143 resultados para predator hunting mode

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Ecoepidemiology is a well-developed branch of theoretical ecology, which explores interplay between the trophic interactions and the disease spread. In most ecoepidemiological models, however, the authors assume the predator to be a specialist, which consumes only a single prey species. In few existing papers, in which the predator was suggested to be a generalist, the alternative food supply was always considered to be constant. This is obviously a simplification of reality, since predators can often choose between a number of different prey. Consumption of these alternative prey can dramatically change their densities and strongly influence the model predictions. In this paper, we try to bridge the gap and explore a generic ecoepidemiological system with a generalist predator, where the densities of all prey are dynamical variables. The model consists of two prey species, one of which is subject to an infectious disease, and a predator, which consumes both prey species. We investigate two main scenarios of infection transmission mode: (i) the disease transmission rate is predator independent and (ii) the transmission rate is a function of predator density. For both scenarios we fulfil an extensive bifurcation analysis. We show that including a second dynamical prey in the system can drastically change the dynamics of the single prey case. In particular, the presence of a second prey impedes disease spread by decreasing the basic reproduction number and can result in a substantial drop of the disease prevalence. We demonstrate that with efficient consumption of the second prey species by the predator, the predator-dependent disease transmission can not destabilize interactions, as in the case with a specialist predator. Interestingly, even if the population of the second prey eventually vanishes and only one prey species finally remains, the system with two prey species may exhibit different properties to those of the single prey system.


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To circumvent the practical difficulties in research on tropical rainforest lianas in their natural habitat due to prevailing weather conditions, dense camouflaging vegetation and problems in transporting equipment for experimental investigations, Entada pursaetha DC (syn. Entada scandens Benth., Leguminosae) was grown inside a research campus in a dry subtropical environment. A solitary genet has attained a gigantic size in 17 years, infesting crowns of semi-evergreen trees growing in an area roughly equivalent to 1.6 ha. It has used aerially formed, cable-like stolons for navigating and spreading its canopy across tree gaps. Some of its parts which had remained unseen in its natural habitat due to dense vegetation are described. The attained size of this liana in a climatically different environment raises the question as to why it is restricted to evergreen rainforests. Some research problems for which this liana will be useful are pointed out.


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In the education of physical sciences, the role of the laboratory cannot be overemphasised. It is the laboratory exercises which enable the student to assimilate the theoretical basis, verify the same through bench-top experiments, and internalize the subject discipline to acquire mastery of the same. However the resources essential to put together such an environment is substantial. As a result, the students go through a curriculum which is wanting in this respect. This paper presents a low cost alternative to impart such an experience to the student aimed at the subject of switched mode power conversion. The resources are based on an open source circuit simulator (Sequel) developed at IIT Mumbai, and inexpensive construction kits developed at IISc Bangalore. The Sequel programme developed by IIT Mumbai, is a circuit simulation program under linux operating system distributed free of charge. The construction kits developed at IISc Bangalore, is fully documented for anyone to assemble these circuit which minimal equipment such as soldering iron, multimeter, power supply etc. This paper puts together a simple forward dc to dc converter as a vehicle to introduce the programming under sequel to evaluate the transient performance and small signal dynamic model of the same. Bench tests on the assembled construction kit may be done by the student for study of operation, transient performance and closed loop stability margins etc.


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The perception of ultraviolet (UV) light by spiders has so far been only demonstrated in salticids. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) hunt mostly on flowers and need to find appropriate hunting sites. Previous studies have shown that some crab spiders that reflect UV light use UV contrast to enhance prey capture. The high UV contrast can be obtained either by modulation of body colouration or active selection of appropriate backgrounds for foraging. We show that crab spiders (Thomisus sp.)hunting on Spathiphyllum plants use chromatic contrast, especially UV contrast, to make themselves attractive to hymenopteran prey. Apart from that, they are able to achieve high UV contrast by active selection of non-UV reflecting surfaces when given a choice of UV-reflecting and non-UV reflecting surfaces in the absence of odour cues. Honeybees (Apis cerana) approached Spathiphyllum plants bearing crab spiders on which the spiders were high UV-contrast targets with greater frequency than those plants on which the UV-contrast of the spiders was low. Thus, crab spiders can perceive UV and may use it to choose appropriate backgrounds to enhance prey capture, by exploiting the attraction of prey such as honeybees to UV.


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Plates with V-through edge notches subjected to pure bending and specimens with rectangular edge-through-notches subjected to combined bending and axial pull were investigated (under live-load and stress-frozen conditions) in a completely nondestructive manner using scattered-light photoelasticity. Stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were evaluated by analysing the singular stress distributions near crack-tips. Improved methods are suggested for the evaluation of SIFs. The thickness-wise variation of SIFs is also obtained in the investigation. The results obtained are compared with the available theoretical solutions.


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Results of photoelastic investigations on single edge-notch tension specimens of varying notch angle and crack length are reported. The experimental results of Mode I stress intensity factors are compared with analytical results.


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The theory of transient mode locking for an active modulator in an intracavity frequency-doubled laser is presented. The theory is applied to mode-locked and intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser and the mode-locked pulse width is plotted as a function of number of round trips inside the cavity. It is found that the pulse compression is faster and the system takes a very short time to approach the steady state in the presence of a second harmonic generating crystal inside the laser cavity. The effect of modulation depth and the second harmonic conversion efficiency on the temporal behavior of the pulse width is discussed. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The normal-mode solution to the problem of acoustic wave propagation in an isovelocity ocean with a wavy surface is considered. The surface wave amplitude is assumed to be small compared to the acoustic wavelength, and the method of multiple scales is employed to study the interaction between normal-mode acoustic waves and the surface waves. A nonresonant interaction causes small fluctuations of the amplitude and phase of the acoustic wave at a rate dependent on the frequency of the surface wave. Backscatter occurs if the wavenumber of the surface wave is larger than that of the acoustic wave. The interaction becomes resonant if appropriate phase-matching conditions are satisfied. In this case, two acoustic normal modes get coupled, resulting in a large-scale periodic exchange of energy from one mode to another.


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Interaction of nickel(I1) and copper(I1) complexes of 4,9-dimethy1-5,8-diazadodeca-4,8diene-2,1 ldione, Ni(baen) and 4,6,9-trimethyl-5, 8diazadodeca-4,8-diene-2,ll-dione, Ni(bapn), with arene diazonium chlorides in buffered solutions of methanol yielded metal derivatives of glyoxaliminearylhydrazones. This typical electrophilic addition at the 3-carbon of the complex occurs owing to the pseudo aromatic behaviour of the chelate ring. A mechanism which predicts the attack of the diazonium cation through the coordination shell of the metal is well documented from the available experimental evidences. The chemical reactivity of a few complexes with a single residual non-substituted y-carbon is reasonably manifested by their reaction with phenyl isocyanate.


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The structural integrity of any member subjected to a load gets impaired due to the presence of cracks or crack-like defects. The notch severity is one of the several parameters that promotes the brittle fracture. The most severe one is an ideal crack with infinitesimal width and infinitesimal or zero root radius. Though analytical investigations can handle an ideal crack, experimental work, either to validate the analytical conclusions or to impose the bounds, needs to be carried out on models or specimens containing the cracks which are far from the ideal ones. Thus instead of an ideal crack with infinitesimal width the actual model will have a slot or a slit of finite width and instead of a crack ending in zero root radius, the model contains a slot having a finite root radius. Another factor of great significance at the root is the notch angle along which the transition from the slot to the root takes place. This paper is concerned with the photoelastic determination of the notch stress intensity factor in the case of a “crack” subjected to Mode 1 deformation.


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Preferred conformations of the competitive inhibitors glycyl-L-phenylalanine and glycyl-D-phenylalanine and their mode of binding to thermolysin have been studied. The difference in configuration is shown to affect significantly the mode of binding to thermolysin. Gly-D-Phe prefers to enter the active site in the global minimum conformation whereas Gly-L-Phe may enter in a higher energy conformation. Moreover, D-enantiomer is shown to have a better fit than the L-counterpart in the active site.


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A quantitative expression has been obtained for the equivalent resistance of an internal short in rechargeable cells under constant voltage charging.


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Fractionation of methanolic extracts of air dried aerial parts ofParthenium resulted in the isolation of a toxic constituent which was identified as parthenin, the major sesquiterpene lactone from the weed. The LD50 (minimal lethal dose required to cause 50% mortality) for parthenin in rats was 42 mg/kg body weight. When [3H]-parthenin was given orally or by intravenous administration, radioactivity appeared in the milk of lactating laboratory and dairy animals. Tissue distribution of radioactivity revealed that maximum label was detectable in kidneys.


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The theory of transient mode locking for an active modulator in an intracavity frequency-doubled laser is presented. The theory is applied to mode-locked and intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser and the mode-locked pulse width is plotted as a function of number of round trips inside the cavity. It is found that the pulse compression is faster and the system takes a very short time to approach the steady state in the presence of a second harmonic generating crystal inside the laser cavity. The effect of modulation depth and the second harmonic conversion efficiency on the temporal behavior of the pulse width is discussed.