32 resultados para vapor diffusion approach

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We report the diffusion characteristics of water vapor through two different porous media, viz., membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and gas diffusion layer (GDL) in a nonoperational fuel cell. Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) was employed for measuring water vapor concentration in the test channel. Effects of the membrane pore size and the inlet humidity on the water vapor transport are quantified through mass flux and diffusion coefficient. Water vapor transport rate is found to be higher for GDL than for MEA. The flexibility and wide range of application of TDLAS in a fuel cell setup is demonstrated through experiments with a stagnant flow field on the dry side.


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Barrierless chemical reactions have often been modeled as a Brownian motion on a one-dimensional harmonic potential energy surface with a position-dependent reaction sink or window located near the minimum of the surface. This simple (but highly successful) description leads to a nonexponential survival probability only at small to intermediate times but exponential decay in the long-time limit. However, in several reactive events involving proteins and glasses, the reactions are found to exhibit a strongly nonexponential (power law) decay kinetics even in the long time. In order to address such reactions, here, we introduce a model of barrierless chemical reaction where the motion along the reaction coordinate sustains dispersive diffusion. A complete analytical solution of the model can be obtained only in the frequency domain, but an asymptotic solution is obtained in the limit of long time. In this case, the asymptotic long-time decay of the survival probability is a power law of the Mittag−Leffler functional form. When the barrier height is increased, the decay of the survival probability still remains nonexponential, in contrast to the ordinary Brownian motion case where the rate is given by the Smoluchowski limit of the well-known Kramers' expression. Interestingly, the reaction under dispersive diffusion is shown to exhibit strong dependence on the initial state of the system, thus predicting a strong dependence on the excitation wavelength for photoisomerization reactions in a dispersive medium. The theory also predicts a fractional viscosity dependence of the rate, which is often observed in the reactions occurring in complex environments.


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For maximizing influence spread in a social network, given a certain budget on the number of seed nodes, we investigate the effects of selecting and activating the seed nodes in multiple phases. In particular, we formulate an appropriate objective function for two-phase influence maximization under the independent cascade model, investigate its properties, and propose algorithms for determining the seed nodes in the two phases. We also study the problem of determining an optimal budget-split and delay between the two phases.


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It is now well known that in extreme quantum limit, dominated by the elastic impurity scattering and the concomitant quantum interference, the zero-temperature d.c. resistance of a strictly one-dimensional disordered system is non-additive and non-self-averaging. While these statistical fluctuations may persist in the case of a physically thin wire, they are implicitly and questionably ignored in higher dimensions. In this work, we have re-examined this question. Following an invariant imbedding formulation, we first derive a stochastic differential equation for the complex amplitude reflection coefficient and hence obtain a Fokker-Planck equation for the full probability distribution of resistance for a one-dimensional continuum with a Gaussian white-noise random potential. We then employ the Migdal-Kadanoff type bond moving procedure and derive the d-dimensional generalization of the above probability distribution, or rather the associated cumulant function –‘the free energy’. For d=3, our analysis shows that the dispersion dominates the mobilitly edge phenomena in that (i) a one-parameter B-function depending on the mean conductance only does not exist, (ii) an approximate treatment gives a diffusion-correction involving the second cumulant. It is, however, not clear whether the fluctuations can render the transition at the mobility edge ‘first-order’. We also report some analytical results for the case of the one dimensional system in the presence of a finite electric fiekl. We find a cross-over from the exponential to the power-low length dependence of resistance as the field increases from zero. Also, the distribution of resistance saturates asymptotically to a poissonian form. Most of our analytical results are supported by the recent numerical simulation work reported by some authors.


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Starting from a microscopic theory, we derive a master equation for a harmonic oscillator coupled to a bath of noninteracting oscillators. We follow a nonperturbative approach, proposed earlier by us for the free Brownian particle. The diffusion constants are calculated analytically and the positivity of the master equation is shown to hold above a critical temperature. We compare the long time behavior of the average kinetic and potential energies with known thermodynamic results. In the limit of vanishing oscillator frequency of the system, we recover the results of the free Brownian particle.


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A knowledge of the concentration distribution around a burning droplet is essential if accurate estimates are to be made of the transport coefficients in that region which influence the burning rate. There are two aspects of this paper; (1) determination of the concentration profiles, using the simple assumption of constant binary diffusion coefficients for all species, and comparison with experiments; and (2) postulation of a new relation for the therinal conductivity, which takes into account the variations of both temperature and concentrations of various species. First, the theoretical concentration profiles are evaluated and compared with experimental results reported elsewhere [5]. It is found that the agreement between the theory and experiment is fairly satisfactory. Then, by the use of these profiles and the relations proposed in the literature for the thermal conductivity of a mixture of nonpolar gases, a new relation for thermal conductivity: K = (A1 + B1 T) + (A2 + B2 T) xr (21). is suggested for analytical solutions of droplet combustion problems. Equations are presented to evaluate A1, A2, B1, and B2, and values of these terms for a few hydrocarbons are tabulated.


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In positron emission tomography (PET), image reconstruction is a demanding problem. Since, PET image reconstruction is an ill-posed inverse problem, new methodologies need to be developed. Although previous studies show that incorporation of spatial and median priors improves the image quality, the image artifacts such as over-smoothing and streaking are evident in the reconstructed image. In this work, we use a simple, yet powerful technique to tackle the PET image reconstruction problem. Proposed technique is based on the integration of Bayesian approach with that of finite impulse response (FIR) filter. A FIR filter is designed whose coefficients are determined based on the surface diffusion model. The resulting reconstructed image is iteratively filtered and fed back to obtain the new estimate. Experiments are performed on a simulated PET system. The results show that the proposed approach is better than recently proposed MRP algorithm in terms of image quality and normalized mean square error.


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We present a theory of multichannel disordered conductors by directly studying the statistical distribution of the transfer matrix for the full system. The theory is based on the general properties of the scattering system: flux conservation, time-reversal invariance, and the appropriate combination requirement when two wires are put together. The distribution associated with systems of very small length is then selected on the basis of a maximum-entropy criterion; a fixed value is assumed for the diffusion coefficient that characterizes the evolution of the distribution as the length increases. We obtain a diffusion equation for the probability distribution and compute the average of a few relevant quantities.


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The rate of breakage of feed in ball milling is usually represented in the form of a first-order rate equation. The equation was developed by treating a simple batch test mill as a well mixed reactor. Several case of deviation from the rule have been reported in the literature. This is attributed to the fact that accumulated fines interfere with the feed material and breaking events are masked by these fines. In the present paper, a new rate equation is proposed which takes into account the retarding effect of fines during milling. For this purpose the analogy of diffusion of ions through permeable membranes is adopted, with suitable modifications. The validity of the model is cross checked with the data obtained in batch grinding of ?850/+600 ?m size quartz. The proposed equation enables calculation of the rate of breakage of the feed at any instant of time.


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Our study concerns an important current problem, that of diffusion of information in social networks. This problem has received significant attention from the Internet research community in the recent times, driven by many potential applications such as viral marketing and sales promotions. In this paper, we focus on the target set selection problem, which involves discovering a small subset of influential players in a given social network, to perform a certain task of information diffusion. The target set selection problem manifests in two forms: 1) top-k nodes problem and 2) lambda-coverage problem. In the top-k nodes problem, we are required to find a set of k key nodes that would maximize the number of nodes being influenced in the network. The lambda-coverage problem is concerned with finding a set of k key nodes having minimal size that can influence a given percentage lambda of the nodes in the entire network. We propose a new way of solving these problems using the concept of Shapley value which is a well known solution concept in cooperative game theory. Our approach leads to algorithms which we call the ShaPley value-based Influential Nodes (SPINs) algorithms for solving the top-k nodes problem and the lambda-coverage problem. We compare the performance of the proposed SPIN algorithms with well known algorithms in the literature. Through extensive experimentation on four synthetically generated random graphs and six real-world data sets (Celegans, Jazz, NIPS coauthorship data set, Netscience data set, High-Energy Physics data set, and Political Books data set), we show that the proposed SPIN approach is more powerful and computationally efficient. Note to Practitioners-In recent times, social networks have received a high level of attention due to their proven ability in improving the performance of web search, recommendations in collaborative filtering systems, spreading a technology in the market using viral marketing techniques, etc. It is well known that the interpersonal relationships (or ties or links) between individuals cause change or improvement in the social system because the decisions made by individuals are influenced heavily by the behavior of their neighbors. An interesting and key problem in social networks is to discover the most influential nodes in the social network which can influence other nodes in the social network in a strong and deep way. This problem is called the target set selection problem and has two variants: 1) the top-k nodes problem, where we are required to identify a set of k influential nodes that maximize the number of nodes being influenced in the network and 2) the lambda-coverage problem which involves finding a set of influential nodes having minimum size that can influence a given percentage lambda of the nodes in the entire network. There are many existing algorithms in the literature for solving these problems. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm which is based on a novel interpretation of information diffusion in a social network as a cooperative game. Using this analogy, we develop an algorithm based on the Shapley value of the underlying cooperative game. The proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of generality or computational complexity or both. Our results are validated through extensive experimentation on both synthetically generated and real-world data sets.


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We set up the generalized Langevin equations describing coupled single-particle and collective motion in a suspension of interacting colloidal particles in a shear how and use these to show that the measured self-diffusion coefficients in these systems should be strongly dependent on shear rate epsilon. Three regimes are found: (i) an initial const+epsilon(.2), followed by (ii) a large regime of epsilon(.1/2) behavior, crossing over to an asymptotic power-law approach (iii) D-o - const x epsilon(.-1/2) to the Stokes-Einstein value D-o. The shear dependence is isotropic up to very large shear rates and increases with the interparticle interaction strength. Our results provide a straightforward explanation of recent experiments and simulations on sheared colloids.


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We analyze the dynamics of desorption of a polymer molecule which is pulled at one of its ends with force f, trying to desorb it. We assume a monomer to desorb when the pulling force on it exceeds a critical value f(c). We formulate an equation for the average position of the n-th monomer, which takes into account excluded-volume interaction through the blob-picture of a polymer under external constraints. The approach leads to a diffusion equation with a p-Laplacian for the propagation of the stretching along the chain. This has to be solved subject to a moving boundary condition. Interestingly, within this approach, the problem can be solved exactly in the trumpet, stem-flower and stem regimes. In the trumpet regime, we get tau = tau(0)n(d)(2), where n(d) is the number of monomers that have desorbed at the time tau. tau(0) is known only numerically, but for f close to f(c), it is found to be tau(0) similar to f(c)/(f(2/3) - f(c)(2/3)) If one used simple Rouse dynamics, this result would change to tau similar to f(c)n(d)(2)/(f - f(c)). In the other regimes too, one can find exact solution, and interestingly, in all regimes tau similar to n(d)(2). Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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Validation of the flux partitioning of species model has been illustrated. Various combinations of inequality expression for the fluxes of species A and B in two successively grown hypothetical intermetallic phases in the interdiffusion zone have been considered within the constraints of this concept. Furthermore, ratio of intrinsic diffusivities of the species A and B in those two phases has been correlated in four different cases. Moreover, complete and or partial validation or invalidation of this model with respect to both the species, has been proven theoretically and also discussed with the Co-Si system as an example.


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The relations for the growth and consumption rates of a layer with finite thickness as an end member and the product phases in the interdiffusion zone are developed. We have used two different methodologies, the diffusion based and the physico-chemical approach to develop the same relations. We have shown that the diffusion based approach is rather straightforward; however, the physico-chemical approach is much more versatile than the other method. It was found that the position of the marker plane becomes vague in the second stage of the interdiffusion process in pure A thin layer/B couple, where two phases grow simultaneously.


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The effects of Mo, Ti, and Zr on the diffusion and growth of the Nb(X)Si-2 and Nb(X)(5)Si-3 phases in an Nb(X)-Si system are analyzed. The integrated diffusion coefficients are determined from diffusion couple experiments and compared with the data previously calculated in a binary Nb-Si system. The growth rates of both phases are affected by the addition of Mo and Zr, whereas the addition of Ti has no effect. The atomic mechanism of diffusion is also discussed based on the crystal structure and the possible changes in the defect concentrations due to alloying. Finally, the growth mechanism of the phases is discussed on the basis of a physico-chemical approach. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.