40 resultados para innovative local systems

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this Letter, we examine magnetization in double- and zero-quantum reservoirs of an ensemble of spin-1/2 nuclei and describe their role in determining the sensitivity of a class of separated local field NMR experiments based on Hartmann-Hahn cross-polarization. We observe that for the liquid crystal system studied, a large dilute spin-polarization, obtained initially by the use of adiabatic cross-polarization, can enhance the sensitivity of the above experiment. The signal enhancement factors, however, are found to vary and depend on the local dynamics. The experimental results have been utilized to obtain the local order-parameters of the system. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Sr2FeMoO6 oxides exhibit a half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) ground state and peculiar magnetic and magnetotransport properties, which are interesting for applications in the emerging field of spintronics and attractive for fundamental research in the field of heavily correlated electron systems. Sr2FeWO6 is an insulator with an antiferromagnetic (I-AFM) ground state. The solid solutions Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 also have peculiar properties-W doping enhances chemical order which allows stabilization of the HM-FM state; as the W content exceeds a certain value a metal to insulator transition (MIT) occurs. The role of W in determining the physical properties of Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 systems has been a matter of intense investigation. This work deals with the problem of the structural and electronic changes related to the MIT from a local perspective by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique allows one to probe in detail the local structure and electronic modifications around selected absorber ions (W, Mo, Fe and Sr in our case). The results of XAS analysis in the whole composition range (0 <= x <= 1), in the near edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) regions, demonstrate an abrupt change of the local structure around the Fe and Mo sites at the critical composition, x(c). This change represents the microstructural counterpart associated with the MIT. Conversely, the local structure and electronic configuration of W ions remain unaltered in the whole composition range, suggesting indirect participation of W in the MIT.


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A constitutive modeling approach for shape memory alloy (SMA) wire by taking into account the microstructural phase inhomogeneity and the associated solid-solid phase transformation kinetics is reported in this paper. The approach is applicable to general thermomechanical loading. Characterization of various scales in the non-local rate sensitive kinetics is the main focus of this paper. Design of SMA materials and actuators not only involve an optimal exploitation of the hysteresis loops during loading-unloading, but also accounts for fatigue and training cycle identifications. For a successful design of SMA integrated actuator systems, it is essential to include the microstructural inhomogeneity effects and the loading rate dependence of the martensitic evolution, since these factors play predominant role in fatigue. In the proposed formulation, the evolution of new phase is assumed according to Weibull distribution. Fourier transformation and finite difference methods are applied to arrive at the analytical form of two important scaling parameters. The ratio of these scaling parameters is of the order of 10(6) for stress-free temperature-induced transformation and 10(4) for stress-induced transformation. These scaling parameters are used in order to study the effect of microstructural variation on the thermo-mechanical force and interface driving force. It is observed that the interface driving force is significant during the evolution. Increase in the slopes of the transformation start and end regions in the stress-strain hysteresis loop is observed for mechanical loading with higher rates.


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Control systems arising in many engineering fields are often of distributed parameter type, which are modeled by partial differential equations. Decades of research have lead to a great deal of literature on distributed parameter systems scattered in a wide spectrum.Extensions of popular finite-dimensional techniques to infinite-dimensional systems as well as innovative infinite-dimensional specific control design approaches have been proposed. A comprehensive account of all the developments would probably require several volumes and is perhaps a very difficult task. In this paper, however, an attempt has been made to give a brief yet reasonably representative account of many of these developments in a chronological order. To make it accessible to a wide audience, mathematical descriptions have been completely avoided with the assumption that an interested reader can always find the mathematical details in the relevant references.


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We report experimental observation of an unexpectedly large thermopower in mesoscopic two-dimensional (2D) electron systems in GaAs/AlGaA heterostructures at sub-Kelvin temperatures and zero magnetic field. Unlike conventional nonmagnetic high-mobility 2D systems, the thermopower in our devices increases with decreasing temperature below 0.3 K, reaching values in excess of 100 mu V/K, thus exceeding the free electron estimate by more than 2 orders of magnitude. With support from a parallel study of the local density of states, we suggest such a phenomenon to be linked to intrinsic localized states and many-body spin correlations in the system.


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Contention-based multiple access is a crucial component of many wireless systems. Multiple-packet reception (MPR) schemes that use interference cancellation techniques to receive and decode multiple packets that arrive simultaneously are known to be very efficient. However, the MPR schemes proposed in the literature require complex receivers capable of performing advanced signal processing over significant amounts of soft undecodable information received over multiple contention steps. In this paper, we show that local channel knowledge and elementary received signal strength measurements, which are available to many receivers today, can actively facilitate multipacket reception and even simplify the interference canceling receiver¿s design. We introduce two variants of a simple algorithm called Dual Power Multiple Access (DPMA) that use local channel knowledge to limit the receive power levels to two values that facilitate successive interference cancellation. The resulting receiver structure is markedly simpler, as it needs to process only the immediate received signal without having to store and process signals received previously. Remarkably, using a set of three feedback messages, the first variant, DPMA-Lite, achieves a stable throughput of 0.6865 packets per slot. Using four possible feedback messages, the second variant, Turbo-DPMA, achieves a stable throughput of 0.793 packets per slot, which is better than all contention algorithms known to date.


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The decentralized power is characterised by generation of power nearer to the demand centers, focusing mainly on meeting local energy needs. A decentralized power system can function either in the presence of grid, where it can feed the surplus power generated to the grid, or as an independent/stand-alone isolated system exclusively meeting the local demands of remote locations. Further, decentralized power is also classified on the basis of type of energy resources used-non-renewable and renewable. These classifications along with a plethora of technological alternatives have made the whole prioritization process of decentralized power quite complicated for decision making. There is abundant literature, which has discussed various approaches that have been used to support decision making under such complex situations. We envisage that summarizing such literature and coming out with a review paper would greatly help the policy/decision makers and researchers in arriving at effective solutions. With such a felt need 102 articles were reviewed and features of several technological alternatives available for decentralized power, the studies on modeling and analysis of economic, environmental and technological asibilities of both grid-connected (GC) and stand-alone (SA) systems as decentralized power options are presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper a strategy for controlling a group of agents to achieve positional consensus is presented. The proposed technique is based on the constraint that every agents must be given the same control input through a broadcast communication mechanism. Although the control command is computed using state information in a global framework, the control input is implemented by the agents in a local coordinate frame. We propose a novel linear programming formulation that is computationally less intensive than earlier proposed methods. Moreover, we introduce a random perturbation input in the control command that helps us to achieve perfect consensus even for a large number of agents, which was not possible with the existing strategy in the literature. Moreover, we extend the method to achieve positional consensus at a pre-specified location. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through simulation results.


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A new clustering technique, based on the concept of immediato neighbourhood, with a novel capability to self-learn the number of clusters expected in the unsupervized environment, has been developed. The method compares favourably with other clustering schemes based on distance measures, both in terms of conceptual innovations and computational economy. Test implementation of the scheme using C-l flight line training sample data in a simulated unsupervized mode has brought out the efficacy of the technique. The technique can easily be implemented as a front end to established pattern classification systems with supervized learning capabilities to derive unified learning systems capable of operating in both supervized and unsupervized environments. This makes the technique an attractive proposition in the context of remotely sensed earth resources data analysis wherein it is essential to have such a unified learning system capability.


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Dynamic systems involving convolution integrals with decaying kernels, of which fractionally damped systems form a special case, are non-local in time and hence infinite dimensional. Straightforward numerical solution of such systems up to time t needs O(t(2)) computations owing to the repeated evaluation of integrals over intervals that grow like t. Finite-dimensional and local approximations are thus desirable. We present here an approximation method which first rewrites the evolution equation as a coupled in finite-dimensional system with no convolution, and then uses Galerkin approximation with finite elements to obtain linear, finite-dimensional, constant coefficient approximations for the convolution. This paper is a broad generalization, based on a new insight, of our prior work with fractional order derivatives (Singh & Chatterjee 2006 Nonlinear Dyn. 45, 183-206). In particular, the decaying kernels we can address are now generalized to the Laplace transforms of known functions; of these, the power law kernel of fractional order differentiation is a special case. The approximation can be refined easily. The local nature of the approximation allows numerical solution up to time t with O(t) computations. Examples with several different kernels show excellent performance. A key feature of our approach is that the dynamic system in which the convolution integral appears is itself approximated using another system, as distinct from numerically approximating just the solution for the given initial values; this allows non-standard uses of the approximation, e. g. in stability analyses.


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Reproduction of plants in fragmented habitats may be limited because of lower diversity or abundance of pollinators, and/or variation in local plant density. We assessed natural fruit set and pollinator limitation in ten species of woody plants in natural and restored fragments in the Pondicherry region of southern India, to see whether breeding system of plants (self-compatible and self-incompatible) affected fruit set. We tested whether the number of flowering individuals in the fragments affected the fruit set and further examined the adult and sapling densities of self-compatible (SC) and self-incompatible (SI) species. We measured the natural level of fruit set and pollinator limitation (calculated as the difference in fruit set between hand cross-pollinated and naturally pollinated flowers). Our results demonstrate that there was a higher level of pollinator limitation and hence lower levels of natural fruit set in self-incompatible species as compared to self-compatible species. However, the hand cross-pollinated flowers in SC and SI species produced similar levels of fruit set,further indicating that lower fruit set was due to pollinator limitation and not due to lack of cross-compatible individuals in the fragments. There was no significant relation between number of flowering individuals and the levels of natural fruit set, except for two species Derris ovalifolia, Ixora pavetta. In these species the natural fruit set decreased with increasing population size, again indicating pollinator limitation. The adult and sapling densities in self-compatible species were significantly higher than inself-incompatible species. These findings indicate that the low reproductive output in self-incompatible species may eventually lead to lower population sizes. Restoration of pollinator services along with plant species in fragmented habitats is important for the long-term conservation of biodiversity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the nonlocal elasticity theory has been incorporated into classical Euler-Bernoulli rod model to capture unique features of the nanorods under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. The strong effect of the nonlocal scale has been obtained which leads to substantially different wave behaviors of nanorods from those of macroscopic rods. Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli bar model is developed for nanorods. Explicit expressions are derived for wavenumbers and wave speeds of nanorods. The analysis shows that the wave characteristics are highly over estimated by the classical rod model, which ignores the effect of small-length scale. The studies also shows that the nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in axial wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the spectrum cures as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or wave speed tends to zero). The results can provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the wave propagation properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure heteronuclear dipolar couplings. The method provides site-specific dipolar couplings for oriented samples such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. A majority of the SLF techniques utilize the well-known Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) pulse scheme which employs spin exchange at the magic angle under Hartmann-Hahn match. Though PISEMA provides a relatively large scaling factor for the heteronuclear dipolar coupling and a better resolution along the dipolar dimension, it has a few shortcomings. One of the major problems with PISEMA is that the sequence is very much sensitive to proton carrier offset and the measured dipolar coupling changes dramatically with the change in the carrier frequency. The study presented here focuses on modified PISEMA sequences which are relatively insensitive to proton offsets over a large range. In the proposed sequences, the proton magnetization is cycled through two quadrants while the effective field is cycled through either two or four quadrants. The modified sequences have been named as 2(n)-SEMA where n represents the number of quadrants the effective field is cycled through. Experiments carried out on a liquid crystal and a single crystal of a model peptide demonstrate the usefulness of the modified sequences. A systematic study under various offsets and Hartmann-Hahn mismatch conditions has been carried out and the performance is compared with PISEMA under similar conditions.


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In this paper, we describe an efficient coordinated-checkpointing and recovery algorithm which can work even when the channels are assumed to be non-FIFO, and messages may be lost. Nodes are assumed to be autonomous, and they do not block while taking checkpoints. Based on the local conditions, any process can request the previous coordinator for the 'permission' to initiate a new checkpoint. Allowing multiple initiators of checkpoints avoids the bottleneck associated with a single initiator, but the algorithm permits only a single instance of checkpointing process at any given time, thus reducing much of the overhead associated with multiple initiators of distributed algorithms.