19 resultados para semi-parametric models

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents a novel algorithm for compression of single lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The method is based on Pole-Zero modelling of the Discrete Cosine Transformed (DCT) signal. An extension is proposed to the well known Steiglitz-Hcbride algorithm, to model the higher frequency components of the input signal more accurately. This is achieved by weighting the error function minimized by the algorithm to estimate the model parameters. The data compression achieved by the parametric model is further enhanced by Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) of the model parameters. The method accomplishes a compression ratio in the range of 1:20 to 1:40, which far exceeds those achieved by most of the current methods.


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Selectivity of the particular solvent to separate a mixture is essential for the optimal design of a separation process. Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) is widely used as a solvent in the extraction, purification and separation of specialty chemicals. The effect of the temperature and pressure on selectivity is complicated and varies from system to system. The effect of temperature and pressure on selectivity of SCCO2 for different solid mixtures available in literature was analyzed. In this work, we have developed two model equations to correlate the selectivity in terms of temperature and pressure. The model equations have correlated the selectivity of SCCO2 satisfactorily for 18 solid mixtures with an average absolute relative deviation (AARD) of around 5%. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the development of simplified semi-empirical relations for the prediction of residual velocities of small calibre projectiles impacting on mild steel target plates, normally or at an angle, and the ballistic limits for such plates. It has been shown, for several impact cases for which test results on perforation of mild steel plates are available, that most of the existing semi-empirical relations which are applicable only to normal projectile impact do not yield satisfactory estimations of residual velocity. Furthermore, it is difficult to quantify some of the empirical parameters present in these relations for a given problem. With an eye towards simplicity and ease of use, two new regression-based relations employing standard material parameters have been discussed here for predicting residual velocity and ballistic limit for both normal and oblique impact. The latter expressions differ in terms of usage of quasi-static or strain rate-dependent average plate material strength. Residual velocities yielded by the present semi-empirical models compare well with the experimental results. Additionally, ballistic limits from these relations show close correlation with the corresponding finite element-based predictions.


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A two-time scale stochastic approximation algorithm is proposed for simulation-based parametric optimization of hidden Markov models, as an alternative to the traditional approaches to ''infinitesimal perturbation analysis.'' Its convergence is analyzed, and a queueing example is presented.


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A semi-similar solution of an unsteady laminar compressible three-dimensional stagnation point boundary layer flow with massive blowing has been obtained when the free stream velocity varies arbitrarily with time. The resulting partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme with a quasi-linearization technique in the nodal point region and an implicit finite-difference scheme with a parametric differentiation technique in the saddle point region. The results have been obtained for two particular unsteady free stream velocity distributions: (i) an accelerating stream and (ii) a fluctuating stream. Results show that the skin-friction and heat-transfer parameters respond significantly to the time dependent arbitrary free stream velocity. Velocity and enthalpy profiles approach their free stream values faster as time increases. There is a reverse flow in the y-wise velocity profile, and overshoot in the x-wise velocity and enthalpy profiles in the saddle point region, which increase as injection and wall temperature increase. Location of the dividing streamline increases as injection increases, but as the wall temperature and time increase, it decreases.


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Gaussian Processes (GPs) are promising Bayesian methods for classification and regression problems. They have also been used for semi-supervised learning tasks. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for solving semi-supervised binary classification problem using sparse GP regression (GPR) models. It is closely related to semi-supervised learning based on support vector regression (SVR) and maximum margin clustering. The proposed algorithm is simple and easy to implement. It gives a sparse solution directly unlike the SVR based algorithm. Also, the hyperparameters are estimated easily without resorting to expensive cross-validation technique. Use of sparse GPR model helps in making the proposed algorithm scalable. Preliminary results on synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate the efficacy of the new algorithm.


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In this paper we study representation of KL-divergence minimization, in the cases where integer sufficient statistics exists, using tools from polynomial algebra. We show that the estimation of parametric statistical models in this case can be transformed to solving a system of polynomial equations. In particular, we also study the case of Kullback-Csiszar iteration scheme. We present implicit descriptions of these models and show that implicitization preserves specialization of prior distribution. This result leads us to a Grobner bases method to compute an implicit representation of minimum KL-divergence models.


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A newly developed and validated constitutive model that accounts for primary compression and time-dependent mechanical creep and biodegradation is used for parametric study to investigate the effects of model parameters on the predicted settlement of municipal solid waste (MSW) with time. The model enables the prediction of stress strain response and yield surfaces for three components of settlement: primary compression, mechanical creep, and biodegradation. The MSW parameters investigated include compression index, coefficient of earth pressure at-rest, overconsolidation ratio, and biodegradation parameters of MSW. A comparison of the predicted settlements for typical MSW landfill conditions showed significant differences in time-settlement response depending on the selected model input parameters. The effect of lift thickness of MSW on predicted settlement is also investigated. Overall, the study shows that the variation in the model parameters can lead to significantly different results; therefore, the model parameter values should be carefully selected to predict landfill settlements accurately. It is shown that the proposed model captures the time settlement response which is in general agreement with the results obtained from the other two reported models having similar features. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The equilibrium solubilities of the solids in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO(2)) are considerably enhanced in the presence of cosolvents. The solubilities of m-dinitrobenzene at 308 and 318 K over a pressure range of 9.5-14.5 MPa in the presence of 1.13-2.17 mol% methanol as cosolvent were determined. The average increase in the solubilities in the presence of methanol compared to that obtained in the absence of methanol was around 35%. A new semi-empirical equation in terms of temperature, pressure, density of SCCO(2) and cosolvent composition comprising of 7 adjustable parameters was developed. The proposed model was used to correlate the solubility of the solids in SCCO(2) for the 44 systems available in the literature along with current data. The average absolute relative deviation of the experimental data from the model equation was 3.58%, which is better than the existing models. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We analyze the AlApana of a Carnatic music piece without the prior knowledge of the singer or the rAga. AlApana is ameans to communicate to the audience, the flavor or the bhAva of the rAga through the permitted notes and its phrases. The input to our analysis is a recording of the vocal AlApana along with the accompanying instrument. The AdhAra shadja(base note) of the singer for that AlApana is estimated through a stochastic model of note frequencies. Based on the shadja, we identify the notes (swaras) used in the AlApana using a semi-continuous GMM. Using the probabilities of each note interval, we recognize swaras of the AlApana. For sampurNa rAgas, we can identify the possible rAga, based on the swaras. We have been able to achieve correct shadja identification, which is crucial to all further steps, in 88.8% of 55 AlApanas. Among them (48 AlApanas of 7 rAgas), we get 91.5% correct swara identification and 62.13% correct R (rAga) accuracy.


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A new class of models which are based on adsorption, nucleation growth and their coupling is discussed. In particular, the potentiostatic response of a model that involves nucleative phase growth via direct incorporation and adsorptive discharge of metal ions on the free area is analysed for both instantaneous and progressive nucleation. This model is able to predict certain experimental features in the potentiostatic transient, like the initial fall, shoulder or maximum (as well as minimum) which have not been predicted by models analysed hitherto.Limiting behaviour for short and long times as well as a description of the above-mentioned features in terms of model parameters are given.A special case of the above model, viz. a reversible adsorption–nucleation model, wherein the adsorption is very fast, is shown to give rise to transients which can be distinguished from the pure nucleation-growth transients only by its parametric dependence, but not by the form.


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This article presents a review of recent developments in parametric based acoustic emission (AE) techniques applied to concrete structures. It recapitulates the significant milestones achieved by previous researchers including various methods and models developed in AE testing of concrete structures. The aim is to provide an overview of the specific features of parametric based AE techniques of concrete structures carried out over the years. Emphasis is given to traditional parameter-based AE techniques applied to concrete structures. A significant amount of research on AE techniques applied to concrete structures has already been published and considerable attention has been given to those publications. Some recent studies such as AE energy analysis and b-value analysis used to assess damage of concrete bridge beams have also been discussed. The formation of fracture process zone and the AE energy released during the fracture process in concrete beam specimens have been summarised. A large body of experimental data on AE characteristics of concrete has accumulated over the last three decades. This review of parametric based AE techniques applied to concrete structures may be helpful to the concerned researchers and engineers to better understand the failure mechanism of concrete and evolve more useful methods and approaches for diagnostic inspection of structural elements and failure prediction/prevention of concrete structures.


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Guided by the recent observational result that the meridional circulation of the Sun becomes weaker at the time of the sunspot maximum, we have included a parametric quenching of the meridional circulation in solar dynamo models such that the meridional circulation becomes weaker when the magnetic field at the base of the convection zone is stronger. We find that a flux transport solar dynamo tends to become unstable on including this quenching of meridional circulation if the diffusivity in the convection zone is less than about 2x10(11) cm(2) s(-1). The quenching of alpha, however, has a stabilizing effect and it is possible to stabilize a dynamo with low diffusivity with sufficiently strong alpha-quenching. For dynamo models with high diffusivity, the quenching of meridional circulation does not produce a large effect and the dynamo remains stable. We present a solar-like solution from a dynamo model with diffusivity 2.8x10(12) cm(2) s(-1) in which the quenching of meridional circulation makes the meridional circulation vary periodically with solar cycle as observed and does not have any other significant effect on the dynamo.


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Causal relationships existing between observed levels of groundwater in a semi-arid sub-basin of the Kabini River basin (Karnataka state, India) are investigated in this study. A Vector Auto Regressive model is used for this purpose. Its structure is built on an upstream/downstream interaction network based on observed hydro-physical properties. Exogenous climatic forcing is used as an input based on cumulated rainfall departure. Optimal models are obtained thanks to a trial approach and are used as a proxy of the dynamics to derive causal networks. It appears to be an interesting tool for analysing the causal relationships existing inside the basin. The causal network reveals 3 main regions: the Northeastern part of the Gundal basin is closely coupled to the outlet dynamics. The Northwestern part is mainly controlled by the climatic forcing and only marginally linked to the outlet dynamic. Finally, the upper part of the basin plays as a forcing rather than a coupling with the lower part of the basin allowing for a separate analysis of this local behaviour. The analysis also reveals differential time scales at work inside the basin when comparing upstream oriented with downstream oriented causalities. In the upper part of the basin, time delays are close to 2 months in the upward direction and lower than 1 month in the downward direction. These time scales are likely to be good indicators of the hydraulic response time of the basin which is a parameter usually difficult to estimate practically. This suggests that, at the sub-basin scale, intra-annual time scales would be more relevant scales for analysing or modelling tropical basin dynamics in hard rock (granitic and gneissic) aquifers ubiquitous in south India. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.