58 resultados para maintenance of the genome

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The phosphoprotein P of paramyxoviruses is known to play more than one role in genome transcription and replication. Phosphorylation of P at the NH2 terminus by cellular casein kinase II has been shown to be necessary for transcription of the genome in some of the viruses, while it is dispensable for replication. The phosphorylation null mutant of rinderpest virus P protein, in which three serine residues have been mutated, has been shown earlier to be non-functional in an in vivo minigenome replication/transcription system. In this work, we have shown that the phosphorylation of P protein is essential for transcription, whereas the null mutant is active in replication of the genome in vivo. The null mutant P acts as a transdominant repressor of transcriptional activity of wild-type P and as an activator of replication carried out by wild-type P protein. These results suggest the phosphorylation status of P may act as a replication switch during virus replication. We also show that the phosphorylation null mutant P is capable of interacting with L and N proteins and is able to form a tripartite complex of L-(N-P) when expressed in insect cells, similar to wild-type P protein.


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Uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung)initiates the uracil excision repair pathway. We have earlier characterized the Y66W and Y66H mutants of Ung and shown that they are compromised by similar to 7- and similar to 170-fold, respectively in their uracil excision activities. In this study, fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that compared with the wild-type, the Y66W protein is moderately compromised and attenuated in binding to AP-DNA. Allelic exchange of ung in Escherichia coli with ung::kan, ungY66H:amp or ungY66W:amp alleles showed similar to 5-, similar to 3.0- and similar to 2.0-fold, respectively increase in mutation frequencies. Analysis of mutations in the rifampicin resistance determining region of rpoB revealed that the Y66W allele resulted in an increase in A to G (or T to C) mutations. However, the increase in A to G mutations was mitigated upon expression of wild-type Ung from a plasmid borne gene. Biochemical and computational analyses showed that the Y66W mutant maintains strict specificity for uracil excision from DNA. Interestingly, a strain deficient in AP-endonucleases also showed an increase in A to G mutations. We discuss these findings in the context of a proposal that the residency of DNA glycosylase(s) onto the AP-sites they generate shields them until recruitment of AP-endonucleases for further repair.


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Oryctes baculovirus is a viral biocide exploited for the control of the insect pest Oryctes rhinoceros. We have recently established a physical map of the genome of the Indian isolate of Oryctes baculovirus (OBV-KI). Here we examine the genomic relatedness between OBV-KI and OBV-PV505, the type isolate (originally from the Philippines), by DNA reassociation kinetics and by the use of restriction endonucleases. On the basis of differences in restriction-enzyme profiles between the two genomes, and previously reported differences in protein profiles and antigenic makeup, we propose the taxonomic status of a variant of Oryctes baculovirus for the Indian isolate.


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By employing a procedure that combines ELISA and photoacoustic spectroscopy, we have examined the content of 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) in DNA of individuals who differed from one another in the number of X chromosomes in their genomes. The results show that the human inactive X chromosome (Xi) contains very high amounts of this modified nucleotide. We estimate that in the 46,XX female there is more m(5)C in Xi (similar to3.6 x 10(7)) than in all the remaining chromosomes put together (similar to2.1 x 10(7)). Our results also suggest that nearly one-fifth of all cytosines in Xi are methylated and that, in addition to CpG methylation, there is extensive non-CpG methylation as well.


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The ribosomal P-site hosts the peptidyl-tRNAs during translation elongation. Which P-site elements support these tRNA species to maintain codon-anticodon interactions has remained unclear. We investigated the effects of P-site features of methylations of G966, C967, and the conserved C-terminal tail sequence of Ser, Lys, and Arg (SKR) of the S9 ribosomal protein in maintenance of the translational reading frame of an mRNA. We generated Escherichia coli strains deleted for the SKR sequence in S9 ribosomal protein, RsmB (which methylates C967), and RsmD (which methylates G966) and used them to translate LacZ from its +1 and -1 out-of-frame constructs. We show that the S9 SKR tail prevents both the +1 and -1 frameshifts and plays a general role in holding the P-site tRNA/peptidyl-tRNA in place. In contrast, the G966 and C967 methylations did not make a direct contribution to the maintenance of the translational frame of an mRNA. However, deletion of rsmB in the S9 Delta 3 background caused significantly increased -1 frameshifting at 37 degrees C. Interestingly, the effects of the deficiency of C967 methylation were annulled when the E. coli strain was grown at 30 degrees C, supporting its context-dependent role.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic basidiomycetous yeast responsible for more than 600,000 deaths each year. It occurs as two serotypes (A and D) representing two varieties (i.e. grubii and neoformans, respectively). Here, we sequenced the genome and performed an RNA-Seq-based analysis of the C. neoformans var. grubii transcriptome structure. We determined the chromosomal locations, analyzed the sequence/structural features of the centromeres, and identified origins of replication. The genome was annotated based on automated and manual curation. More than 40,000 introns populating more than 99% of the expressed genes were identified. Although most of these introns are located in the coding DNA sequences (CDS), over 2,000 introns in the untranslated regions (UTRs) were also identified. Poly(A)-containing reads were employed to locate the polyadenylation sites of more than 80% of the genes. Examination of the sequences around these sites revealed a new poly(A)-site-associated motif (AUGHAH). In addition, 1,197 miscRNAs were identified. These miscRNAs can be spliced and/or polyadenylated, but do not appear to have obvious coding capacities. Finally, this genome sequence enabled a comparative analysis of strain H99 variants obtained after laboratory passage. The spectrum of mutations identified provides insights into the genetics underlying the micro-evolution of a laboratory strain, and identifies mutations involved in stress responses, mating efficiency, and virulence.


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The pattern of expression of the genes involved in the utilization of aryl beta-glucosides such as arbutin and salicin is different in the genus Shigella compared to Escherichia coli. The results presented here indicate that the homologue of the cryptic bgl operon of E. coli is conserved in Shigella sonnei and is the primary system involved in beta-glucoside utilization in the organism. The organization of the bgl genes in 5. sonnei is similar to that of E. coli; however there are three major differences in terms of their pattern of expression. (i) The bglB gene, encoding phospho-beta-glucosidase B, is insertionally inactivated in 5. sonnei. As a result, mutational activation of the silent bgl promoter confers an Arbutin-positive (Arb(+)) phenotype to the cells in a single step; however, acquiring a Salicin-positive (Sal(+)) phenotype requires the reversion or suppression of the bglB mutation in addition. (ii) Unlike in E. coli, a majority of the activating mutations (conferring the Arb(+) phenotype) map within the unlinked hns locus, whereas activation of the E. coli bgl operon under the same conditions is predominantly due to insertions within the bglR locus. (iii) Although the bgl promoter is silent in the wild-type strain of 5. sonnei (as in the case of E. coli), transcriptional and functional analyses indicated a higher basal level of transcription of the downstream genes. This was correlated with a 1 bp deletion within the putative Rho-independent terminator present in the leader sequence preceding the homologue of the bglG gene. The possible evolutionary implications of these differences for the maintenance of the genes in the cryptic state are discussed.


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An Ocean General Circulation Model of the Indian Ocean with high horizontal (0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees) and vertical (40 levels) resolutions is used to study the dynamics and thermodynamics of the Arabian Sea mini warm pool (ASMWP), the warmest region in the northern Indian Ocean during January-April. The model simulates the seasonal cycle of temperature, salinity and currents as well as the winter time temperature inversions in the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) quite realistically with climatological forcing. An experiment which maintained uniform salinity of 35 psu over the entire model domain reproduces the ASMWP similar to the control run with realistic salinity and this is contrary to the existing theories that stratification caused by the intrusion of low-salinity water from the Bay of Bengal into the SEAS is crucial for the formation of ASMWP. The contribution from temperature inversions to the warming of the SEAS is found to be negligible. Experiments with modified atmospheric forcing over the SEAS show that the low latent heat loss over the SEAS compared to the surroundings, resulting from the low winds due to the orographic effect of Western Ghats, plays an important role in setting up the sea surface temperature (SST) distribution over the SEAS during November March. During March-May, the SEAS responds quickly to the air-sea fluxes and the peak SST during April-May is independent of the SST evolution during previous months. The SEAS behaves as a low wind, heat-dominated regime during November-May and, therefore, the formation and maintenance of the ASMWP is not dependent on the near surface stratification.


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The mismatch repair (MMR) pathway serves to maintain the integrity of the genome by removing mispaired bases from the newly synthesized strand. In E. coli, MutS, MutL and MutH coordinate to discriminate the daughter strand through a mechanism involving lack of methylation on the new strand. This facilitates the creation of a nick by MutH in the daughter strand to initiate mismatch repair. Many bacteria and eukaryotes, including humans, do not possess a homolog of MutH. Although the exact strategy for strand discrimination in these organisms is yet to be ascertained, the required nicking endonuclease activity is resident in the C-terminal domain of MutL. This activity is dependent on the integrity of a conserved metal binding motif. Unlike their eukaryotic counterparts, MutL in bacteria like Neisseria exist in the form of a homodimer. Even though this homodimer would possess two active sites, it still acts a nicking endonuclease. Here, we present the crystal structure of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the MutL homolog of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NgoL) determined to a resolution of 2.4 A. The structure shows that the metal binding motif exists in a helical configuration and that four of the six conserved motifs in the MutL family, including the metal binding site, localize together to form a composite active site. NgoL-CTD exists in the form of an elongated inverted homodimer stabilized by a hydrophobic interface rich in leucines. The inverted arrangement places the two composite active sites in each subunit on opposite lateral sides of the homodimer. Such an arrangement raises the possibility that one of the active sites is occluded due to interaction of NgoL with other protein factors involved in MMR. The presentation of only one active site to substrate DNA will ensure that nicking of only one strand occurs to prevent inadvertent and deleterious double stranded cleavage.


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Translation of mRNAs is the primary function of the ribosomal machinery. Although cells allow for a certain level of translational errors/mistranslation (which may well be a strategic need), maintenance of the fidelity of translation is vital for the cellular function and fitness. The P-site bound initiator tRNA selects the start codon in an mRNA and specifies the reading frame. A direct P-site binding of the initiator tRNA is a function of its special structural features, ribosomal elements, and the initiation factors. A highly conserved feature of the 3 consecutive G:C base pairs (3GC pairs) in the anticodon stem of the initiator tRNAs is vital in directing it to the P-site. Mutations in the 3GC pairs diminish/abolish initiation under normal physiological conditions. Using molecular genetics approaches, we have identified conditions that allow initiation with the mutant tRNAs in Escherichia coli. During our studies, we have uncovered a novel phenomenon of in vivo initiation by elongator tRNAs. Here, we recapitulate how the cellular abundance of the initiator tRNA, and nucleoside modifications in rRNA are connected with the tRNA selection in the P-site. We then discuss our recent finding of how a conserved feature in the mRNA, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, influences tRNA selection in the P-site.


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The tropical easterly jet (TEJ) is a prominent atmospheric circulation feature observed during the Asian summer monsoon. It is generally assumed that sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau directly influences the location of the TEJ. However, other studies have suggested the importance of latent heating in determining the jet location. In this paper, the relative importance of latent heating on the maintenance of the TEJ is explored through simulations with a general circulation model. The simulation of the TEJ by the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3.1 is discussed in detail. These simulations showed that the location of the TEJ is well correlated with the location of the precipitation. Significant zonal shifts in the location of the precipitation resulted in similar shifts in the zonal location of the TEJ. These zonal shifts had minimal effect on the large-scale structure of the jet. Further, provided that precipitation patterns were relatively unchanged, orography did not directly impact the location of the TEJ. These changes were robust even with changes in the cumulus parameterization. This suggests the potential important role of latent heating in determining the location and structure of the TEJ. These results were used to explain the significant differences in the zonal location of the TEJ in the years 1988 and 2002. To understand the contribution of the latitudinal location of latent heating on the strength of the TEJ, aqua-planet simulations were carried out. It has been shown that for similar amounts of net latent heating, the jet is stronger when heating is in the higher tropical latitudes. This may partly explain the reason for the jet to be very strong during the JJA monsoon season.


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As the volume of data relating to proteins increases, researchers rely more and more on the analysis of published data, thus increasing the importance of good access to these data that vary from the supplemental material of individual articles, all the way to major reference databases with professional staff and long-term funding. Specialist protein resources fill an important middle ground, providing interactive web interfaces to their databases for a focused topic or family of proteins, using specialized approaches that are not feasible in the major reference databases. Many are labors of love, run by a single lab with little or no dedicated funding and there are many challenges to building and maintaining them. This perspective arose from a meeting of several specialist protein resources and major reference databases held at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus (Cambridge, UK) on August 11 and 12, 2014. During this meeting some common key challenges involved in creating and maintaining such resources were discussed, along with various approaches to address them. In laying out these challenges, we aim to inform users about how these issues impact our resources and illustrate ways in which our working together could enhance their accuracy, currency, and overall value. Proteins 2015; 83:1005-1013. (c) 2015 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The Role Of The Amino And Carboxyl-Terminal Regions Of Cytosolic Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) In Subunit Assembly And Catalysis Was Studied Using Sis Amino-Terminal (Lacking The First 6, 14, 30, 49, 58, And 75 Residues) And Two Carboxyl-Terminal (Lacking The Last 49 And 185 Residues) Deletion Mutants. These Mutants Were Constructed From A Full Length Cdna Clone Using Restriction Enzyme/PCR-Based Methods And Overexpressed In Escherichia Coli. The Overexpressed Proteins, Des-(A1-K6) SHMT And Des-(A1-W14)-SHMT Were Present In The Soluble Fraction And They Were Purified To Homogeneity. The Deletion Clones, For Des-(A1-V30)-SHMT And Des-(A1-L49)-SHMT Were Expressed At Very Low Levels, Whereas Des-(A1-R58)-SHMT, Des-/A1-G75)-SHMT, Des-(Q435-F483)-SHMT And Des-(L299-F483)-SHMT Mutant Proteins Were Not Soluble And Formed Inclusion Bodies. Des-(A1-K6)-SHMT And Des-(A1-W14)-SHMT Catalyzed Both The Tetrahydrofolate-Dependent And Tetrahydrofolate-Independent Reactions, Generating Characteristic Spectral Intermediates With Glycine And Tetrahydrofolate. The Two Mutants Had Similar Kinetic Parameters To That Of The Recombinant SHMT (Rshmt). However, At 55 Degrees C, The Des-(A1-W14)-SHMT Lost Almost All The Activity Within 5 Min, While At The Same Temperature Rshmt And Des-(A1-K6)-SHMT Retained 85% And 70% Activity, Respectively. Thermal Denaturation Studies Showed That Des-(A1-W14)-SHMT Had A Lower Apparent Melting Temperature (52 Degrees C) Compared To Rshmt (56 Degrees C) And Des-(A1-K6)-SHMT (55 Degrees C), Suggesting That N-Terminal Deletion Had Resulted In A Decrease In The Thermal Stability Of The Enzyme. Further Urea Induced Inactivation Of The Enzymes Revealed That 50% Inactivation Occurred At A Lower Urea Concentration (1.2+/-0.1 M) In The Case Of Des-(A1-W14)-SHMT Compared To Rshmt (1.8+/-0.1 M) And Des-(A1 -K6)-SHMT (1.7+/-0.1 M). The Apoenzyme Of Des-/A1-K6)-SHMT Was Present Predominantly In The Dimer Form, Whereas The Apoenzymes Of Rshmt And Des-(A1-K6)-SHMT Were A Mixture Of Tetramers (Approximate To 75% And Approximate To 65%, Respectively) And Dimers. While, Rshmt And Des-(A1-K6)-SHMT Apoenzymes Could Be Reconstituted Upon The Addition Of Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphate To 96% And 94% Enzyme Activity, Respectively Des-(A1-W14)-SHMT Apoenzyme Could Be Reconstituted Only Upto 22%. The Percentage Activity Refined Correlated With The Appearance Of Visible CD At 425 Nm And With The Amount Of Enzyme Present In The Tetrameric Form Upon Reconstitution As Monitored By Gel Filtration. These Results Demonstrate That, In Addition To The Cofactor, The N-Terminal Arm Plays An Important Role In Stabilizing The Tetrameric Structure Of SHMT.


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The nucleotide sequence of cosmid B1790, carrying the Rif-Str regions of the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome, has been determined. Twelve open reading frames were identified in the 36716bp sequence, representing 40% of the coding capacity. Five ribosomal proteins, two elongation factors and the β and β'subunits of RNA polymerase have been characterized and two novel genes were found. One of these encodes a member of the so-called ABC family of ATP-binding proteins while the other appears to encode an enzyme involved in repairing genomic lesions caused by free radicals. This finding may well be significant as M. leprae, an intracellular pathogen, lives within macrophages.