245 resultados para rotational oscillation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Both the semi-similar and self-similar flows due to a viscous fluid rotating with time dependent angular velocity over a porous disk of large radius at rest with or without a magnetic field are investigated. For the self-similar case the resulting equations for the suction and no mass transfer cases are solved numerically by quasilinearization method whereas for the semi-similar case and injection in the self-similar case an implicit finite difference method with Newton's linearization is employed. For rapid deceleration of fluid and for moderate suction in the case of self-similar flow there exists a layer of fluid, close to the disk surface where the sense of rotation is opposite to that of the fluid rotating far away. The velocity profiles in the absence of magnetic field are found to be oscillatory except for suction. For the accelerating freestream, (semi-similar flow) the effect of time is to reduce the amplitude of the oscillations of the velocity components. On the other hand the effect of time for the oscillating case is just the opposite.


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M r = 188.22, monoclinic, P21/n, a = 6.219 (2), b= 10.508 (2), c=7.339 (1)A, t= 107.64 (2) °, V= 457 ,/k 3, Z = 2, D m - - 1.360 (3), D x = 1.366 (2)Mgm -3, ~,(MoKa) = 0.7107/~, #= 0.053 mm -I, F(000) = 200, T= 293 K. Final R = 5.8% for 614 significant reflections. The molecule, which does not possess a centre of symmetry, occupies a crystallographic centre of symmetry because of the statistical enantiomeric and rotational disorder. Latticeenergy calculations, based on van der Waals attractive and repulsive potentials, clearly show minima at the observed disordered positions.


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Screen-less oscillation photography is the method of choice for recording three-dimensional X-ray diffraction data for crystals of biological macromolecules. The geometry of an oscillation camera is extremely simple. However, the manner in which the reciprocal lattice is recorded in any experiment is fairly complex. This depends on the Laue symmetry of the reciprocal lattice, the lattice type, the orientation of the crystal on the camera and to a lesser extent on the unit-cell dimensions. Exploring the relative efficiency of collecting X-ray diffraction data for different crystal orientations prior to data collection might reduce the number of films required to record most of the unique data and the consequent amount of time required for processing these films. Here algorithms are presented suitable for this purpose and results are reported for the 11 Laue groups, different lattice types and crystal orientations often employed in data collection.


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In this article, we give sufficient condition in the form of integral inequalities to establish the oscillatory nature of non linear homogeneous differential equations of the form where r, q, p, f and g are given data. We do this by separating the two cases f is monotonous and non monotonous.


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This paper deals with two approximate methods of finding the period of oscillations of non-linear conservative systems excited by step functions. The first method is an extension of the analysis presented by Jonckheere [4] and the second one is based on a weighted bilinear approximation of the non-linear characteristic. An example is presented and the approximate results are compared with the exact results


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The variable temperature proton and ambient temperature carbon-13 NMR spectra of S-methyl dithiocarbamate esters have been recorded. The results of the theoretical energy calculations (CNDO/2 and EHT types) together with the experimental data have been interpreted in terms of the molecular conformations. The barrier heights for the rotation about the thioamide C—N bond are calculated using the CNDO/2 method and the results are discussed in terms of the computed charge densities and bond orders.


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Meclofenamic acid, C I4HIICI2NO2, probably the most potent among analgesic fenamates, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1, with a = 8.569 (5), b = 8.954(8), c -- 9.371 (4) A, ct = 103.0 (2), fl -- 103.5 (2), y = 92.4 (2) ° , Z = 2, D m = 1.43 (4), D c = 1.41 Mg m -3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.135 for 1062 observed reflections. The anthranilic acid moiety in the molecule is nearly planar and is nearly perpendicular to the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group. The molecules, which exist as hydrogen-bonded dimers, have an internal hydrogen bond involving the imino and the carboxyl groups. The methyl group is disordered and occupies two positions with unequal occupancies. The disorder can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the rotational isomerism of the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group about the bond which connects it to the anthranilic acid moiety and the observed occupancies on the basis of packing considerations.


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The exact expressions for the partition function (Q) and the coefficient of specific heat at constant volume (Cv) for a rotating-anharmonic oscillator molecule, including coupling and rotational cut-off, have been formulated and values of Q and Cv have been computed in the temperature range of 100 to 100,000 K for O2, N2 and H2 gases. The exact Q and Cv values are also compared with the corresponding rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational and vibrational levels) and rigid-rotator anharmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational levels) values. The rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation can be accepted for temperatures up to about 5000 K for O2 and N2. Beyond these temperatures the error in Cv will be significant, because of anharmonicity and rotational cut-off effects. For H2, the rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation becomes unacceptable even for temperatures as low as 2000 K.


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We obtained the images of the eastern part of the solar corona in the Fe xiv 530.3 nm (green) and Fe x 637.4 nm (red) coronal emission lines during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 at Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey. The images were obtained using a 35 cm Meade telescope equipped with a Peltier-cooled 2k x 2k CCD and 0.3 nm pass-band interference filters at the rates of 2.95 s (exposure times of 100 ms) and 2.0 s (exposure times of 300 ms) in the Fe xiv and Fe x emission lines,respectively. The analysis of the data indicates intensity variations at some locations with period of strongest power around 27 s for the green line and 20 s for the red line. These results confirm earlier findings of variations in the continuum intensity with periods in the range of 5 to 56 s by Singh et al. (Solar Phys. 170, 235, 1997). The wavelet analysis has been used to identify significant intensity oscillations at all pixels within our field of view. Significant oscillations with high probability estimates were detected for some locations only. These locations seem to follow the boundary of an active region and in the neighborhood, rather than within the loops themselves. These intensity oscillations may be caused by fast magneto-sonic waves in the solar corona and partly account for heating of the plasma in the corona.


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The 270 MHz 1H n.m.r. spectrum of benzyloxycarbonyl-Pro-N-methylamide in CDCl3 is exchange broadened at 293° K. Spectral lines due to two species are frozen out at 253° K and a dynamically averaged spectrum is obtained at 323° K. A selective broadening of the Cβ and Cγ resonances in the 13C n.m.r. spectrum is observed at 253° K, with a splitting of the Cβ and Cγ resonances into a pair of lines of unequal intensity. A similar broadening of Cβ and Cγ peaks is also detected in pivaloyl-Pro-N-methylamide where cis-trans interconversion about the imide bond is precluded by the bulky t-butyl group. The rate process is thus attributed to rotation about the Cα-CO bond (ψ) and a barrier (ΔG#) of 14kcal mol-1 is estimated. 13C n.m.r. data for pivaloyl-Pro-N-methylamide in a number of solvents is presented and the differences in the Cβ and Cγ chemical shifts are interpreted in terms of rotational isomerism about the Cα-CO bond.


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The annual cycle of rainfall over the Korean Peninsula is marked by two peaks: one during July and the other during August. Since the mid-1970s, the maximum rainfall over the Korean Peninsula has shifted from July to August. This shift in rainfall peak was caused by a significant increase of August rainfall after the mid-1970s. The basic reason for this shift has been traced to a change in teleconnection between El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and August rainfall. The relationship between August rainfall over Korea and ENSO changed from 1954-1975 (PI) to 1976-2002 (PII). The variability of August rainfall was significantly associated with sea surface temperature (SST) variation over the eastern equatorial Pacific during PI, but this relationship is absent during the PII period. In El Nino years during PI, low-level westerly and southerly wind anomalies are dominant around the East China Sea, which relates to strong August rainfall. In La Nina years during PI, easterly and northerly wind anomalies are dominant. During the PII period, however, westerly and southerly wind anomalies around the East China Sea were responsible for the high August rainfall over the East Asian region, even though La Nina SST conditions were in effect over the eastern Pacific.


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(CH3)4NGeCl3 is prepared, characterized and studied using 1H NMR spin lattice relaxation time and second moment to understand the internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling. Proton second moment is measured at 7 MHz as function of temperature in the range 300-77 K and spin lattice relaxation time (T1) is measured at two Larmor frequencies, as a function of temperature in the range 270-17 K employing a homemade wide-line/pulsed NMR spectrometers. T1 data are analyzed in two temperature regions using relevant theoretical models. The relaxation in the higher temperatures (270-115 K) is attributed to the hindered reorientations of symmetric groups (CH3 and (CH3)4N). Broad asymmetric T1 minima observed below 115 K down to 17 K are attributed to quantum rotational tunneling of the inequivalent methyl groups.


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The mid-December 2006 to late January 2007 flood in southern Peninsular Malaysia was the worst flood in a century and was caused by three extreme precipitation episodes. These extreme precipitation events were mainly associated with strong northeasterly winds over the South China Sea. In all cases, the northeasterlies penetrated anomalously far south and followed almost a straight trajectory. The elevated terrain over Sumatra and southern Peninsular Malaysia caused low-level convergence. The strong easterly winds near Java associated with the Rossby wave-type response to Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) inhibited the counter-clockwise turning of the northeasterlies and the formation of the Borneo vortex, which, in turn, enhanced the low-level convergence over the region. The abrupt termination of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in December 2006 played a secondary role as warmer equatorial Indian Ocean helped in the MJO formation.


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H-1 NMR spin-lattice relaxation time measurements have been carried out in [(CH3)(4)N](2)SeO4 in the temperature range 389-6.6K to understand the possible phase transitions, internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling. A broad T, minimum observed around 280K is attributed to the simultaneous motions of CH3 and (CH3)(4)N groups. Magnetization recovery is found to be stretched exponential below 72 K with varying stretched exponent. Low-temperature T-1 behavior is interpreted in terms of methyl groups undergoing quantum rotational tunneling. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present paper investigates the nature of the fluid flow when a spheroid is suspended in an infinitely extending elastico-viscous fluid defined by the constitutive equations given by Oldroyd or Rivlin and Ericksen, and is made to perform small amplitude oscillations along its axis. The solution of the vector wave equation is expressed in terms of the solution of the corresponding scalar wave equation, without the use of Heine's function or spheroidal wave functions. Two special cases (i) a sphere and (ii) a spheroid of small ellipticity, are studied in detail.