251 resultados para total scattering

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Aerosol forcing remains a dominant uncertainty in climate studies. The impact of aerosol direct radiative forcing on Indian monsoon is extremely complex and is strongly dependent on the model, aerosol distribution and characteristics specified in the model, modelling strategy employed as well as on spatial and temporal scales. The present study investigates (i) the aerosol direct radiative forcing impact on mean Indian summer monsoon when a combination of quasi-realistic mean annual cycles of scattering and absorbing aerosols derived from an aerosol transport model constrained with satellite observed Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is prescribed, (ii) the dominant feedback mechanism behind the simulated impact of all-aerosol direct radiative forcing on monsoon and (iii) the relative impacts of absorbing and scattering aerosols on mean Indian summer monsoon. We have used CAM3, an atmospheric GCM (AGCM) that has a comprehensive treatment of the aerosol-radiation interaction. This AGCM has been used to perform climate simulations with three different representations of aerosol direct radiative forcing due to the total, scattering aerosols and black carbon aerosols. We have also conducted experiments without any aerosol forcing. Aerosol direct impact due to scattering aerosols causes significant reduction in summer monsoon precipitation over India with a tendency for southward shift of Tropical Convergence Zones (TCZs) over the Indian region. Aerosol forcing reduces surface solar absorption over the primary rainbelt region of India and reduces the surface and lower tropospheric temperatures. Concurrent warming of the lower atmosphere over the warm oceanic region in the south reduces the land-ocean temperature contrast and weakens the monsoon overturning circulation and the advection of moisture into the landmass. This increases atmospheric convective stability, and decreases convection, clouds, precipitation and associated latent heat release. Our analysis reveals a defining negative moisture-advection feedback that acts as an internal damping mechanism spinning down the regional hydrological cycle and leading to significant circulation changes in response to external radiative forcing perturbations. When total aerosol loading (both absorbing and scattering aerosols) is prescribed, dust and black carbon aerosols are found to cause significant atmospheric heating over the monsoon region but the aerosol-induced weakening of meridional lower tropospheric temperature gradient (leading to weaker summer monsoon rainfall) more than offsets the increase in summer-time rainfall resulting from the atmospheric heating effect of absorbing aerosols, leading to a net decrease of summer monsoon rainfall. Further, we have carried out climate simulations with globally constant AODs and also with the constant AODs over the extended Indian region replaced by realistic AODs. Regional aerosol radiative forcing perturbations over the Indian region is found to have impact not only over the region of loading but over remote tropical regions as well. This warrants the need to prescribe realistic aerosol properties in strategic regions such as India in order to accurately assess the aerosol impact.


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The problem of decaying states and resonances is examined within the framework of scattering theory in a rigged Hilbert space formalism. The stationary free,''in,'' and ''out'' eigenvectors of formal scattering theory, which have a rigorous setting in rigged Hilbert space, are considered to be analytic functions of the energy eigenvalue. The value of these analytic functions at any point of regularity, real or complex, is an eigenvector with eigenvalue equal to the position of the point. The poles of the eigenvector families give origin to other eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian: the singularities of the ''out'' eigenvector family are the same as those of the continued S matrix, so that resonances are seen as eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalue equal to their location in the complex energy plane. Cauchy theorem then provides for expansions in terms of ''complete'' sets of eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Applying such expansions to the survival amplitude of a decaying state, one finds that resonances give discrete contributions with purely exponential time behavior; the background is of course present, but explicitly separated. The resolvent of the Hamiltonian, restricted to the nuclear space appearing in the rigged Hilbert space, can be continued across the absolutely continuous spectrum; the singularities of the continuation are the same as those of the ''out'' eigenvectors. The free, ''in'' and ''out'' eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues and those corresponding to resonances can be approximated by physical vectors in the Hilbert space, as plane waves can. The need for having some further physical information in addition to the specification of the total Hamiltonian is apparent in the proposed framework. The formalism is applied to the Lee–Friedrichs model and to the scattering of a spinless particle by a local central potential. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Measurements of the electrical resistivity of thin potassium wires at temperatures near 1 K have revealed a minimum in the resistivity as a function of temperature. By proposing that the electrons in these wires have undergone localization, albeit with large localization length, and that inelastic-scattering events destroy the coherence of that state, we can explain both the magnitude and shape of the temperature-dependent resistivity data. Localization of electrons in these wires is to be expected because, due to the high purity of the potassium, the elastic mean free path is comparable to the diameters of the thinnest samples, making the Thouless length lT (or inelastic diffusion length) much larger than the diameter, so that the wire is effectively one dimensional. The inelastic events effectively break the wire into a series of localized segments, whose resistances can be added to obtain the total resistance of the wire. The ensemble-averaged resistance for all possible segmented wires, weighted with a Poisson distribution of inelastic-scattering lengths along the wire, yields a length dependence for the resistance that is proportional to [L3/lin(T)], provided that lin(T)?L, where L is the sample length and lin(T) is some effective temperature-dependent one-dimensional inelastic-scattering length. A more sophisticated approach using a Poisson distribution in inelastic-scattering times, which takes into account the diffusive motion of the electrons along the wire through the Thouless length, yields a length- and temperature-dependent resistivity proportional to (L/lT)4 under appropriate conditions. Inelastic-scattering lifetimes are inferred from the temperature-dependent bulk resistivities (i.e., those of thicker, effectively three-dimensional samples), assuming that a minimum amount of energy must be exchanged for a collision to be effective in destroying the phase coherence of the localized state. If the dominant inelastic mechanism is electron-electron scattering, then our result, given the appropriate choice of the channel number parameter, is consistent with the data. If electron-phason scattering were of comparable importance, then our results would remain consistent. However, the inelastic-scattering lifetime inferred from bulk resistivity data is too short. This is because the electron-phason mechanism dominates in the inelastic-scattering rate, although the two mechanisms may be of comparable importance for the bulk resistivity. Possible reasons why the electron-phason mechanism might be less effective in thin wires than in bulk are discussed.


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Realizing the importance of aerosol characterization and addressing its spatio-temporal heterogeneities over Bay of Bengal (BoB), campaign mode observations of aerosol parameters were carried out using simultaneous cruise, aircraft and land-based measurements during the Winter Integrated Campaign for Aerosols gases and Radiation Budget (W_ICARB). Under this, airborne measurements of total and hemispheric backscatter coefficients were made over several regions of coastal India and eastern BoB using a three wavelength integrating nephelometer. The measurements include high resolution multi-level (ML) sorties for altitude profiles and bi-level (BL) sorties for spatial gradients within and above the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over BoB. The vertical profiles of the scattering coefficients are investigated in light of the information on the vertical structure of the atmospheric stability, which was derived from the collocated GPS (Global Positioning System) aided radiosonde ascents. In general, the altitude profiles revealed that the scattering coefficient remained steady in the convectively well-mixed regions and dropped off above the MABL. This decrease was quite rapid off the Indian mainland, while it was more gradual in the eastern BoB. Investigation on horizontal gradients revealed that the scattering coefficients over northern BoB are 3 to 4 times higher compared to that of central BoB within and above the MABL. A north-south gradient in scattering coefficients is observed over Port Blair in the eastern BoB, with values decreasing from south to north, which is attributed to the similar gradient in the surface wind speed, which can be replicated in the sea salt abundance. The gradients are parameterized using best-fit analytical functions.


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We describe our kt-resummation model for total cross-sections and show its application to pp and ¯pp scattering. The model uses mini-jets to drive the rise of the cross-section and soft gluon resummation in the infrared region to transform the violent rise of the mini-jet cross-section into a logarithmic behaviour in agreement with the Froissart bound.


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Research studies on plasmonic properties of triangular-shaped silver nanoparticles might lead to several interesting applications. However, in this work, triangular-shaped silver nanoparticles have been synthesized by simple solvothermal technique and reported the effect of size on the electron-phonon scattering in the synthesized materials by analyzing their temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) emission characteristics. It has been observed that total integrated PL emission intensity is quenched by 33 % with the increase in temperature from 278 to 323 K. The observed decrease in PL emission intensity has been ascribed to the increase of electron-phonon scattering rate with the increase in temperature. The values of electron-phonon coupling strength (S) for synthesized samples have been evaluated by theoretical fitting of the experimentally obtained PL emission data. Smaller sized triangular nanoparticle has been found to exhibit stronger temperature dependence in PL emission, which strongly suggests that smaller sized triangular silver nanostructures have better electron-phonon coupling.


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The problem of electromagnetic scattering from an isotropic homogeneous chirally coated conducting cylinder is analysed. The cylinder is assumed to be illuminated by either a transverse magnetic or a transverse electric wave. Mie's analysis is used to evaluate the scattering characteristics. The computed results include the evaluation of the normalized scattering width and the absorption efficiency. The results show that there is a significant reduction in the normalized scattering width as compared to a RAM coated cylinder. This reduction has been attributed to increased absorption.


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Dimeric or gemini surfactants consist of two hydrophobic chains and two hydrophilic head groups co; valently connected by a hydrocarbon spacer. Small-angle neutron scattering measurements from bis-cationic C16H33N+(CH3)(2)-(CH2)(m)-N+(CH3)(2)C(16)H(33)2Br(-) dimeric surfactants, referred to-as 16-m-16, for different length of hydrocarbon spacers m-3-6, 8, 10, and 12, are reported. The measurements have been carried out at various concentrations: C=2.5 and 10 mM for all m and C=30 and 50 mM for m greater than or equal to 5. It is found that micellar structure depends on the length of the spacer. Micelles are disks for m=3, cylindrical for m=4, and prolate ellipsoidals for other values of m. These structural results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions based on the packing parameter. It has also been observed that conformation of the spacer and the hydrophobic chains in the interior of the micelle change as the length of the spacer is increased. The concentration dependence for m greater than or equal to 5 shows that the effect of surfactant concentration on the size of the micelle is more pronounced for m=5 and 12 than for the intermediate spacers. The fractional charge on the micelle increases with the increase in spacer length and decreases when the concentration is increased.


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The first total synthesis of (-)-4-thiocyanatoneopupukeanane starting from (R)-carvone has been achieved, establishing the relative as well as absolute structure of the natural product.


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The work reported hen was motivated by a desire to verify the existence of structure - specifically MP-rich clusters induced by sodium bromide (NaBr) in the ternary liquid mixture 3-methylpyridine (Mf) + water(W) + NaBr. We present small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements in this mixture. These measurements were obtained at room temperature (similar to 298 K) in the one-phase region (below the relevant lower consolute points, T(L)s) at different values of X (i.e., X = 0.02 - 0.17), where X is the weight fraction of NaBr in the mixture. Cluster-size distribution, estimated on the assumption that the clusters are spherical, shows systematic behaviour in that the peak of the distribution shifts rewards larger values of cluster radius as X increases. The largest spatial extent of the clusters (similar to 4.5 nm) is seen at X = 0.17. Data analysis assuming arbitrary shapes and sizes of clusters gives a limiting value of cluster size (- 4.5 nm) that is not very sensitive to X. It is suggested that the cluster size determined may not be the same as the usual critical-point fluctuations far removed from the critical point (T-L). The influence of the additional length scale due to clustering is discussed from the standpoint of crossover from Ising to mean-field critical behaviour, when moving away from the T-L.


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The first stereoselective total synthesis of (+/-)-allo-cedrol 20, an enantiomer of khusiol and a complex sesquiterpene having a novel tricyclo[,5)]undecane framework, is reported from 8-methoxytricyclo[,6)]dodec-6-en-9-one 6c. The methodology involves preparation of 9-methoxytricyclo[,6)]dodec-6-en-8-one 12 from 6c and its conversion through the compounds 8-benzyloxy-7,7-dimethyl-9-methoxytricyclo[,6)]dodec-5-ene 38, 7-benzyloxy-8-methoxy-2,6,6-trimethyltricyclo[,5)]undecane 48 into 8-methoxy-2,6,6-trimethyltricyclo[,5)]undecan-7-one 49. Wittig reaction of 49 affords the olefin 50 which has been smoothly rearranged into khusione 51. Metal-ammonia reduction of khusione under specific conditions affords (+/-)-allo-cedrol. Thus, bridgehead substitution of a methoxy group by a methyl group is the key reaction in this synthesis. In an alternative strategy, attempted conversion of 8-methoxy-2-methyltricyclo[,5)]undec-5-en-7-one 16 into khusione 37 results in an inseparable mixture of the isomers. A notable observation in this synthesis is the unusual formation of a gamma-alkylated product 27 during Woodward methylation of 16.


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We demonstrate that the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique can be employed to measure the partition coefficient (k(p)) of a solute in a mixture of two immiscible solvents. Specifically, partition coefficients of six substituted benzoic acids in water/toluene (1:1 v/v) and water/chloroform (1:1 v/v) systems have been measured. Our values compare well with the k(p) values measured earlier by other techniques, The advantages offered by this technique are also discussed.


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Diels-Alder reaction of the dienone 12, obtained by C-alkylation of sodium 2,6-dimethylphenoxide, with acrylonitrile and phenyl vinyl sulfones generate the enynes 14 and 17. Tributyltin radical addition to the terminal acetylene in 14 and 17 lead to the vinylstannanes 15 and 18 via 5-exo trig cyclisation of the resulting vinyl radical, which on oxidative cleavage furnishes the isotwistane-diones 16 and 19. Reductive desulfonylation of the diketosulfone 19 furnishes the dione 11, constituting a formal total synthesis of 2-pupukeanone 5 and 2-isocyanopupukeanone 3.


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Total tRNAs isolated from chloroplasts and etioplasts of cucumber cotyledons were compared with respect toamino acid acceptance, isoacceptor distribution and extent of modification. Aminoacylation of the tRNAs with nine different amino acids studied indicated that the relative acceptor activities of chloroplast total tRNAs for four amino acids are significantly higher than etioplast total tRNAs. Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(2D-PAGE) of chloroplast total tRNAs separated at least 32 spots, while approximately 41 spots were resolved from etioplast total tRNAs. Comparison of the reversed-phase chromatography (RPC-5) profiles of chloroplast and etioplast leucyl-, lysyl-, phenylalanyl-, and valyl-tRNA species showed no qualitative differences in the elution profiles. However, leucyl-, lysyl- and valyl-tRNA species showed quantitative differences in the relative amounts of the isoaccepting species present in chloroplasts and etioplasts. The analysis of modified nucleotides of total tRNAs from the two plastid types indicated that total tRNA from etioplasts was undermodified with respect to ribothymidine, isopentenyladenosine/hydroxy-isopentenyladenosine, 1 -methylguanosine and 2-o-methylguanosine. This indicates that illumination may cause de novo synthesis of chloroplast tRNAmodifying enzymes encoded for by nuclear genes leading to the formation of highly modified tRNAs in chloroplasts. Based on these results, we speculate that the observed decrease in levels of aminoacylation, variations in the relative amounts of certain isoacceptors, and differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of some extra tRNA spots in the etioplast total tRNAs as compared to chloroplast total tRNAs could be due to some partially undermodified etioplast tRNAs. Taken together, the data suggested that the light-induced transformation of etioplasts into chloroplasts is accompanied by increases in the relative levels of some functional chloroplast tRNAs by post transcriptional nucleotide modifications.


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First enantiospecific total synthesis of optical antipode of the sesquiterpene 10,11-epoxythapsan-10-ol has been described. (R)-Carvone has been employed as the chiral starting material and a combination of intramolecular alkylation and Criegee fragmentation are employed for intramolecular stereospecific transfer of the chirality. An intramolecular diazoketone cyclopropanation and regioselective cyclopropane ring cleavage reactions have been employed for the creation of the three requisite contiguous quaternary carbon atoms.