15 resultados para message dissemination

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We provide new analytical results concerning the spread of information or influence under the linear threshold social network model introduced by Kempe et al. in, in the information dissemination context. The seeder starts by providing the message to a set of initial nodes and is interested in maximizing the number of nodes that will receive the message ultimately. A node's decision to forward the message depends on the set of nodes from which it has received the message. Under the linear threshold model, the decision to forward the information depends on the comparison of the total influence of the nodes from which a node has received the packet with its own threshold of influence. We derive analytical expressions for the expected number of nodes that receive the message ultimately, as a function of the initial set of nodes, for a generic network. We show that the problem can be recast in the framework of Markov chains. We then use the analytical expression to gain insights into information dissemination in some simple network topologies such as the star, ring, mesh and on acyclic graphs. We also derive the optimal initial set in the above networks, and also hint at general heuristics for picking a good initial set.


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Mesh topologies are important for large-scale peer-to-peer systems that use low-power transceivers. The Quality of Service (QoS) in such systems is known to decrease as the scale increases. We present a scalable approach for dissemination that exploits all the shortest paths between a pair of nodes and improves the QoS. Despite th presence of multiple shortest paths in a system, we show that these paths cannot be exploited by spreading the messages over the paths in a simple round-robin manner; nodes along one of these paths will always handle more messages than the nodes along the other paths. We characterize the set of shortest paths between a pair of nodes in regular mesh topologies and derive rules, using this characterization, to effectively spread the messages over all the available paths. These rules ensure that all the nodes that are at the same distance from the source handle roughly the same number of messages. By modeling the multihop propagation in the mesh topology as a multistage queuing network, we present simulation results from a variety of scenarios that include link failures and propagation irregularities to reflect real-world characteristics. Our method achieves improved QoS in all these scenarios.


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In this paper, an achievable rate region for the three-user discrete memoryless interference channel with asymmetric transmitter cooperation is derived. The three-user channel facilitates different ways of message sharing between the transmitters. We introduce a manner of noncausal (genie aided) unidirectional message-sharing, which we term cumulative message sharing. We consider receivers with predetermined decoding capabilities, and define a cognitive interference channel. We then derive an achievable rate region for this channel by employing a coding scheme which is a combination of superposition and Gel'fand-Pinsker coding techniques.


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At the beginning of 2008, I visited a watershed, located in Karkinatam village in the state of Karnataka, South India, where crops are intensively irrigated using groundwater. The water table had been depleted from a depth of 5 to 50 m in a large part of the area. Presently, 42% of a total of 158 water wells in the watershed are dry. Speaking with the farmers, I have been amazed to learn that they were drilling down to 500 m to tap water. This case is, of course, not isolated.


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We propose a solution based on message passing bipartite networks, for deep packet inspection, which addresses both speed and memory issues, which are limiting factors in current solutions. We report on a preliminary implementation and propose a parallel architecture.


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Extensible Markup Language ( XML) has emerged as a medium for interoperability over the Internet. As the number of documents published in the form of XML is increasing, there is a need for selective dissemination of XML documents based on user interests. In the proposed technique, a combination of Adaptive Genetic Algorithms and multi class Support Vector Machine ( SVM) is used to learn a user model. Based on the feedback from the users, the system automatically adapts to the user's preference and interests. The user model and a similarity metric are used for selective dissemination of a continuous stream of XML documents. Experimental evaluations performed over a wide range of XML documents, indicate that the proposed approach significantly improves the performance of the selective dissemination task, with respect to accuracy and efficiency.


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Extensible Markup Language ( XML) has emerged as a medium for interoperability over the Internet. As the number of documents published in the form of XML is increasing, there is a need for selective dissemination of XML documents based on user interests. In the proposed technique, a combination of Adaptive Genetic Algorithms and multi class Support Vector Machine ( SVM) is used to learn a user model. Based on the feedback from the users, the system automatically adapts to the user's preference and interests. The user model and a similarity metric are used for selective dissemination of a continuous stream of XML documents. Experimental evaluations performed over a wide range of XML documents, indicate that the proposed approach significantly improves the performance of the selective dissemination task, with respect to accuracy and efficiency.


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XML has emerged as a medium for interoperability over the Internet. As the number of documents published in the form of XML is increasing there is a need for selective dissemination of XML documents based on user interests. In the proposed technique, a combination of Self Adaptive Migration Model Genetic Algorithm (SAMCA)[5] and multi class Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used to learn a user model. Based on the feedback from the users the system automatically adapts to the user's preference and interests. The user model and a similarity metric are used for selective dissemination of a continuous stream of XML documents. Experimental evaluations performed over a wide range of XML documents indicate that the proposed approach significantly improves the performance of the selective dissemination task, with respect to accuracy and efficiency.


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We develop a multi-class discrete-time processor-sharing queueing model for scheduled message communication over a discrete memoryless degraded broadcast channel. The framework we consider here models both the random message arrivals and the subsequent reliable communication by suitably combining techniques from queueing theory and information theory. Requests for message transmissions are assumed to arrive according to i.i.d. arrival processes. Then, (i) we derive an outer bound to the stability region of message arrival rate vectors achievable by the class of stationary scheduling policies, (ii) we show for any message arrival rate vector that satisfies the outer bound, that there exists a stationary "state-independent" policy that results in a stable system for the corresponding message arrival processes, and (iii) under an asymptotic regime, we show that the stability region of information arrival rate vectors is the information-theoretic capacity region of a degraded broadcast channel.


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The goal of this paper is to provide some insight into the relations that exist between cell level and message level performance guarantees in the context of ATM networks. Cell level guarantees are typically what the network is capable of providing, while message level guarantees are the ones of interest to users. It is, therefore, important to understand how the two are related, and which factors influence this relation. There are many different performance measures that are of importance, and in this paper we try to touch on the (three) most relevant ones. This includes comparing cell and message loss probabilities, average cell and message delays, and cell and message jitter. Specifically, we show that cell and message loss probabilities can exhibit significant differences, which strongly depend on traffic characteristics such as peak rate and burst size, i.e., for a fixed cell loss probability, the message loss probability can greatly vary when peak rate and burst size change. One reason for this sensitivity, is that message loss depends on what happen to all the cells in a message. For delay and jitter, we also find that peak rate and burst size play a role in determining the relation between cell and message performance. However, this sensitivity is not as acute as with losses since message delay and jitter are typically determined by the performance seen by only one cell, the last cell in a message. In the paper, we provide quantitative examples that illustrate the range of behaviors and identify the impact of different parameters.


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We give a detailed construction of a finite-state transition system for a com-connected Message Sequence Graph. Though this result is well-known in the literature and forms the basis for the solution to several analysis and verification problems concerning MSG specifications, the constructions given in the literature are either not amenable to implementation, or imprecise, or simply incorrect. In contrast we give a detailed construction along with a proof of its correctness. Our transition system is amenable to implementation, and can also be used for a bounded analysis of general (not necessarily com-connected) MSG specifications.


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In this paper, we develop a low-complexity message passing algorithm for joint support and signal recovery of approximately sparse signals. The problem of recovery of strictly sparse signals from noisy measurements can be viewed as a problem of recovery of approximately sparse signals from noiseless measurements, making the approach applicable to strictly sparse signal recovery from noisy measurements. The support recovery embedded in the approach makes it suitable for recovery of signals with same sparsity profiles, as in the problem of multiple measurement vectors (MMV). Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm, termed as JSSR-MP (joint support and signal recovery via message passing) algorithm, achieves performance comparable to that of sparse Bayesian learning (M-SBL) algorithm in the literature, at one order less complexity compared to the M-SBL algorithm.


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In this paper, we propose a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) receiver algorithm that exploits channel hardening that occurs in large MIMO channels. Channel hardening refers to the phenomenon where the off-diagonal terms of the matrix become increasingly weaker compared to the diagonal terms as the size of the channel gain matrix increases. Specifically, we propose a message passing detection (MPD) algorithm which works with the real-valued matched filtered received vector (whose signal term becomes, where is the transmitted vector), and uses a Gaussian approximation on the off-diagonal terms of the matrix. We also propose a simple estimation scheme which directly obtains an estimate of (instead of an estimate of), which is used as an effective channel estimate in the MPD algorithm. We refer to this receiver as the channel hardening-exploiting message passing (CHEMP) receiver. The proposed CHEMP receiver achieves very good performance in large-scaleMIMO systems (e.g., in systems with 16 to 128 uplink users and 128 base station antennas). For the considered large MIMO settings, the complexity of the proposed MPD algorithm is almost the same as or less than that of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection. This is because the MPD algorithm does not need a matrix inversion. It also achieves a significantly better performance compared to MMSE and other message passing detection algorithms using MMSE estimate of. Further, we design optimized irregular low density parity check (LDPC) codes specific to the considered large MIMO channel and the CHEMP receiver through EXIT chart matching. The LDPC codes thus obtained achieve improved coded bit error rate performance compared to off-the-shelf irregular LDPC codes.