53 resultados para rupture

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A numerical study of the ductile rupture in a metal foil constrained between two stiff ceramic blocks is performed. The finite element analysis is carried out under the conditions of mode I, plane strain, small-scale yielding. The rate-independent version of the Gurson model that accounts for the ductile failure mechanisms of microvoid nucleation, growth and coalescence is employed to represent the behavior of the metal foil. Different distributions of void nucleating sites in the metal foil are considered for triggering the initiation of discrete voids. The results clearly show that far-field triaxiality-induced cavitation is the dominant failure mode when the spacing of the void nucleating sites is large. On the contrary, void coalescence near the notch tip is found to be the operative failure mechanism when closely spaced void nucleating sites are considered.


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This study presents the future seismic hazard map of Coimbatore city, India, by considering rupture phenomenon. Seismotectonic map for Coimbatore has been generated using past earthquakes and seismic sources within 300 km radius around the city. The region experienced a largest earthquake of moment magnitude 6.3 in 1900. Available earthquakes are divided into two categories: one includes events having moment magnitude of 5.0 and above, i.e., damaging earthquakes in the region and the other includes the remaining, i.e., minor earthquakes. Subsurface rupture character of the region has been established by considering the damaging earthquakes and total length of seismic source. Magnitudes of each source are estimated by assuming the subsurface rupture length in terms of percentage of total length of sources and matched with reported earthquake. Estimated magnitudes match well with the reported earthquakes for a RLD of 5.2% of the total length of source. Zone of influence circles is also marked in the seismotectonic map by considering subsurface rupture length of fault associated with these earthquakes. As earthquakes relive strain energy that builds up on faults, it is assumed that all the earthquakes close to damaging earthquake have released the entire strain energy and it would take some time for the rebuilding of strain energy to cause a similar earthquake in the same location/fault. Area free from influence circles has potential for future earthquake, if there is seismogenic source and minor earthquake in the last 20 years. Based on this rupture phenomenon, eight probable locations have been identified and these locations might have the potential for the future earthquakes. Characteristic earthquake moment magnitude (M-w) of 6.4 is estimated for the seismic study area considering seismic sources close to probable zones and 15% increased regional rupture character. The city is divided into several grid points at spacing of 0.01 degrees and the peak ground acceleration (PGA) due to each probable earthquake is calculated at every grid point in city by using the regional attenuation model. The maximum of all these eight PGAs is taken for each grid point and the final PGA map is arrived. This map is compared to the PGA map developed based on the conventional deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) approach. The probable future rupture earthquakes gave less PGA than that of DSHA approach. The occurrence of any earthquake may be expected in near future in these eight zones, as these eight places have been experiencing minor earthquakes and are located in well-defined seismogenic sources.


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The main objective of the paper is to develop a new method to estimate the maximum magnitude (M (max)) considering the regional rupture character. The proposed method has been explained in detail and examined for both intraplate and active regions. Seismotectonic data has been collected for both the regions, and seismic study area (SSA) map was generated for radii of 150, 300, and 500 km. The regional rupture character was established by considering percentage fault rupture (PFR), which is the ratio of subsurface rupture length (RLD) to total fault length (TFL). PFR is used to arrive RLD and is further used for the estimation of maximum magnitude for each seismic source. Maximum magnitude for both the regions was estimated and compared with the existing methods for determining M (max) values. The proposed method gives similar M (max) value irrespective of SSA radius and seismicity. Further seismicity parameters such as magnitude of completeness (M (c) ), ``a'' and ``aEuro parts per thousand b `` parameters and maximum observed magnitude (M (max) (obs) ) were determined for each SSA and used to estimate M (max) by considering all the existing methods. It is observed from the study that existing deterministic and probabilistic M (max) estimation methods are sensitive to SSA radius, M (c) , a and b parameters and M (max) (obs) values. However, M (max) determined from the proposed method is a function of rupture character instead of the seismicity parameters. It was also observed that intraplate region has less PFR when compared to active seismic region.


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This Paper deals with the analysis of liquid limit of soils, an inferential parameter of universal acceptance. It has been undertaken primarily to re-examine one-point methods of determination of liquid limit water contents. It has been shown by basic characteristics of soils and associated physico-chemical factors that critical shear strengths at liquid limit water contents arise out of force field equilibrium and are independent of soil type. This leads to the formation of a scientific base for liquid limit determination by one-point methods, which hitherto was formulated purely on statistical analysis of data. Available methods (Norman, 1959; Karlsson, 1961; Clayton & Jukes, 1978) of one-point liquid limit determination have been critically re-examined. A simple one-point cone penetrometer method of computing liquid limit has been suggested and compared with other methods. Experimental data of Sherwood & Ryley (1970) have been employed for comparison of different cone penetration methods. Results indicate that, apart from mere statistical considerations, one-point methods have a strong scientific base on the uniqueness of modified flow line irrespective of soil type. Normalized flow line is obtained by normalization of water contents by liquid limit values thereby nullifying the effects of surface areas and associated physico-chemical factors that are otherwise reflected in different responses at macrolevel.Cet article traite de l'analyse de la limite de liquidité des sols, paramètre déductif universellement accepté. Cette analyse a été entreprise en premier lieu pour ré-examiner les méthodes à un point destinées à la détermination de la teneur en eau à la limite de liquidité. Il a été démontré par les caractéristiques fondamentales de sols et par des facteurs physico-chimiques associés que les résistances critiques à la rupture au cisaillement pour des teneurs en eau à la limite de liquidité résultent de l'équilibre des champs de forces et sont indépendantes du type de sol concerné. On peut donc constituer une base scientifique pour la détermination de la limite de liquidité par des méthodes à un point lesquelles, jusqu'alors, n'avaient été formulées que sur la base d'une analyse statistique des données. Les méthodes dont on dispose (Norman, 1959; Karlsson, 1961; Clayton & Jukes, 1978) pour la détermination de la limite de liquidité à un point font l'objet d'un ré-examen critique. Une simple méthode d'analyse à un point à l'aide d'un pénétromètre à cône pour le calcul de la limite de liquidité a été suggérée et comparée à d'autres méthodes. Les données expérimentales de Sherwood & Ryley (1970) ont été utilisées en vue de comparer différentes méthodes de pénétration par cône. En plus de considérations d'ordre purement statistque, les résultats montrent que les méthodes de détermination à un point constituent une base scientifique solide en raison du caractère unique de la ligne de courant modifiée, quel que soit le type de sol La ligne de courant normalisée est obtenue par la normalisation de la teneur en eau en faisant appel à des valeurs de limite de liquidité pour, de cette manière, annuler les effets des surfaces et des facteurs physico-chimiques associés qui sans cela se manifesteraient dans les différentes réponses au niveau macro.


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This paper presents the results of laboratory model loading tests and numerical studies carried out on square footings supported on geosynthetic reinforced sand beds. The relative performance of different forms of geosynthetic reinforcement (i.e. geocell, planar layers and randomly distributed mesh elements) in foundation beds is compared; using same quantity of reinforcement in each test. A biaxial geogrid and a geonet are used for reinforcing the sand beds. Geonet is used in two forms of reinforcement, viz. Planar layers and geocell, while the biaxial geogrid was used in three forms of reinforcement, viz. planar layers, geocell and randomly distributed mesh elements. Laboratory load tests on unreinforced and reinforced footings are simulated in a numerical model and the results are analyzed to understand the distribution of displacements and stresses below the footing better. Both the experimental and numerical studies demonstrated that the geocell is the most advantageous form of soil reinforcement technique of those investigated, provided there is no rupture of the material during loading. Geogrid used in the form of randomly distributed mesh elements is found to be inferior to the other two forms. Some significant observations on the difference in reinforcement mechanism for different forms of reinforcement are presented in this paper.


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Seismic passive earth pressure coefficients were computed by the method of limit equilibrium using a pseudostatic approach for seismic forces. Composite curved rupture surfaces were considered in the analysis. While earlier studies using this type of analysis were mainly for sands, seismic passive earth pressure coefficients were obtained in the present study considering the effects of cohesion, surcharge, and own weight. The minimum seismic passive force was obtained by adding the individual minimum values of these components and the validity of the principle of superposition was examined. Other parameters considered in the analysis were wall batter angle, ground surface slope, soil friction angle, wall friction angle, wall adhesion to soil cohesion ratio, and horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations. The seismic earth pressure coefficients were found to be highly sensitive to the seismic acceleration coefficients both in the horizontal and vertical directions. Results of the study are presented in the form of figures and tables. Comparisons of the proposed method with available theories in the seismic case are also presented.


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Chloramine-T has been found to bring about the rupture of S-S link in polythionates in acid medium and oxidise all the sulphur present in the chain into sulphuric acid. Quantitative estimation of a polythionate may be made on the basis of this oxidation reaction.


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We study the vaporization and precipitation dynamics of a nanosilica encapsulated water droplet by levitating it acoustically and heating it with a CO2 laser. For all concentrations, we observe three phases: solvent evaporation, surface agglomeration, and precipitation leading to bowl or ring shaped structures. At higher concentrations, ring reorientation and rotation are seen consistently. The surface temperature from an infrared camera is seen to be dependent on the final geometrical shape of the droplet and its rotation induced by the acoustic field of the levitator. With nonuniform particle distribution, these structures can experience rupture which modifies the droplet rotational speed. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3493178]


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Fracture behaviour of notched and un-notched plain concrete slender beams subjected to three-point or four-point bending is analyzed through a one-dimensional model, also called Softening Beam Model. Fundamental equations of equilibrium are used to develop the model. The influence of structural size in altering the fracture mode from brittle fracture to plastic collapse is explained through the stress distribution across the uncracked ligament obtained by varying the strain softening modulus. It is found that at the onset of fracture instability, stress at the crack tip is equal to zero. The maximum load and fracture load are found to be different and a unique value for the fracture load is obtained. It is shown that the length of the fracture process zone depends on the value of the strain softening modulus. Theoretical limits for fracture process zone length are also calculated. Several nonlinear fracture parameters, such as, crack tip opening displacement, crack mouth opening displacement and fracture energy are computed for a wide variety of beam specimens reported in the literature and are found to compare very well with experimental and theoretical results. It is demonstrated that by following a simple procedure, both pre-peak and post-peak portions of load versus crack mouth opening displacement curve can be obtained quite accurately. Further, a simple procedure to calculate the maximum load is also developed. The predicted values of maximum load are found to agree well with the experimental values. The Softening Beam Model (SBM), proposed in this investigation is very simple and is based on rational considerations. It can completely describe the fracture process from the beginning of formation of the fracture process zone till the onset of fracture instability.A l'aide d'un modèle unidimensionnel dit ldquoSoftening Beam Modelrdquo (SBM), on analyse le comportement à rupture de poutres élancées pleines entaillées ou non, soumises en flexion en trois ou quatre points. Des équations fondamentales d'équilibre sont utilisées pour développer le modèle. On explique l'influence de la taille du composant sur l'altération du mode de rupture en rupture fragile et en effondrement plastique par la distribution par la distribution des contraintes sur le ligament non fissuré lorsque varie le module d'adoucissement. On trouve que la contrainte à l'extrémité de la fissure est nulle est nulle au début de l'instabilité de la rupture. La charge maximum et la charge à la rupture sont trouvées différentes, et on obtient une valeur unique de la charge à la rupture. On montre que la longueur de la zone concernée par le processus de rupture d'pend de la valeur du module d'adoucissement. On calcule également les limites théoriques de longueur de cette zone. Divers paramètres de rupture non linéaire sont calculés pour une large gamme d'éprouvettes en poutres reprises dans la littérature; on trouve qu'il existe une bonne concordance avec les résultats expérimentaux et théoriques. On démontre qu'en suivant une procédure simple on peut obtenir avec une bonne précision la courbe reliant les portions avant et après le pic de sollicitation en fonction du COD de la fissure. En outre, on développe une procédure simple pour calculer la charge maximum. Les valeurs prédites sont en bon accord avec les valeurs expérimentales. Le modèle SBM proposé est très simple et est basé sur des considérations rationnelles. Il est susceptible de décrire complètement le processus de rupture depuis le début de la formation de la zone intéressée jusqu'à l'amorçage de la rupture instable.


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A model for coalescence efficiency of two drops embedded in an eddy has been developed. Unlike the other models which consider only head-on collisions, the model considers the droplets to approach at an arbitrary angle. The drop pair is permitted to undergo rotation while they approach each other. For coalescence to occur, the drops are assumed to approach each other under a squeezing force acting over the life time of eddy but which can vary with time depending upon the angle of approach. The model accounts for the deformation of tip regions of the approaching drops and, describes the rupture of the intervening film, based on stability considerations while film drainage is continuing under the combined influence of the hydrodynamic and van der Waals forces. The coalescence efficiency is defined as the ratio of the range of angles resulting in coalescence to the total range of all possible approach angles. The model not only reconciles the contradictory predictions made by the earlier models based on similar framework but also brings out the important role of dispersed-phase viscosity. It further predicts that the dispersions involving pure phases can be stabilized at high rps values. Apart from explaining the hitherto unexplained experimental data of Konno et al. qualitatively, the model also offers an alternate explanation for the interesting observations of Shinnar.


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The similar to 2500 km long Himalayan arc has experienced three large to great earthquakes of M-w 7.8 to 8.4 during the past century, but none produced surface rupture. Paleoseismic studies have been conducted during the last decade to begin understanding the timing, size, rupture extent, return period, and mechanics of the faulting associated with the occurrence of large surface rupturing earthquakes along the similar to 2500 km long Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) system of India and Nepal. The previous studies have been limited to about nine sites along the western two-thirds of the HFT extending through northwest India and along the southern border of Nepal. We present here the results of paleoseismic investigations at three additional sites further to the northeast along the HFT within the Indian states of West Bengal and Assam. The three sites reside between the meizoseismal areas of the 1934 Bihar-Nepal and 1950 Assam earthquakes. The two westernmost of the sites, near the village of Chalsa and near the Nameri Tiger Preserve, show that offsets during the last surface rupture event were at minimum of about 14 m and 12 m, respectively. Limits on the ages of surface rupture at Chalsa (site A) and Nameri (site B), though broad, allow the possibility that the two sites record the same great historical rupture reported in Nepal around A.D. 1100. The correlation between the two sites is supported by the observation that the large displacements as recorded at Chalsa and Nameri would most likely be associated with rupture lengths of hundreds of kilometers or more and are on the same order as reported for a surface rupture earthquake reported in Nepal around A.D. 1100. Assuming the offsets observed at Chalsa and Nameri occurred synchronously with reported offsets in Nepal, the rupture length of the event would approach 700 to 800 km. The easternmost site is located within Harmutty Tea Estate (site C) at the edges of the 1950 Assam earthquake meizoseismal area. Here the most recent event offset is relatively much smaller (<2.5 m), and radiocarbon dating shows it to have occurred after A.D. 1100 (after about A.D. 1270). The location of the site near the edge of the meizoseismal region of the 1950 Assam earthquake and the relatively lesser offset allows speculation that the displacement records the 1950 M-w 8.4 Assam earthquake. Scatter in radiocarbon ages on detrital charcoal has not resulted in a firm bracket on the timing of events observed in the trenches. Nonetheless, the observations collected here, when taken together, suggest that the largest of thrust earthquakes along the Himalayan arc have rupture lengths and displacements of similar scale to the largest that have occurred historically along the world's subduction zones.


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Instability and dewetting engendered by the van der Waals force in soft thin (<100 nm) linear viscoelastic solid (e. g., elastomeric gel) films on uniform and patterned surfaces are explored. Linear stability analysis shows that, although the elasticity of the film controls the onset of instability and the corresponding critical wavelength, the dominant length-scale remains invariant with the elastic modulus of the film. The unstable modes are found to be long-wave, for which a nonlinear long-wave analysis and simulations are performed to uncover the dynamics and morphology of dewetting. The stored elastic energy slows down the temporal growth of instability significantly. The simulations also show that a thermodynamically stable film with zero-frequency elasticity can be made unstable in the presence of physico-chemical defects on the substrate and can follow an entirely different pathway with far fewer holes as compared to the viscous films. Further, the elastic restoring force can retard the growth of a depression adjacent to the hole-rim and thus suppress the formation of satellite holes bordering the primary holes. These findings are in contrast to the dewetting of viscoelastic liquid films where nonzero frequency elasticity accelerates the film rupture and promotes the secondary instabilities. Thus, the zero-frequency elasticity can play a major role in imposing a better-defined long-range order to the dewetted structures by arresting the secondary instabilities. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3554748]


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The 1300-km rupture of the 2004 interplate earthquake terminated at around 15 degrees N, in the northernmost segment of the Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This part of the plate boundary is noted for its generally lower level seismicity, compared with the southern segments. Based on the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) and National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) data, most of the earthquakes of M-w >= 4.5 prior to 2004 were associated with the Andaman Spreading Ridge (ASR), and a few events were located within the forearc basin. The 2004 event was followed by an upward migration of hypocenters along the subducting plate, and the Andaman segment experienced a surge of aftershock activity. The continuing extensional faulting events, including the most recent earthquake (10 August 2009; M-w 7.5) in the northern end of the 2004 rupture, suggest the reduction of compressional strain associated with the interplate event. The style of faulting of the intraplate events before and after a great plate boundary earthquake reflects the relative influences of the plate-driving forces. Here we discuss the pattern of earthquakes in the Andaman segment before and after the 2004 event to appraise the spatial and temporal relation between large interplate thrust events and intraplate deformation. This study suggests that faulting mechanisms in the outer-ridge and outer-rise regions could be indicative of the maturity of interplate seismic cycles.


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We are reporting a novel green approach to incorporate silver nanoparticles (NPs) selectively in the polyelectrolyte capsule shell for remote opening of polyelectrolyte capsules. This approach involves in situ reduction of silver nitrate to silver NPs using PEG as a reducing agent (polyol reduction method). These nanostructured capsules were prepared via layer by layer (LbL) assembly of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and dextran sulfate (DS) on silica template followed by the synthesis of silver NPs and subsequently the dissolution of the silica core. The size of silver nanoparticles synthesized was 60 +/- 20 nm which increased to 100 +/- 20 nm when the concentration of AgNO3 increased from 25 mM to 50 mM. The incorporated silver NPs induced rupture and deformation of the capsules under laser irradiation. This method has advantages over other conventional methods involving chemical agents that are associated with cytotoxicity in biological applications such as drug delivery and catalysis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a model study to understand the effect of surfactants on the physicochemical properties of human hair. FT-IR ATR spectroscopy has been employed to understand the chemical changes induced by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on human scalp hair. In particular, the SDS induced changes in the secondary structure of protein present in the outer protective layer of hair, i.e. cuticle, have been investigated. Conformational changes in the secondary structure of protein were studied by curve fitting of the amide I band after every phase of SDS treatment. It has been found that SDS brings rearrangements in the protein backbone conformations by transforming beta-sheet structure to random coil and beta-turn. Additionally, AFM and SEM studies were carried out to understand the morphological changes induced on the hair surface. SEM and AFM images demonstrated the rupture and partial erosion of cuticle sublayers.