18 resultados para revision

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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There is an error in the JANAF (1985) data on the standard enthalpy, Gibbs energy and equilibrium constant for the formation of C2H2 (g) from elements. The error has arisen on account of an incorrect expression used for computing these parameters from the heat capacity, entropy and the relative heat content. Presented in this paper are the corrected values of the enthalpy, the Gibbs energy of formation and the corresponding equilibrium constant.


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Unambiguous synthesis of 2-methyl-3-isopropenylanisole (Image ) and 2-isopropenyl-3-methylanisole (Image ) has led to revision, from (Image ) to (Image ), of the structure assigned to a monoterpene phenol ether isolated from


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Dimethyl 3-(aryl)-3,6-dihydro-2H-1,3-oxazine4,5-dicarboxylate structure assigned for the products obtained in the Bronsted acid catalyzed reaction of dimethyl but-2-ynoates with anilines and an excess of formaldehyde in methanol has been revised to methyl 1-(aryl)-3-(methoxymethyl)-4,5-dioxopyrrolidine-3-carboxylate. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Belief revision systems aim at keeping a database consistent. They mostly concentrate on how to record and maintain dependencies. We propose an axiomatic system, called MFOT, as a solution to the problem of belief revision. MFOT has a set of proper axioms which selects a set of most plausible and consistent input beliefs. The proposed nonmonotonic inference rule further maintains consistency while generating the consequences of input beliefs. It also permits multiple property inheritance with exceptions. We have also examined some important properties of the proposed axiomatic system. We also propose a belief revision model that is object-centered. The relevance of such a model in maintaining the beliefs of a physician is examined.


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The high temperature region of the MnO-A1203 phase diagram has been redetermined to resolve some discrepancies reported in the literature regarding the melting behaviour of MnA1,04. This spinel was found to melt congruently at 2108 (+ 15) K. Theactivity of MnOin MnO-Al,03 meltsand in the two phase regions, melt + MnAI,04 and MnAI2O4 + A1203, has been determined by measuring the manganese concentration in platinum foils in equilibrium under controlled oxygen potentials. The activity of MnO obtained in this study for M ~ O - A I ,m~el~ts is in fair agreement with the results of Sharma and Richardson.However. the alumina-rich melt is found to be in equilibrium with MnAl,04 rather than AI2O3. as suggested by ~ha rmaan d Richardson. The value for the acthity of MnO in the M~AI ,O,+ A1,03 two phaseregion permits a rigorous application of the Gibbs-Duhem equation for calculating the activity of A1203 and the integral Gibbs' energy of mixing of MnO-A1203 melts, which are significantly different from those reported in the literature.


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Unambiguous synthesis of 2-methyl-3-isopropenylanisole (View the MathML source) and 2-isopropenyl-3-methylanisole (View the MathML source) has led to revision, from (View the MathML source) to (View the MathML source), of the structure assigned to a monoterpene phenol ether isolated from View the MathML source.


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Recent work on molecular phylogenetics of Scolopendridae from the Western Ghats, Peninsular India, has suggested the presence of six cryptic species of the otostigmine Digitipes Attems, 1930, together with three species described in previous taxonomic work by Jangi and Dass (1984). Digitipes is the correct generic attribution for a monophyletic group of Indian species, these being united with three species from tropical Africa (including the type) that share a distomedial process on the ultimate leg femur of males that is otherwise unknown in Otostigminae. Second maxillary characters previously used in the diagnosis of Digitipes are dismissed because Indian species do not possess the putatively diagnostic character states. Two new species from the Western Ghats that correspond to groupings identified based on monophyly, sequence divergence and coalescent analysis using molecular data are diagnosed based on distinct morphological characters. They are D. jangii and D. periyarensis n. spp. Three species named by Jangi and Dass (Digitipes barnabasi, D. coonoorensis and D. indicus) are revised based on new collections; D. indicus is a junior subjective synonym of Arthrorhabdus jonesii Verhoeff, 1938, the combination becoming Digitipes jonesii (Verhoeff, 1938) n. comb. The presence of Arthrorhabdus in India is accordingly refuted. Three putative species delimited by molecular and ecological data remain cryptic from the perspective of diagnostic morphological characters and are presently retained in D. barnabasi, D. jangii and D. jonesii. A molecularly-delimited species that resolved as sister group to a well-supported clade of Indian Digitipes is identified as Otostigmus ruficeps Pocock, 1890, originally described from a single specimen and revised herein. One Indian species originally assigned to Digitipes, D. gravelyi, deviates from confidently-assigned Digitipes with respect to several characters and is reassigned to Otostigmus, as O. gravelyi (Jangi and Dass, 1984) n. comb.


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The standard free energies of formation of CaO derived from a variety of high-temperature equilibrium measurements made by seven groups of experimentalists are significantly different from those given in the standard compilations of thermodynamic data. Indirect support for the validity of the compiled data comes from new solid-state electrochemical measurements using single-crystal CaF2 and SrF2 as electrolytes. The change in free energy for the following reactions are obtained: CaO + MgF2 --> MgO + CaF2 Delta G degrees = -68,050 -2.47 T(+/-100) J mol(-1) SrO + CaF2 --> SrF2 + CaO Delta G degrees = -35,010 + 6.39 T (+/-80) J mol(-1) The standard free energy changes associated with cell reactions agree with data in standard compilations within +/- 4 kJ mol(-1). The results of this study do not support recent suggestions for a major revision in thermodynamic data for CaO.


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The normal coordinate analyses of the 16 in-plane vibrations of thiosemicarbazide and selenosemicarbazide and their deutero analogues have been made using Wilson's GF matrix method and the Urey—Bradley force field. A revision of the vibrational assignments has been made for thiosemicarbazide based on force constant calculations. A discussion of the C=S stretching bands in the free ligand and their metal complexes is given.


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We revise and extend the extreme value statistic, introduced in Gupta et al., to study direction dependence in the high-redshift supernova data, arising either from departures, from the cosmological principle or due to direction-dependent statistical systematics in the data. We introduce a likelihood function that analytically marginalizes over the,Hubble constant and use it to extend our previous statistic. We also introduce a new statistic that is sensitive to direction dependence arising from living off-centre inside a large void as well as from previously mentioned reasons for anisotropy. We show that for large data sets, this statistic has a limiting form that can be computed analytically. We apply our statistics to the gold data sets from Riess et al., as in our previous work. Our revision and extension of the previous statistic show that the effect of marginalizing over the Hubble constant instead of using its best-fitting value on our results is only marginal. However, correction of errors in our previous work reduces the level of non-Gaussianity in the 2004 gold data that were found in our earlier work. The revised results for the 2007 gold data show that the data are consistent with isotropy and Gaussianity. Our second statistic confirms these results.


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Thermodynamic properties of three oxides of niobium have been measured using solid state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-doped thoria (YDT) as the electrolyte in the temperature range T = (1000 to 1300) K. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of NbO, NbO2, and NbO2.422 from the elements can be expressed as: Delta(f)G(NbO)(o) +/- 547/J . mol(-1) = -414 986 + 86.861(T/K) Delta(f)G(NbO2)(o) +/- 548/J . mol(-1) = -779 864 + 164.438(T/K) Delta(f)G(NbO2.422)(o) +/- 775/J . mol(-1) = -911 045 + 197.932(T/K) The results are discussed in comparison with thermodynamic data reported in the literature. The new results refine data for NbO and NbO2 presented in standard data compilations. There are no data in thermodynamic compilations for NbO2.422 (Nb12O29). In the absence of the heat capacity and enthalpy of formation measurements, only the Gibbs energy of formation of NbO2.422 can be assessed. The free energy of formation of stoichiometric Nb2O5 is evaluated on the basis of measurements on NbO2.422 and information available in the literature on phase boundary compositions and isothermal variation of nonstoichiometric parameter with oxygen potential for Nb2O5-x. The results suggest a minor revision of data for Nb2O5. A minimum in the Gibbs energy of mixing for the system Nb-O occurs in the nonstoichiometric domain of Nb2O5-x with x = 0.036.


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Many aerospace and scientific applications require the specification of the atmospheric properties at various locations, UT and seasons for a range of solar and geomagnetic activity. The nature and mechanisms of the lower and upper atmospheres are different so also their models. Further there is a need to match these models and this is accomplished here in a simple way. In the revision of CIRA 1972 in 1986, the reference middle atmospheres is not yet complete. Two annual reference atmospheres from sea level up to 2000 km for the midlatitude and the tropics is proposed. Other monthly reference atmospheres as also the structure of the atmospheric tables to be provided in the above document is also indicated.


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Enantioselective synthesis of possible diastereomers of heptadeca-1-ene-4,6-diyne-3,8,9,10-tetrol, a structure proposed for the natural product isolated from Hydrocotyle leucocephala is accomplished. The reported spectral data of the natural product did not match those of any of the isomers that were synthesized and established that the structure proposed for the natural product is not correct and requires revision.


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The chemical potentials of CaO in the two-phase fields Fe2O3 + CaFe2O4 and CaFe2O4 + Ca2Fe2O5 of the pseudobinary system CaO - Fe2O3 have been measured in the temperature range from 975 to 1275 K, relative to pure CaO as the reference state, using solid state galvanic cells incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cell was operated under pure oxygen at ambient pressure. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of calcium ferrites, CaFe2O4 and Ca2Fe2O5, were derived from the reversible emfs. The results can be summarized by the following equations:CaO + Fe2O3 --> CaFe2O4;Delta G degrees = - 37,480 + 1.16 T (+/- 250) J/mol 2 CaO + Fe2O3 --> Ca2Fe2O5;Delta G degrees = - 45, 280 - 13.51 T (+/- 275) J/mol These values are compared with thermodynamic data reported in the literature. The results of this study are in excellent agreement with heat capacity data, and in reasonable agreement with earlier measurements of enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation, but suggest significant revision of enthalpies of formation of calcium ferrites given in current thermodynamic compilations.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Rh203 at high temperature has been determined recently with high precision. The new data are significantly different from those given in thermodynamic compilations.Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation at 298.15 K could not be evaluated from the new data,because reliable values for heat capacity of Rh2O3 were not available. In this article, a new measurement of the high temperature heat capacity of Rh2O3 using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is presented.The new values for heat capacity also differ significantly from those given in compilations. The information on heat capacity is coupled with standard Gibbs energy of formation to evaluate values for standard enthalpy and entropy of formation at 289.15 K using a multivariate analysis. The results suggest a major revision in thermodynamic data for Rh2O3. For example, it is recommended that the standard entropy of Rh203 at 298.15 K be changed from 106.27 J mol-' K-'given in the compilations of Barin and Knacke et al. to 75.69 J mol-' K". The recommended revision in the standard enthalpy of formation is from -355.64 kJ mol-'to -405.53 kJ mol".