40 resultados para sex offender laws

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We present a generalization of the finite volume evolution Galerkin scheme [M. Lukacova-Medvid'ova,J. Saibertov'a, G. Warnecke, Finite volume evolution Galerkin methods for nonlinear hyperbolic systems, J. Comp. Phys. (2002) 183 533-562; M. Luacova-Medvid'ova, K.W. Morton, G. Warnecke, Finite volume evolution Galerkin (FVEG) methods for hyperbolic problems, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (2004) 26 1-30] for hyperbolic systems with spatially varying flux functions. Our goal is to develop a genuinely multi-dimensional numerical scheme for wave propagation problems in a heterogeneous media. We illustrate our methodology for acoustic waves in a heterogeneous medium but the results can be generalized to more complex systems. The finite volume evolution Galerkin (FVEG) method is a predictor-corrector method combining the finite volume corrector step with the evolutionary predictor step. In order to evolve fluxes along the cell interfaces we use multi-dimensional approximate evolution operator. The latter is constructed using the theory of bicharacteristics under the assumption of spatially dependent wave speeds. To approximate heterogeneous medium a staggered grid approach is used. Several numerical experiments for wave propagation with continuous as well as discontinuous wave speeds confirm the robustness and reliability of the new FVEG scheme.


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In routine industrial design, fatigue life estimation is largely based on S-N curves and ad hoc cycle counting algorithms used with Miner's rule for predicting life under complex loading. However, there are well known deficiencies of the conventional approach. Of the many cumulative damage rules that have been proposed, Manson's Double Linear Damage Rule (DLDR) has been the most successful. Here we follow up, through comparisons with experimental data from many sources, on a new approach to empirical fatigue life estimation (A Constructive Empirical Theory for Metal Fatigue Under Block Cyclic Loading', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, in press). The basic modeling approach is first described: it depends on enforcing mathematical consistency between predictions of simple empirical models that include indeterminate functional forms, and published fatigue data from handbooks. This consistency is enforced through setting up and (with luck) solving a functional equation with three independent variables and six unknown functions. The model, after eliminating or identifying various parameters, retains three fitted parameters; for the experimental data available, one of these may be set to zero. On comparison against data from several different sources, with two fitted parameters, we find that our model works about as well as the DLDR and much better than Miner's rule. We finally discuss some ways in which the model might be used, beyond the scope of the DLDR.


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Evolutionarily stable sex ratios are determined for social hymenoptera under local mate competition (LMC) and when the brood size is finite. LMC is modelled by the parameter d. Of the reproductive progeny from a single foundress nest, a fraction d disperses (outbreeding), while (1-d) mate amongst themselves (sibmating). When the brood size is finite, d is taken to be the probability of an offspring dispersing, and similarly, r, the proportion of male offspring, the probability of a haploid egg being laid. Under the joint influence of these two stochastic processes, there is a nonzero probability that some females remain unmated in the nest. As a result, the optimal proportion of males (corresponding to the evolutionarily stable strategy, ESS) is higher than that obtained when the brood size is infinite. When the queen controls the sex ration, the ESS becomes more female biased under increased inbreeding (lower d), However, the ESS under worker control shows an unexpected pattern, including an increase in the proportion of males with increased inbreeding. This effect is traced to the complex interaction between inbreeding and local mate competition.


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3-D KCL are equations of evolution of a propagating surface (or a wavefront) Omega(t), in 3-space dimensions and were first derived by Giles, Prasad and Ravindran in 1995 assuming the motion of the surface to be isotropic. Here we discuss various properties of these 3-D KCL.These are the most general equations in conservation form, governing the evolution of Omega(t) with singularities which we call kinks and which are curves across which the normal n to Omega(t) and amplitude won Omega(t) are discontinuous. From KCL we derive a system of six differential equations and show that the KCL system is equivalent to the ray equations of 2, The six independent equations and an energy transport equation (for small amplitude waves in a polytropic gas) involving an amplitude w (which is related to the normal velocity m of Omega(t)) form a completely determined system of seven equations. We have determined eigenvalues of the system by a very novel method and find that the system has two distinct nonzero eigenvalues and five zero eigenvalues and the dimension of the eigenspace associated with the multiple eigenvalue 0 is only 4. For an appropriately defined m, the two nonzero eigenvalues are real when m > 1 and pure imaginary when m < 1. Finally we give some examples of evolution of weakly nonlinear wavefronts.


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Certain recent models of sex determination in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and snakes are examined in the light of the hypothesis that the relevant genetic regulatory mechanisms are similar and interrelated. The proposed key element in each of these instances is a noncoding DNA sequence, which serves as a high-affinity binding site for a repressor-like molecule regulating the activity of a major "sex-determining" gene. On this basis it is argued that, in several eukaryotes, (i) certain DNA sequences that are sex-determining are noncoding, in the sense that they are not the structural genes of a sex-determining protein; (ii) in some species these noncoding sequences are present in one sex and absent in the other, while in others their copy number or accessibility to regulatory molecules is significantly unequal between the two sexes; and (iii) this inequality determines whether the embryo develops into a male or a female.


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We propose a molecular mechanism for the intra-cellular measurement of the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to the number of sets of autosomes, a process central to both sex determination and dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster. In addition to the two loci, da and Sxl, which have been shown by Cline (Genetics, 90, 683, 1978)and others to be involved in these processes, we postulate two other loci, one autosomal (ω) and the other, X-linked (π). The product of the autosomal locus da stimulates ω and initiates synthesis of a limited quantity of repressor. Sxl and π ,both of which are X-linked, compete for this repressor as well as for RNA polymerase. It is assumed that Sxl has lower affinity than π for repressor as well as polymerase and that the binding of polymerase to one of these sites modulates the binding affinity of the other site for the enzyme. It can be shown that as a result of these postulated interactions transcription from the Sxl site is proportional to the X/A ratio such that the levels of Sxl+ product are low in males, high in females and intermediate in the intersexes. If, as proposed by Cline, the Sxl- product is an inhibitor of X chromosome activity, this would result in dosage compensation. The model leads to the conclusion that high levels of Sxl+ product promote a female phenotype and low levels, a male phenotype. One interesting consequence of the assumptions on which the model is based is that the level of Sxl+ product in the cell, when examined as a function of increasing repressor concentration, first goes up and then decreases, yielding a bell-shaped curve. This feature of the model provides an explanation for some of the remarkable interactions among mutants at the Sxl, da and mle loci and leads to several predictions. The proposed mechanism may also have relevance to certain other problems, such as size regulation during development, which seem to involve measurement of ratios at the cellular level.


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The evolutionary function of X chromosome inactivation is thought to be dosage compensation. However, there is, at present, little evidence to suggest that most X chromosome-linked genes require such compensation. Another view--that X chromosome inactivation may be related to sex determination--is examined here. Consider a hypothetical DNA sequence regulating a major structural gene concerned with the determination of maleness. If this regulatory sequence occurs in both X and Y chromosomes and if its copy number in the Y chromosome is significantly greater than in the X chromosome, then the male-determining properties of the Y chromosome could be attributed to this higher copy number. On the other hand, if the Y chromosome has the same copy number of this sequence as the X chromosome, it is difficult to see how determination of two sexes would occur under such circumstances because XX and XY genomes would then be indistinguishable in this regard. Such a situation seems to occur in the human species with respect to the banded krait minor satellite, a repetitious DNA sequence associated with sex determination. This apparent difficulty may be resolved if X chromosome inactivation renders regulatory as well as structural genes nonfunctional and thereby brings about a significant reduction in the effective copy number of X chromosome-linked DNA sequences concerned with sex determination. It is suggested that X chromosome inactivation brings about, in this manner, a critical inequality between XX and XY embryos and that sex determination in humans is a consequence of this inequality. An analogous situation appears to exist in certain insects in which inactivation of a haploid set of chromosomes (and presumably, therefore, a 50% reduction in the effective copy number of most genes) is associated with maleness. If this line of reasoning is correct, it would suggest that sex determination may be the primary function of X chromosome inactivation.


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Non-standard finite difference methods (NSFDM) introduced by Mickens [Non-standard Finite Difference Models of Differential Equations, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994] are interesting alternatives to the traditional finite difference and finite volume methods. When applied to linear hyperbolic conservation laws, these methods reproduce exact solutions. In this paper, the NSFDM is first extended to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, by a novel utilization of the decoupled equations using characteristic variables. In the second part of this paper, the NSFDM is studied for its efficacy in application to nonlinear scalar hyperbolic conservation laws. The original NSFDMs introduced by Mickens (1994) were not in conservation form, which is an important feature in capturing discontinuities at the right locations. Mickens [Construction and analysis of a non-standard finite difference scheme for the Burgers–Fisher equations, Journal of Sound and Vibration 257 (4) (2002) 791–797] recently introduced a NSFDM in conservative form. This method captures the shock waves exactly, without any numerical dissipation. In this paper, this algorithm is tested for the case of expansion waves with sonic points and is found to generate unphysical expansion shocks. As a remedy to this defect, we use the strategy of composite schemes [R. Liska, B. Wendroff, Composite schemes for conservation laws, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis 35 (6) (1998) 2250–2271] in which the accurate NSFDM is used as the basic scheme and localized relaxation NSFDM is used as the supporting scheme which acts like a filter. Relaxation schemes introduced by Jin and Xin [The relaxation schemes for systems of conservation laws in arbitrary space dimensions, Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics 48 (1995) 235–276] are based on relaxation systems which replace the nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws by a semi-linear system with a stiff relaxation term. The relaxation parameter (λ) is chosen locally on the three point stencil of grid which makes the proposed method more efficient. This composite scheme overcomes the problem of unphysical expansion shocks and captures the shock waves with an accuracy better than the upwind relaxation scheme, as demonstrated by the test cases, together with comparisons with popular numerical methods like Roe scheme and ENO schemes.


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An analytical treatment of performance analysis of guidance laws is possible only in simplistic scenarios. As the complexity of the guidance system increases, a search for analytical solutions becomes quite impractical. In this paper, a new performance measure, based upon the notion of a timescale gap that can be computed through numerical simulations, is developed for performance analysis of guidance laws. Finite time Lyapunov exponents are used to define the timescale gap. It is shown that the timescale gap can be used for quantification of the rate of convergence of trajectories to the collision course. Comparisonbetween several guidance laws, based on the timescale gap, is presented. Realistic simulations to study the effect of aerodynamicsand atmospheric variations on the timescale gap of these guidance laws are also presented.


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In this paper, the behaviour of a group of autonomous mobile agents under cyclic pursuit is studied. Cyclic pursuit is a simple distributed control law, in which the agent i pursues agent i + 1 modulo n.. The equations of motion are linear, with no kinematic constraints on motion. Behaviourally, the agents are identical, but may have different controller gains. We generalize existing results in the literature and show that by selecting these gains, the behavior of the agents can be controlled. They can be made to converge at a point or be directed to move in a straight line. The invariance of the point of convergence with the sequence of pursuit is also shown.


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We have presented a new low dissipative kinetic scheme based on a modified Courant Splitting of the molecular velocity through a parameter φ. Conditions for the split fluxes derived based on equilibrium determine φ for a one point shock. It turns out that φ is a function of the Left and Right states to the shock and that these states should satisfy the Rankine-Hugoniot Jump condition. Hence φ is utilized in regions where the gradients are sufficiently high, and is switched to unity in smooth regions. Numerical results confirm a discrete shock structure with a single interior point when the shock is aligned with the grid.


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Three-dimensional (3-D) kinematical conservation laws (KCL) are equations of evolution of a propagating surface Omega(t) in three space dimensions. We start with a brief review of the 3-D KCL system and mention some of its properties relevant to this paper. The 3-D KCL, a system of six conservation laws, is an underdetermined system to which we add an energy transport equation for a small amplitude 3-D nonlinear wavefront propagating in a polytropic gas in a uniform state and at rest. We call the enlarged system of 3-D KCL with the energy transport equation equations of weakly nonlinear ray theory (WNLRT). We highlight some interesting properties of the eigenstructure of the equations of WNLRT, but the main aim of this paper is to test the numerical efficacy of this system of seven conservation laws. We take several initial shapes for a nonlinear wavefront with a suitable amplitude distribution on it and let it evolve according to the 3-D WNLRT. The 3-D WNLRT is a weakly hyperbolic 7 x 7 system that is highly nonlinear. Here we use the staggered Lax-Friedrichs and Nessyahu-Tadmor central schemes and have obtained some very interesting shapes of the wavefronts. We find the 3-D KCL to be suitable for solving many complex problems for which there presently seems to be no other method capable of giving such physically realistic features.


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Consanguineous marriages are strongly favoured in the state of Karnataka. Of 65492 marriages studied 33·07% were consanguineous, equivalent to a coefficient of inbreeding (F) of 0·0298. The twinning rate was low, 6·9 per thousand, whereas the secondary sex ratio, 0·5221, was higher than in comparable major human populations. Consanguinity exerted no significant effect on either parameter. The results also indicate that consanguinity is not associated with excess antenatal losses and suggest the possibility of enhanced selection against mutations at X chromosome loci.


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Stability results are given for a class of feedback systems arising from the regulation of time-varying discrete-time systems using optimal infinite-horizon and moving-horizon feedback laws. The class is characterized by joint constraints on the state and the control, a general nonlinear cost function and nonlinear equations of motion possessing two special properties. It is shown that weak conditions on the cost function and the constraints are sufficient to guarantee uniform asymptotic stability of both the optimal infinite-horizon and movinghorizon feedback systems. The infinite-horizon cost associated with the moving-horizon feedback law approaches the optimal infinite-horizon cost as the moving horizon is extended.


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System of kinematical conservation laws (KCL) govern evolution of a curve in a plane or a surface in space, even if the curve or the surface has singularities on it. In our recent publication K. R. Arun, P. Prasad, 3-D kinematical conservation laws (KCL): evolution of a surface in R-3-in particular propagation of a nonlinear wavefront, Wave Motion 46 (2009) 293-311] we have developed a mathematical theory to study the successive positions and geometry of a 3-D weakly nonlinear wavefront by adding an energy transport equation to KCL. The 7 x 7 system of equations of this KCL based 3-D weakly nonlinear ray theory (WNLRT) is quite complex and explicit expressions for its two nonzero eigenvalues could not be obtained before. In this short note, we use two different methods: (i) the equivalence of KCL and ray equations and (ii) the transformation of surface coordinates, to derive the same exact expressions for these eigenvalues. The explicit expressions for nonzero eigenvalues are important also for checking stability of any numerical scheme to solve 3-D WNLRT. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.