54 resultados para single-chain antibody fragments

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Nonconventional heptacoordination in combination with efficient magnetic exchange coupling is shown to yield a 1-D heteronuclear {(FeNbIV)-Nb-II} compound with remarkable magnetic features when compared to other Fe(II)-based single chain magnets (SCM). Cyano-bridged heterometallic {3d-4d} and {3d-5d} chains are formed upon assembling Fe(II) bearing a pentadentate macrocycle as the blocking ligand with octacyano metallates, [M(CN)(8)](4-) (M = Nb-IV, Mo-IV, W-IV.) X-ray diffraction (single-crystal and powder) measurements reveal that the [{(H2O)Fe(L-1)}{M(CN)(8)}{Fe(L-1)}](infinity) architectures consist of isomorphous 1-D polymeric structures based on the alternation of {Fe(L-1)}(2+) and {M(CN)(8)}(4-) units (L-1 stands for the pentadentate macrocycle). Analysis of the magnetic susceptibility behavior revealed cyano-bridged {Fe-Nb} exchange interaction to be antiferromagnetic with J = -20 cm(-1) deduced from fitting an Ising model taking into account the noncollinear spin arrangement. For this ferrimagnetic chain a slow relaxation of its magnetization is observed at low temperature revealing a SCM behavior with Delta/k(B) = 74 K and tau(0) = 4.6 x 10(-11) s. The M versus H behavior exhibits a hysteresis loop with a coercive field of 4 kOe at 1 K and reveals at 380 mK magnetic avalanche processes, i.e., abrupt reversals in magnetization as H is varied. The origin of these characteristics is attributed to the combination of efficient {Fe-Nb} exchange interaction and significant anisotropy of the {Fe(L-1)) unit. High field EPR and magnetization experiments have revealed for the parent compound [Fe(L-1)(H2O)(2)]Cl-2 a negative zero field splitting parameter of D approximate to -17 cm(-1). The crystal structure, magnetic behavior, and Mossbauer data for [Fe(L-1)(H2O)(2)]Cl-2 are also reported.


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Nonconventional heptacoordination in combination with efficient magnetic exchange coupling is shown to yield a 1-D heteronuclear {(FeNbIV)-Nb-II} compound with remarkable magnetic features when compared to other Fe(II)-based single chain magnets (SCM). Cyano-bridged heterometallic {3d-4d} and {3d-5d} chains are formed upon assembling Fe(II) bearing a pentadentate macrocycle as the blocking ligand with octacyano metallates, [M(CN)(8)](4-) (M = Nb-IV, Mo-IV, W-IV.) X-ray diffraction (single-crystal and powder) measurements reveal that the [{(H2O)Fe(L-1)}{M(CN)(8)}{Fe(L-1)}](infinity) architectures consist of isomorphous 1-D polymeric structures based on the alternation of {Fe(L-1)}(2+) and {M(CN)(8)}(4-) units (L-1 stands for the pentadentate macrocycle). Analysis of the magnetic susceptibility behavior revealed cyano-bridged {Fe-Nb} exchange interaction to be antiferromagnetic with J = -20 cm(-1) deduced from fitting an Ising model taking into account the noncollinear spin arrangement. For this ferrimagnetic chain a slow relaxation of its magnetization is observed at low temperature revealing a SCM behavior with Delta/k(B) = 74 K and tau(0) = 4.6 x 10(-11) s. The M versus H behavior exhibits a hysteresis loop with a coercive field of 4 kOe at 1 K and reveals at 380 mK magnetic avalanche processes, i.e., abrupt reversals in magnetization as H is varied. The origin of these characteristics is attributed to the combination of efficient {Fe-Nb} exchange interaction and significant anisotropy of the {Fe(L-1)) unit. High field EPR and magnetization experiments have revealed for the parent compound [Fe(L-1)(H2O)(2)]Cl-2 a negative zero field splitting parameter of D approximate to -17 cm(-1). The crystal structure, magnetic behavior, and Mossbauer data for [Fe(L-1)(H2O)(2)]Cl-2 are also reported.


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Here we study thermodynamic properties of an important class of single-chain magnets (SCMs), where alternate units are isotropic and anisotropic with anisotropy axes being non-collinear. This class of SCMs shows slow relaxation at low temperatures which results from the interplay of two different relaxation mechanisms, namely dynamical and thermal. Here anisotropy is assumed to be large and negative, as a result, anisotropic units behave like canted spins at low temperatures; but even then simple Ising-type model does not capture the essential physics of the system due to quantum mechanical nature of the isotropic units. We here show how statistical behavior of this class of SCMs can be studied using a transfer matrix (TM) method. We also, for the first time, discuss in detail how weak inter-chain interactions can be treated by a TM method. The finite size effect is also discussed which becomes important for low temperature dynamics. At the end of this paper, we apply this technique to study a real helical chain magnet.


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Insulin like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) is highly up regulated in glioblastoma (GBM) tissues and has been one of the prognostic indicators. There are compelling evidences suggesting important roles for IGFBP2 in glioma cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Extracellular IGFBP2 through its carboxy terminal arginine glycine aspartate (RGD) motif can bind to cell surface alpha 5 beta 1 integrins and activate pathways downstream to integrin signaling. This IGFBP2 activated integrin signaling is known to play a crucial role in IGFBP2 mediated invasion of glioma cells. Hence a molecular inhibitor of carboxy terminal domain of IGFBP2 which can inhibit IGFBP2-cell surface interaction is of great therapeutic importance. In an attempt to develop molecular inhibitors of IGFBP2, we screened single chain variable fragment (scFv) phage display libraries, Tomlinson I (Library size 1.47 x 10(8)) and Tomlinson J (Library size 1.37 x 10(8)) using human recombinant IGFBP2. After screening we obtained three IGFBP2 specific binders out of which one scFv B7J showed better binding to IGFBP2 at its carboxy terminal domain, blocked IGFBP2-cell surface association, reduced activity of matrix metalloprotease 2 in the conditioned medium of glioma cells and inhibited IGFBP2 induced migration and invasion of glioma cells. We demonstrate for the first time that in vitro inhibition of extracellular IGFBP2 activity by using human scFv results in significant reduction of glioma cell migration and invasion. Therefore, the inhibition of IGFBP2 can serve as a potential therapeutic strategy in the management of GBM.


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Gelonin is a single chain ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) with potential application in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. Diffraction quality crystals grown using PEG3350, belong to the space group P2(1), with it a = 49.4 Angstrom b = 44.9 Angstrom, c = 137.4 Angstrom and beta = 98.4 degrees, and contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Diffraction data collected to 1.8 Angstrom resolution has a R(m) value of 7.3%. Structure of gelonin has been solved by the molecular replacement method, using ricin A chain as the search model. Crystallographic refinement using X-PLOR resulted in a model for which the r.m.s deviations from ideal bond lengths and bond angles are 0.012 Angstrom and 2.7 degrees, respectively The final R-factor is 18.4% for 39,806 reflections for which I > 1.0 sigma(I).The C-alpha atoms of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit superpose to within 0.38 Angstrom for 247 atom pairs. The overall fold of gelonin is similar to that of other RIPs such as ricin A chain and alpha-momorcharin, the r.m.s.d. for C-alpha superpositions being 1.3 and 1.4 Angstrom, respectively The-catalytic residues (Glu166, Arg169 and Tyr113) in the active site form a hydrogen bond scheme similar to that observed in other RIPs. The conformation of Tyr74 in the active site, however, is significantly different from that in alpha-momorcharin. Three well defined water molecules are located in the active site cavity and one of them, X319, superposes to within 0.2 Angstrom of a corresponding water molecule in the structure of alpha-momorcharin. Any of the three could be the substrate water molecule in the hydrolysis reaction catalysed by gelonin.Difference electron density for a N-linked sugar moiety has been observed near only one of the two potential glycosylation sites in the sequence. The amino acid at position 239 has been established as Lys by calculation of omit electron density maps.The two cysteine residues in the sequence, Cys44 and Cys50, form a disulphide bond, and are therefore not available for disulphide conjugation with antibodies. Based on the structure, the region of the molecule that is involved in intradimer interactions is suggested to be suitable for introducing a Cys residue for purposes of conjugation with an antibody to produce useful immunotoxins.


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We use atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the diffusion of water molecules confined inside narrow (6,6) carbon nanorings. The water molecules form two oppositely polarized chains. It is shown that the effective interaction between these two chains is repulsive in nature. The computed mean-squared displacement (MSD) clearly shows a scaling with time similar to t(1/2), which is consistent with single-file diffusion (SFD). The time up to which the water molecules undergo SFD is shown to be the lifetime of the water molecules inside these chains. Simulations of "uncharged" water molecules inside the nanoring show the formation of several water chains and yield SFD. These observations conclusively prove that the diffusion is Fickian when there is a single chain of water and SFD is observed only when two or more chains are present.


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A structural analysis of alkyl chain conformation of an intercalated cationic lipid bilayer is described. Dialkyl dimethylammonium ions (di-C(n)DA) were ion exchanged into the galleries of layered cadmium thiophosphate to give Cd0.83PS3(di-C(n)DA)(0.34). The grafting density and interlayer expansions were identical to those for the intercalated single chain alkyl trimethylammonium (C(n)TA) bilayers. The increased methylene chain density in the galleries, however, forces the intercalated lipid to adopt a more trans ordered structure. Progression bands arising from the coupling of vibrational modes of trans methylene units are used to establish the extent of trans registry. Two types of ordered structures of the intercalated cationic lipid may be distinguished. One in which both alkyl chains adopt an all-trans geometry, and one in which the methylene bond adjacent to the headgroup on one of the alkyl chains is gauche. The latter structure is typically found in the crystalline state of these cationic lipids. The concentrations of the two structures were determined from the ratio of the intensities of the progression bands and were found to remain unchanged with temperature.


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Employing nitronyl nitroxide lanthanide(III) complexes as metallo-ligands allowed the efficient and highly selective preparation of three series of unprecedented heterotri-spin (Cu Ln-radical) one-dimensional compounds. These 2p-3d-4f spin systems, namely Ln(3)Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOAII)41 (Ln(III)=Gd 1(Gd), Tb 1(Tb), Dy 1(Dy); NitPhOAII=2-(4'-allyloxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3- oxide), Ln(3)Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOPO4] (1-nrn=Gd 2Gd, Tb 2Tb, Dy 2(Dy), Ho 2HOf Yb 2yb; NitPhOPr= 2-(4'-propoxyphenyI)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) and Ln3Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOB441 (LnIm=Gd 3Gd, Tb 3Tb, Dy 3(Dy); NitPhOBz=2-(4'-benzyloxy- phenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) involve O-bound nitronyl nitroxide radicals as bridging ligands in chain structures with a Cu-Nit-Ln-Nit-Ln-Nit-Ln-Nit] repeating unit. The dc magnetic studies show that ferromagnetic metal radical interactions take place in these heterotri-spin chain complexes, these and the next-neighbor interactions have been quantified for the Gd derivatives. Complexes 1Tb and 2Tb exhibit frequency dependence of ac magnetic susceptibilities, indicating single-chain magnet behavior.


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Whether proteins denature in all-or-none fashion or in a continuous fashion is as yet an unresolved problem. The all-or-none process implies that while the process of denaturation is going on, only two kinds of protein molecules can exist. One is completely unchanged and the other is altered. The altered protein molecules are indistinguishable. Underlying the 'continuum' models is the assumption that all the chains in a protein globule undergo similar changes so that it is enough to consider a single chain.


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The granule exocytosis cytotoxicity pathway is the major molecular mechanism for cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cytotoxicity, but the question of how these cytotoxic lymphocytes avoid self-destruction after secreting perforin has remained unresolved. We show that CTL and NK cells die within a few hours if they are triggered to degranulate in the presence of nontoxic thiol cathepsin protease inhibitors. The potent activity of the impermeant, highly cathepsin B-specific membrane inhibitors CA074 and NS-196 strongly implicates extracellular cathepsin B. CTL suicide in the presence of cathepsin inhibitors requires the granule exocytosis cytotoxicity pathway, as it is normal with CTLs from gld mice, but does not occur in CTLs from perforin knockout mice. Flow cytometry shows that CTLs express low to undetectable levels of cathepsin B on their surface before degranulation, with a substantial rapid increase after T cell receptor triggering. Surface cathepsin B eluted from live CTL after degranulation by calcium chelation is the single chain processed form of active cathepsin B. Degranulated CTLs are surface biotinylated by the cathepsin B-specific affinity reagent NS-196, which exclusively labels immunoreactive cathepsin B. These experiments support a model in which granule-derived surface cathepsin B provides self-protection for degranulating cytotoxic lymphocytes.


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The strategy of translationally fusing the alpha-and beta-subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into a single-chain molecule has been used to produce novel analogs of hCG. Previously we reported expression of a biologically active singlechain analog hCG alpha beta expressed using Pichia expression system. Using the same expression system, another analog, in which the alpha-subunit was replaced with the second beta-subunit, was expressed (hCG beta beta) and purified. hCG beta beta could bind to LH receptor with an affinity three times lower than that of hCG but failed to elicit any response. However, it could inhibit response to the hormone in vitro in a dose- dependent manner. Furthermore, it inhibited response to hCG in vivo indicating the antagonistic nature of the analog. However, it was unable inhibit human FSH binding or response to human FSH, indicating the specificity of the effect. Characterization of hCG alpha beta and hCG beta beta using immunological tools showed alterations in the conformation of some of the epitopes, whereas others were unaltered. Unlike hCG, hCG beta beta interacts with two LH receptor molecules. These studies demonstrate that the presence of the second beta-subunit in the single-chain molecule generated a structure that can be recognized by the receptor. However, due to the absence of alpha-subunit, the molecule is unable to elicit response. The strategy of fusing two beta-subunits of glycoprotein hormones can be used to produce antagonists of these hormones.


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An investigation has been carried out on the proteinase inhibitors of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). One of the inhibitors has been isolated in a pure form and characterized. The proteinase inhibitor was extracted from the acetone-defatted sorghum meal and purified by selective thermal denaturation, ammonium sulfate fractionation, Sephadex gel filtration and DEAE-cellulose chromatography (DEAE-preparation II). This preparation was demonstrated to be a mixture of three inhibitor components by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Further resolution of this mixture into Inhibitors I to III was achieved by QAE-Sephadex chromatography. Sorghum Inhibitor III was homogeneous by the criteria of disc gel electrophoresis and has been more fully characterized. A molecular weight of 25,000 was obtained for Inhibitor III by gel filtration and was in agreement with the value calculated from the amino acid composition of the inhibitor. The N-terminal amino acid residue of Inhibitor III, a single chain protein, was isoleucine. Sorghum proteinase inhibitors inhibit specifically the serine proteinases and are inactive towards the other classes of proteinases. Inhibitor III is primarily a chymotrypsin inhibitor, whereas Inhibitors I and II inhibit both trypsin and chymotrypsin.


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Whether proteins denature in all-or-none fashion or in a continuous fashion is as yet an unresolved problem. The all-or-none process implies that while the process of denaturation is going on, only two kinds of protein molecules can exist. One is completely unchanged and the other is altered. The altered protein molecules are indistinguishable. Underlying the 'continuum' models is the assumption that all the chains in a protein globule undergo similar changes so that it is enough to consider a single chain.


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The modularity of the supramolecular synthon is used to obtain transferability of charge density derived multipolar parameters for structural fragments, thus creating an opportunity to derive charge density maps for new compounds. On the basis of high resolution X-ray diffraction data obtained at 100 K for three compounds methoxybenzoic acid, acetanilide, and 4-methyl-benzoic acid, multipole parameters for O-H center dot center dot center dot O carboxylic acid dimer and N-H center dot center dot center dot O amide infinite chain synthon fragments have been derived. The robustness associated with these supramolecular synthons has been used to model charge density derived multipolar parameters for 4-(acetylamino)benzoic acid and 4-methylacetanilide. The study provides pointers to the design and fabrication of a synthon library of high resolution X-ray diffraction data sets. It has been demonstrated that the derived charge density features can be exploited in both intra- and intermolecular space for any organic compound based on transferability of multipole parameters. The supramolecular synthon based fragments approach (SBFA) has been compared with experimental charge density data to check the reliability of use of this methodology for transferring charge density derived multipole parameters.


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Progress in the development of contraceptive vaccines for males and females is reviewed. Based on the criteria which need to be met with, none of the proposed candidate antigens meets the requirements for use as a contraceptive vaccine for human application. One of the major problems is the need for periodic injections to maintain required titre and use of an alternate method until effective titres are obtained. Some of the problems associated with active immunization approach can be overcome by the use of preformed, highly specific, potent antibodies. Some progress has been achieved in this direction by the use of humanized single chain monoclonal antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin.