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em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this paper we model a scenario where a ship uses decoys to evade a hostile torpedo. We address the problem of enhancing ship survivability against enemy torpedoes by using single and multiple decoy deployments. We incorporate deterministic ship maneuvers and realistic constraints on turn rates, field of view, etc in the model. We formulate the objective function to quantify and maximize the survivability of the ship in terms of maximizing the intercept time. We introduce the concept of optimal deployment regions, same side deployment, and zig-zag deployment strategies. Finally, we present simulation results.


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To accurately assess the impact of anthropogenic aerosols on climate, spatial and temporal distribution of its radiative properties is essential. The first step towards separating the radiative impact of natural aerosol from its anthropogenic counterparts is to gather information on natural aerosols. In this paper, we have used data from multiple satellites to derive the anthropogenic aerosol fraction (AAF) over the Afro-Asian region. The AAF was largest during the pre-monsoon season (May-June) and lowest during winter. We have shown that over desert locations the AAF was unexpectedly large (>0.4) and the regionally (and annually) averaged anthropogenic fraction over the Afro-Asian region was 0.54 +/- 0.12. Copyright (C) 2010 Royal Meteorological Society


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We propose a novel formulation of the points-to analysis as a system of linear equations. With this, the efficiency of the points-to analysis can be significantly improved by leveraging the advances in solution procedures for solving the systems of linear equations. However, such a formulation is non-trivial and becomes challenging due to various facts, namely, multiple pointer indirections, address-of operators and multiple assignments to the same variable. Further, the problem is exacerbated by the need to keep the transformed equations linear. Despite this, we successfully model all the pointer operations. We propose a novel inclusion-based context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm based on prime factorization, which can model all the pointer operations. Experimental evaluation on SPEC 2000 benchmarks and two large open source programs reveals that our approach is competitive to the state-of-the-art algorithms. With an average memory requirement of mere 21MB, our context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm analyzes each benchmark in 55 seconds on an average.


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Electronic Exchanges are double-sided marketplaces that allows multiple buyers to trade with multiple sellers, with aggregation of demand and supply across the bids to maximize the revenue in the market. In this paper, we propose a new design approach for an one-shot exchange that collects bids from buyers and sellers and clears the market at the end of the bidding period. The main principle of the approach is to decouple the allocation from pricing. It is well known that it is impossible for an exchange with voluntary participation to be efficient and budget-balanced. Budget-balance is a mandatory requirement for an exchange to operate in profit. Our approach is to allocate the trade to maximize the reported values of the agents. The pricing is posed as payoff determination problem that distributes the total payoff fairly to all agents with budget-balance imposed as a constraint. We devise an arbitration scheme by axiomatic approach to solve the payoff determination problem using the added-value concept of game theory.


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Bacteria present in natural environments such as soil have evolved multiple strategies to escape predation. We report that natural isolates of Enterobacteriaceae that actively hydrolyze plant-derived aromatic beta-glucosides such as salicin, arbutin and esculin, are able to avoid predation by the bacteriovorous amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and nematodes of multiple genera belonging to the family Rhabditidae. This advantage can be observed under laboratory culture conditions as well as in the soil environment. The aglycone moiety released by the hydrolysis of beta-glucosides is toxic to predators and acts via the dopaminergic receptor Dop-1 in the case of Caenorhabditis elegans. While soil isolates of nematodes belonging to the family Rhabditidae are repelled by the aglycone, laboratory strains and natural isolates of Caenorhabditis sp. are attracted to the compound, mediated by receptors that are independent of Dop-1, leading to their death. The b-glucosides-positive (Bgl(+)) bacteria that are otherwise non-pathogenic can obtain additional nutrients from the dead predators, thereby switching their role from prey to predator. This study also offers an evolutionary explanation for the retention by bacteria of `cryptic' or `silent' genetic systems such as the bgl operon.


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) is a popular method for obtaining diversity benefits without the additional costs of multiple radio receiver chains. Since only one antenna receives at any time, the transmitter sends a pilot multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel gains of its N antennas to the transmitter and select an antenna. In time-varying channels, the channel estimates of different antennas are outdated to different extents. We analyze the symbol error probability (SEP) in time-varying channels of the N-pilot and (N+1)-pilot AS training schemes. In the former, the transmitter sends one pilot for each receive antenna. In the latter, the transmitter sends one additional pilot that helps sample the channel fading process of the selected antenna twice. We present several new results about the SEP, optimal energy allocation across pilots and data, and optimal selection rule in time-varying channels for the two schemes. We show that due to the unique nature of AS, the (N+1)-pilot scheme, despite its longer training duration, is much more energy-efficient than the conventional N-pilot scheme. An extension to a practical scenario where all data symbols of a packet are received by the same antenna is also investigated.


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Most ecosystems have multiple predator species that not only compete for shared prey, but also pose direct threats to each other. These intraguild interactions are key drivers of carnivore community structure, with ecosystem-wide cascading effects. Yet, behavioral mechanisms for coexistence of multiple carnivore species remain poorly understood. The challenges of studying large, free-ranging carnivores have resulted in mainly coarse-scale examination of behavioral strategies without information about all interacting competitors. We overcame some of these challenges by examining the concurrent fine-scale movement decisions of almost all individuals of four large mammalian carnivore species in a closed terrestrial system. We found that the intensity of intraguild interactions did not follow a simple hierarchical allometric pattern, because spatial and behavioral tactics of subordinate species changed with threat and resource levels across seasons. Lions (Panthera leo) were generally unrestricted and anchored themselves in areas rich in not only their principal prey, but also, during periods of resource limitation (dry season), rich in the main prey for other carnivores. Because of this, the greatest cost (potential intraguild predation) for subordinate carnivores was spatially coupled with the highest potential benefit of resource acquisition (prey-rich areas), especially in the dry season. Leopard (P. pardus) and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) overlapped with the home range of lions but minimized their risk using fine-scaled avoidance behaviors and restricted resource acquisition tactics. The cost of intraguild competition was most apparent for cheetahs, especially during the wet season, as areas with energetically rewarding large prey (wildebeest) were avoided when they overlapped highly with the activity areas of lions. Contrary to expectation, the smallest species (African wild dog, Lycaon pictus) did not avoid only lions, but also used multiple tactics to minimize encountering all other competitors. Intraguild competition thus forced wild dogs into areas with the lowest resource availability year round. Coexistence of multiple carnivore species has typically been explained by dietary niche separation, but our multi-scaled movement results suggest that differences in resource acquisition may instead be a consequence of avoiding intraguild competition. We generate a more realistic representation of hierarchical behavioral interactions that may ultimately drive spatially explicit trophic structures of multi-predator communities.


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A modified density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is applied to the zigzag spin-1/2 chain with frustrated antiferromagnetic exchange J(1) and J(2) between first and second neighbors. The modified algorithm yields accurate results up to J(2)/J(1) approximate to 4 for the magnetic gap Delta to the lowest triplet state, the amplitude B of the bond order wave phase, the wavelength lambda of the spiral phase, and the spin correlation length xi. The J(2)/J(1) dependences of Delta, B, lambda, and xi provide multiple comparisons to field theories of the zigzag chain. The twist angle of the spiral phase and the spin structure factor yield additional comparisons between DMRG and field theory. Attention is given to the numerical accuracy required to obtain exponentially small gaps or exponentially long correlations near a quantum phase transition.


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In this paper, we develop a novel auction algorithm for procuring wireless channel by a wireless node in a heterogeneous wireless network. We assume that the service providers of the heterogeneous wireless network are selfish and non-cooperative in the sense that they are only interested in maximizing their own utilities. The wireless user needs to procure wireless channels to execute multiple tasks. To solve the problem of the wireless user, we propose a reverse optimal (REVOPT) auction and derive an expression for the expected payment by the wireless user. The proposed auction mechanism REVOPT satisfies important game theoretic properties such as Bayesian incentive compatibility and individual rationality.


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In receive antenna selection (AS), only signals from a subset of the antennas are processed at any time by the limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains available at the receiver. Hence, the transmitter needs to send pilots multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel state of all the antennas and select the best subset. Conventionally, the sensitivity of coherent reception to channel estimation errors has been tackled by boosting the energy allocated to all pilots to ensure accurate channel estimates for all antennas. Energy for pilots received by unselected antennas is mostly wasted, especially since the selection process is robust to estimation errors. In this paper, we propose a novel training method uniquely tailored for AS that transmits one extra pilot symbol that generates accurate channel estimates for the antenna subset that actually receives data. Consequently, the transmitter can selectively boost the energy allocated to the extra pilot. We derive closed-form expressions for the proposed scheme's symbol error probability for MPSK and MQAM, and optimize the energy allocated to pilot and data symbols. Through an insightful asymptotic analysis, we show that the optimal solution achieves full diversity and is better than the conventional method.


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Our investigations in this paper are centred around the mathematical analysis of a ldquomodal waverdquo problem. We have considered the axisymmetric flow of an inviscid liquid in a thinwalled viscoelastic tube under certain simplifying assumptions. We have first derived the propagation space equations in the long wave limit and also given a general procedure to derive these equations for arbitrary wave length, when the flow is irrotational. We have used the method of operators of multiple scales to derive the nonlinear Schrödinger equation governing the modulation of periodic waves and we have elaborated on the ldquolong modulated wavesrdquo and the ldquomodulated long wavesrdquo. We have also examined the existence and stability of Stokes waves in this system. This is followed by a discussion of the progressive wave solutions of the long wave equations. One of the most important results of our paper is that the propagation space equations are no longer partial differential equations but they are in terms of pseudo-differential operators.Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf die mathematische Behandlung des ldquorModalwellenrdquo-Problems. Die achsensymmetrische Strömung einer nichtviskosen Flüssigkeit in einem dünnwandigen viskoelastischen Rohr, unter bestimmten vereinfachenden Annahmen, wird betrachtet. Zuerst werden die Gleichungen des Ausbreitungsraumes im Langwellenbereich abgeleitet und eine allgemeine Methode zur Herleitung dieser Gleichungen für beliebige Wellenlängen bei nichtrotierender Strömung angegeben. Eine Operatorenmethode mit multiplem Maßstab wird verwendet zur Herleitung der nichtlinearen Schrödinger-Gleichung für die Modulation der periodischen Wellen, und die ldquorlangmodulierten Wellenrdquo sowie die ldquormodulierten Langwellenrdquo werden aufgezeigt. Weiters wird die Existenz und die Stabilität der Stokes-Wellen im System untersucht. Anschließend werden die progressiven Wellenlösungen der Langwellengleichungen diskutiert. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ist, daß die Gleichungen des Ausbreitungsraumes keine partiellen Differentialgleichungen mehr sind, sondern Ausdrücke von Pseudo-Differentialoperatoren.


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Normal mode sound propagation in an isovelocity ocean with random narrow-band surface waves is considered, assuming the root-mean-square wave height to be small compared to the acoustic wavelength. Nonresonant interaction among the normal modes is studied straightforward perturbation technique. The more interesting case of resonant interaction is investigated using the method of multiple scales to obtain a pair of stochastic coupled amplitude equations which are solved using the Peano-Baker expansion technique. Equations for the spatial evolution of the first and second moments of the mode amplitudes are also derived and solved. It is shown that, irrespective of the initial conditions, the mean values of the mode amplitudes tend to zero asymptotically with increasing range, the mean-square amplitudes tend towards a state of equipartition of energy, and the total energy of the modes is conserved.


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Computational grids with multiple batch systems (batch grids) can be powerful infrastructures for executing long-running multicomponent parallel applications. In this paper, we have constructed a middleware framework for executing such long-running applications spanning multiple submissions to the queues on multiple batch systems. We have used our framework for execution of a foremost long-running multi-component application for climate modeling, the Community Climate System Model (CCSM). Our framework coordinates the distribution, execution, migration and restart of the components of CCSM on the multiple queues where the component jobs of the different queues can have different queue waiting and startup times.


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Network processors today consist of multiple parallel processors (micro engines) with support for multiple threads to exploit packet level parallelism inherent in network workloads. With such concurrency, packet ordering at the output of the network processor cannot be guaranteed. This paper studies the effect of concurrency in network processors on packet ordering. We use a validated Petri net model of a commercial network processor, Intel IXP 2400, to determine the extent of packet reordering for IPv4 forwarding application. Our study indicates that in addition to the parallel processing in the network processor, the allocation scheme for the transmit buffer also adversely impacts packet ordering. In particular, our results reveal that these packet reordering results in a packet retransmission rate of up to 61%. We explore different transmit buffer allocation schemes namely, contiguous, strided, local, and global which reduces the packet retransmission to 24%. We propose an alternative scheme, packet sort, which guarantees complete packet ordering while achieving a throughput of 2.5 Gbps. Further, packet sort outperforms the in-built packet ordering schemes in the IXP processor by up to 35%.


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Long running multi-physics coupled parallel applications have gained prominence in recent years. The high computational requirements and long durations of simulations of these applications necessitate the use of multiple systems of a Grid for execution. In this paper, we have built an adaptive middleware framework for execution of long running multi-physics coupled applications across multiple batch systems of a Grid. Our framework, apart from coordinating the executions of the component jobs of an application on different batch systems, also automatically resubmits the jobs multiple times to the batch queues to continue and sustain long running executions. As the set of active batch systems available for execution changes, our framework performs migration and rescheduling of components using a robust rescheduling decision algorithm. We have used our framework for improving the application throughput of a foremost long running multi-component application for climate modeling, the Community Climate System Model (CCSM). Our real multi-site experiments with CCSM indicate that Grid executions can lead to improved application throughput for climate models.