75 resultados para least common subgraph algorithm

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this paper we establish that the Lovasz theta function on a graph can be restated as a kernel learning problem. We introduce the notion of SVM-theta graphs, on which Lovasz theta function can be approximated well by a Support vector machine (SVM). We show that Erdos-Renyi random G(n, p) graphs are SVM-theta graphs for log(4)n/n <= p < 1. Even if we embed a large clique of size Theta(root np/1-p) in a G(n, p) graph the resultant graph still remains a SVM-theta graph. This immediately suggests an SVM based algorithm for recovering a large planted clique in random graphs. Associated with the theta function is the notion of orthogonal labellings. We introduce common orthogonal labellings which extends the idea of orthogonal labellings to multiple graphs. This allows us to propose a Multiple Kernel learning (MKL) based solution which is capable of identifying a large common dense subgraph in multiple graphs. Both in the planted clique case and common subgraph detection problem the proposed solutions beat the state of the art by an order of magnitude.


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In this paper, we have proposed a centralized multicast authentication protocol (MAP) for dynamic multicast groups in wireless networks. In our protocol, a multicast group is defined only at the time of the multicasting. The authentication server (AS) in the network generates a session key and authenticates it to each of the members of a multicast group using the computationally inexpensive least common multiple (LCM) method. In addition, a pseudo random function (PRF) is used to bind the secret keys of the network members with their identities. By doing this, the AS is relieved from storing per member secrets in its memory, making the scheme completely storage scalable. The protocol minimizes the load on the network members by shifting the computational tasks towards the AS node as far as possible. The protocol possesses a membership revocation mechanism and is protected against replay attack and brute force attack. Analytical and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.


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A routing protocol in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) should be secure against both the outside attackers which do not hold valid security credentials and the inside attackers which are the compromised nodes in the network. The outside attackers can be prevented with the help of an efficient key management protocol and cryptography. However, to prevent inside attackers, it should be accompanied with an intrusion detection system (IDS). In this paper, we propose a novel secure routing with an integrated localized key management (SR-LKM) protocol, which is aimed to prevent both inside and outside attackers. The localized key management mechanism is not dependent on any routing protocol. Thus, unlike many other existing schemes, the protocol does not suffer from the key management - secure routing interdependency problem. The key management mechanism is lightweight as it optimizes the use of public key cryptography with the help of a novel neighbor based handshaking and Least Common Multiple (LCM) based broadcast key distribution mechanism. The protocol is storage scalable and its efficiency is confirmed by the results obtained from simulation experiments.


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For a multilayered specimen, the back-scattered signal in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) is expressible as a sum of cosines, each corresponding to a change of refractive index in the specimen. Each of the cosines represent a peak in the reconstructed tomogram. We consider a truncated cosine series representation of the signal, with the constraint that the coefficients in the basis expansion be sparse. An l(2) (sum of squared errors) data error is considered with an l(1) (summation of absolute values) constraint on the coefficients. The optimization problem is solved using Weiszfeld's iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm. On real FDOCT data, improved results are obtained over the standard reconstruction technique with lower levels of background measurement noise and artifacts due to a strong l(1) penalty. The previous sparse tomogram reconstruction techniques in the literature proposed collecting sparse samples, necessitating a change in the data capturing process conventionally used in FDOCT. The IRLS-based method proposed in this paper does not suffer from this drawback.


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A modified least mean fourth (LMF) adaptive algorithm applicable to non-stationary signals is presented. The performance of the proposed algorithm is studied by simulation for non-stationarities in bandwidth, centre frequency and gain of a stochastic signal. These non-stationarities are in the form of linear, sinusoidal and jump variations of the parameters. The proposed LMF adaptation is found to have better parameter tracking capability than the LMS adaptation for the same speed of convergence.


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This paper considers the applicability of the least mean fourth (LM F) power gradient adaptation criteria with 'advantage' for signals associated with gaussian noise, the associated noise power estimate not being known. The proposed method, as an adaptive spectral estimator, is found to provide superior performance than the least mean square (LMS) adaptation for the same (or even lower) speed of convergence for signals having sufficiently high signal-to-gaussian noise ratio. The results include comparison of the performance of the LMS-tapped delay line, LMF-tapped delay line, LMS-lattice and LMF-lattice algorithms, with the Burg's block data method as reference. The signals, like sinusoids with noise and stochastic signals like EEG, are considered in this study.


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The associated model for binary systems has been modified to include volume effects and excess entropy arising from preferential interactions between the associate and the free atoms or between the free atoms. Equations for thermodynamic mixing functions have been derived. An optimization procedure using a modified conjugate gradient method has been used to evaluate the enthalpy and entropy interaction energies, the free energy of dissociation of the complex, its temperature dependance and the size of the associate. An expression for the concentration—concentration structure factor [Scc (0)] has been deduced from the modified associated solution model. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Ga-Te alloys at 1120 K, believed to contain Ga2Te3 associates. It is observed that the modified associated solution model incorporating volume effects and terms for the temperature dependance of interaction energies, describes the thermodynamic properties of Ga-Te system satisfactorily.


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Abstract-To detect errors in decision tables one needs to decide whether a given set of constraints is feasible or not. This paper describes an algorithm to do so when the constraints are linear in variables that take only integer values. Decision tables with such constraints occur frequently in business data processing and in nonnumeric applications. The aim of the algorithm is to exploit. the abundance of very simple constraints that occur in typical decision table contexts. Essentially, the algorithm is a backtrack procedure where the the solution space is pruned by using the set of simple constrains. After some simplications, the simple constraints are captured in an acyclic directed graph with weighted edges. Further, only those partial vectors are considered from extension which can be extended to assignments that will at least satisfy the simple constraints. This is how pruning of the solution space is achieved. For every partial assignment considered, the graph representation of the simple constraints provides a lower bound for each variable which is not yet assigned a value. These lower bounds play a vital role in the algorithm and they are obtained in an efficient manner by updating older lower bounds. Our present algorithm also incorporates an idea by which it can be checked whether or not an (m - 2)-ary vector can be extended to a solution vector of m components, thereby backtracking is reduced by one component.


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Statistical learning algorithms provide a viable framework for geotechnical engineering modeling. This paper describes two statistical learning algorithms applied for site characterization modeling based on standard penetration test (SPT) data. More than 2700 field SPT values (N) have been collected from 766 boreholes spread over an area of 220 sqkm area in Bangalore. To get N corrected value (N,), N values have been corrected (Ne) for different parameters such as overburden stress, size of borehole, type of sampler, length of connecting rod, etc. In three-dimensional site characterization model, the function N-c=N-c (X, Y, Z), where X, Y and Z are the coordinates of a point corresponding to N, value, is to be approximated in which N, value at any half-space point in Bangalore can be determined. The first algorithm uses least-square support vector machine (LSSVM), which is related to aridge regression type of support vector machine. The second algorithm uses relevance vector machine (RVM), which combines the strengths of kernel-based methods and Bayesian theory to establish the relationships between a set of input vectors and a desired output. The paper also presents the comparative study between the developed LSSVM and RVM model for site characterization. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons,Ltd.


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Relative geometric arrangements of the sample points, with reference to the structure of the imbedding space, produce clusters. Hence, if each sample point is imagined to acquire a volume of a small M-cube (called pattern-cell), depending on the ranges of its (M) features and number (N) of samples; then overlapping pattern-cells would indicate naturally closer sample-points. A chain or blob of such overlapping cells would mean a cluster and separate clusters would not share a common pattern-cell between them. The conditions and an analytic method to find such an overlap are developed. A simple, intuitive, nonparametric clustering procedure, based on such overlapping pattern-cells is presented. It may be classified as an agglomerative, hierarchical, linkage-type clustering procedure. The algorithm is fast, requires low storage and can identify irregular clusters. Two extensions of the algorithm, to separate overlapping clusters and to estimate the nature of pattern distributions in the sample space, are also indicated.


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Presented here, in a vector formulation, is an O(mn2) direct concise algorithm that prunes/identifies the linearly dependent (ld) rows of an arbitrary m X n matrix A and computes its reflexive type minimum norm inverse A(mr)-, which will be the true inverse A-1 if A is nonsingular and the Moore-Penrose inverse A+ if A is full row-rank. The algorithm, without any additional computation, produces the projection operator P = (I - A(mr)- A) that provides a means to compute any of the solutions of the consistent linear equation Ax = b since the general solution may be expressed as x = A(mr)+b + Pz, where z is an arbitrary vector. The rank r of A will also be produced in the process. Some of the salient features of this algorithm are that (i) the algorithm is concise, (ii) the minimum norm least squares solution for consistent/inconsistent equations is readily computable when A is full row-rank (else, a minimum norm solution for consistent equations is obtainable), (iii) the algorithm identifies ld rows, if any, and reduces concerned computation and improves accuracy of the result, (iv) error-bounds for the inverse as well as the solution x for Ax = b are readily computable, (v) error-free computation of the inverse, solution vector, rank, and projection operator and its inherent parallel implementation are straightforward, (vi) it is suitable for vector (pipeline) machines, and (vii) the inverse produced by the algorithm can be used to solve under-/overdetermined linear systems.


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The source localization algorithms in the earlier works, mostly used non-planar arrays. If we consider scenarios like human-computer communication, or human-television communication where the microphones need to be placed on the computer monitor or television front panel, i.e we need to use the planar arrays. The algorithm proposed in 1], is a Linear Closed Form source localization algorithm (LCF algorithm) which is based on Time Difference of Arrivals (TDOAs) that are obtained from the data collected using the microphones. It assumes non-planar arrays. The LCF algorithm is applied to planar arrays in the current work. The relationship between the error in the source location estimate and the perturbation in the TDOAs is derived using first order perturbation analysis and validated using simulations. If the TDOAs are erroneous, both the coefficient matrix and the data matrix used for obtaining source location will be perturbed. So, the Total least squares solution for source localization is proposed in the current work. The sensitivity analysis of the source localization algorithm for planar arrays and non-planar arrays is done by introducing perturbation in the TDOAs and the microphone locations. It is shown that the error in the source location estimate is less when we use planar array instead of the particular non-planar array considered for same perturbation in the TDOAs or microphone location. The location of the reference microphone is proved to be important for getting an accurate source location estimate if we are using the LCF algorithm.


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Use of engineered landfills for the disposal of industrial wastes is currently a common practice. Bentonite is attracting a greater attention not only as capping and lining materials in landfills but also as buffer and backfill materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste around the world. In the design of buffer and backfill materials, it is important to know the swelling pressures of compacted bentonite with different electrolyte solutions. The theoretical studies on swell pressure behaviour are all based on Diffuse Double Layer (DDL) theory. To establish a relation between the swell pressure and void ratio of the soil, it is necessary to calculate the mid-plane potential in the diffuse part of the interacting ionic double layers. The difficulty in these calculations is the elliptic integral involved in the relation between half space distance and mid plane potential. Several investigators circumvented this problem using indirect methods or by using cumbersome numerical techniques. In this work, a novel approach is proposed for theoretical estimations of swell pressures of fine-grained soil from the DDL theory. The proposed approach circumvents the complex computations in establishing the relationship between mid-plane potential and diffused plates’ distances in other words, between swell pressure and void ratio.


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Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework for mining data available as a long sequence of events. An episode is essentially a short ordered sequence of event types and the frequency of an episode is some suitable measure of how often the episode occurs in the data sequence. Recently,we proposed a new frequency measure for episodes based on the notion of non-overlapped occurrences of episodes in the event sequence, and showed that, such a definition, in addition to yielding computationally efficient algorithms, has some important theoretical properties in connecting frequent episode discovery with HMM learning. This paper presents some new algorithms for frequent episode discovery under this non-overlapped occurrences-based frequency definition. The algorithms presented here are better (by a factor of N, where N denotes the size of episodes being discovered) in terms of both time and space complexities when compared to existing methods for frequent episode discovery. We show through some simulation experiments, that our algorithms are very efficient. The new algorithms presented here have arguably the least possible orders of spaceand time complexities for the task of frequent episode discovery.


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A low complexity, essentially-ML decoding technique for the Golden code and the three antenna Perfect code was introduced by Sirianunpiboon, Howard and Calderbank. Though no theoretical analysis of the decoder was given, the simulations showed that this decoding technique has almost maximum-likelihood (ML) performance. Inspired by this technique, in this paper we introduce two new low complexity decoders for Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs)-the Adaptive Conditional Zero-Forcing (ACZF) decoder and the ACZF decoder with successive interference cancellation (ACZF-SIC), which include as a special case the decoding technique of Sirianunpiboon et al. We show that both ACZF and ACZF-SIC decoders are capable of achieving full-diversity, and we give a set of sufficient conditions for an STBC to give full-diversity with these decoders. We then show that the Golden code, the three and four antenna Perfect codes, the three antenna Threaded Algebraic Space-Time code and the four antenna rate 2 code of Srinath and Rajan are all full-diversity ACZF/ACZF-SIC decodable with complexity strictly less than that of their ML decoders. Simulations show that the proposed decoding method performs identical to ML decoding for all these five codes. These STBCs along with the proposed decoding algorithm have the least decoding complexity and best error performance among all known codes for transmit antennas. We further provide a lower bound on the complexity of full-diversity ACZF/ACZF-SIC decoding. All the five codes listed above achieve this lower bound and hence are optimal in terms of minimizing the ACZF/ACZF-SIC decoding complexity. Both ACZF and ACZF-SIC decoders are amenable to sphere decoding implementation.