31 resultados para sociomoral reasoning

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Template matching is concerned with measuring the similarity between patterns of two objects. This paper proposes a memory-based reasoning approach for pattern recognition of binary images with a large template set. It seems that memory-based reasoning intrinsically requires a large database. Moreover, some binary image recognition problems inherently need large template sets, such as the recognition of Chinese characters which needs thousands of templates. The proposed algorithm is based on the Connection Machine, which is the most massively parallel machine to date, using a multiresolution method to search for the matching template. The approach uses the pyramid data structure for the multiresolution representation of templates and the input image pattern. For a given binary image it scans the template pyramid searching the match. A binary image of N × N pixels can be matched in O(log N) time complexity by our algorithm and is independent of the number of templates. Implementation of the proposed scheme is described in detail.


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In this paper, we give a method for probabilistic assignment to the Realistic Abductive Reasoning Model, The knowledge is assumed to be represented in the form of causal chaining, namely, hyper-bipartite network. Hyper-bipartite network is the most generalized form of knowledge representation for which, so far, there has been no way of assigning probability to the explanations, First, the inference mechanism using realistic abductive reasoning model is briefly described and then probability is assigned to each of the explanations so as to pick up the explanations in the decreasing order of plausibility.


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FreeRTOS is an open-source real-time microkernel that has a wide community of users. We present the formal specification of the behaviour of the task part of FreeRTOS that deals with the creation, management, and scheduling of tasks using priority-based preemption. Our model is written in the Z notation, and we verify its consistency using the Z/Eves theorem prover. This includes a precise statement of the preconditions for all API commands. This task model forms the basis for three dimensions of further work: (a) the modelling of the rest of the behaviour of queues, time, mutex, and interrupts in FreeRTOS; (b) refinement of the models to code to produce a verified implementation; and (c) extension of the behaviour of FreeRTOS to multi-core architectures. We propose all three dimensions as benchmark challenge problems for Hoare's Verified Software Initiative.


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Functional Programming (FP) systems are modified and extended to form Nondeterministic Functional Programming (NFP) systems in which nondeterministic programs can be specified and both deterministic and nondeterministic programs can be verified essentially within the system. It is shown that the algebra of NFP programs has simpler laws in comparison with the algebra of FP programs. "Regular" forms are introduced to put forward a disciplined way of reasoning about programs. Finally, an alternative definition of "linear" forms is proposed for reasoning about recursively defined programs. This definition, when used to test the linearity of forms, results in simpler verification conditions than those generated by the original definition of linear forms.


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The evolutionary function of X chromosome inactivation is thought to be dosage compensation. However, there is, at present, little evidence to suggest that most X chromosome-linked genes require such compensation. Another view--that X chromosome inactivation may be related to sex determination--is examined here. Consider a hypothetical DNA sequence regulating a major structural gene concerned with the determination of maleness. If this regulatory sequence occurs in both X and Y chromosomes and if its copy number in the Y chromosome is significantly greater than in the X chromosome, then the male-determining properties of the Y chromosome could be attributed to this higher copy number. On the other hand, if the Y chromosome has the same copy number of this sequence as the X chromosome, it is difficult to see how determination of two sexes would occur under such circumstances because XX and XY genomes would then be indistinguishable in this regard. Such a situation seems to occur in the human species with respect to the banded krait minor satellite, a repetitious DNA sequence associated with sex determination. This apparent difficulty may be resolved if X chromosome inactivation renders regulatory as well as structural genes nonfunctional and thereby brings about a significant reduction in the effective copy number of X chromosome-linked DNA sequences concerned with sex determination. It is suggested that X chromosome inactivation brings about, in this manner, a critical inequality between XX and XY embryos and that sex determination in humans is a consequence of this inequality. An analogous situation appears to exist in certain insects in which inactivation of a haploid set of chromosomes (and presumably, therefore, a 50% reduction in the effective copy number of most genes) is associated with maleness. If this line of reasoning is correct, it would suggest that sex determination may be the primary function of X chromosome inactivation.


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A simple method of calculating the elemental stoichiometric coefficient, φe has been developed, which can easily be applied to multicomponent fuel-oxidizer compositions. The method correctly predicts whether a mixture is fuel lean, fuel rich, or stoichiometrically balanced. The total composition of oxidizing (or reducing) elements of the mixture appears to be related to the thermochemistry of the system. For the reaction of ammonium perchlorate and an organic fuel the heat of reaction varies linearly with the total composition of oxidizing elements. The physical significance of such a correlation based on thermochemical reasoning is highlighted in the paper.


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In the face of increasing CO2 emissions from conventional energy (gasoline), and the anticipated scarcity of Crude oil, a worldwide effort is underway for cost-effective renewable alternative energy sources. Here, we review a simple line of reasoning: (a) geologists claim that Much crude oil comes from diatoms; (b) diatoms do indeed make oil; (c) agriculturists Claim that diatoms could make 10-200 times as much oil per hectare as oil seeds; and (d) therefore, sustainable energy could be made from diatoms. In this communication, we propose ways of harvesting oil from diatoms, using biochemical engineering and also a new solar panel approach that utilizes genomically modifiable aspects of diatom biology, offering the prospect of ``milking'' diatoms for Sustainable energy by altering them to actively secrete oil products. Secretion by and milking of diatoms may provide a way around the puzzle of how to make algae that both grow quickly and have a very high oil content.


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It is well known that in the time-domain acquisition of NMR data, signal-to-noise (S/N) improves as the square root of the number of transients accumulated. However, the amplitude of the measured signal varies during the time of detection, having a functional form dependent on the coherence detected. Matching the time spent signal averaging to the expected amplitude of the signal observed should also improve the detected signal-to-noise. Following this reasoning, Barna et al. (J Magn. Reson.75, 384, 1987) demonstrated the utility of exponential sampling in one- and two-dimensional NMR, using maximum-entropy methods to analyze the data. It is proposed here that for two-dimensional experiments the exponential sampling be replaced by exponential averaging. The data thus collected can be analyzed by standard fast-Fourier-transform routines. We demonstrate the utility of exponential averaging in 2D NOESY spectra of the protein ubiquitin, in which an enhanced SIN is observed. It is also shown that the method acquires delayed double-quantum-filtered COSY without phase distortion.


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This paper introduces CSP-like communication mechanisms into Backus’ Functional Programming (FP) systems extended by nondeterministic constructs. Several new functionals are used to describe nondeterminism and communication in programs. The functionals union and restriction are introduced into FP systems to develop a simple algebra of programs with nondeterminism. The behaviour of other functionals proposed in this paper are characterized by the properties of union and restriction. The axiomatic semantics of communication constructs are presented. Examples show that it is possible to reason about a communicating program by first transforming it into a non-communicating program by using the axioms of communication, and then reasoning about the resulting non-communicating version of the program. It is also shown that communicating programs can be developed from non-communicating programs given as specifications by using a transformational approach.


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Formal specification is vital to the development of distributed real-time systems as these systems are inherently complex and safety-critical. It is widely acknowledged that formal specification and automatic analysis of specifications can significantly increase system reliability. Although a number of specification techniques for real-time systems have been reported in the literature, most of these formalisms do not adequately address to the constraints that the aspects of 'distribution' and 'real-time' impose on specifications. Further, an automatic verification tool is necessary to reduce human errors in the reasoning process. In this regard, this paper is an attempt towards the development of a novel executable specification language for distributed real-time systems. First, we give a precise characterization of the syntax and semantics of DL. Subsequently, we discuss the problems of model checking, automatic verification of satisfiability of DL specifications, and testing conformance of event traces with DL specifications. Effective solutions to these problems are presented as extensions to the classical first-order tableau algorithm. The use of the proposed framework is illustrated by specifying a sample problem.


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In social selection the phenotype of an individual depends on its own genotype as well as on the phenotypes, and so genotypes, of other individuals. This makes it impossible to associate an invariant phenotype with a genotype: the social context is crucial. Descriptions of metazoan development, which often is viewed as the acme of cooperative social behaviour, ignore or downplay this fact. The implicit justification for doing so is based on a group-selectionist point of view. Namely, embryos are clones, therefore all cells have the same evolutionary interest, and the visible differences between cells result from a common strategy. The reasoning is flawed, because phenotypic heterogeneity within groups can result from contingent choices made by cells from a flexible repertoire as in multicellular development. What makes that possible is phenotypic plasticity, namely the ability of a genotype to exhibit different phenotypes. However, co-operative social behaviour with division of labour requires that different phenotypes interact appropriately, not that they belong to the same genotype, or have overlapping genetic interests. We sketch a possible route to the evolution of social groups that involves many steps: (a) individuals that happen to be in spatial proximity benefit simply by virtue of their number; (b) traits that are already present act as preadaptations and improve the efficiency of the group; and (c) new adaptations evolve under selection in the social context-that is, via interactions between individuals-and further strengthen group behaviour. The Dictyostelid or cellular slime mould amoebae (CSMs) become multicellular in an unusual way, by the aggregation of free-living cells. In nature the resulting group can be genetically homogeneous (clonal) or heterogeneous (polyclonal); in either case its development, which displays strong cooperation between cells (to the extent of so-called altruism) is not affected. This makes the CSMs exemplars for the study of social behaviour.


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An intelligent computer aided defect analysis (ICADA) system, based on artificial intelligence techniques, has been developed to identify design, process or material parameters which could be responsible for the occurrence of defective castings in a manufacturing campaign. The data on defective castings for a particular time frame, which is an input to the ICADA system, has been analysed. It was observed that a large proportion, i.e. 50-80% of all the defective castings produced in a foundry, have two, three or four types of defects occurring above a threshold proportion, say 10%. Also, a large number of defect types are either not found at all or found in a very small proportion, with a threshold value below 2%. An important feature of the ICADA system is the recognition of this pattern in the analysis. Thirty casting defect types and a large number of causes numbering between 50 and 70 for each, as identified in the AFS analysis of casting defects-the standard reference source for a casting process-constituted the foundation for building the knowledge base. Scientific rationale underlying the formation of a defect during the casting process was identified and 38 metacauses were coded. Process, material and design parameters which contribute to the metacauses were systematically examined and 112 were identified as rootcauses. The interconnections between defects, metacauses and rootcauses were represented as a three tier structured graph and the handling of uncertainty in the occurrence of events such as defects, metacauses and rootcauses was achieved by Bayesian analysis. The hill climbing search technique, associated with forward reasoning, was employed to recognize one or several root causes.


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We report results of statistical and dynamic analysis of the serrated stress-time curves obtained from compressive constant strain-rate tests on two metallic glass samples with different ductility levels in an effort to extract hidden information in the seemingly irregular serrations. Two distinct types of dynamics are detected in these two alloy samples. The stress-strain curve corresponding to the less ductile Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 alloy is shown to exhibit a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, suggesting that the underlying dynamics is chaotic. In contrast, for the more ductile Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 alloy, the distributions of stress drop magnitudes and their time durations obey a power-law scaling reminiscent of a self-organized critical state. The exponents also satisfy the scaling relation compatible with self-organized criticality. Possible physical mechanisms contributing to the two distinct dynamic regimes are discussed by drawing on the analogy with the serrated yielding of crystalline samples. The analysis, together with some physical reasoning, suggests that plasticity in the less ductile sample can be attributed to stick-slip of a single shear band, while that of the more ductile sample could be attributed to the simultaneous nucleation of a large number of shear bands and their mutual interactions. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A framework based on the notion of "conflict-tolerance" was proposed in as a compositional methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that comprise multiple independent controllers. A central notion in this framework is that of a "conflict-tolerant" specification for a controller. In this work we propose a way of defining conflict-tolerant real-time specifications in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). We call our logic CT-MITL for Conflict-Tolerant MITL. We then give a clock optimal "delay-then-extend" construction for building a timed transition system for monitoring past-MITL formulas. We show how this monitoring transition system can be used to solve the associated verification and synthesis problems for CT-MITL.


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A fuzzy logic intelligent system is developed for gas-turbine fault isolation. The gas path measurements used for fault isolation are exhaust gas temperature, low and high rotor speed, and fuel flow. These four measurements are also called the cockpit parameters and are typically found in almost all older and newer jet engines. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from a model of performance influence coefficients to isolate engine faults while accounting for uncertainty in gas path measurements. It automates the reasoning process of an experienced powerplant engineer. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates faults with an accuracy of 89% with only the four cockpit measurements. However, if additional pressure and temperature probes between the compressors and before the burner, which are often found in newer jet engines, are considered, the fault isolation accuracy rises to as high as 98%. In addition, the additional sensors are useful in keeping the fault isolation system robust as quality of the measured data deteriorates.