162 resultados para nitrogen concentration

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Formation of nanocrystalline TiN at low temperatures was demonstrated by combining Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and ion implantation techniques. The Ti films of nominal thickness similar to 250 nm were deposited at a substrate temperature of 200 degrees C by ablating a high pure titanium target in UHV conditions using a nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm. These films were implanted with 100 keV N+ ions with fluence ranging from 1.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) to 1.0 x 10(17) ions/cm(2). The structural, compositional and morphological evolutions were tracked using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. TEM analysis revealed that the as-deposited titanium film is an fcc phase. With increasing ion fluence, its structure becomes amorphous phase before precipitation of nanocrystalline fcc TiN phase. Compositional depth profiles obtained from SIMS have shown the extent of nitrogen concentration gradient in the implantation zone. Both as-deposited and ion implanted films showed much higher hardness as compared to the bulk titanium. AFM studies revealed a gradual increase in surface roughness leading to surface patterning with increase in ion fluence.


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The qualitative and quantitative aspects of the proteins of the silkworm blood were studied by the technique of agarophoresis. The blood of larvae at the final stage revealed the presence of six different protein zones. Considerable differences in the patterns were observed at different stages of growth. There was an increase in the total nitrogen of the blood up to the 5th instar and then came a sudden decrease in the one-day old pupae. Nitrogen concentration was at its highest in egg 1 stage and the electrophoretic pattern closely corresponded to the final larval pattern. Results indicate to the involvement of silk glands in the synthesis and breakdown of a protein designated as protein 5.


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The estimation of water and solute transit times in catchments is crucial for predicting the response of hydrosystems to external forcings (climatic or anthropogenic). The hydrogeochemical signatures of tracers (either natural or anthropogenic) in streams have been widely used to estimate transit times in catchments as they integrate the various processes at stake. However, most of these tracers are well suited for catchments with mean transit times lower than about 4-5 years. Since the second half of the 20th century, the intensification of agriculture led to a general increase of the nitrogen load in rivers. As nitrate is mainly transported by groundwater in agricultural catchments, this signal can be used to estimate transit times greater than several years, even if nitrate is not a conservative tracer. Conceptual hydrological models can be used to estimate catchment transit times provided their consistency is demonstrated, based on their ability to simulate the stream chemical signatures at various time scales and catchment internal processes such as N storage in groundwater. The objective of this study was to assess if a conceptual lumped model was able to simulate the observed patterns of nitrogen concentration, at various time scales, from seasonal to pluriannual and thus if it was relevant to estimate the nitrogen transit times in headwater catchments. A conceptual lumped model, representing shallow groundwater flow as two parallel linear stores with double porosity, and riparian processes by a constant nitrogen removal function, was applied on two paired agricultural catchments which belong to the Research Observatory ORE AgrHys. The Global Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) approach was used to estimate parameter values and uncertainties. The model performance was assessed on (i) its ability to simulate the contrasted patterns of stream flow and stream nitrate concentrations at seasonal and inter-annual time scales, (ii) its ability to simulate the patterns observed in groundwater at the same temporal scales, and (iii) the consistency of long-term simulations using the calibrated model and the general pattern of the nitrate concentration increase in the region since the beginning of the intensification of agriculture in the 1960s. The simulated nitrate transit times were found more sensitive to climate variability than to parameter uncertainty, and average values were found to be consistent with results from others studies in the same region involving modeling and groundwater dating. This study shows that a simple model can be used to simulate the main dynamics of nitrogen in an intensively polluted catchment and then be used to estimate the transit times of these pollutants in the system which is crucial to guide mitigation plans design and assessment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/¿) for electrons has been measured in SF6-air and freon-nitrogen mixtures for various concentrations of SF6 and freon in the mixtures over the range 140¿ E/p¿ 220 V.cm-1 - torr-1. In SF6-air mixtures, the values of D/¿ were always observed to lie intermediate between the values for the pure gases. However, in freon-nitrogen mixtures, with a small concentration (10 percent) of freon in the mixture, the values of D/¿ are found to lie above the boundaries determined by the pure gases. In this mixture, over the lower E/p range (140 to 190) the electrons appear to lose a large fraction of their energy by the excitation of the complex freon molecules, while at higher E/p values (200 to 240), the excitation and consequent deexcitation of nitrogen molecules and its metastables seem to cause an increased rate of ionization of freon molecules.


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Boron- and nitrogen-doped graphenes are are prepared by the arc discharge between carbon electrodes or by the transformation of nanodiamond under appropriate atmospheres. Using a combination of experiment and theories based on first principles, systematic changes in the carrier-concentration and electronic structure of the doped graphenes are demonstrated. Stiffening of the G-band mode and intensification of the defect-related D-band in the Raman spectra are also observed.


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Volumetric method based adsorption measurements of nitrogen on two specimens of activated carbon (Fluka and Sarabhai) reported by us are refitted to two popular isotherms, namely, Dubunin−Astakhov (D−A) and Toth, in light of improved fitting methods derived recently. Those isotherms have been used to derive other data of relevance in design of engineering equipment such as the concentration dependence of heat of adsorption and Henry’s law coefficients. The present fits provide a better representation of experimental measurements than before because the temperature dependence of adsorbed phase volume and structural heterogeneity of micropore distribution have been accounted for in the D−A equation. A new correlation to the Toth equation is a further contribution. The heat of adsorption in the limiting uptake condition is correlated with the Henry’s law coefficients at the near zero uptake condition.


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Reactions of bis(isonitrosoethylacetoacetato)palladium(II), Pd(IEAA)2,with straight chain non-bulky alkylamines, RNH2(R = CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7or n-C4H9) in the mole ratio 1:1 gave bis (B-alkylisonitrosoethylacetoacetateimino)Palladium(II), Pd(R-IEAI)2. In this reaction the coordinated carbonyl groups of Pd(IEAA)2 undergo condensation with amines fo rming Schiff bases (>CNR). On the other hand, the reactions of Pd(IEAA)2 with a large excess of amine yielded N-alkylamido bridgedisonitrosoethylacetoacetatedipalladium(II), μ-(NHR)2[Pd(IEAA)]2 complexes. The complexes are characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic susceptib ility, i.r., p.m.r. and in some cases, nitrogen 1s X-ray photoelectron and mass spectral studies.


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1. During the fermentation of water-logged soil containing added substances with different carbon-nitrogen ratios, the reaction first turns slightly acid, but soon returns to the original hydrogen-ion concentration (pH 7·6). 2. The quantities of ammonia present in the medium increase up to a point, after which there is steady decrease. 3. There is nitrification only in the case of substances with narrow C/N ratios. The production of nitrate generally commences only after about a month, when the vigour of the initial fermentation has subsided and fairly large quantities of ammonia have accumulated in the medium. 4. The extent of mineralisation of nitrogen is determined chiefly by the C/N ratio, though in the cases of substances like mahua and lantana the presence of other constituents may also influence the processes. The quantities of mineralised nitrogen present in the soil system generally tend to decrease after about two months.


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Global carbon budget studies indicate that the terrestrial ecosystems have remained a large sink for carbon despite widespread deforestation activities. CO2 fertilization, N deposition and re-growth of mid-latitude forests are believed to be key drivers for land carbon uptake. In this study, we assess the importance of N deposition by performing idealized near-equilibrium simulations using the Community Land Model 4.0 (CLM4). In our equilibrium simulations, only 12-17% of the deposited nitrogen is assimilated into the ecosystem and the corresponding carbon uptake can be inferred from a C : N ratio of 20 : 1. We calculate the sensitivity of the terrestrial biosphere for CO2 fertilization, climate warming and N deposition as changes in total ecosystem carbon for unit changes in global mean atmospheric CO2 concentration, global mean temperature and Tera grams of nitrogen deposition per year, respectively. Based on these sensitivities, it is estimated that about 242 PgC could have been taken up by land due to the CO2 fertilization effect and an additional 175 PgC taken up as a result of the increased N deposition since the pre-industrial period. Because of climate warming, the terrestrial ecosystem could have lost about 152 PgC during the same period. Therefore, since pre-industrial times terrestrial carbon losses due to warming may have been more or less compensated by effects of increased N deposition, whereas the effect of CO2 fertilization is approximately indicative of the current increase in terrestrial carbon stock. Our simulations also suggest that the sensitivity of carbon storage to increased N deposition decreases beyond current levels, indicating that climate warming effects on carbon storage may overwhelm N deposition effects in the future.


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We report the synthesis of vanadium and nitrogen co-doped TiO2 for photocatalysis mainly emphasizing the state of nitrogen doping into TiO2 in the presence of vanadium ions. Considering the increase in antibiotic resistance developed by microbes due to the excess of pharmaceutical waste in the ecosystem, the photocatalytic activity was measured by degrading an antibiotic, chloramphenicol. A novel experiment was conducted by degrading the antibiotic and bacteria in each other's vicinity to focus on their synergistic photo-degradation by V-N co-doped TiO2. The catalysts were characterized using XRD, DRS, PL, TEM, BET and XPS analysis. Both interstitial and substitutional nitrogen doping were achieved with V-TiO2, showing high efficiency under visible light for antibiotic and bacterial degradation. In addition, the effect of doping concentration of nitrogen and vanadium in TiO2 and catalyst loading was studied thoroughly. Reusability experiments show that the prepared V-N co-doped TiO2 was stable for many cycles.


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The formation of the helical morphology in monolayers and bilayers of chiral amphiphilic assemblies is believed to be driven at least partly by the interactions at the chiral centers of the amphiphiles. However, a detailed microscopic understanding of these interactions and their relation with the helix formation is still not clear. In this article a study of the molecular origin of the chirality-driven helix formation is presented by calculating, for the first time, the effective pair potential between a pair of chiral molecules. This effective potential depends on the relative sizes of the groups attached to the two chiral centers, on the orientation of the amphiphile molecules, and also on the distance between them. We find that for the mirror-image isomers (in the racemic modification) the minimum energy conformation is a nearly parallel alignment of the molecules. On the other hand, the same for a pair of molecules of one kind of enantiomer favors a tilt angle between them, thus leading to the formation of a helical morphology of the aggregate. The tilt angle is determined by the size of the groups attached to the chiral centers of the pair of molecules considered and in many cases predicted it to be close to 45 degrees. The present study, therefore, provides a molecular origin of the intrinsic bending force, suggested by Helfrich (J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 85, 1085-1087), to be responsible for the formation of helical structure. This effective potential may explain many of the existing experimental results, such as the size and the concentration dependence of the formation of helical morphology. It is further found that the elastic forces can significantly modify the pitch predicted by the chiral interactions alone and that the modified real pitch is close to the experimentally observed value. The present study is expected to provide a starting point for future microscopic studies.


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Nitrogen plasma exposure (NPE) effects on indium doped bulk n-CdTe are reported here. Excellent rectifying characteristics of Au/n-CdTe Schottky diodes, with an increase in the barrier height, and large reverse breakdown voltages are observed after the plasma exposure. Surface damage is found to be absent in the plasma exposed samples. The breakdown mechanism of the heavily doped Schottky diodes is found to shift from the Zener to avalanche after the nitrogen plasma exposure, pointing to a change in the doping close to the surface which was also verified by C-V measurements. The thermal stability of the plasma exposure process is seen up to a temperature of 350 degrees C, thereby enabling the high temperature processing of the samples for device fabrication. The characteristics of the NPE diodes are stable over a year implying excellent diode quality. A plausible model based on Fermi level pinning by acceptor-like states created by plasma exposure is proposed to explain the observations.


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A study of the effect of bismuth dopant on the electronic transport properties of the amorphous semiconductors Ge20S80-xBix under high pressure (up to 140 kbar) has been carried out down to liquid-nitrogen temperature. The experiments reveal that the electronic conduction is strongly composition dependent and is thermally activated with a single activation energy at all pressures and for all compositions. A remarkable resemblance between the electronic conduction process, x-ray diffraction studies, and differential thermal analysis results is revealed. It is proposed that the n-type conduction in germanium chalcogenides doped with a large Bi concentration is due to the effect of Bi dopants on the positive correlation energy defects present in germanium chalcogenides. The impurity-induced chemical modification of the network creates a favorable environment for such an interaction.


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We have prepared, characterized and investigated a new PEG-2000 based solid polymer electrolyte (PEG) x NH4I. Ionic conductivity measurements have been made as a function of salt concentration as well as temperature in the range 265–330 K. Selected compositions of the electrolyte were exposed to a beam of 8 MeV electrons to an accumulated dose of 10 kGy to study the effect on ionic conductivity. The electrolyte samples were also quenched at liquid nitrogen temperature and conductivity measurements were made. The ionic conductivity at room temperature exhibits a characteristic double peak for the composition x = 20 and 70. Both electron beam irradiation and quenching at low temperature have resulted in an increase in conductivity by 1–2 orders of magnitude. The enhancement of conductivity upon irradiation and quenching is interpreted as due to an increase in amorphous region and decrease in crystallinity of the electrolyte. DSC and proton NMR measurements also support this conclusion.