202 resultados para k-connectivity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Contraction of an edge e merges its end points into a new single vertex, and each neighbor of one of the end points of e is a neighbor of the new vertex. An edge in a k-connected graph is contractible if its contraction does not result in a graph with lesser connectivity; otherwise the edge is called non-contractible. In this paper, we present results on the structure of contractible edges in k-trees and k-connected partial k-trees. Firstly, we show that an edge e in a k-tree is contractible if and only if e belongs to exactly one (k + 1) clique. We use this characterization to show that the graph formed by contractible edges is a 2-connected graph. We also show that there are at least |V(G)| + k - 2 contractible edges in a k-tree. Secondly, we show that if an edge e in a partial k-tree is contractible then e is contractible in any k-tree which contains the partial k-tree as an edge subgraph. We also construct a class of contraction critical 2k-connected partial 2k-trees.


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We study the responses of a cultured neural network when it is exposed to epileptogenesis glutamate injury causing epilepsy and subsequent treatment with phenobarbital by constructing connectivity map of neurons using correlation matrix. This study is particularly useful in understanding the pharmaceutical drug induced changes in the neuronal network properties with insights into changes at the systems biology level. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3398025]


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Given two independent Poisson point processes ©(1);©(2) in Rd, the AB Poisson Boolean model is the graph with points of ©(1) as vertices and with edges between any pair of points for which the intersection of balls of radius 2r centred at these points contains at least one point of ©(2). This is a generalization of the AB percolation model on discrete lattices. We show the existence of percolation for all d ¸ 2 and derive bounds for a critical intensity. We also provide a characterization for this critical intensity when d = 2. To study the connectivity problem, we consider independent Poisson point processes of intensities n and cn in the unit cube. The AB random geometric graph is de¯ned as above but with balls of radius r. We derive a weak law result for the largest nearest neighbour distance and almost sure asymptotic bounds for the connectivity threshold.


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The idea of ubiquity and seamless connectivity in networks is gaining more importance in recent times because of the emergence of mobile devices with added capabilities like multiple interfaces and more processing abilities. The success of ubiquitous applications depends on how effectively the user is provided with seamless connectivity. In a ubiquitous application, seamless connectivity encompasses the smooth migration of a user between networks and providing him/her with context based information automatically at all times. In this work, we propose a seamless connectivity scheme in the true sense of ubiquitous networks by providing smooth migration to a user along with providing information based on his/her contexts automatically without re-registration with the foreign network. The scheme uses Ubi-SubSystems(USS) and Soft-Switches(SS) for maintaining the ubiquitous application resources and the users. The scheme has been tested by considering the ubiquitous touring system with several sets of tourist spots and users.


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The lifetime calculation of large dense sensor networks with fixed energy resources and the remaining residual energy have shown that for a constant energy resource in a sensor network the fault rate at the cluster head is network size invariant when using the network layer with no MAC losses.Even after increasing the battery capacities in the nodes the total lifetime does not increase after a max limit of 8 times. As this is a serious limitation lots of research has been done at the MAC layer which allows to adapt to the specific connectivity, traffic and channel polling needs for sensor networks. There have been lots of MAC protocols which allow to control the channel polling of new radios which are available to sensor nodes to communicate. This further reduces the communication overhead by idling and sleep scheduling thus extending the lifetime of the monitoring application. We address the two issues which effects the distributed characteristics and performance of connected MAC nodes. (1) To determine the theoretical minimum rate based on joint coding for a correlated data source at the singlehop, (2a) to estimate cluster head errors using Bayesian rule for routing using persistence clustering when node densities are the same and stored using prior probability at the network layer, (2b) to estimate the upper bound of routing errors when using passive clustering were the node densities at the multi-hop MACS are unknown and not stored at the multi-hop nodes a priori. In this paper we evaluate many MAC based sensor network protocols and study the effects on sensor network lifetime. A renewable energy MAC routing protocol is designed when the probabilities of active nodes are not known a priori. From theoretical derivations we show that for a Bayesian rule with known class densities of omega1, omega2 with expected error P* is bounded by max error rate of P=2P* for single-hop. We study the effects of energy losses using cross-layer simulation of - large sensor network MACS setup, the error rate which effect finding sufficient node densities to have reliable multi-hop communications due to unknown node densities. The simulation results show that even though the lifetime is comparable the expected Bayesian posterior probability error bound is close or higher than Pges2P*.


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Given two independent Poisson point processes Phi((1)), Phi((2)) in R-d, the AB Poisson Boolean model is the graph with the points of Phi((1)) as vertices and with edges between any pair of points for which the intersection of balls of radius 2r centered at these points contains at least one point of Phi((2)). This is a generalization of the AB percolation model on discrete lattices. We show the existence of percolation for all d >= 2 and derive bounds fora critical intensity. We also provide a characterization for this critical intensity when d = 2. To study the connectivity problem, we consider independent Poisson point processes of intensities n and tau n in the unit cube. The AB random geometric graph is defined as above but with balls of radius r. We derive a weak law result for the largest nearest-neighbor distance and almost-sure asymptotic bounds for the connectivity threshold.


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A path in an edge colored graph is said to be a rainbow path if no two edges on the path have the same color. An edge colored graph is (strongly) rainbow connected if there exists a (geodesic) rainbow path between every pair of vertices. The (strong) rainbow connectivity of a graph G, denoted by (src(G), respectively) rc(G) is the smallest number of colors required to edge color the graph such that G is (strongly) rainbow connected. In this paper we study the rainbow connectivity problem and the strong rainbow connectivity problem from a computational point of view. Our main results can be summarised as below: 1) For every fixed k >= 3, it is NP-Complete to decide whether src(G) <= k even when the graph G is bipartite. 2) For every fixed odd k >= 3, it is NP-Complete to decide whether rc(G) <= k. This resolves one of the open problems posed by Chakraborty et al. (J. Comb. Opt., 2011) where they prove the hardness for the even case. 3) The following problem is fixed parameter tractable: Given a graph G, determine the maximum number of pairs of vertices that can be rainbow connected using two colors. 4) For a directed graph G, it is NP-Complete to decide whether rc(G) <= 2.


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Real world biological systems such as the human brain are inherently nonlinear and difficult to model. However, most of the previous studies have either employed linear models or parametric nonlinear models for investigating brain function. In this paper, a novel application of a nonlinear measure of phase synchronization based on recurrences, correlation between probabilities of recurrence (CPR), to study connectivity in the brain has been proposed. Being non-parametric, this method makes very few assumptions, making it suitable for investigating brain function in a data-driven way. CPR's utility with application to multichannel electroencephalographic (EEG) signals has been demonstrated. Brain connectivity obtained using thresholded CPR matrix of multichannel EEG signals showed clear differences in the number and pattern of connections in brain connectivity between (a) epileptic seizure and pre-seizure and (b) eyes open and eyes closed states. Corresponding brain headmaps provide meaningful insights about synchronization in the brain in those states. K-means clustering of connectivity parameters of CPR and linear correlation obtained from global epileptic seizure and pre-seizure showed significantly larger cluster centroid distances for CPR as opposed to linear correlation, thereby demonstrating the superior ability of CPR for discriminating seizure from pre-seizure. The headmap in the case of focal epilepsy clearly enables us to identify the focus of the epilepsy which provides certain diagnostic value. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the evolution of electronic structure with dimensionality (d) of Ni-O-Ni connectivity in divalent nickelates, NiO (3-d), La2NiO4, Pr2NiO4 (2-d), Y2BaNiO5 (1-d) and Lu2BaNi5 (0-d), by analyzing the valence band and the Ni 2p core-level photoemission spectra in conjunction with detailed many-body calculations including full multiplet interactions. Experimental results exhibit a reduction in the intensity of correlation-induced satellite features with decreasing dimensionality. The calculations based on the cluster model, but evaluating both Ni 3d and O 2p related photoemission processes on the same footing, provide a consistent description of both valence-band and core-level spectra in terms of various interaction strengths. While the correlation-induced satellite features in NiO is dominated by poorly screened d(8) states as described in the existing literature, we find that the satellite features in the nickelates with lower dimensional Ni-O-Ni connectivity are in fact dominated by the over-screened d(10)L(2) states. It is found that the changing electronic structure with the dimensionality is primarily driven by two factors: (i) a suppression of the nonlocal contribution to screening; and (ii) a systematic decrease of the charge-transfer energy Delta driven by changes in the Madelung potential. [S0163-1829(99)09619-8].


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Nine tie-lines between Fe-Ni alloys and FeTiO3-NiTiO3 solid solutions were determined at 1273 K. Samples were equilibrated in evacuated quartz ampoules for periods up to 10 days. Compositions of the alloy and oxide phases at equilibrium were determined by energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction was used to confirm the results. Attainment of equilibrium was verified by the conventional tie-line rotation technique and by thermodynamic analysis of the results. The tie-lines are skewed toward the FeTiO3 corner. From the tie-line data and activities in the Fe-Ni alloy phase available in the literature, activities of FeTiO3 and NiTiO3 in the ilmenite solid solution were derived using the modified Gibbs-Duhem technique of Jacob and Jeffes [K.T. Jacob and J.H.E. Jeffes, An Improved Method for Calculating Activities from Distribution Equilibria, High Temp. High Press., 1972, 4, p 177-182]. The components of the oxide solid solution exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult's law. Within experimental error, excess Gibbs energy of mixing for the FeTiO3-NiTiO3 solid solution at 1273 K is a symmetric function of composition and can be represented as: Delta G(E) = 8590 (+/- 200) X-FeTiO3 X-NiTiO3 J/mol Full spectrum of tie-lines and oxygen potentials for the three-phase equilibrium involving Fe-Ni alloys, FeTiO3-NiTiO3 solid solutions, and TiO2 at 1273 K were computed using results obtained in this study and data available in the literature.


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A graph is said to be k-variegated if its vertex set can be partitioned into k equal parts such that each vertex is adjacent to exactly one vertex from every other part not containing it. Bednarek and Sanders [1] posed the problem of characterizing k-variegated graphs. V.N. Bhat-Nayak, S.A. Choudum and R.N. Naik [2] gave the characterization of 2-variegated graphs. In this paper we characterize k-variegated graphs for k greater-or-equal, slanted 3.


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A locked high-pressure cell with working pressure range up to 10 kbars suitable for low-temperature studies to 77 K has been described. It can be used for both EPR and NMR studies of single crystals (and other solid samples). The high-pressure seal and all other aspects of the cell remain the same for either application. Only a change of the bottom plug is required for a switch from a nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) to an electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) experiment. Details of the procedure for the calibration of pressure inside the cell at various temperatures are discussed. The performance of the cell in EPR (Cr3+ion) and NMR (27Al nucleus) studies is reported.


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The design and fabrication of a spool valve for a two-stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator is described. The effect of this valve on the P-V diagram and practical methods of reducing the P-V degradation are also discussed.


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A two stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator operating at 20 K is described. This refrigerator uses a very simple ‘spool valve’ and a modified indigenous compressor to compress helium gas. This cryorefrigerator reaches a lowest temperature of 15.5 K; it takes ≈ 50 min to reach 20 K and the cooling capacity is ≈ 2.5 W at 25 K. The cool-down characteristics and load characteristics are presented in graphical form. The effect of changing the operating pressure ratio and the second stage regenerator matrix size are also reported. Pressure-volume (P-V) diagrams obtained at various temperatures indicate that P-V losses form the major fraction of the total losses and this becomes more pronounced as the temperature is decreased. A heat balance analysis shows the relative magnitudes of various losses.


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The thermodynamic activities of MgO in the NaCl-type solid solutions which can exist in xMgO + (1 x)MnO have been determined in the temperature range 1163 to 1318 K from a solid-state galvanic cell incorporating MgF2 as the solid electrolyte. The activities of MnO have been calculated by a graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration method. The activities of both the components exhibit positive deviations from ideality over the entire composition range. The excess molar enthalpies are found to be positive. Further, xMgO + (1 - x)MnO does not conform to regular-solution behaviour. The origin of the excess thermodynamic properties is discussed in relation to the cationic size disparity and the crystal-field effects.