58 resultados para simultaneous shape and topology optimisation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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n this paper we study the genericity of simultaneous stabilizability, simultaneous strong stabilizability, and simultaneous pole assignability, in linear multivariable systems. The main results of the paper had been previously established by Ghosh and Byrnes using state-space methods. In contrast, the proofs in the present paper are based on input-output arguments, and are much simpler to follow, especially in the case of simultaneous and simultaneous strong stabilizability. Moreover, the input-output methods used here suggest computationally reliable algorithms for solving these two types of problems. In addition to the main results, we also prove some lemmas on generic greatest common divisors which are of independent interest.


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An experimental study is presented to show the effect of the cowl location and shape on the shock interaction phenomena in the inlet region for a 2D, planar scramjet inlet model. Investigations include schlieren visualization around the cowl region and heat transfer rate measurement inside the inlet chamber.Both regular and Mach reflections are observed when the forebody ramp shock reflects from the cowl plate. Mach stem heights of 3.3 mm and 4.1 mm are measured in 18.5 mm and 22.7 mm high inlet chambers respecively. Increased heat transfer rate is measured at the same location of chamber for cowls of longer lenghs is indicating additional mass flow recovery by the inlet.


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The unsteady laminar free convection boundary layer flows around two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies placed in an ambient fluid of infinite extent have been studied when the flow is driven by thermal buoyancy forces and buoyancy forces from species diffusion. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by both temperature and concentration at the wall which vary arbitrarily with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been performed for a circular cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are strongly dependent on the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. Also the skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist and oppose, respectively, the thermal buoyancy force, whereas the mass transfer rate is higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values. The local heat and mass transfer rates are maximum at the stagnation point and they decrease progressively with increase of the angular position from the stagnation point.


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Unsteady laminar mixed convection flow (combined free and forced convection flow) along a vertical slender cylinder embedded in a porous medium under the combined buoyancy effect of thermal and species diffusion has been studied. The effect of the permeability of the medium as well as the magnetic field has been included in the analysis. The partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using a implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been carried out for accelerating, decelerating and oscillatory free stream velocity distributions. The effects of the permeability of the medium, buoyancy forces, transverse curvature and magnetic field on skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer have been studied. It is found that the effect of free stream velocity distribution is more pronounced on the skin friction than on the heat and mass transfer. The permeability and magnetic parameters increase the skin friction, but reduce the heat and mass transfer. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are enhanced due to the buoyancy forces and curvature parameter. The heat transfer is strongly dependent on the viscous dissipation parameter and the Prandtl number, and the mass transfer on the Schmidt number. Untersucht wurde die instationäre laminare Mischkonvektion längs eines vertikalen, in einem porösen Medium eingebetteten Zylinders unter kombinierten Auftriebseffekten von thermischer und spezieller Diffusion. Der Einfluß der Permeabilität des Mediums sowie des magnetischen Feldes wurden in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit drei unabhängigen Variablen, welche die Strömung beschreiben, wurde numerisch anhand des Schemas der endlichen Differenzen in Verbindung mit der Technik der Quasilinearisation gelöst. Berechnungen für die beschleunigte, verzögerte und oszillierende Geschwindigkeitsverteilung der freien Strömung sind durchgeführt worden. Untersucht wurden ebenfalls die Effekte der Permeabilität des Mediums, der Auftriebskräfte, der transversalen Krümmung, des magnetischen Feldes auf die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung. Es wurde festgestellt, daß die Geschwindigkeit mehr Einfluß auf die Oberflächenreibung als auf die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung hat. Die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden durch die Auftriebskräfte und die Krümmungsparameter verbessert. Die Wärmeübertragung ist stark abhängig von den Parametern der viskosen Dissipation und der Prandtl-Zahl; die Stoffübertragung von der Schmidt-Zahl.


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2- and 5-methylresorcinol form co-crystals with 4,4'-bipyridine in which some of the bipyridine molecules are loosely bound. These molecules can be replaced with other molecules of a similar shape and size to give a general method for the engineering of a ternary co-crystal.


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A strategy called macro-(affinity ligand) facilitated three-phase partitioning (MLFTPP) is described for refolding of a diverse set of recombinant proteins starting from the solubilized inclusion bodies. It essentially consists of: (i) binding of the protein with a suitable smart polymer and (ii) precipitating the polymer-protein complex as an interfacial layer by mixing in a suitable amount of ammonium sulfate and t-butanol. Smart polymers are stimuli-responsive polymers that become insoluble on the application of a suitable stimulus (e.g., a change in the temperature, pH, or concentration of a chemical species such as Ca 2+ or K +). The MLFTPP process required approximately 10min, and the refolded proteins were found to be homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The folded proteins were characterized by fluorescence emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, biological activity, melting temperature, and surface hydrophobicity measurements by 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate fluorescence. Two refolded antibody fragments were also characterized by measuring K D by Biacore by using immobilized HIV-1 gp120. The data demonstrate that MLFTPP is a rapid and convenient procedure for refolding a variety of proteins from inclusion bodies at high concentration. Although establishing the generic nature of the approach would require wider trials by different groups, its success with the diverse kinds of proteins tried so far appears to be promising.


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Automated synthesis of mechanical designs is an important step towards the development of an intelligent CAD system. Research into methods for supporting conceptual design using automated synthesis has attracted much attention in the past decades. In our research, ten experimental studies are conducted to find out how designers synthesize solution concepts for multi-state mechanical devices. The designers are asked to think aloud, while carrying out the synthesis. These design synthesis processes are video recorded. It has been found that modification of kinematic pairs and mechanisms is the major activity carried out by all the designers. This paper presents an analysis of these synthesis processes using configuration space and topology graph to identify and classify the types of modifications that take place. Understanding of these modification processes and the context in which they happened is crucial to develop a system for supporting design synthesis of multiple state mechanical devices that is capable of creating a comprehensive variety of solution alternatives.


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The selective formation of a single isomer of a 3+2] self-assembled organic cage from a reaction mixture of an unsymmetrical aldehyde and a flexible amine is discussed. The experimental and theoretical findings suggest that in such a process, the geometric features of the aldehyde play a key role.


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The simultaneous state and parameter estimation problem for a linear discrete-time system with unknown noise statistics is treated as a large-scale optimization problem. The a posterioriprobability density function is maximized directly with respect to the states and parameters subject to the constraint of the system dynamics. The resulting optimization problem is too large for any of the standard non-linear programming techniques and hence an hierarchical optimization approach is proposed. It turns out that the states can be computed at the first levelfor given noise and system parameters. These, in turn, are to be modified at the second level.The states are to be computed from a large system of linear equations and two solution methods are considered for solving these equations, limiting the horizon to a suitable length. The resulting algorithm is a filter-smoother, suitable for off-line as well as on-line state estimation for given noise and system parameters. The second level problem is split up into two, one for modifying the noise statistics and the other for modifying the system parameters. An adaptive relaxation technique is proposed for modifying the noise statistics and a modified Gauss-Newton technique is used to adjust the system parameters.


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The notion of optimization is inherent in protein design. A long linear chain of twenty types of amino acid residues are known to fold to a 3-D conformation that minimizes the combined inter-residue energy interactions. There are two distinct protein design problems, viz. predicting the folded structure from a given sequence of amino acid monomers (folding problem) and determining a sequence for a given folded structure (inverse folding problem). These two problems have much similarity to engineering structural analysis and structural optimization problems respectively. In the folding problem, a protein chain with a given sequence folds to a conformation, called a native state, which has a unique global minimum energy value when compared to all other unfolded conformations. This involves a search in the conformation space. This is somewhat akin to the principle of minimum potential energy that determines the deformed static equilibrium configuration of an elastic structure of given topology, shape, and size that is subjected to certain boundary conditions. In the inverse-folding problem, one has to design a sequence with some objectives (having a specific feature of the folded structure, docking with another protein, etc.) and constraints (sequence being fixed in some portion, a particular composition of amino acid types, etc.) while obtaining a sequence that would fold to the desired conformation satisfying the criteria of folding. This requires a search in the sequence space. This is similar to structural optimization in the design-variable space wherein a certain feature of structural response is optimized subject to some constraints while satisfying the governing static or dynamic equilibrium equations. Based on this similarity, in this work we apply the topology optimization methods to protein design, discuss modeling issues and present some initial results.


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In this work, we explore simultaneous design and material selection by posing it as an optimization problem. The underlying principles for our approach are Ashby's material selection procedure and structural optimization. For the simplicity and ease of initial implementation of the general procedure, truss structures under static load are considered in this work in view of maximum stiffness, minimum weight/cost and safety against failure. Along the lines of Ashby's material indices, a new design index is derived for trusses. This helps in choosing the most suitable material for any design of a truss. Using this, both the design space and material database are searched simultaneously using optimization algorithms. The important feature of our approach is that the formulated optimization problem is continuous even though the material selection is an inherently discrete problem.


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We present a compliant mechanism kit as a parallel to the kits available for rigid-body mechanisms. The kit consists of flexible beams and connectors that can be easily hand-assembled using snap fits. The mechanisms assembled using the kit accurately capture the aspects of the topology, shape, and size of joint-free compliant mechanisms. Thus, the kit enables designers to conceive and design new, practicable, single-piece compliant mechanisms that do not require assembly. The concept of the kit also resolves a discrepancy in the finite element (FE) modeling of beam-based compliant mechanisms. The discrepancy arises when two or more beams are joined at one point and thus leading to increased stiffness. After resolving this discrepancy, this work extends the topology optimization to automatically generate designs that can be assembled with the kit for quick and easy validation instead of time-consuming prototyping. Thus, the kit and the accompanying analysis and optimal synthesis procedures comprise a self-contained educational as well as a research and practice toolset for compliant mechanisms. The paper also illustrates how human creativity finds new ways of using the kit beyond the original intended use and how it enables even a novice to design compliant mechanisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.