12 resultados para tightness

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We examine a natural, but non-tight, reductionist security proof for deterministic message authentication code (MAC) schemes in the multi-user setting. If security parameters for the MAC scheme are selected without accounting for the non-tightness in the reduction, then the MAC scheme is shown to provide a level of security that is less than desirable in the multi-user setting. We find similar deficiencies in the security assurances provided by non-tight proofs when we analyze some protocols in the literature including ones for network authentication and aggregate MACs. Our observations call into question the practical value of non-tight reductionist security proofs. We also exhibit attacks on authenticated encryption schemes, disk encryption schemes, and stream ciphers in the multi-user setting.


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We introduce k-stellated spheres and consider the class W-k(d) of triangulated d-manifolds, all of whose vertex links are k-stellated, and its subclass W-k*; (d), consisting of the (k + 1)-neighbourly members of W-k(d). We introduce the mu-vector of any simplicial complex and show that, in the case of 2-neighbourly simplicial complexes, the mu-vector dominates the vector of Betti numbers componentwise; the two vectors are equal precisely for tight simplicial complexes. We are able to estimate/compute certain alternating sums of the components of the mu-vector of any 2-neighbourly member of W-k(d) for d >= 2k. As a consequence of this theory, we prove a lower bound theorem for such triangulated manifolds, and we determine the integral homology type of members of W-k*(d) for d >= 2k + 2. As another application, we prove that, when d not equal 2k + 1, all members of W-k*(d) are tight. We also characterize the tight members of W-k*(2k + 1) in terms of their kth Betti numbers. These results more or less answer a recent question of Effenberger, and also provide a uniform and conceptual tightness proof for all except two of the known tight triangulated manifolds. We also prove a lower bound theorem for homology manifolds in which the members of W-1(d) provide the equality case. This generalizes a result (the d = 4 case) due to Walkup and Kuhnel. As a consequence, it is shown that every tight member of W-1 (d) is strongly minimal, thus providing substantial evidence in favour of a conjecture of Kuhnel and Lutz asserting that tight homology manifolds should be strongly minimal. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A k-dimensional box is the cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where each R-i is a closed interval on the real line. The boxicity of a graph G,denoted as box(G), is the minimum integer k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-dimensional boxes. A unit cube in k-dimensional space or a k-cube is defined as the cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where each Ri is a closed interval on the real line of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. In this paper we show that cub(G) <= t + inverted right perpendicularlog(n - t)inverted left perpendicular - 1 and box(G) <= left perpendiculart/2right perpendicular + 1, where t is the cardinality of a minimum vertex cover of G and n is the number of vertices of G. We also show the tightness of these upper bounds. F.S. Roberts in his pioneering paper on boxicity and cubicity had shown that for a graph G, box(G) <= left perpendicularn/2right perpendicular and cub(G) <= inverted right perpendicular2n/3inverted left perpendicular, where n is the number of vertices of G, and these bounds are tight. We show that if G is a bipartite graph then box(G) <= inverted right perpendicularn/4inverted left perpendicular and this bound is tight. We also show that if G is a bipartite graph then cub(G) <= n/2 + inverted right perpendicularlog n inverted left perpendicular - 1. We point out that there exist graphs of very high boxicity but with very low chromatic number. For example there exist bipartite (i.e., 2 colorable) graphs with boxicity equal to n/4. Interestingly, if boxicity is very close to n/2, then chromatic number also has to be very high. In particular, we show that if box(G) = n/2 - s, s >= 0, then chi (G) >= n/2s+2, where chi (G) is the chromatic number of G.


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The boxicity of a graph G, denoted as boxi(G), is defined as the minimum integer t such that G is an intersection graph of axis-parallel t-dimensional boxes. A graph G is a k-leaf power if there exists a tree T such that the leaves of the tree correspond to the vertices of G and two vertices in G are adjacent if and only if their corresponding leaves in T are at a distance of at most k. Leaf powers are used in the construction of phylogenetic trees in evolutionary biology and have been studied in many recent papers. We show that for a k-leaf power G, boxi(G) a parts per thousand currency sign k-1. We also show the tightness of this bound by constructing a k-leaf power with boxicity equal to k-1. This result implies that there exist strongly chordal graphs with arbitrarily high boxicity which is somewhat counterintuitive.


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Estimation of creep and shrinkage are critical in order to compute loss of prestress with time in order to compute leak tightness and assess safety margins available in containment structures of nuclear power plants. Short-term creep and shrinkage experiments have been conducted using in-house test facilities developed specifically for the present research program on 35 and 45 MPa normal concrete and 25 MPa heavy density concrete. The extensive experimental program for creep, has cylinders subject to sustained levels of load typically for several days duration (till negligible strain increase with time is observed in the creep specimen), to provide the total creep strain versus time curves for the two normal density concrete grades and one heavy density concrete grade at different load levels, different ages at loading, and at different relative humidity’s. Shrinkage studies on prism specimen for concrete of the same mix grades are also being studied. In the first instance, creep and shrinkage prediction models reported in the literature has been used to predict the creep and shrinkage levels in subsequent experimental data with acceptable accuracy. While macro-scale short experiments and analytical model development to estimate time dependent deformation under sustained loads over long term, accounting for the composite rheology through the influence of parameters such as the characteristic strength, age of concrete at loading, relative humidity, temperature, mix proportion (cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate: water) and volume to surface ratio and the associated uncertainties in these variables form one part of the study, it is widely believed that strength, early age rheology, creep and shrinkage are affected by the material properties at the nano-scale that are not well established. In order to understand and improve cement and concrete properties, investigation of the nanostructure of the composite and how it relates to the local mechanical properties is being undertaken. While results of creep and shrinkage obtained at macro-scale and their predictions through rheological modeling are satisfactory, the nano and micro indenting experimental and analytical studies are presently underway. Computational mechanics based models for creep and shrinkage in concrete must necessarily account for numerous parameters that impact their short and long term response. A Kelvin type model with several elements representing the influence of various factors that impact the behaviour is under development. The immediate short term deformation (elastic response), effects of relative humidity and temperature, volume to surface ratio, water cement ratio and aggregate cement ratio, load levels and age of concrete at loading are parameters accounted for in this model. Inputs to this model, such as the pore structure and mechanical properties at micro/nano scale have been taken from scanning electron microscopy and micro/nano-indenting of the sample specimen.


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This paper describes techniques to estimate the worst case execution time of executable code on architectures with data caches. The underlying mechanism is Abstract Interpretation, which is used for the dual purposes of tracking address computations and cache behavior. A simultaneous numeric and pointer analysis using an abstraction for discrete sets of values computes safe approximations of access addresses which are then used to predict cache behavior using Must Analysis. A heuristic is also proposed which generates likely worst case estimates. It can be used in soft real time systems and also for reasoning about the tightness of the safe estimate. The analysis methods can handle programs with non-affine access patterns, for which conventional Presburger Arithmetic formulations or Cache Miss Equations do not apply. The precision of the estimates is user-controlled and can be traded off against analysis time. Executables are analyzed directly, which, apart from enhancing precision, renders the method language independent.


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The rainbow connection number of a connected graph is the minimum number of colors needed to color its edges, so that every pair of its vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same. In this article we show that for every connected graph on n vertices with minimum degree delta, the rainbow connection number is upper bounded by 3n/(delta + 1) + 3. This solves an open problem from Schiermeyer (Combinatorial Algorithms, Springer, Berlin/Hiedelberg, 2009, pp. 432437), improving the previously best known bound of 20n/delta (J Graph Theory 63 (2010), 185191). This bound is tight up to additive factors by a construction mentioned in Caro et al. (Electr J Combin 15(R57) (2008), 1). As an intermediate step we obtain an upper bound of 3n/(delta + 1) - 2 on the size of a connected two-step dominating set in a connected graph of order n and minimum degree d. This bound is tight up to an additive constant of 2. This result may be of independent interest. We also show that for every connected graph G with minimum degree at least 2, the rainbow connection number, rc(G), is upper bounded by Gc(G) + 2, where Gc(G) is the connected domination number of G. Bounds of the form diameter(G)?rc(G)?diameter(G) + c, 1?c?4, for many special graph classes follow as easy corollaries from this result. This includes interval graphs, asteroidal triple-free graphs, circular arc graphs, threshold graphs, and chain graphs all with minimum degree delta at least 2 and connected. We also show that every bridge-less chordal graph G has rc(G)?3.radius(G). In most of these cases, we also demonstrate the tightness of the bounds.


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Knowledge about program worst case execution time (WCET) is essential in validating real-time systems and helps in effective scheduling. One popular approach used in industry is to measure execution time of program components on the target architecture and combine them using static analysis of the program. Measurements need to be taken in the least intrusive way in order to avoid affecting accuracy of estimated WCET. Several programs exhibit phase behavior, wherein program dynamic execution is observed to be composed of phases. Each phase being distinct from the other, exhibits homogeneous behavior with respect to cycles per instruction (CPI), data cache misses etc. In this paper, we show that phase behavior has important implications on timing analysis. We make use of the homogeneity of a phase to reduce instrumentation overhead at the same time ensuring that accuracy of WCET is not largely affected. We propose a model for estimating WCET using static worst case instruction counts of individual phases and a function of measured average CPI. We describe a WCET analyzer built on this model which targets two different architectures. The WCET analyzer is observed to give safe estimates for most benchmarks considered in this paper. The tightness of the WCET estimates are observed to be improved for most benchmarks compared to Chronos, a well known static WCET analyzer.


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In this paper, we derive Hybrid, Bayesian and Marginalized Cramer-Rao lower bounds (HCRB, BCRB and MCRB) for the single and multiple measurement vector Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) problem of estimating compressible vectors and their prior distribution parameters. We assume the unknown vector to be drawn from a compressible Student-prior distribution. We derive CRBs that encompass the deterministic or random nature of the unknown parameters of the prior distribution and the regression noise variance. We extend the MCRB to the case where the compressible vector is distributed according to a general compressible prior distribution, of which the generalized Pareto distribution is a special case. We use the derived bounds to uncover the relationship between the compressibility and Mean Square Error (MSE) in the estimates. Further, we illustrate the tightness and utility of the bounds through simulations, by comparing them with the MSE performance of two popular SBL-based estimators. We find that the MCRB is generally the tightest among the bounds derived and that the MSE performance of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm coincides with the MCRB for the compressible vector. We also illustrate the dependence of the MSE performance of SBL based estimators on the compressibility of the vector for several values of the number of observations and at different signal powers.


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We introduce the class Sigma(k)(d) of k-stellated (combinatorial) spheres of dimension d (0 <= k <= d + 1) and compare and contrast it with the class S-k(d) (0 <= k <= d) of k-stacked homology d-spheres. We have E-1(d) = S-1(d), and Sigma(k)(d) subset of S-k(d) ford >= 2k-1. However, for each k >= 2 there are k-stacked spheres which are not k-stellated. For d <= 2k - 2, the existence of k-stellated spheres which are not k-stacked remains an open question. We also consider the class W-k(d) (and K-k(d)) of simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links belong to Sigma(k)(d - 1) (respectively, S-k(d - 1)). Thus, W-k(d) subset of K-k(d) for d >= 2k, while W-1(d) = K-1(d). Let (K) over bar (k)(d) denote the class of d-dimensional complexes all whose vertex-links are k-stacked balls. We show that for d >= 2k + 2, there is a natural bijection M -> (M) over bar from K-k(d) onto (K) over bar (k)(d + 1) which is the inverse to the boundary map partial derivative: (K) over bar (k)(d + 1) -> (K) over bar (k)(d). Finally, we complement the tightness results of our recent paper, Bagchi and Datta (2013) 5], by showing that, for any field F, an F-orientable (k + 1)-neighbourly member of W-k(2k + 1) is F-tight if and only if it is k-stacked.


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Since its induction, the selective-identity (sID) model for identity-based cryptosystems and its relationship with various other notions of security has been extensively studied. As a result, it is a general consensus that the sID model is much weaker than the full-identity (ID) model. In this paper, we study the sID model for the particular case of identity-based signatures (IBS). The main focus is on the problem of constructing an ID-secure IBS given an sID-secure IBS without using random oracles-the so-called standard model-and with reasonable security degradation. We accomplish this by devising a generic construction which uses as black-box: i) a chameleon hash function and ii) a weakly-secure public-key signature. We argue that the resulting IBS is ID-secure but with a tightness gap of O(q(s)), where q(s) is the upper bound on the number of signature queries that the adversary is allowed to make. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at such a generic construction.


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A triangulation of a closed 2-manifold is tight with respect to a field of characteristic two if and only if it is neighbourly; and it is tight with respect to a field of odd characteristic if and only if it is neighbourly and orientable. No such characterization of tightness was previously known for higher dimensional manifolds. In this paper, we prove that a triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is tight with respect to a field of odd characteristic if and only if it is neighbourly, orientable and stacked. In consequence, the Kuhnel-Lutz conjecture is valid in dimension three for fields of odd characteristic. Next let F be a field of characteristic two. It is known that, in this case, any neighbourly and stacked triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is F-tight. For closed, triangulated 3-manifolds with at most 71 vertices or with first Betti number at most 188, we show that the converse is true. But the possibility of the existence of an F-tight, non-stacked triangulation on a larger number of vertices remains open. We prove the following upper bound theorem on such triangulations. If an F-tight triangulation of a closed 3-manifold has n vertices and first Betti number beta(1), then (n - 4) (617n - 3861) <= 15444 beta(1). Equality holds here if and only if all the vertex links of the triangulation are connected sums of boundary complexes of icosahedra. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.