322 resultados para siderurgy residue

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The suzukacillin fragments, Boc-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (14), Boc-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (16G) and the completely apolar 16-residue peptide in which the glutamine residue has been replaced by alanine (16A) have been studied by 270 MHz 1H-HMR, in C2HCl3 and (C2H3)2SO solution. Intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded NH groups have been identified by temperature and solvent dependence of chemical shifts. Peptides 14 and 16A adopt folded 310 helical conformations stabilized by 11 and 13 hydrogen bonds, respectively. In peptide 16G there are 12 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, with the glycine NH being solvent-exposed, in contrast to 14 and 16A.


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Plasmodium falciparum TIM (PfTIM) is unique in possessing a Phe residue at position 96 in place of the conserved Ser that is found in TIMs from the majority of other organisms. In order to probe the role of residue 96, three PfTIM mutants, F96S, F96H and F96W, have been biochemically and structurally characterized. The three mutants exhibited reduced catalytic efficiency and a decrease in substrate-binding affinity, with the most pronounced effects being observed for F96S and F96H. The k(cat) values and K-m values are (2.54 +/- 0.19) x 10(5) min(-1) and 0.39 +/- 0.049 mM, respectively, for the wild type; (3.72 +/- 0.28) x 10(3) min(-1) and 2.18 +/- 0.028 mM, respectively, for the F96S mutant;(1.11 +/- 0.03) x 10(4) min(-1) and 2.62 +/- 0.042 mM, respectively, for the F96H mutant; and (1.48 +/- 0.05) x 10(5) min(-1) and 1.20 +/- 0.056 mM, respectively, for the F96W mutant. Unliganded and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) complexed structures are reported for the wild-type enzyme and the mutants. The ligand binds to the active sites of the wild-type enzyme (wtPfTIM) and the F96W mutant, with a loop-open state in the former and both open and closed states in the latter. In contrast, no density for the ligand could be detected at the active sites of the F96S and F96H mutants under identical conditions. The decrease in ligand affinity could be a consequence of differences in the water network connecting residue 96 to Ser73 in the vicinity of the active site. Soaking of crystals of wtPfTIM and the F96S and F96H mutants resulted in the binding of 3PG at a dimer-interface site. In addition, loop closure at the liganded active site was observed for wtPfTIM. The dimer-interface site in PfTIM shows strong electrostatic anchoring of the phosphate group involving the Arg98 and Lys112 residues of PfTIM.


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4-Hydroxyisophthalate hydroxylase was inactivated by treatment with phenylglyoxal by a process obeying pseudo-first order kinetics indicating the presence of an essential arginine located presumably in the active site. Addition of saturating amounts of 4-hydroxyisophthalate during the treatment resulted in complete protection of the enzyme from the inactivation, but addition of NADPH was totally ineffective. Analysis of the effect of various substrate analogs on the protection of the enzyme showed that carboxyl and hydroxyl groups at para positions on the aromatic ring are essential for substrate binding to the active site. It was also observed that analogs which protect the enzyme against phenylglyoxal inactivation are themselves effective inhibitors of the enzyme activity.


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Gabapentin (1-aminomethylcyclohexaneacetic acid, Gpn) is an achiral, conformationally constrained gamma amino acid residue. A survey of available crystal structures of Gpn peptides reveals that the torsion angles about the C-gamma-C-beta (theta(1)) and C-beta-C-alpha(theta(2)) bonds are overwhelmingly limited to gauche, gauche (g(+)g(+)/g(-)g(-)) conformations. The Gpn residue forms C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonds in which the donor and acceptor atoms come from the flanking peptide units. In combination with alpha amino acid residues alpha gamma and gamma alpha segments can adopt C-12 hydrogen bonded structures. The conformational choices available to the Gpn residue have been probed using energy calculations, adopting a grid search strategy. Ramachandran phi-psi maps have been constructed for fixed values of theta(1) and theta(2), corresponding to the gauche and trans conformations. The sterically allowed and energetically favorable regions of conformational space have been defined and experimental observations compared. C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonded conformational families have been identified using a grid search approach in which theta(1) and theta(2) values are varied over a range of +/- 10 degrees about ideal values at 1 degrees intervals. The theoretical analysis together with experimental observations for 59 Gpn residues from 35 crystal structures permits definition of the limited range of conformational possibilities at this gamma amino acid residue. .


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Nature has used the all-alpha-polypeptide backbone of proteins to create a remarkable diversity of folded structures. Sequential patterns of 20 distinct amino adds, which differ only in their side chains, determine the shape and form of proteins. Our understanding of these specific secondary structures is over half a century old and is based primarily on the fundamental elements: the Pauling alpha-helix and beta-sheet. Researchers can also generate structural diversity through the synthesis of polypeptide chains containing homologated (omega) amino acid residues, which contain a variable number of backbone atoms. However, incorporating amino adds with more atoms within the backbone introduces additional torsional freedom into the structure, which can complicate the structural analysis. Fortunately, gabapentin (Gpn), a readily available bulk drug, is an achiral beta,beta-disubstituted gamma amino add residue that contains a cyclohexyl ring at the C-beta carbon atom, which dramatically limits the range of torsion angles that can be obtained about the flanking C-C bonds. Limiting conformational flexibility also has the desirable effect of increasing peptide crystallinity, which permits unambiguous structural characterization by X-ray diffraction methods. This Account describes studies carried out in our laboratory that establish Gpn as a valuable residue in the design of specifically folded hybrid peptide structures. The insertion of additional atoms into polypeptide backbones facilitates the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds whose directionality is opposite to that observed in canonical alpha-peptide helices. If hybrid structures mimic proteins and biologically active peptides, the proteolytic stability conferred by unusual backbones can be a major advantage in the area of medicinal chemistry. We have demonstrated a variety of internally hydrogen-bonded structures in the solid state for Gpn-containing peptides, including the characterization of the C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonds, which can lead to ribbons in homo-oligomeric sequences. In hybrid alpha gamma sequences, district C-12 hydrogen-bonded turn structures support formation of peptide helices and hairpins in longer sequences. Some peptides that include the Gpn residue have hydrogen-bond directionality that matches alpha-peptide helices, while others have the opposite directionality. We expect that expansion of the polypeptide backbone will lead to new classes of foldamer structures, which are thus far unknown to the world of alpha-polypeptides. The diversity of internally hydrogen-bonded structures observed in hybrid sequences containing Gpn shows promise for the rational design of novel peptide structures incorporating hybrid backbones.


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We examined whether C-terminal residues of soluble recombinant FtsZ of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtFtsZ) have any role in MtFtsZ polymerization in vitro. MtFtsZ-delta C1, which lacks C-terminal extreme Arg residue (underlined in the C-terminal extreme stretch of 13 residues, DDDDVDVPPFMRR), but retaining the penultimate Arg residue (DDDDVDVPPFMR), polymerizes like full-length MtFtsZ in vitro. However, MtFtsZ-delta C2 that lacks both the Arg residues at the C-terminus (DDDDVDVPPFM), neither polymerizes at pH 6.5 nor forms even single- or double-stranded filaments at pH 7.7 in the presence of 10 mM CaCl2. Neither replacement of the penultimate Arg residue, in the C-terminal Arg deletion mutant DDDDVDVPPFMR, with Lys or His or Ala or Asp (DDDDVDVPPFMK/H/A/D) enabled polymerization. Although MtFtsZ-delta C2 showed secondary and tertiary structural changes, which might have affected polymerization, GTPase activity of MtFtsZ-delta C2 was comparable to that of MtFtsZ. These data suggest that MtFtsZ requires an Arg residue as the extreme C-terminal residue for polymerization in vitro. The polypeptide segment containing C-terminal 67 residues, whose coordinates were absent from MtFtsZ crystal structure, was modeled on tubulin and MtFtsZ dimers. Possibilities for the influence of the C-terminal Arg residues on the stability of the dimer and thereby on MtFtsZ polymerization have been discussed.


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he crystal structure of 12 peptides containing the conformationally constrained 1-(aminomethyl)cyclohexaneacetic acid, gabapentin (Gpn), are reported. In all the 39 Gpn residues conformationally characterized so far, the torsion angles about the C-alpha-C-beta and C-beta-C-gamma bonds are restricted to the gauche conformation (+/- 60 degrees). The Gpn residue is constrained to adopt folded conformations resulting in the formation of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded structures even in short peptides. The peptides Boc-Ac(6)c-Gpn-OMe 1 and Boc-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe 2 provide examples of C-7 conformation; peptides Boc-Gpn-Aib-OH 3, Boc-Ac(6)c-Gpn-OH 4, Boc-Val-Pro-Gpn-OH 5, Piv-Pro-Gpn-Val-OMe 6, and Boc-Gpn-Gpn-Leu-OMe 7 provide examples of C-9 conformation; peptide Boc-Ala-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Ala-OMe 8 provides an example of C-12 conformation and peptides Boc-beta Leu-Gpn-Val-OMe 9 and Boc-beta Phe-Gpn-Phe-OMe 10 provide examples of C-13 conformation. Gpn peptides provide examples of backbone expanded mimetics for canonical alpha-peptide turns like the gamma (C-7) and the beta (C-10) turns. The hybrid beta gamma sequences provide an example of a mimetic of the C-13 alpha-turn formed by three contiguous alpha-amino acid residues. Two examples of folded tripeptide structures, Boc-Gpn-beta Phe-Leu-OMe 11 and Boc-Aib-Gpn-beta Phg-NHMe 12, lacking internal hydrogen bonds are also presented. An analysis of available Gpn residue conformations provides the basis for future design of folded hybrid peptides.


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Two IS- and 16-residue peptides containing a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) have been synthesized, as part of a strategy to construct stereochemically rigid peptide helices, in a modular approach to design of protein mimics. The peptides Boc-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib),-OMe ( I ) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib()11z)- OhaMvee been crystallized.Both crystals are stable only in the presence of mother liquor or water. The crystal data are as follows. I: C78H140N16019~2H20,P2,, a = 16.391 (3) A, b = 16.860 (3) A, c = 18.428 (3) A, p = 103.02 (I)O, Z = 2, R = 9.6% for 3445 data with lFol >30(F), resolution 0.93 A. 11: C7,Hl,,N,S018.7.5H,0, C2221, a = 18.348 ( 5 ) A, b = 47.382 (1 1) A, c = 24.157 ( 5 ) A, Z =8, R = l0,6%, for 3147 data with lFol > 3a(F), resolution 1.00 A. The 15-residue peptide (11) is entirely a helical, while the 16-residue peptide ( I ) has a short segment of 310 helix at the N terminus. The packing of the helices in the crystals is rather incfficicnt with no particular attractions between Leu-Leu side chains, or any other pair. Both crystals have fairly large voids, which are filled with water molecules in a disordered fashion. Water molecule sites near the polar head-to-tail regions are well detcrmined, those closer to the hydrophobic side chains less so and a number of possible water sites in the remaining "empty" space are not determined. No interdigitation of Leu side chains is observed in the crystal as is hypothesized in the "leucine zipper" class of DNA binding proteins.


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Two seven-residue helical segments, Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu, were linked synthetically with an epsilon-aminocaproic acid (Acp) linker with the intention of making a stable antiparallel helix-helix motif. The crystal structure of the linked peptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Acp-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (1) shows the two helices displaced laterally from each other by the linker, but the linker has not folded the molecule into a close-packed antiparallel conformation. Two strong intermolecular NH...O = C hydrogen bonds are formed between the top of the lower helix of one molecule and the bottom of the upper helix in a laterally adjacent molecule to give the appearance of an extended single helix. The composite peptide with Boc and OMe end groups, C76H137N15O18.H2O, crystallize in space group P2(1) with a = 8.802 (1) angstrom, b = 20.409 (4) angstrom, c = 26.315 (3) angstrom, and beta = 90.72 (1)degrees; overall agreement R = 7.86% for 5030 observed reflections (\F(o)\ > 3-sigma(F)); resolution = 0.93 angstrom. Limited evidence for a more compact conformation in solution consistent with an antiparallel helix arrangement is obtained by comparison of the HPLC retention times and CD spectra of peptide 1 with well-characterized continuous helices of similar length and sequence.


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The complete amino acid sequence of winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) was obtained by a combination of manual and gas-phase sequencing methods. Peptide fragments for sequence analyses were obtained by enzymatic cleavages using trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V8 endoproteinase and by chemical cleavages using iodosobenzoic acid, hydroxylamine, and formic acid. COOH-terminal sequence analysis of WBA I and other peptides was performed using carboxypeptidase Y. The primary structure of WBA I was homologous to those of other legume lectins and more so to Erythrina corallodendron. Interestingly, the sequence shows remarkable identities in the regions involved in the association of the two monomers of E. corallodendron lectin. Other conserved regions are the double metal-binding site and residues contributing to the formation of the hydrophobic cavity and the carbohydrate-binding site. Chemical modification studies both in the presence and absence of N-acetylgalactosamine together with sequence analyses of tryptophan-containing tryptic peptides demonstrate that tryptophan 133 is involved in the binding of carbohydrate ligands by the lectin. The location of tryptophan 133 at the active center of WBA I for the first time subserves to explain a role for one of the most conserved residues in legume lectins.


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The favoured conformations of the prolyl residue have been obtained by calculating their potential energies arising from bond-angle strain, torsion-angle strain, non-bonded and electrostatic interatomic energies. In addition to the five membered ring, the peptide unit at the amino end (with ω = 180°) and the C′ atom at the carboxyl end have been taken into account. It is found that there are two local minima in the configurational space of the parameters defining the conformation, as is actually observed-one (denoted by B) with Cγ displaced on the same side as C′, which is lower in energy than the other (denoted by A) with Cγ displaced on the opposite side of C′. The other four atoms Cδ, N, Cα, Cβ are nearly in a plane. The conformations of minimum energy (for both A and B) have bond angles very close to the mean observed values while the torsion angles are well within the range observed in various structures for each type. Taking into account the fact that the influence of neighbouring molecules in a crystal structure may make the conformation of a molecule different from the minimal one, the ranges of the conformational parameters for which the energy is within 0.6 kcal/mole above the minimum value (called the "most probable range") and within 1.2 kcal/mole (called the "probable range") have been determined. The ranges thus obtained, agree well with observation, and most of the observed data lie within the most probable ranges, although differing appreciably from the conformation of minimum energy. The study has been extended, in a limited way, to the conformation of the ring in the amino acid proline. Since the nitrogen is tetrahedral in this (as contrasted with being planar in the prolyl residue), it is found that any one of the five atoms can be out of plane (either way), with the other four lying nearly in a plane. These correspond to low energy conformations (up to 1.2 kcal/mole above the minimum). One such example, in which the Cα atom is out of plane is known for dl-proline · HCl. It is also shown that in these calculations energies due to bond length distortions can be neglected to a good degree of approximation, provided the 'best' values of the bond lengths for the particular compound are used in the theoretical calculations.


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A symmetric solution X satisfying the matrix equation XA = AtX is called a symmetrizer of the matrix A. A general algorithm to compute a matrix symmetrizer is obtained. A new multiple-modulus residue arithmetic called floating-point modular arithmetic is described and implemented on the algorithm to compute an error-free matrix symmetrizer.


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Three tripeptides containing a central Z-dehydrophenylalanine residue (Δz-Phe), Boc-L-Phe-Δz-Phe-X-OMe (X = L-Val 1, L-Leu 2 and X = L-Ala 3) have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 270 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy. In all three peptides, conformations involving the X residue NH in an intramolecular hydrogen bond were favoured in CDCl3 solutions. Studies of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) provided support for a Type II β turn conformation in these peptides with Phe and Δz-Phe occupying the i + 1 and i + 2 positions, respectively. Significantly different conformations lacking any intramolecular hydrogen bonds were observed for peptide 1 in (CD3)2SO. NOE results were consistent with a significant population of molecules having semi-extended conformations (ø > 100°) at the Δz-Phe residue.


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Boc-Trp-Ile-Ala-Aib-Ile-Val-Aib-Leu-Aib- Pro-Ala-Aib-Pro-Aib-Pro-Phe-OM(we here Boc is t-butoxycarbonyla nd Aib is a-aminoisobutyriac cid), a synthetica polar analog of the membrane-activefu ngal peptide antibioticz ervamtycinII A, crystallizesi n spaceg roupP 1 withZ =1 and cell parameters a = 9.086 ?0.002 A, b = 10.410 ?+ 0.002 A, c = 28.188 ? 0.004 A, a = 86.13 ? 0.01?, 13 = 87.90 ? 0.01?, and y = 89.27 ? 0.01?;o veralla greementf actorR = 7.3% for 7180 data (Fo > 3cr) and 0.91-A resolution. The peptide backbone makes a continuous spiral that begins as a 310-helix at the N-terminus, changes to an a-helix for two turns, and ends in a spiral of three fl-bends in a ribbon. Each of the fl-bends contains a proline residue at one of the corners. The torsion angles 4i range from -51? to -91? (average value -64o), and the torsion angles ai range from -1? to -46? (average value -31?). There are 10 intramolecularN H...OCh ydrogenb onds in the helix and two directh ead-to-taihl ydrogenb ondsb etween successive molecules. Two H20 and two CH30H solvent molecules fill additional space with appropriate hydrogen bonding in the head-to-tail region, and two additional H20 molecules form hydrogen bonds with carbonyl oxygens near the curve in the helix at Pro-10. Since there is only one peptide molecule per cell in space group P1, the molecules repeat only by translation, and consequently the helices pack parallel to each other.


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The crystal structures of 1-aminocyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid (H-Acc6-OH) and six derivatives (including dipeptides) have been determined. The derivatives are Boc-Acc6-OH, Boc-(Acc6)2-OH, Boc-L-Met-Acc6-OMe, ClCH2CO-Acc6-OH, p-BrC6H4CO-Acc6-OH oxazolone, and the symmetrical anhydride from Z-Acc6-OH, [(Z-Acc6)2O]. The cyclohexane rings in all the structures adopt an almost perfect chair conformation. The amino group occupies the axial position in six structures; the free amino acid is the only example where the carbonyl group occupies an axial position. The values determined for the torsion angles about the N–Cα(φ) and Cα–CO (ψ) bonds correspond to folded, potentially helical conformations for the Acc6 residue.