13 resultados para mod 2~n sum

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Type III restriction-modification (R-M) enzymes need to interact with two separate unmethylated DNA sequences in indirectly repeated, head-to-head orientations for efficient cleavage to occur at a defined location next to only one of the two sites. However, cleavage of sites that are not in head-to-head orientation have been observed to occur under certain reaction conditions in vitro. ATP hydrolysis is required for the long-distance communication between the sites prior to cleavage. Type III R-M enzymes comprise two subunits, Res and Mod that form a homodimeric Mod(2) and a heterotetrameric Res(2)Mod(2) complex. The Mod subunit in M-2 or R2M2 complex recognizes and methylates DNA while the Res subunit in R2M2 complex is responsible for ATP hydrolysis, DNA translocation and cleavage. A vast majority of biochemical studies on Type III R-M enzymes have been undertaken using two closely related enzymes, EcoP1I and EcoP15I. Divergent opinions about how the long-distance interaction between the recognition sites exist and at least three mechanistic models based on 1D- diffusion and/or 3D-DNA looping have been proposed.


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The magnetic moment of the Λ hyperon is calculated using the QCD sum-rule approach of Ioffe and Smilga. It is shown that μΛ has the structure μΛ=(2/3(eu+ed+4es)(eħ/2MΛc)(1+δΛ), where δΛ is small. In deriving the sum rules special attention is paid to the strange-quark mass-dependent terms and to several additional terms not considered in earlier works. These terms are now appropriately incorporated. The sum rule is analyzed using the ratio method. Using the external-field-induced susceptibilities determined earlier, we find that the calculated value of μΛ is in agreement with experiment.


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A Space-Time Block Code (STBC) in K-variables is said to be g-Group ML-Decodable (GMLD) if its Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding metric can be written as a sum of g independent terms, with each term being a function of a subset of the K variables. In this paper, a construction method to obtain high-rate, 2-GMLD STBCs for 2(m) transmit antennas, m > 1, is presented. The rate of the STBC obtained for 2(m) transmit antennas is 2(m-2) + 1/2(m), complex symbols per channel use. The design method is illustrated for the case of 4 and 8 transmit antennas. The code obtained for 4 transmit antennas is equivalent to the rate-5/4 Quasi-Orthogonal design (QOD) proposed by Yuen, Guan and Tjung.


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Phase diagram studies show that at ambient pressure only one ternary oxide, Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5), is stable in the ternary systems Cu-Ln-O (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) at high temperatures. The crystal structure of Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) can be described as a zig-zag arrangement of one-dimensional Cu2O5 chains parallel to-the a-axis with Ln atoms occupying distorted octahedral sites between these chains. Four sets of emf measurements on Gibbs energy of formation of Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu; Y) from component binary oxides and one set of high-temperature solution calorimetric data on enthalpy of formation have been reported in the literature. Except for Cu2Y2O5, the measured values for the Gibbs energies of formation of all other Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) compounds fall in a narrow band (+/-1 kJ mol(-1)) and indicate a regular increase in stability with decreasing ionic radius of the lanthanide ion. The values for the second law enthalpy of formation, derived from the temperature dependence of emf obtained in different studies, show larger differences, as high as 25 kJ mol(-1) for Cu2Tm2O5. Though associated with an uncertainty of +/-4 kJ mol(-1), the calorimetric measurements help to identify the best set of emf data. The trends in thermodynamic data correlate well with the global instability index (GII) based on the overall deviation from the valence sum rule. Low values for the index calculated from crystallographic information indicate higher stability. Higher values are indicative of the larger stress in the structure.


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2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9-hexadecafluorodecyl 1,10-ditosylate and its precursors were synthesized and characterized by H-1- and F-19-NMR spectroscopic methods and X-ray crystallography. These compounds are building blocks for the syntheses of the surfactants containing polyperfluoromethylene spacer. The molecule has extended all-trans conformation with molecular symmetry (1) over bar (C-i). There is a reasonably strong C-H ... O interaction in the crystal and there are two F ... F intermolecular contact distances less than the sum of van der Waals radii. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Competition for available resources is natural amongst coexisting species, and the fittest contenders dominate over the rest in evolution. The. dynamics of this selection is studied using a simple linear model. It has similarities to features of quantum computation, in particular conservation laws leading to destructive interference. Compared to an altruistic scenario, competition introduces instability and eliminates the weaker species in a finite time.


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Simple algorithms have been developed to generate pairs of minterms forming a given 2-sum and thereby to test 2-asummability of switching functions. The 2-asummability testing procedure can be easily implemented on the computer. Since 2-asummability is a necessary and sufficient condition for a switching function of upto eight variables to be linearly separable (LS), it can be used for testing LS switching functions of upto eight variables.


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This paper reports on our study of the edge of the 2/5 fractional quantum Hall state, which is more complicated than the edge of the 1/3 state because of the presence of edge sectors corresponding to different partitions of composite fermions in the lowest two Lambda levels. The addition of an electron at the edge is a nonperturbative process and it is not a priori obvious in what manner the added electron distributes itself over these sectors. We show, from a microscopic calculation, that when an electron is added at the edge of the ground state in the [N(1), N(2)] sector, where N(1) and N(2) are the numbers of composite fermions in the lowest two Lambda levels, the resulting state lies in either [N(1) + 1, N(2)] or [N(1), N(2) + 1] sectors; adding an electron at the edge is thus equivalent to adding a composite fermion at the edge. The coupling to other sectors of the form [N(1) + 1 + k, N(2) - k], k integer, is negligible in the asymptotically low-energy limit. This study also allows a detailed comparison with the two-boson model of the 2/5 edge. We compute the spectral weights and find that while the individual spectral weights are complicated and nonuniversal, their sum is consistent with an effective two-boson description of the 2/5 edge.


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We consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph G. The input to this problem is a directed graph whose arcs have positive weights. In this problem a {- 1, 0, 1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over Q generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of weights of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. The current fastest algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph with m arcs and n vertices runs in O(m(w+1)n) time (where w < 2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication). If one allows randomization, then an (O) over tilde (m(3)n) algorithm is known for this problem. In this paper we present a simple (O) over tilde (m(2)n) randomized algorithm for this problem. The problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph has been well-studied. In this problem a {0, 1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over F-2 generated by these vectors is the cycle space of the graph. The fastest known algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph runs in O(m(2)n + mn(2) logn) time and our randomized algorithm for directed graphs almost matches this running time.


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We address the problem of sampling and reconstruction of two-dimensional (2-D) finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals. We propose a three-channel sampling method for efficiently solving the problem. We consider the sampling of a stream of 2-D Dirac impulses and a sum of 2-D unit-step functions. We propose a 2-D causal exponential function as the sampling kernel. By causality in 2-D, we mean that the function has its support restricted to the first quadrant. The advantage of using a multichannel sampling method with causal exponential sampling kernel is that standard annihilating filter or root-finding algorithms are not required. Further, the proposed method has inexpensive hardware implementation and is numerically stable as the number of Dirac impulses increases.


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Three new inorganic coordination polymers, {Mn(H2O)(6)]-Mn-2(H2O)(6)](Cu-6(mna)(6)]center dot 6H(2)O}, 1, {Mn-4(OH)(2)(H2O)(10)] (Cu-6(mna)6]center dot 8H(2)O}, 2, and {Mn-2(H2O)(5)]Ag-6(Hmna)(2)(mna)(4)]center dot 20H(2)O}, 3, have been synthesized at room temperature through a sequential crystallization route. In addition, we have also prepared and characterized the molecular precursor Cu-6(Hmna)(6)]. Compounds 1 and 3 have a two-dimensional structure, whereas 2 has a three-dimensional structure. The formation of 2 has been achieved by minor modification in the synthetic composition, suggesting the subtle relationship between the reactant composition and the structure. The hexanudear copper and silver duster cores have Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu and Ag center dot center dot center dot Ag distances close to the sum of the van der Waals radii of Cu1+ and Ag1+, respectively. The connectivity between Cu-6(mna)(6)](6-) cluster units and Mn2+ ions gives rise to a brucite related layer in 1 and a pcu-net in 2. The Ag-6(Hmna)(2)(mna)(4)](4-) cluster in 3, on the other hand, forms a sql-net with Mn2+. Compound 1 exhibits an interesting and reversible hydrochromic behavior, changing from pale yellow to red, on heating at 70 degrees C or treatment under a vacuum. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies indicate no change in the valence states, suggesting the color change could be due to changes in the coordination environment only. The magnetic studies indicate weak antiferromagnetic behavior. Proton conductivity studies indicate moderate proton migrations in 1 and 3. The present study dearly establishes sequential crystallization as an important pathway for the synthesis of heterometallic coordination polymers.


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A transmission scheme based on the Alamouti code, which we call the Li-Jafarkhani-Jafar (LJJ) scheme, was recently proposed for the 2 x 2 X-network i.e., two-transmitter (Tx) two-receiver X-network] with two antennas at each node. This scheme was claimed to achieve a sum degrees of freedom (DoF) of 8/3 and also a diversity gain of two when fixed finite constellations are employed at each Tx. Furthermore, each Tx required the knowledge of only its own channel unlike the Jafar-Shamai scheme which required global CSIT to achieve the maximum possible sum DoF of 8/3. In this paper, we extend the LJJ scheme to the 2 x 2 X-network with four antennas at each node. The proposed scheme also assumes only local channel knowledge at each Tx. We prove that the proposed scheme achieves the maximum possible sum DoF of 16/3. In addition, we also prove that, using any fixed finite constellation with appropriate rotation at each Tx, the proposed scheme achieves a diversity gain of at least four.


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This paper derives outer bounds on the sum rate of the K-user MIMO Gaussian interference channel (GIC). Three outer bounds are derived, under different assumptions of cooperation and providing side information to receivers. The novelty in the derivation lies in the careful selection of side information, which results in the cancellation of the negative differential entropy terms containing signal components, leading to a tractable outer bound. The overall outer bound is obtained by taking the minimum of the three outer bounds. The derived bounds are simplified for the MIMO Gaussian symmetric IC to obtain outer bounds on the generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF). The relative performance of the bounds yields insight into the performance limits of multiuser MIMO GICs and the relative merits of different schemes for interference management. These insights are confirmed by establishing the optimality of the bounds in specific cases using an inner bound on the GDOF derived by the authors in a previous work. It is also shown that many of the existing results on the GDOF of the GIC can be obtained as special cases of the bounds, e. g., by setting K = 2 or the number of antennas at each user to 1.