49 resultados para multi-agent incremental negotiation scheme

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Because of limited sensor and communication ranges, designing efficient mechanisms for cooperative tasks is difficult. In this article, several negotiation schemes for multiple agents performing a cooperative task are presented. The negotiation schemes provide suboptimal solutions, but have attractive features of fast decision-making, and scalability to large number of agents without increasing the complexity of the algorithm. A software agent architecture of the decision-making process is also presented. The effect of the magnitude of information flow during the negotiation process is studied by using different models of the negotiation scheme. The performance of the various negotiation schemes, using different information structures, is studied based on the uncertainty reduction achieved for a specified number of search steps. The negotiation schemes perform comparable to that of optimal strategy in terms of uncertainty reduction and also require very low computational time, similar to 7 per cent to that of optimal strategy. Finally, analysis on computational and communication requirement for the negotiation schemes is carried out.


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In this paper, we present self assessment schemes (SAS) for multiple agents performing a search mission on an unknown terrain. The agents are subjected to limited communication and sensor ranges. The agents communicate and coordinate with their neighbours to arrive at route decisions. The self assessment schemes proposed here have very low communication and computational overhead. The SAS also has attractive features like scalability to large number of agents and fast decision-making capability. SAS can be used with partial or complete information sharing schemes during the search mission. We validate the performance of SAS using simulation on a large search space consisting of 100 agents with different information structures and self assessment schemes. We also compare the results obtained using SAS with that of a previously proposed negotiation scheme. The simulation results show that the SAS is scalable to large number of agents and can perform as good as the negotiation schemes with reduced communication requirement (almost 20% of that required for negotiation).


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In this paper a strategy for controlling a group of agents to achieve positional consensus is presented. The proposed technique is based on the constraint that every agents must be given the same control input through a broadcast communication mechanism. Although the control command is computed using state information in a global framework, the control input is implemented by the agents in a local coordinate frame. We propose a novel linear programming formulation that is computationally less intensive than earlier proposed methods. Moreover, we introduce a random perturbation input in the control command that helps us to achieve perfect consensus even for a large number of agents, which was not possible with the existing strategy in the literature. Moreover, we extend the method to achieve positional consensus at a pre-specified location. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through simulation results.


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In this paper we analyze a deploy and search strategy for multi-agent systems. Mobile agents equipped with sensors carry out search operation in the search space. The lack of information about the search space is modeled as an uncertainty density distribution over the space, and is assumed to be known to the agents a priori. In each step, the agents deploy themselves in an optimal way so as to maximize per step reduction in the uncertainty density. We analyze the proposed strategy for convergence and spatial distributedness. The control law moving the agents has been analyzed for stability and convergence using LaSalle's invariance principle, and for spatial distributedness under a few realistic constraints on the control input such as constant speed, limit on maximum speed, and also sensor range limits. The simulation experiments show that the strategy successfully reduces the average uncertainty density below the required level.


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The aim of this paper is to develop a computationally efficient decentralized rendezvous algorithm for a group of autonomous agents. The algorithm generalizes the notion of sensor domain and decision domain of agents to enable implementation of simple computational algorithms. Specifically, the algorithm proposed in this paper uses a rectilinear decision domain (RDD) as against the circular decision domain assumed in earlier work. Because of this, the computational complexity of the algorithm reduces considerably and, when compared to the standard Ando's algorithm available in the literature, the RDD algorithm shows very significant improvement in convergence time performance. Analytical results to prove convergence and supporting simulation results are presented in the paper.


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In this paper we develop a Linear Programming (LP) based decentralized algorithm for a group of multiple autonomous agents to achieve positional consensus. Each agent is capable of exchanging information about its position and orientation with other agents within their sensing region. The method is computationally feasible and easy to implement. Analytical results are presented. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated with simulation results.


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This paper addresses the problem of automated multiagent search in an unknown environment. Autonomous agents equipped with sensors carry out a search operation in a search space, where the uncertainty, or lack of information about the environment, is known a priori as an uncertainty density distribution function. The agents are deployed in the search space to maximize single step search effectiveness. The centroidal Voronoi configuration, which achieves a locally optimal deployment, forms the basis for the proposed sequential deploy and search strategy. It is shown that with the proposed control law the agent trajectories converge in a globally asymptotic manner to the centroidal Voronoi configuration. Simulation experiments are provided to validate the strategy. Note to Practitioners-In this paper, searching an unknown region to gather information about it is modeled as a problem of using search as a means of reducing information uncertainty about the region. Moreover, multiple automated searchers or agents are used to carry out this operation optimally. This problem has many applications in search and surveillance operations using several autonomous UAVs or mobile robots. The concept of agents converging to the centroid of their Voronoi cells, weighted with the uncertainty density, is used to design a search strategy named as sequential deploy and search. Finally, the performance of the strategy is validated using simulations.


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In this thesis we address the problem of multi-agent search. We formulate two deploy and search strategies based on optimal deployment of agents in search space so as to maximize the search effectiveness in a single step. We show that a variation of centroidal Voronoi configuration is the optimal deployment. When the agents have sensors with different capabilities, the problem will be heterogeneous in nature. We introduce a new concept namely, generalized Voronoi partition in order to formulate and solve the heterogeneous multi-agent search problem. We address a few theoretical issues such as optimality of deployment, convergence and spatial distributedness of the control law and the search strategies. Simulation experiments are carried out to compare performances of the proposed strategies with a few simple search strategies.


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This paper addresses the problem of multiagent search in an unknown environment. The agents are autonomous in nature and are equipped with necessary sensors to carry out the search operation. The uncertainty, or lack of information about the search area is known a priori as a probability density function. The agents are deployed in an optimal way so as to maximize the one step uncertainty reduction. The agents continue to deploy themselves and reduce uncertainty till the uncertainty density is reduced over the search space below a minimum acceptable level. It has been shown, using LaSalle’s invariance principle, that a distributed control law which moves each of the agents towards the centroid of its Voronoi partition, modified by the sensor range leads to single step optimal deployment. This principle is now used to devise search trajectories for the agents. The simulations were carried out in 2D space with saturation on speeds of the agents. The results show that the control strategy per step indeed moves the agents to the respective centroid and the algorithm reduces the uncertainty distribution to the required level within a few steps.


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Optimal control of traffic lights at junctions or traffic signal control (TSC) is essential for reducing the average delay experienced by the road users amidst the rapid increase in the usage of vehicles. In this paper, we formulate the TSC problem as a discounted cost Markov decision process (MDP) and apply multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms to obtain dynamic TSC policies. We model each traffic signal junction as an independent agent. An agent decides the signal duration of its phases in a round-robin (RR) manner using multi-agent Q-learning with either is an element of-greedy or UCB 3] based exploration strategies. It updates its Q-factors based on the cost feedback signal received from its neighbouring agents. This feedback signal can be easily constructed and is shown to be effective in minimizing the average delay of the vehicles in the network. We show through simulations over VISSIM that our algorithms perform significantly better than both the standard fixed signal timing (FST) algorithm and the saturation balancing (SAT) algorithm 15] over two real road networks.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of selecting, for any given positive integer k, the top-k nodes in a social network, based on a certain measure appropriate for the social network. This problem is relevant in many settings such as analysis of co-authorship networks, diffusion of information, viral marketing, etc. However, in most situations, this problem turns out to be NP-hard. The existing approaches for solving this problem are based on approximation algorithms and assume that the objective function is sub-modular. In this paper, we propose a novel and intuitive algorithm based on the Shapley value, for efficiently computing an approximate solution to this problem. Our proposed algorithm does not use the sub-modularity of the underlying objective function and hence it is a general approach. We demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm using a co-authorship data set from e-print arXiv (www.arxiv.org), having 8361 authors.


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This paper addresses a search problem with multiple limited capability search agents in a partially connected dynamical networked environment under different information structures. A self assessment-based decision-making scheme for multiple agents is proposed that uses a modified negotiation scheme with low communication overheads. The scheme has attractive features of fast decision-making and scalability to large number of agents without increasing the complexity of the algorithm. Two models of the self assessment schemes are developed to study the effect of increase in information exchange during decision-making. Some analytical results on the maximum number of self assessment cycles, effect of increasing communication range, completeness of the algorithm, lower bound and upper bound on the search time are also obtained. The performance of the various self assessment schemes in terms of total uncertainty reduction in the search region, using different information structures is studied. It is shown that the communication requirement for self assessment scheme is almost half of the negotiation schemes and its performance is close to the optimal solution. Comparisons with different sequential search schemes are also carried out. Note to Practitioners-In the futuristic military and civilian applications such as search and rescue, surveillance, patrol, oil spill, etc., a swarm of UAVs can be deployed to carry out the mission for information collection. These UAVs have limited sensor and communication ranges. In order to enhance the performance of the mission and to complete the mission quickly, cooperation between UAVs is important. Designing cooperative search strategies for multiple UAVs with these constraints is a difficult task. Apart from this, another requirement in the hostile territory is to minimize communication while making decisions. This adds further complexity to the decision-making algorithms. In this paper, a self-assessment-based decision-making scheme, for multiple UAVs performing a search mission, is proposed. The agents make their decisions based on the information acquired through their sensors and by cooperation with neighbors. The complexity of the decision-making scheme is very low. It can arrive at decisions fast with low communication overheads, while accommodating various information structures used for increasing the fidelity of the uncertainty maps. Theoretical results proving completeness of the algorithm and the lower and upper bounds on the search time are also provided.


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In this paper, we investigate the use of reinforcement learning (RL) techniques to the problem of determining dynamic prices in an electronic retail market. As representative models, we consider a single seller market and a two seller market, and formulate the dynamic pricing problem in a setting that easily generalizes to markets with more than two sellers. We first formulate the single seller dynamic pricing problem in the RL framework and solve the problem using the Q-learning algorithm through simulation. Next we model the two seller dynamic pricing problem as a Markovian game and formulate the problem in the RL framework. We solve this problem using actor-critic algorithms through simulation. We believe our approach to solving these problems is a promising way of setting dynamic prices in multi-agent environments. We illustrate the methodology with two illustrative examples of typical retail markets.


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Service systems are labor intensive. Further, the workload tends to vary greatly with time. Adapting the staffing levels to the workloads in such systems is nontrivial due to a large number of parameters and operational variations, but crucial for business objectives such as minimal labor inventory. One of the central challenges is to optimize the staffing while maintaining system steady-state and compliance to aggregate SLA constraints. We formulate this problem as a parametrized constrained Markov process and propose a novel stochastic optimization algorithm for solving it. Our algorithm is a multi-timescale stochastic approximation scheme that incorporates a SPSA based algorithm for ‘primal descent' and couples it with a ‘dual ascent' scheme for the Lagrange multipliers. We validate this optimization scheme on five real-life service systems and compare it with a state-of-the-art optimization tool-kit OptQuest. Being two orders of magnitude faster than OptQuest, our scheme is particularly suitable for adaptive labor staffing. Also, we observe that it guarantees convergence and finds better solutions than OptQuest in many cases.