46 resultados para video arcade game

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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With the availability of a huge amount of video data on various sources, efficient video retrieval tools are increasingly in demand. Video being a multi-modal data, the perceptions of ``relevance'' between the user provided query video (in case of Query-By-Example type of video search) and retrieved video clips are subjective in nature. We present an efficient video retrieval method that takes user's feedback on the relevance of retrieved videos and iteratively reformulates the input query feature vectors (QFV) for improved video retrieval. The QFV reformulation is done by a simple, but powerful feature weight optimization method based on Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) technique. A video retrieval system with video indexing, searching and relevance feedback (RF) phases is built for demonstrating the performance of the proposed method. The query and database videos are indexed using the conventional video features like color, texture, etc. However, we use the comprehensive and novel methods of feature representations, and a spatio-temporal distance measure to retrieve the top M videos that are similar to the query. In feedback phase, the user activated iterative on the previously retrieved videos is used to reformulate the QFV weights (measure of importance) that reflect the user's preference, automatically. It is our observation that a few iterations of such feedback are generally sufficient for retrieving the desired video clips. The novel application of SPSA based RF for user-oriented feature weights optimization makes the proposed method to be distinct from the existing ones. The experimental results show that the proposed RF based video retrieval exhibit good performance.


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The problem of learning correct decision rules to minimize the probability of misclassification is a long-standing problem of supervised learning in pattern recognition. The problem of learning such optimal discriminant functions is considered for the class of problems where the statistical properties of the pattern classes are completely unknown. The problem is posed as a game with common payoff played by a team of mutually cooperating learning automata. This essentially results in a probabilistic search through the space of classifiers. The approach is inherently capable of learning discriminant functions that are nonlinear in their parameters also. A learning algorithm is presented for the team and convergence is established. It is proved that the team can obtain the optimal classifier to an arbitrary approximation. Simulation results with a few examples are presented where the team learns the optimal classifier.


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A cooperative game played in a sequential manner by a pair of learning automata is investigated in this paper. The automata operate in an unknown random environment which gives a common pay-off to the automata. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the functions in the reinforcement scheme are given for absolute monotonicity which enables the expected pay-off to be monotonically increasing in any arbitrary environment. As each participating automaton operates with no information regarding the other partner, the results of the paper are relevant to decentralized control.


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Bacterial persistent infections are responsible for a significant amount of the human morbidity and mortality. Unlike acute bacterial infections, it is very difficult to treat persistent bacterial infections (e.g. tuberculosis). Knowledge about the location of pathogenic bacteria during persistent infection will help to treat such conditions by designing novel drugs which can reach such locations. In this study, events of bacterial persistent infections were analyzed using game theory. A game was defined where the pathogen and the host are the two players with a conflict of interest. Criteria for the establishment of Nash equilibrium were calculated for this game. This theoretical model, which is very simple and heuristic, predicts that during persistent infections pathogenic bacteria stay in both intracellular and extracellular compartments of the host. The result of this study implies that a bacterium should be able to survive in both intracellular and extracellular compartments of the host in order to cause persistent infections. This explains why persistent infections are more often caused by intracellular pathogens like Mycobacterium and Salmonella. Moreover, this prediction is in consistence with the results of previous experimental studies.


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Scalable video coding (SVC) is an emerging standard built on the success of advanced video coding standard (H.264/AVC) by the Joint video team (JVT). Motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) and Closed loop hierarchical B pictures (CHBP) are two important coding methods proposed during initial stages of standardization. Either of the coding methods, MCTF/CHBP performs better depending upon noise content and characteristics of the sequence. This work identifies other characteristics of the sequences for which performance of MCTF is superior to that of CHBP and presents a method to adaptively select either of MCTF and CHBP coding methods at the GOP level. This method, referred as "Adaptive Decomposition" is shown to provide better R-D performance than of that by using MCTF or CRBP only. Further this method is extended to non-scalable coders.


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In this paper we consider the task of prototype selection whose primary goal is to reduce the storage and computational requirements of the Nearest Neighbor classifier while achieving better classification accuracies. We propose a solution to the prototype selection problem using techniques from cooperative game theory and show its efficacy experimentally.


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In a three player quantum `Dilemma' game each player takes independent decisions to maximize his/her individual gain. The optimal strategy in the quantum version of this game has a higher payoff compared to its classical counterpart. However, this advantage is lost if the initial qubits provided to the players are from a noisy source. We have experimentally implemented the three player quantum version of the `Dilemma' game as described by Johnson, [N.F. Johnson, Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001) 020302(R)] using nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor and have experimentally verified that the payoff of the quantum game for various levels of corruption matches the theoretical payoff. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Feature track matrix factorization based methods have been attractive solutions to the Structure-front-motion (Sfnl) problem. Group motion of the feature points is analyzed to get the 3D information. It is well known that the factorization formulations give rise to rank deficient system of equations. Even when enough constraints exist, the extracted models are sparse due the unavailability of pixel level tracks. Pixel level tracking of 3D surfaces is a difficult problem, particularly when the surface has very little texture as in a human face. Only sparsely located feature points can be tracked and tracking error arc inevitable along rotating lose texture surfaces. However, the 3D models of an object class lie in a subspace of the set of all possible 3D models. We propose a novel solution to the Structure-from-motion problem which utilizes the high-resolution 3D obtained from range scanner to compute a basis for this desired subspace. Adding subspace constraints during factorization also facilitates removal of tracking noise which causes distortions outside the subspace. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our formulation by extracting dense 3D structure of a human face and comparing it with a well known Structure-front-motion algorithm due to Brand.


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In this article, the problem of two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) cooperatively searching an unknown region is addressed. The search region is discretized into hexagonal cells and each cell is assumed to possess an uncertainty value. The UAVs have to cooperatively search these cells taking limited endurance, sensor and communication range constraints into account. Due to limited endurance, the UAVs need to return to the base station for refuelling and also need to select a base station when multiple base stations are present. This article proposes a route planning algorithm that takes endurance time constraints into account and uses game theoretical strategies to reduce the uncertainty. The route planning algorithm selects only those cells that ensure the agent will return to any one of the available bases. A set of paths are formed using these cells which the game theoretical strategies use to select a path that yields maximum uncertainty reduction. We explore non-cooperative Nash, cooperative and security strategies from game theory to enhance the search effectiveness. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out which show the superiority of the game theoretical strategies over greedy strategy for different look ahead step length paths. Within the game theoretical strategies, non-cooperative Nash and cooperative strategy perform similarly in an ideal case, but Nash strategy performs better than the cooperative strategy when the perceived information is different. We also propose a heuristic based on partitioning of the search space into sectors to reduce computational overhead without performance degradation.


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In this thesis work, we design rigorous and efficient protocols/mechanisms for different types of wireless networks using a mechanism design [1] and game theoretic approach [2]. Our work can broadly be viewed in two parts. In the first part, we concentrate on ad hoc wireless networks [3] and [4]. In particular, we consider broadcast in these networks where each node is owned by independent and selfish users. Being selfish, these nodes do not forward the broadcast packets. All existing protocols for broadcast assume that nodes forward the transit packets. So, there is need for developing new broadcast protocols to overcome node selfishness. In our paper [5], we develop a strategy proof pricing mechanism which we call immediate predecessor node pricing mechanism (IPNPM) and an efficient new broadcast protocol based on IPNPM. We show the efficacy of our proposed broadcast protocol using simulation results.


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Channel assignment in multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks poses a significant challenge due to scarcity of number of channels available in the wireless spectrum. Further, additional care has to be taken to consider the interference characteristics of the nodes in the network especially when nodes are in different collision domains. This work views the problem of channel assignment in multi-channel multi-radio networks with multiple collision domains as a non-cooperative game where the objective of the players is to maximize their individual utility by minimizing its interference. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the channel assignment to be a Nash Equilibrium (NE) and efficiency of the NE is analyzed by deriving the lower bound of the price of anarchy of this game. A new fairness measure in multiple collision domain context is proposed and necessary and sufficient conditions for NE outcomes to be fair are derived. The equilibrium conditions are then applied to solve the channel assignment problem by proposing three algorithms, based on perfect/imperfect information, which rely on explicit communication between the players for arriving at an NE. A no-regret learning algorithm known as Freund and Schapire Informed algorithm, which has an additional advantage of low overhead in terms of information exchange, is proposed and its convergence to the stabilizing outcomes is studied. New performance metrics are proposed and extensive simulations are done using Matlab to obtain a thorough understanding of the performance of these algorithms on various topologies with respect to these metrics. It was observed that the algorithms proposed were able to achieve good convergence to NE resulting in efficient channel assignment strategies.


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Large external memory bandwidth requirement leads to increased system power dissipation and cost in video coding application. Majority of the external memory traffic in video encoder is due to reference data accesses. We describe a lossy reference frame compression technique that can be used in video coding with minimal impact on quality while significantly reducing power and bandwidth requirement. The low cost transformless compression technique uses lossy reference for motion estimation to reduce memory traffic, and lossless reference for motion compensation (MC) to avoid drift. Thus, it is compatible with all existing video standards. We calculate the quantization error bound and show that by storing quantization error separately, bandwidth overhead due to MC can be reduced significantly. The technique meets key requirements specific to the video encode application. 24-39% reduction in peak bandwidth and 23-31% reduction in total average power consumption are observed for IBBP sequences.


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In this paper we propose a multiple resource interaction model in a game-theoretical framework to solve resource allocation problems in theater level military campaigns. An air raid campaign using SEAD aircraft and bombers against an enemy target defended by air defense units is considered as the basic platform. Conditions for the existence of saddle point in pure strategies is proved and explicit feedback strategies are obtained for a simplified model with linear attrition function limited by resource availability. An illustrative example demonstrates the key features.


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In this paper, we show that it is possible to reduce the complexity of Intra MB coding in H.264/AVC based on a novel chance constrained classifier. Using the pairs of simple mean-variances values, our technique is able to reduce the complexity of Intra MB coding process with a negligible loss in PSNR. We present an alternate approach to address the classification problem which is equivalent to machine learning. Implementation results show that the proposed method reduces encoding time to about 20% of the reference implementation with average loss of 0.05 dB in PSNR.