15 resultados para role and powers

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Inventory Management (IM) plays a decisive role in the enhancement of efficiency and competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, major manufacturing enterprises are following IM practices as a strategy to improve efficiency and achieve competitiveness. However, the spread of IM culture among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is limited due to lack of initiation, expertise and financial limitations in developed countries, leave alone developing countries. With this backdrop, this paper makes an attempt to ascertain the role and importance of IM practices and performance of SMEs in the machine tools industry of Bangalore, India. The relationship between inventory management practices and inventory cost are probed based on primary data gathered from 91 SMEs. The paper brings out that formal IM practices have a positive impact on the inventory performance of SMEs.


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In the yeast, mobilization of triacylglycerols (TAG) is facilitated by TGL3, TGL4 and TGL5 gene products. Interestingly, experiments using [32P] orthophosphate as a precursor for complex glycerophospholipids revealed that tgl mutants had a lower steady-state level of these membrane lipids. To understand a possible link between TAG lipolysis and phospholipid metabolism, we performed overexpression studies with Tgl3p and Tgl5p which clearly demonstrated that these two enzymes enhanced the level of phospholipids. Domains and motifs search analyses indicated that yeast TAG hydrolases posses a GXSXG lipase motif but also a HX4D acyltransferase motif. Purified Tgl3p and Tgl5p did not only exhibit TAG lipase activity but also catalyzed acyl-CoA dependent acylation of lyso-phosphatidylethanolamine and lyso-phosphatidic acid (LPA), respectively. Search for lipase/hydrolase homologues in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome led to the identification of At4g24160 which possess three motifs that are conserved across the plant species such as GXSXG motif, a HX4D motif and a probable lipid binding motif V(X)3HGF. Characterization of At4g24160 expressed in bacteria revealed that the presence of an acyl-CoA dependent LPA acyltransferase activity. In addition, the purified recombinant At4g24160 protein hydrolyzed both TAG and phosphatidylcholine. We hypothesize that the plant enzyme may be involved in membrane repair. In summary, our results indicate that these TAG lipases play a dual role and thereby contribute to both anabolic and catabolic processes in yeast and plants.


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The current explosion of DNA sequence information has generated increasing evidence for the claim that noncoding repetitive DNA sequences present within and around different genes could play an important role in genetic control processes, although the precise role and mechanism by which these sequences function are poorly understood. Several of the simple repetitive sequences which occur in a large number of loci throughout the human and other eukaryotic genomes satisfy the sequence criteria for forming non-B DNA structures in vitro. We have summarized some of the features of three different types of simple repeats that highlight the importance of repetitive DNA in the control of gene expression and chromatin organization. (i) (TG/CA)n repeats are widespread and conserved in many loci. These sequences are associated with nucleosomes of varying linker length and may play a role in chromatin organization. These Z-potential sequences can help absorb superhelical stress during transcription and aid in recombination. (ii) Human telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n adopts a novel quadruplex structure and exhibits unusual chromatin organization. This unusual structural motif could explain chromosome pairing and stability. (iii) Intragenic amplification of (CTG)n/(CAG)n trinucleotide repeat, which is now known to be associated with several genetic disorders, could down-regulate gene expression in vivo. The overall implications of these findings vis-à-vis repetitive sequences in the genome are summarized.


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The special magnetotransport properties of hole doped manganese perovskites originate from a complex interplay among structural, magnetic and electronic degree of freedom. In this picture the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a special role and this is the reason why short range order techniques like X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) have been deeply exploited for studying these compounds. The analysis of near edge region features (XANES) of XAS spectra can provide very fine details of the local structure around Mn, complementary to the EXAFS, so contributing to the full understanding of the peculiar physical properties of these materials. Nevertheless the XANES analysis is complicated by the large amount of structural and electronic details involved making difficult the quantitative interpretation.This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a full structural refinement of the Mn K edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3, in which the Mn ions are present only in one charge state as Mn3+ and Mn4+ respectively. The good agreement between the results derived from the analysis of near edge and extended region of the XAS spectra demonstrates that a quantitative picture of the local structure call be obtained from structural refinement of Mn K edge XANES data in these crystalline compounds. The XANES analysis offers, in addition.. the possibility to directly achieve information on the topology of local atomic structure around the absorber not directly achievable from EXAFS.


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A systematic investigation of monatomic spherical sorbates in the supercages of zeolites Y and A by molecular dynamics technique is presented. Rates of intercage diffusion, rates of cage visits, and the diffusion coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sorbate-zeolite interaction strength. These properties exhibit markedly different dependences on interaction strength for the two zeolites. The observed behavior is shown to be a consequence of the two principal mechanisms of intercage diffusion and the energetic barrier associated with them. The diffusion coefficient and other properties associated with intercage diffusion are found to be directly proportional to the reciprocal of the square of the sorbate diameter when the sorbate diameter is significantly smaller than the window diameter. As the sorbate diameter increases, a peak is observed in all the transport properties investigated including the diffusion coefficient. We call this surprising effect as the ring or levitation effect and it explains several anomalous results reported in the literature and suggests a breakdown of the geometrical criterion for diffusion of sorbates. It shows that under certain conditions nongeometrical factors play a major role and geometrical factors become secondary in the determination of the molecular sieve property. A generalized parameter has been proposed which suggests conditions under which one can expect the ring or levitation effect in any porous medium. Inverse size selectivity becomes operative under these conditions.


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Insulin like growth factor binding protein 4 (IGFBP4) regulates growth and development of tissues and organs by negatively regulating IGF signaling. Among most cancers, IGFBP4 has growth inhibitory role and reported as a down-regulated gene, except for renal cell carcinoma, wherein IGFBP4 promotes tumor progression. IGFBP4 expression has been shown to be higher in increasing grades of astrocytoma. However, the functional role of IGFBP4 in gliomas has not been explored. Surgical biopsies of 20 normal brain and 198 astrocytoma samples were analyzed for IGFBP4 expression by qRT-PCR. Highest expression of IGFBP4 mRNA was seen in GBM tumors compared to control brain tissues (median log2 of 2.035, p < 0.0001). Immunohistochemical analysis of 53 tissue samples revealed predominant nuclear staining of IGFBP4, seen maximally in GBMs when compared to DA and AA tumors (median LI = 29.12 +/- A 16.943, p < 0.001). Over expression of IGFBP4 in U343 glioma cells resulted in up-regulation of molecules involved in tumor growth, EMT and invasion such as pAkt, pErk, Vimentin, and N-cadherin and down-regulation of E-cadherin. Functionally, IGFBP4 over expression in these cells resulted in increased proliferation, migration and invasion as assessed by MTT, transwell migration, and Matrigel invasion assays. These findings were confirmed upon IGFBP4 knockdown in U251 glioma cells. Our data suggest a pro-tumorigenic role for IGFBP4 in glioma.


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Estrogen-related receptor (ESRRA) functions as a transcription factor and regulates the expression of several genes, such as WNT11 and OPN. Up-regulation of ESRRA has been reported in several cancers. However, the mechanism underlying its up-regulation is unclear. Furthermore, the reports regarding the role and regulation of ESRRA in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are completely lacking. Here, we show that tumor suppressor miR-125a directly binds to the 3UTR of ESRRA and represses its expression. Overexpression of miR-125a in OSCC cells drastically reduced the level of ESRRA, decreased cell proliferation, and increased apoptosis. Conversely, the delivery of an miR-125a inhibitor to these cells drastically increased the level of ESRRA, increased cell proliferation, and decreased apoptosis. miR-125a-mediated down-regulation of ESRRA impaired anchorage-independent colony formation and invasion of OSCC cells. Reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis of OSCC cells were dependent on the presence of the 3UTR in ESRRA. The delivery of an miR-125a mimic to OSCC cells resulted in marked regression of xenografts in nude mice, whereas the delivery of an miR-125a inhibitor to OSCC cells resulted in a significant increase of xenografts and abrogated the tumor suppressor function of miR-125a. We observed an inverse correlation between the expression levels of miR-125a and ESRRA in OSCC samples. In summary, up-regulation of ESRRA due to down-regulation of miR-125a is not only a novel mechanism for its up-regulation in OSCC, but decreasing the level of ESRRA by using a synthetic miR-125a mimic may have an important role in therapeutic intervention of OSCC and other cancers.


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Rate-constrained power minimization (PMIN) over a code division multiple-access (CDMA) channel with correlated noise is studied. PMIN is. shown to be an instance of a separable convex optimization problem subject to linear ascending constraints. PMIN is further reduced to a dual problem of sum-rate maximization (RMAX). The results highlight the underlying unity between PMIN, RMAX, and a problem closely related to PMIN but with linear receiver constraints. Subsequently, conceptually simple sequence design algorithms are proposed to explicitly identify an assignment of sequences and powers that solve PMIN. The algorithms yield an upper bound of 2N - 1 on the number of distinct sequences where N is the processing gain. The sequences generated using the proposed algorithms are in general real-valued. If a rate-splitting and multi-dimensional CDMA approach is allowed, the upper bound reduces to N distinct sequences, in which case the sequences can form an orthogonal set and be binary +/- 1-valued.


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In order to study the effect of the Coriolis force due to solar rotation on rising magnetic flux, the authors consider a flux ring, azimuthally symmetric around the rotation axis, starting from rest at the bottom of the convection zone, and then follow the trajectory of the flux ring as it rises. If it is assumed that the flux ring remains azimuthally symmetric during its ascent, then the problem can be described essentially in terms of two parameters: the value of the initial magnetic field in the ring when it starts, and the effective drag experienced by it. For field strengths at the bottom of the convection zone of order 10,000 G or less, it is found that the Coriolis force plays a dominant role and flux rings starting from low latitudes at the bottom are deflected and emerge at latitudes significantly poleward of sunspot zones.


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Mismatches that arise during replication or genetic recombination or owing to damage to DNA by chemical agents are recognized by mismatch repair systems. The pathway has been characterized in detail in Escherichia coli. Several homologues of the genes encoding the proteins of this pathway have been identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in human cells. Mutations in the human genes hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1 and hPMS2 have been linked to hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) and to some sporadic tumours. Mismatch repair also plays an antirecombinogenic role and is implicated in speciation.


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Experimental studies were performed to investigate the role and influence of grain movement on macrosegregation and microstructure evolution during equiaxed solidification. Casting experiments were performed with a grain-refined Al-Cu alloy in a rectangular sand mold. For the aluminum alloy studied, the equiaxed grains are lighter than the bulk melt and thus float up. Experiments were designed to investigate floatation phenomena of equiaxed grains in the presence of thermosolutal convection. Cooling curves were recorded at key locations in both the casting and the chill. Quantitative image analysis and spatial chemical analysis were performed on the solidified casting to observe the chemical and microstructural inhomogeneity created by the melt convection and solid floatation. Several notable features that can be attributed to grain movement were observed in temperature histories, macrosegregation patterns, and microstructures. In our experiments, the floatation of grains influences the thermal conditions and the overall flow direction in the casting cavity. In some cases, the induced flow resulting from the grain movement caused a flow reversal. This in turn influences the solidification direction, microstructure evolution, and the overall macrosegregation behavior.


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Among all methods of metal alloy slurry preparation, the cooling slope method is the simplest in terms of design and process control. The method involves pouring of the melt from top, down an oblique and channel shaped plate cooled from bottom by counter flowing water. The melt, while flowing down, partially solidifies and forms columnar dendrites on plate wall. These dendrites are broken into equiaxed grains and are washed away with melt. The melt, together with the equiaxed grains, forms semisolid slurry collected at the slope exit and cast into billets having non-dendritic microstructure. The final microstructure depends on several process parameters such as slope angle, slope length, pouring superheat, and cooling rate. The present work involves scaling analysis of conservation equations of momentum, energy and species for the melt flow down a cooling slope. The main purpose of the scaling analysis is to obtain a physical insight into the role and relative importance of each parameter in influencing the final microstructure. For assessing the scaling analysis, the trends predicted by scaling are compared against corresponding numerical results using an enthalpy based solidification model with incorporation of solid phase movement.


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Background: Serovars of Salmonella enterica, namely Typhi and Typhimurium, reportedly, are the bacterial pathogens causing systemic infections like gastroenteritis and typhoid fever. To elucidate the role and importance in such infection, the proteins of the Type III secretion system of Salmonella pathogenicity islands and two component signal transduction systems, have been mainly focused. However, the most indispensable of these virulent ones and their hierarchical role has not yet been studied extensively. Results: We have adopted a theoretical approach to build an interactome comprising the proteins from the Salmonella pathogeneicity islands (SPI) and two component signal transduction systems. This interactome was then analyzed by using network parameters like centrality and k-core measures. An initial step to capture the fingerprint of the core network resulted in a set of proteins which are involved in the process of invasion and colonization, thereby becoming more important in the process of infection. These proteins pertained to the Inv, Org, Prg, Sip, Spa, Ssa and Sse operons along with chaperone protein SicA. Amongst them, SicA was figured out to be the most indispensable protein from different network parametric analyses. Subsequently, the gene expression levels of all these theoretically identified important proteins were confirmed by microarray data analysis. Finally, we have proposed a hierarchy of the proteins involved in the total infection process. This theoretical approach is the first of its kind to figure out potential virulence determinants encoded by SPI for therapeutic targets for enteric infection. Conclusions: A set of responsible virulent proteins was identified and the expression level of their genes was validated by using independent, published microarray data. The result was a targeted set of proteins that could serve as sensitive predictors and form the foundation for a series of trials in the wet-lab setting. Understanding these regulatory and virulent proteins would provide insight into conditions which are encountered by this intracellular enteric pathogen during the course of infection. This would further contribute in identifying novel targets for antimicrobial agents. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, we use a fitted value of Fisher's alpha and an approximate pantropical stem total to estimate the minimum number of tropical forest tree species to fall between similar to 40,000 and similar to 53,000, i.e., at the high end of previous estimates. Contrary to common assumption, the Indo-Pacific region was found to be as species-rich as the Neotropics, with both regions having a minimum of similar to 19,000-25,000 tree species. Continental Africa is relatively depauperate with a minimum of similar to 4,500-6,000 tree species. Very few species are shared among the African, American, and the Indo-Pacific regions. We provide a methodological framework for estimating species richness in trees that may help refine species richness estimates of tree-dependent taxa.


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We find the sum of series of the form Sigma(infinity)(i=1) f(i)/i(r) for some special functions f. The above series is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function. In particular, we take f as some values of Hurwitz zeta functions, harmonic numbers, and combination of both. These generalize some of the results given in Mezo's paper (2013). We use multiple zeta theory to prove all results. The series sums we have obtained are in terms of Bernoulli numbers and powers of pi.