67 resultados para power flow

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The power system network is assumed to be in steady-state even during low frequency transients. However, depending on generator dynamics, and toad and control characteristics, the system model and the nature of power flow equations can vary The nature of power flow equations describing the system during a contingency is investigated in detail. It is shown that under some mild assumptions on load-voltage characteristics, the power flow equations can be decoupled in an exact manner. When the generator dynamics are considered, the solutions for the load voltages are exact if load nodes are not directly connected to each other


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This paper presents a new approach to the power flow analysis in steady state for multiterminal DC-AC systems. A flexible and practical choice of per unit system is used to formulate the DC network and converter equations. A converter is represented by Norton's equivalent of a current source in parallel with the commutation resistance. Unlike in previous literature, the DC network equations are used to derive the controller equations for the DC system using a subset of specifications. The specifications considered are current or power at all terminals except the slack terminal where the DC voltage is specified. The control equations are solved by Newton's method, using the current injections at the converter terminals as state variables. Further, a systematic approach to the handling of constraints is proposed by identifying the priorities in rescheduling of the specified variables. The methodology is illustrated by example of a 5 terminal DC system.


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FACTS controllers are emerging as viable and economic solutions to the problems of large interconnected ne networks, which can endanger the system security. These devices are characterized by their fast response, absence of inertia, and minimum maintenance requirements. Thyristor controlled equipment like Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), Static Var Compensator (SVC), Thyristor Controlled Phase angle Regulator (TCPR) etc. which involve passive elements result in devices of large sizes with substantial cost and significant labour for installation. An all solid-state device using GTOs leads to reduction in equipment size and has improved performance. The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a versatile controller which can be used to control the active and reactive power in the Line independently. The concept of UPFC makes it possible to handle practically all power flow control and transmission line compensation problems, using solid-state controllers, which provide functional flexibility, generally not attainable by conventional thyristor controlled systems. In this paper, we present the development of a control scheme for the series injected voltage of the UPFC to damp the power oscillations and improve transient stability in a power system. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An efficient load flow solution technique is required as a part of the distribution automation (DA) system for taking various control and operations decisions. This paper presents an efficient and robust three phase power flow algorithm for application to radial distribution networks. This method exploits the radial nature of the network and uses forward and backward propagation to calculate branch currents and node voltages. The proposed method has been tested to analyse several practical distribution networks of various voltage levels and also having high R/X ratio. The results for a practical distribution feeder are presented for illustration purposes. The application of the proposed method is also extended to find optimum location for reactive power compensation and network reconfiguration for planning and day-to-day operation of distribution networks.


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This paper presents a new voltage stability index based on the tangent vector of the power flow jacobian. This index is capable of providing the relative vulnerability information of the system buses from the point of view of voltage collapse. In an effort to compare this index with a similar index, the popular voltage stability index L is studied and it is shown through system studies that the L index is not a very consistent indicator of the voltage collapse point of the system but is only a reasonable indicator of the vulnerability of the system buses to voltage collapse. We also show that the new index can be used in the voltage stability analysis of radial systems which is not possible with the L index. This is a significant result of this investigation since there is a lot of contemporary interest in distributed generation and microgrids which are by and large radial in nature. Simulation results considering several test systems are provided to validate the results and the computational needs of the proposed scheme is assessed in comparison with other schemes


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An algorithm for optimal allocation of reactive power in AC/DC system using FACTs devices, with an objective of improving the voltage profile and also voltage stability of the system has been presented. The technique attempts to utilize fully the reactive power sources in the system to improve the voltage stability and profile as well as meeting the reactive power requirements at the AC-DC terminals to facilitate the smooth operation of DC links. The method involves successive solution of steady-state power flows and optimization of reactive power control variables with Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) using linear programming technique. The proposed method has been tested on a real life equivalent 96-bus AC and a two terminal DC system under normal and contingency conditions.


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This paper describes an approach for the analysis and design of 765kV/400kV EHV transmission system which is a typical expansion in Indian power grid system, based on the analysis of steady state and transient over voltages. The approach for transmission system design is iterative in nature. The first step involves exhaustive power flow analysis, based on constraints such as right of way, power to be transmitted, power transfer capabilities of lines, existing interconnecting transformer capabilities etc. Acceptable bus voltage profiles and satisfactory equipment loadings during all foreseeable operating conditions for normal and contingency operation are the guiding criteria. Critical operating strategies are also evolved in this initial design phase. With the steady state over voltages obtained, comprehensive dynamic and transient studies are to be carried out including switching over voltages studies. This paper presents steady state and switching transient studies for alternative two typical configurations of 765kV/400 kV systems and the results are compared. Transient studies are carried out to obtain the peak values of 765 kV transmission systems and are compared with the alternative configurations of existing 400 kV systems.


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For hybrid electric vehicles the batteries and the drive dc-link may be at different voltages. The batteries are at low voltage to obtain higher volumetric efficiencies and the dc-link is at higher voltage to have higher efficiency on the motor side. Therefore a power interface between the batteries and the drive's dc-link is essential. This power interface should handle power flow from battery to motor, motor to battery, external genset to battery and grid to battery. This paper proposes a multi power port topology which is capable of handling multiple power sources and still maintains simplicity and features like obtaining any gain, wide load variations, lower output current ripple and capability of parallel battery energy due to the modular structure. The development and testing of a bi-directional fly-back DC-DC converter for hybrid electric vehicle is described in this paper. Simple hysteresis voltage control is used for DC link voltage regulation. The experimental results are presented to show the working of the proposed converter.


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The amount of reactive power margin available in a system determines its proximity to voltage instability under normal and emergency conditions. More the reactive power margin, better is the systems security and vice-versa. A hypothetical way of improving the reactive margin of a synchronous generator is to reduce the real power generation within its mega volt-ampere (MVA) ratings. This real power generation reduction will affect its power contract agreements entered in the electricity market. Owing to this, the benefit that the generator foregoes will have to be compensated by paying them some lost opportunity cost. The objective of this study is three fold. Firstly, the reactive power margins of the generators are evaluated. Secondly, they are improved using a reactive power optimization technique and optimally placed unified power flow controllers. Thirdly, the reactive power capacity exchanges along the tie-lines are evaluated under base case and improved conditions. A detailed analysis of all the reactive power sources and sinks scattered throughout the network is carried out in the study. Studies are carried out on a real life, three zone, 72-bus equivalent Indian southern grid considering normal and contingency conditions with base case operating point and optimised results presented.


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Three algorithms for reactive power optimization are proposed in this paper with three different objective functions. The objectives in the proposed algorithm are to minimize the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations of the load buses, minimization of sum of squares of voltage stability L-indices of load buses (:3L2) algorithm, and also the objective of system real power loss (Ploss) minimization. The approach adopted is an iterative scheme with successive power flow analysis using decoupled technique and solution of the linear programming problem using upper bound optimization technique. Results obtained with all these objectives are compared. The analysis of these objective functions are presented to illustrate their advantages. It is observed comparing different objective functions it is possible to identify critical On Load Tap Changers (OLTCs) that should be made manual to avoid possible voltage instability due to their operation based on voltage improvement criteria under heavy load conditions. These algorithms have been tested under simulated conditions on few test systems. The results obtained on practical systems of 24-node equivalent EHV Indian power network, and for a 205 bus EHV system are presented for illustration purposes.


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Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and uses little land. In operation, the overall cost per unit of energy produced is similar to the cost for new coal and natural gas installations. However, the stochastic behaviour of wind speeds leads to significant disharmony between wind energy production and electricity demand. Wind generation suffers from an intermittent characteristics due to the own diurnal and seasonal patterns of the wind behaviour. Both reactive power and voltage control are important under varying operating conditions of wind farm. To optimize reactive power flow and to keep voltages in limit, an optimization method is proposed in this paper. The objective proposed is minimization of the voltage deviations of the load buses (Vdesired). The approach considers the reactive power limits of wind generators and co-ordinates the transformer taps. This algorithm has been tested under practically varying conditions simulated on a test system. The results are obtained on a system of 50-bus real life equivalent power network. The result shows the efficiency of the proposed method.


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A DC micro-grid essentially consists of power ports, bidirectional power converter and a controller structure that enables the control of dynamic power flow. In this paper, a prototype of a micro-grid structure using a recently proposed multi-winding transformer based power converter has been implemented. The power converter topology is further extended to multiple transformer cores in order to form a growing micro-grid structure. Additionally, modifications have been made in order to incorporate a battery charge controller with the main power circuit. All the other advantages of the power converter and its control scheme are still preserved.


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Fast Decoupled Load Flow (FDLF) is a very popular and widely used power flow analysis method because of its simplicity and efficiency. Even though the basic FDLF algorithm is well investigated, the same is not true in the case of additional schemes/modifications required to obtain adjusted load flow solutions using the FDLF method. Handling generator Q limits is one such important feature needed in any practical load flow method. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of two classes of schemes intended to handle this aspect i.e. the bus type switching scheme and the sensitivity scheme. We propose two new sensitivity based schemes and assess their performance in comparison with the existing schemes. In addition, a new scheme to avoid the possibility of anomalous solutions encountered while using the conventional schemes is also proposed and evaluated. Results from extensive simulation studies are provided to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these existing and proposed schemes, especially from the point of view of reliability.


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This paper proposes a novel decision making framework for optimal transmission switching satisfying the AC feasibility, stability and circuit breaker (CB) reliability requirements needed for practical implementation. The proposed framework can be employed as a corrective tool in day to day operation planning scenarios in response to potential contingencies. The switching options are determined using an efficient heuristic algorithm based on DC optimal power flow, and are presented in a multi-branch tree structure. Then, the AC feasibility and stability checks are conducted and the CB condition monitoring data are employed to perform a CB reliability and line availability assessment. Ultimately, the operator will be offered multiple AC feasible and stable switching options with associated benefits. The operator can use this information, other operating conditions not explicitly considered in the optimization, and his/her own experience to implement the best and most reliable switching action(s). The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated on the IEEE-118 bus test system. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.