atom. Contrary to existing proposals, our IFM does not require single-particle sources and is only weakly affected by losses and decoherence. We demonstrate confidence levels of 90%, well beyond previous optical experiments.
Somatic embryogenesis has been shown to be an efficient in vitro plant regeneration system for many crops such as the important ornamental plant Cyclamen persicum, for which this regeneration pathway of somatic embryogenesis is of interest for the vegetative propagation of parental lines as well as elite plants. However, somatic embryogenesis is not commercially used in many crops due to several unsolved problems, such as malformations, asynchronous development, deficiencies in maturation and germination of somatic embryos. In contrast, zygotic embryos in seeds develop and germinate without abnormalities in most cases. Instead of time-consuming and labor-intensive experiments involving tests of different in vitro culture conditions and plant growth regulator supplements, we follow a more directed approach. Zygotic embryos served as a reference and were compared to somatic embryos in metabolomic analyses allowing the future optimization of the in vitro system. The aims of this study were to detect differences in the metabolite profiles of torpedo stage somatic and zygotic embryos of C. persicum. Moreover, major metabolites in endosperm and testa were identified and quantified. Two sets of extracts of two to four biological replicates each were analyzed. In total 52 metabolites were identified and quantified in the different tissues. One of the most significant differences between somatic and zygotic embryos was that the proline concentration in the zygotic embryos was about 40 times higher than that found in somatic embryos. Epicatechin, a scavenger for reactive oxygen species, was found in highest abundance in the testa. Sucrose, the most abundant metabolite was detected in significantly higher concentrations in zygotic embryos. Also, a yet unknown trisaccharide, was significantly enriched in zygotic embryos.
Axial melt lenses sandwiched between the lower oceanic crust and the sheeted dike sequences at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges are assumed to be the major magma source of oceanic crust accretion. According to the widely discussed "gabbro glacier'' model, the formation of the lower oceanic crust requires efficient cooling of the axial melt lens, leading to partial crystallization and crystal-melt mush subsiding down to lower crust. These processes are believed to be controlled by periodical magma replenishment and hydrothermal circulation above the melt lens. Here we quantify the cooling rate above melt lens using chemical zoning of plagioclase from hornfelsic recrystallized sheeted dikes drilled from the East Pacific at the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1256D. Weestimate the cooling rate using a forward modelling approach based on CaAl-NaSi interdiffusion in plagioclase. The results show that cooling from the peak thermal overprint at 1000-10506 degrees C to 6006 degrees C are yielded within about 10-30 years as a result of hydrothermal circulation above melt lens during magma starvation. The estimated rapid hydrothermal cooling explains how the effective heat extraction from melt lens is achieved at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges.
Background: The aim of this study was the evaluation of a fast Gradient Spin Echo Technique (GraSE) for cardiac T2-mapping, combining a robust estimation of T2 relaxation times with short acquisition times. The sequence was compared against two previously introduced T2-mapping techniques in a phantom and in vivo. Methods: Phantom experiments were performed at 1.5 T using a commercially available cylindrical gel phantom. Three different T2-mapping techniques were compared: a Multi Echo Spin Echo (MESE; serving as a reference), a T2-prepared balanced Steady State Free Precession (T2prep) and a Gradient Spin Echo sequence. For the subsequent in vivo study, 12 healthy volunteers were examined on a clinical 1.5 T scanner. The three T2-mapping sequences were performed at three short-axis slices. Global myocardial T2 relaxation times were calculated and statistical analysis was performed. For assessment of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity, the number of segments showing an inhomogeneous T2 value distribution, as defined by a pixel SD exceeding 20 % of the corresponding observed T2 time, was counted. Results: Phantom experiments showed a greater difference of measured T2 values between T2prep and MESE than between GraSE and MESE, especially for species with low T1 values. Both, GraSE and T2prep resulted in an overestimation of T2 times compared to MESE. In vivo, significant differences between mean T2 times were observed. In general, T2prep resulted in lowest (52.4 +/- 2.8 ms) and GraSE in highest T2 estimates (59.3 +/- 4.0 ms). Analysis of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity revealed the least number of segments with inhomogeneous T2 distribution for GraSE-derived T2 maps. Conclusions: The GraSE sequence is a fast and robust sequence, combining advantages of both MESE and T2prep techniques, which promises to enable improved clinical applicability of T2-mapping in the future. Our study revealed significant differences of derived mean T2 values when applying different sequence designs. Therefore, a systematic comparison of different cardiac T2-mapping sequences and the establishment of dedicated reference values should be the goal of future studies.