42 resultados para speaker dependencies

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the membership problem for functional dependencies (FDs) and multivalued dependencies (MVDs) in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of a dependency-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several interesting properties of dependency-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a): computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b): computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c): solving the membership problem for MVDs. We also show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the membership problem for both FDs and MVDs put together. We finally show that our algorithms are more efficient than existing ones, when used to solve what we term the ‘generalized membership problem’.


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the implication problem for MVDs in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of an MVD-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of the inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several properties of MVD-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a) computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b) computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c) solving the implication problem for MVDs. Finally, we show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the implication problem for both FDs and MVDs put together.


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Functional dependencies in relational databases are investigated. Eight binary relations, viz., (1) dependency relation, (2) equipotence relation, (3) dissidence relation, (4) completion relation, and dual relations of each of them are described. Any one of these eight relations can be used to represent the functional dependencies in a database. Results from linear graph theory are found helpful in obtaining these representations. The dependency relation directly gives the functional dependencies. The equipotence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of attribute sets which functionally determine each other. The dissidence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of saturated sets in a very indirect way. Completion relation represents the functional dependencies as a function, the range of which turns out to be a lattice. Depletion relation which is the dual of the completion relation can also represent functional dependencies and similarly can the duals of dependency, equipotence, and dissidence relations. The class of depleted sets, which is the dual of saturated sets, is defined and used in the study of depletion relations.


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For the problem of speaker adaptation in speech recognition, the performance depends on the availability of adaptation data. In this paper, we have compared several existing speaker adaptation methods, viz. maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR), eigenvoice (EV), eigenspace-based MLLR (EMLLR), segmental eigenvoice (SEV) and hierarchical eigenvoice (HEV) based methods. We also develop a new method by modifying the existing HEV method for achieving further performance improvement in a limited available data scenario. In the sense of availability of adaptation data, the new modified HEV (MHEV) method is shown to perform better than all the existing methods throughout the range of operation except the case of MLLR at the availability of more adaptation data.


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Sets of multivalued dependencies (MVDs) having conflict-free covers are important to the theory and design of relational databases [2,12,15,16]. Their desirable properties motivate the problem of testing a set M of MVDs for the existence of a confiict-free cover. In [8] Goodman and Tay have proposed an approach based on the possible equivalence of M to a single (acyclic) join dependency (JD). We remark that their characterization does not lend an insight into the nature of such sets of MVDs. Here, we use notions that are intrinsic to MVDs to develop a new characterization. Our approach proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, we use the notion of “split-free” sets of MVDs and obtain a characterization of sets M of MVDs having split-free covers. In the second, we use the notion of “intersection” of MVDs to arrive at a necessary and sufficient condition for a split-free set of MVDs to be conflict-free. Based on our characterizations, we also give polynomial-time algorithms for testing whether M has split-free and conflict-free covers. The highlight of our approach is the clear insight it provides into the nature of sets of MVDs having conflict-free covers. Less emphasis is given in this paper to the actual efficiency of the algorthms. Finally, as a bonus, we derive a desirable property of split-free sets of MVDs,thereby showing that they are interesting in their own right.


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Functional dependencies in relational databases are investigated. Eight binary relations, viz., (1) dependency relation, (2) equipotence relation, (3) dissidence relation, (4) completion relation, and dual relations of each of them are described. Any one of these eight relations can be used to represent the functional dependencies in a database. Results from linear graph theory are found helpful in obtaining these representations. The dependency relation directly gives the functional dependencies. The equipotence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of attribute sets which functionally determine each other. The dissidence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of saturated sets in a very indirect way. Completion relation represents the functional dependencies as a function, the range of which turns out to be a lattice. Depletion relation which is the dual of the completion relation can also represent functional dependencies and similarly can the duals of dependency, equipotence, and dissidence relations. The class of depleted sets, which is the dual of saturated sets, is defined and used in the study of depletion relations.


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Design of speaker identification schemes for a small number of speakers (around 10) with a high degree of accuracy in controlled environment is a practical proposition today. When the number of speakers is large (say 50–100), many of these schemes cannot be directly extended, as both recognition error and computation time increase monotonically with population size. The feature selection problem is also complex for such schemes. Though there were earlier attempts to rank order features based on statistical distance measures, it has been observed only recently that the best two independent measurements are not the same as the combination in two's for pattern classification. We propose here a systematic approach to the problem using the decision tree or hierarchical classifier with the following objectives: (1) Design of optimal policy at each node of the tree given the tree structure i.e., the tree skeleton and the features to be used at each node. (2) Determination of the optimal feature measurement and decision policy given only the tree skeleton. Applicability of optimization procedures such as dynamic programming in the design of such trees is studied. The experimental results deal with the design of a 50 speaker identification scheme based on this approach.


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A characterization of the voice source (VS) signal by the pitch synchronous (PS) discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed. With the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) as the VS estimate, the PS DCT of the ILPR is evaluated as a feature vector for speaker identification (SID). On TIMIT and YOHO databases, using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based classifier, it performs on par with existing VS-based features. On the NIST 2003 database, fusion with a GMM-based classifier using MFCC features improves the identification accuracy by 12% in absolute terms, proving that the proposed characterization has good promise as a feature for SID studies. (C) 2015 Acoustical Society of America


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We propose apractical, feature-level and score-level fusion approach by combining acoustic and estimated articulatory information for both text independent and text dependent speaker verification. From a practical point of view, we study how to improve speaker verification performance by combining dynamic articulatory information with the conventional acoustic features. On text independent speaker verification, we find that concatenating articulatory features obtained from measured speech production data with conventional Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) improves the performance dramatically. However, since directly measuring articulatory data is not feasible in many real world applications, we also experiment with estimated articulatory features obtained through acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. We explore both feature level and score level fusion methods and find that the overall system performance is significantly enhanced even with estimated articulatory features. Such a performance boost could be due to the inter-speaker variation information embedded in the estimated articulatory features. Since the dynamics of articulation contain important information, we included inverted articulatory trajectories in text dependent speaker verification. We demonstrate that the articulatory constraints introduced by inverted articulatory features help to reject wrong password trials and improve the performance after score level fusion. We evaluate the proposed methods on the X-ray Microbeam database and the RSR 2015 database, respectively, for the aforementioned two tasks. Experimental results show that we achieve more than 15% relative equal error rate reduction for both speaker verification tasks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The grain size dependence of the yield stress in hot rolled 99.87 pct magnesium sheets and rods was measured in the temperature range 77 K to 420 K. Hot rolling produced strong basal textures and, for a given grain size, the hot rolled material has a higher strength than extruded material. The yield strength-grain size relation in the above temperature range follows the Hall-Petch equation, and the temperature dependencies of the Hall-Petch constants σ0 and k are in support of the theory of Armstrong for hcp metals that the intercept σ0 is related to the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for basal slip (easy slip) and the slope k is related to the CRSS for prismatic slip (difficult slip) occurring near the grain boundaries. In the hot rolled magnesium, σ0 is larger and k is smaller than in extruded material, observations which are shown to result from strong unfavorable basal and favorable 1010 textures, respectively. Texture affects the Hall-Petch constants through its effect on the orientation factors relating them to the CRSS for the individual slip systems controlling them.


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Abstract-The success of automatic speaker recognition in laboratory environments suggests applications in forensic science for establishing the Identity of individuals on the basis of features extracted from speech. A theoretical model for such a verification scheme for continuous normaliy distributed featureIss developed. The three cases of using a) single feature, b)multipliendependent measurements of a single feature, and c)multpleindependent features are explored.The number iofndependent features needed for areliable personal identification is computed based on the theoretcal model and an expklatory study of some speech featues.


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The grain size dependencies of the yield and fracture stresses in hot rolled Mg-12.7 at % Cd alloy have been measured in the temperature range 77 to 420 K and are found to be in accordance with HalI-Petch type of equations. In hot rolled Mg-12.7 Cd alloy, the HalI-Petch intercept a w is higher than that in hot rolled magnesium, while the slope ky is comparable. The fracture is intercrystalline at 77 K, mixed mode at 300 K and ductile at 420 K. The above flow and fracture behaviours are interpreted in terms of the complimentary effects of texture hardening and solid solution strengthening.


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It is well known that the notions of normal forms and acyclicity capture many practical desirable properties for database schemes. The basic schema design problem is to develop design methodologies that strive toward these ideals. The usual approach is to first normalize the database scheme as far as possible. If the resulting scheme is cyclic, then one tries to transform it into an acyclic scheme. In this paper, we argue in favor of carrying out these two phases of design concurrently. In order to do this efficiently, we need to be able to incrementally analyze the acyclicity status of a database scheme as it is being designed. To this end, we propose the formalism of "binary decompositions". Using this, we characterize design sequences that exactly generate theta-acyclic schemes, for theta = agr,beta. We then show how our results can be put to use in database design. Finally, we also show that our formalism above can be effectively used as a proof tool in dependency theory. We demonstrate its power by showing that it leads to a significant simplification of the proofs of some previous results connecting sets of multivalued dependencies and acyclic join dependencies.


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The conformation of the peptide Boc-L-Met-Aib-L-Phe-OMe has been studied in the solid state and solution by X-ray diffraction and 1H n.m.r., respectively. The peptide differs only in the N-terminal protecting group from the biologically active chemotactic peptide analog formyl-L-Met-Aib-L-Phe-OMe. The molecules adopt a type-II beta-turn in the solid state with Met and Aib as the corner residues (phi Met = -51.8 degrees, psi Met = 139.5 degrees, phi Aib = 58.1 degrees, psi Aib = 37.0 degrees). A single, weak 4----1 intramolecular hydrogen bond is observed between the Boc CO and Phe NH groups (N---O 3.25 A, N-H---O 128.4 degrees). 1H n.m.r. studies, using solvent and temperature dependencies of NH chemical shifts and paramagnetic radical induced line broadening of NH resonances, suggest that the Phe NH is solvent shielded in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO. Nuclear Overhauser effects observed between Met C alpha H and Aib NH protons provide evidence of the occurrence of Met-Aib type-II beta-turns in these solvents.


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Many novel computer architectures like array and multiprocessors which achieve high performance through the use of concurrency exploit variations of the von Neumann model of computation. The effective utilization of the machines makes special demands on programmers and their programming languages, such as the structuring of data into vectors or the partitioning of programs into concurrent processes. In comparison, the data flow model of computation demands only that the principle of structured programming be followed. A data flow program, often represented as a data flow graph, is a program that expresses a computation by indicating the data dependencies among operators. A data flow computer is a machine designed to take advantage of concurrency in data flow graphs by executing data independent operations in parallel. In this paper, we discuss the design of a high level language (DFL: Data Flow Language) suitable for data flow computers. Some sample procedures in DFL are presented. The implementation aspects have not been discussed in detail since there are no new problems encountered. The language DFL embodies the concepts of functional programming, but in appearance closely resembles Pascal. The language is a better vehicle than the data flow graph for expressing a parallel algorithm. The compiler has been implemented on a DEC 1090 system in Pascal.