23 resultados para horn flies

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Here we report the results of a study aimed at examining stability of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms under seminatural conditions (henceforth SN), in four large outbred fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster populations, selected for emergence in a narrow window of time under laboratory (henceforth LAB) light/dark (LD) cycles. When assessed under LAB, selected flies display enhanced stability in terms of higher amplitude, synchrony and accuracy in emergence and activity rhythms compared to controls. The present study was conducted to assess whether such differences in stability between selected and control populations, persist under SN where several gradually changing time-cues are present in their strongest form. The study revealed that under SN, emergence waveform of selected flies was modified, with even more enhanced peak and narrower gate-width compared to those observed in the LAB and compared to control populations in SN. Furthermore, flies from selected populations continued to exhibit enhanced synchrony and accuracy in their emergence and activity rhythms under SN compared to controls. Further analysis of zeitgeber effects revealed that enhanced stability in the rhythmicity of selected flies under SN was primarily due to increased sensitivity to light because emergence and activity rhythms of selected flies were as stable as controls under temperature cycles. These results thus suggest that stability of circadian rhythms in fruit flies D. melanogaster, which evolved as a consequence of selection for emergence in a narrow window of time under weak zeitgeber condition of LAB, persists robustly in the face of day-to-day variations in cycling environmental factors of nature.


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Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster females display rhythmic egg-laying under 12: 12 h light/dark (LD) cycles which persists with near 24 h periodicity under constant darkness (DD). We have shown previously that persistence of this rhythm does not require the neurons expressing pigment dispersing factor (PDF), thought to be the canonical circadian pacemakers, and proposed that it could be controlled by peripheral clocks or regulated/triggered by the act of mating. We assayed egg-laying behaviour of wild-type Canton S (CS) females under LD, DD and constant light (LL) conditions in three different physiological states; as virgins, as females allowed to mate with males for 1 day and as females allowed to mate for the entire duration of the assay. Here, we report the presence of a circadian rhythm in egg-laying in virgin D. melanogaster females. We also found that egg-laying behaviour of 70 and 90% females from all the three male presence/absence protocols follows circadian rhythmicity under DD and LL, with periods ranging between 18 and 30 h. The egg-laying rhythm of all virgin females synchronized to LD cycles with a peak occurring soon after lights-off. The rhythm in virgins was remarkably robust with maximum number of eggs deposited immediately after lights-off in contrast to mated females which show higher egg-laying during the day. These results suggest that the egg-laying rhythm of D. melanogaster is endogenously driven and is neither regulated nor triggered by the act of mating; instead, the presence of males results in reduction in entrainment to LD cycles.


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Many aspects of skeletal muscle biology are remarkably similar between mammals and tiny insects, and experimental models of mice and flies (Drosophila) provide powerful tools to understand factors controlling the growth, maintenance, degeneration (atrophy and necrosis), and regeneration of normal and diseased muscles, with potential applications to the human condition. This review compares the limb muscles of mice and the indirect flight muscles of flies, with respect to the mechanisms of adult myofiber formation, homeostasis, atrophy, hypertrophy, and the response to muscle degeneration, with some comment on myogenic precursor cells and common gene regulatory pathways. There is a striking similarity between the species for events related to muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, without contribution of any myoblast fusion. Since the flight muscles of adult flies lack a population of reserve myogenic cells (equivalent to satellite cells), this indicates that such cells are not required for maintenance of normal muscle function. However, since satellite cells are essential in postnatal mammals for myogenesis and regeneration in response to myofiber necrosis, the extent to which such regeneration might be possible in flight muscles of adult flies remains unclear. Common cellular and molecular pathways for both species are outlined related to neuromuscular disorders and to age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia). The commonality of events related to skeletal muscles in these disparate species (with vast differences in size, growth duration, longevity, and muscle activities) emphasizes the combined value and power of these experimental animal models.


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Many aspects of skeletal muscle biology are remarkably similar between mammals and tiny insects, and experimental models of mice and flies (Drosophila) provide powerful tools to understand factors controlling the growth, maintenance, degeneration (atrophy and necrosis), and regeneration of normal and diseased muscles, with potential applications to the human condition. This review compares the limb muscles of mice and the indirect flight muscles of flies, with respect to the mechanisms of adult myofiber formation, homeostasis, atrophy, hypertrophy, and the response to muscle degeneration, with some comment on myogenic precursor cells and common gene regulatory pathways. There is a striking similarity between the species for events related to muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, without contribution of any myoblast fusion. Since the flight muscles of adult flies lack a population of reserve myogenic cells (equivalent to satellite cells), this indicates that such cells are not required for maintenance of normal muscle function. However, since satellite cells are essential in postnatal mammals for myogenesis and regeneration in response to myofiber necrosis, the extent to which such regeneration might be possible in flight muscles of adult flies remains unclear. Common cellular and molecular pathways for both species are outlined related to neuromuscular disorders and to age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia). The commonality of events related to skeletal muscles in these disparate species (with vast differences in size, growth duration, longevity, and muscle activities) emphasizes the combined value and power of these experimental animal models.


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Hornbills are important dispersers of a wide range of tree species. Many of these species bear fruits with large, lipid-rich seeds that could attract terrestrial rodents. Rodents have multiple effects on seed fates, many of which remain poorly understood in the Palaeotropics. The role of terrestrial rodents was investigated by tracking seed fate of five horn bill-dispersed tree species in a tropical forest in north-cast India. Seeds were marked inside and outside of exclosures below 6-12 parent fruiting trees (undispersed seed rain) and six hornbill nest trees (a post-dispersal site). Rodent visitors and seed removal ere monitored using camera traps. Our findings suggest that several rodent species. especially two species of porcupine were major on-site seed predators. Scatter-hoarding was rare (1.4%). Seeds at hornbill nest trees had lower survival compared with parent fruiting trees, indicating that clumped dispersal by hornbills may not necessarily improve seed survival. Seed survival in the presence and absence of rodents varied with tree species. Some species (e.g. Polyalthia simiarum) showed no difference, others (e.g. Dysoxylum binectariferum) experienced up to a 64%. decrease in survival in the presence of rodents. The differing magnitude of seed predation by rodents can have significant consequences at the seed establishment stage.


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Experiments are performed to determine the mass and stiffness variations along the wing of the blowfly Calliphora. The results are obtained for a pairs of wings of 10 male flies and fresh wings are used. The wing is divided into nine locations along the span and seven locations along the chord based on venation patterns. The length and mass of the sections is measured and the mass per unit length is calculated. The bending stiffness measurements are taken at three locations, basal (near root), medial and distal (near tip) of the fly wing. Torsional stiffness measurements are also made and the elastic axis of the wing is approximately located. The experimental data is then used for structural modeling of the wing as a stepped cantilever beam with nine spanwise sections of varying mass per unit lengths, flexural rigidity (EI) and torsional rigidity (GJ) values. Inertial values of nine sections are found to approximately vary according to an exponentially decreasing law over the nine sections from root to tip and it is used to calculate an approximate value of Young's modulus of the wing biomaterial. Shear modulus is obtained assuming the wing biomaterial to be isotropic. Natural frequencies, both in bending and torsion, are obtained by solving the homogeneous part of the respective governing differential equations using the finite element method. The results provide a complete analysis of Calliphora wing structure and also provide guidelines for the biomimetic structural design of insect-scale flapping wings.


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Consideration is given to a 25-foot long Q-band (8 mm) confocal, zoned dielectric lens beam waveguide. Numerical expressions for the axial and radial fields are presented. The experimental set-up consisted of uniformly spaced zoned dielectric lenses, a transmitting horn and a receiving horn. It was found that: (1) the wave beam is reiterated when confocal, zoned dielectric lenses act as phase transformers in place of smooth surfaced transformers in beam waveguides; (2) the axial field is oscillatory near the source and the oscillation persists for about 25 cm from the source; (3) the oscillation disappears after one lens is used; (4) higher order modes with higher attenuation rates die out faster than fundamental modes; (5) phase transformers do not alter beam modes; (6) without any lens the beam cross-section broadens significantly in the Z-direction; (7) with one lens the beam exhibits the reiteration phenomenon; and (8) inserting a second lens on the axial and cross-sectional field distribution shows further the reiteration principle.


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We describe a compiler for the Flat Concurrent Prolog language on a message passing multiprocessor architecture. This compiler permits symbolic and declarative programming in the syntax of Guarded Horn Rules, The implementation has been verified and tested on the 64-node PARAM parallel computer developed by C-DAC (Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing, India), Flat Concurrent Prolog (FCP) is a logic programming language designed for concurrent programming and parallel execution, It is a process oriented language, which embodies dataflow synchronization and guarded-command as its basic control mechanisms. An identical algorithm is executed on every processor in the network, We assume regular network topologies like mesh, ring, etc, Each node has a local memory, The algorithm comprises of two important parts: reduction and communication, The most difficult task is to integrate the solutions of problems that arise in the implementation in a coherent and efficient manner. We have tested the efficacy of the compiler on various benchmark problems of the ICOT project that have been reported in the recent book by Evan Tick, These problems include Quicksort, 8-queens, and Prime Number Generation, The results of the preliminary tests are favourable, We are currently examining issues like indexing and load balancing to further optimize our compiler.


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The singularity structure of the solutions of a general third-order system, with polynomial right-hand sides of degree less than or equal to two, is studied about a movable singular point, An algorithm for transforming the given third-order system to a third-order Briot-Bouquet system is presented, The dominant behavior of a solution of the given system near a movable singularity is used to construct a transformation that changes the given system directly to a third-order Briot-Bouquet system. The results of Horn for the third-order Briot-Bouquet system are exploited to give the complete form of the series solutions of the given third-order system; convergence of these series in a deleted neighborhood of the singularity is ensured, This algorithm is used to study the singularity structure of the solutions of the Lorenz system, the Rikitake system, the three-wave interaction problem, the Rabinovich system, the Lotka-Volterra system, and the May-Leonard system for different sets of parameter values. The proposed approach goes far beyond the ARS algorithm.


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Fruit flies that belong to the genus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) are major invasive pests of agricultural crops in Asia and Australia. Increased transboundary movement of agricultural produce has resulted in the chance introduction of many invasive species that include Bactrocera mainly as immature stages. Therefore quick and accurate species diagnosis is important at the port of entry, where morphological identification has a limited role, as it requires the presence of adult specimens and the availability of a specialist. Unfortunately when only immature stages are present, a lacunae in their taxonomy impedes accurate species diagnosis. At this juncture, molecular species diagnostics based on COX-I have become handy, because diagnosis is not limited by developmental stages. Yet another method of quick and accurate species diagnosis for Bactrocera spp. is based on the development of species-specific markers. This study evaluated the utility of COX-I for the quick and accurate species diagnosis of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of B. zonata Saunders, B. tau Walker, and B. dorsalis Hendel. Furthermore the utility of species-specific markers in differentiating B. zonata (500bp) and B. tau (220bp) was shown. Phylogenetic relationships among five subgenera, viz., Austrodacus, Bactrocera, Daculus, Notodacus and Zeugodacus have been resolved employing the 5' region of COX-I (1490-2198); where COX-I sequences for B. dorsalis Hendel, B. tau Walker, B. correcta Bezzi and B. zonata Saunders from India were compared with other NCBI-GenBank accessions. Phylogenetic analysis employing Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian phylogenetic approach (BP) showed that the subgenus Bactrocera is monophyletic.


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Proving the unsatisfiability of propositional Boolean formulas has applications in a wide range of fields. Minimal Unsatisfiable Sets (MUS) are signatures of the property of unsatisfiability in formulas and our understanding of these signatures can be very helpful in answering various algorithmic and structural questions relating to unsatisfiability. In this paper, we explore some combinatorial properties of MUS and use them to devise a classification scheme for MUS. We also derive bounds on the sizes of MUS in Horn, 2-SAT and 3-SAT formulas.


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Significant advances have been made in our understanding of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in terms of its structure, biochemical characteristics, post-translational modifications, interactomes, regulation and functions. In addition to yeast as a model several new systems have now been examined including flies, worms, plants as well as mammalian cells. This review discusses themes emerging out of studies reported on Hsp90 from infectious disease causing protozoa. A common theme of sensing and responding to host cell microenvironment emerges out of analysis of Hsp90 in Malaria, Trypanosmiasis as well as Leishmaniasis. In addition to their functional roles, the potential of Hsp90 from these infectious disease causing organisms to serve as drug targets and the current status of this drug development endeavor are discussed. Finally, a unique and the only known example of a split Hsp90 gene from another disease causing protozoan Giardia lamblia and its evolutionary significance are discussed. Clearly studies on Hsp90 from protozoan parasites promise to reveal important new paradigms in Hsp90 biology while exploring its potential as an anti-infective drug target. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Muscle development is a multistep process which includes myoblast diversification, proliferation, migration, fusion, differentiation and growth. A hierarchical exhibition of myogenic factors is important for dexterous execution of progressive events in muscle formation. EWG (erect wing) is a transcription factor known to have a role in indirect flight muscle development (IFM) in Drosophila. We marked out the precise spatio-temporal expression profile of EWG in the myoblasts, and in the developing muscles. Mutant adult flies null for EWG in myoblasts show variable number of IFM, suggesting that EWG is required for patterning of the IFM. The remnant muscle found in the EWG null flies show proper assembly of the structural proteins, which implies that some myoblasts manage to fuse, develop and differentiate normally indicating that EWG is not required for differentiation program per se. However, when EWG expression is extended beyond its expression window in a wild type background, muscle thinning is observed implying EWG function in protein synthesis inhibition. Mis-expression studies in wing disc myoblasts hinted at its role in myoblast proliferation. We thus conclude that EWG is important for regulating fusion events which in turn decides the IFM pattern. Also IFM in EWG null mutants show clumps containing broken fibres and an altered mitochondrial morphology. The vertebrate homolog of EWG is nuclear respiratory factor1 (NRF1) which is known to have a function in mitochondrial biogenesis and protection against oxidative stress. Gene expression for inner mitochondrial membrane protein, Opa1-like was found to be absent in these mutants. Also, these flies were more sensitive to oxidative stress, indicating a compromised mitochondrial functioning. Our results therefore demonstrate that EWG functions in maintaining muscles’ structural integrity by ensuing proper mitochondrial activity.


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Low-frequency sounds are advantageous for long-range acoustic signal transmission, but for small animals they constitute a challenge for signal detection and localization. The efficient detection of sound in insects is enhanced by mechanical resonance either in the tracheal or tympanal system before subsequent neuronal amplification. Making small structures resonant at low sound frequencies poses challenges for insects and has not been adequately studied. Similarly, detecting the direction of long-wavelength sound using interaural signal amplitude and/or phase differences is difficult for small animals. Pseudophylline bushcrickets predominantly call at high, often ultrasonic frequencies, but a few paleotropical species use lower frequencies. We investigated the mechanical frequency tuning of the tympana of one such species, Onomarchus uninotatus, a large bushcricket that produces a narrow bandwidth call at an unusually low carrier frequency of 3.2. kHz. Onomarchus uninotatus, like most bushcrickets, has two large tympanal membranes on each fore-tibia. We found that both these membranes vibrate like hinged flaps anchored at the dorsal wall and do not show higher modes of vibration in the frequency range investigated (1.5-20. kHz). The anterior tympanal membrane acts as a low-pass filter, attenuating sounds at frequencies above 3.5. kHz, in contrast to the high-pass filter characteristic of other bushcricket tympana. Responses to higher frequencies are partitioned to the posterior tympanal membrane, which shows maximal sensitivity at several broad frequency ranges, peaking at 3.1, 7.4 and 14.4. kHz. This partitioning between the two tympanal membranes constitutes an unusual feature of peripheral auditory processing in insects. The complex tracheal shape of O. uninotatus also deviates from the known tube or horn shapes associated with simple band-pass or high-pass amplification of tracheal input to the tympana. Interestingly, while the anterior tympanal membrane shows directional sensitivity at conspecific call frequencies, the posterior tympanal membrane is not directional at conspecific frequencies and instead shows directionality at higher frequencies.