165 resultados para granular material

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the homogeneous sheared state of a granular material are determined by solving the Boltzmann equation. The steady velocity distribution is considered to be the product of the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution and a Hermite polynomial expansion in the velocity components; this form is inserted into them Boltzmann equation and solved to obtain the coeificients of the terms in the expansion. The solution is obtained using an expansion in the parameter epsilon =(1 - e)(1/2), and terms correct to epsilon(4) are retained to obtain an approximate solution; the error due to the neglect of higher terms is estimated at about 5% for e = 0.7. A small perturbation is placed on the distribution function in the form of a Hermite polynomial expansion for the velocity variations and a Fourier expansion in the spatial coordinates: this is inserted into the Boltzmann equation and the growth rate of the Fourier modes is determined. It is found that in the hydrodynamic limit, the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the flow direction have unusual characteristics. The growth rate of the momentum diffusion mode is positive, indicating that density variations are unstable in the limit k--> 0, and the growth rate increases proportional to kslash} k kslash}(2/3) in the limit k --> 0 (in contrast to the k(2) increase in elastic systems), where k is the wave vector in the flow direction. The real and imaginary parts of the growth rate corresponding to the propagating also increase proportional to kslash k kslash(2/3) (in contrast to the k(2) and k increase in elastic systems). The energy mode is damped due to inelastic collisions between particles. The scaling of the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes with the wave vector I in the gradient direction is similar to that in elastic systems. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The velocity distribution function for the steady shear flow of disks (in two dimensions) and spheres (in three dimensions) in a channel is determined in the limit where the frequency of particle-wall collisions is large compared to particle-particle collisions. An asymptotic analysis is used in the small parameter epsilon, which is naL in two dimensions and na(2)L in three dimensions, where; n is the number density of particles (per unit area in two dimensions and per unit volume in three dimensions), L is the separation of the walls of the channel and a is the particle diameter. The particle-wall collisions are inelastic, and are described by simple relations which involve coefficients of restitution e(t) and e(n) in the tangential and normal directions, and both elastic and inelastic binary collisions between particles are considered. In the absence of binary collisions between particles, it is found that the particle velocities converge to two constant values (u(x), u(y)) = (+/-V, O) after repeated collisions with the wall, where u(x) and u(y) are the velocities tangential and normal to the wall, V = (1 - e(t))V-w/(1 + e(t)), and V-w and -V-w, are the tangential velocities of the walls of the channel. The effect of binary collisions is included using a self-consistent calculation, and the distribution function is determined using the condition that the net collisional flux of particles at any point in velocity space is zero at steady state. Certain approximations are made regarding the velocities of particles undergoing binary collisions :in order to obtain analytical results for the distribution function, and these approximations are justified analytically by showing that the error incurred decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. A numerical calculation of the mean square of the difference between the exact flux and the approximate flux confirms that the error decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. The moments of the velocity distribution function are evaluated, and it is found that [u(x)(2)] --> V-2, [u(y)(2)] similar to V-2 epsilon and -[u(x)u(y)] similar to V-2 epsilon log(epsilon(-1)) in the limit epsilon --> 0. It is found that the distribution function and the scaling laws for the velocity moments are similar for both two- and three-dimensional systems.


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The leading order "temperature" of a dense two-dimensional granular material fluidized by external vibrations is determined. The grain interactions are characterized by inelastic collisions, but the coefficient of restitution is considered to be close to 1, so that the dissipation of energy during a collision is small compared to the average energy of a particle. An asymptotic solution is obtained where the particles are considered to be elastic in the leading approximation. The velocity distribution is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the leading approximation,. The density profile is determined by solving the momentum balance equation in the vertical direction, where the relation between the pressure and density is provided by the virial equation of state. The temperature is determined by relating the source of energy due to the vibrating surface and the energy dissipation due to inelastic collisions. The predictions of the present analysis show good agreement with simulation results at higher densities where theories for a dilute vibrated granular material, with the pressure-density relation provided by the ideal gas law, sire in error. [:S1063-651X(99)04408-6].


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The velocity distribution for a vibrated granular material is determined in the dilute limit where the frequency of particle collisions with the vibrating surface is large compared to the frequency of binary collisions. The particle motion is driven by the source of energy due to particle collisions with the vibrating surface, and two dissipation mechanisms-inelastic collisions and air drag-are considered. In the latter case, a general form for the drag force is assumed. First, the distribution function for the vertical velocity for a single particle colliding with a vibrating surface is determined in the limit where the dissipation during a collision due to inelasticity or between successive collisions due to drag is small compared to the energy of a particle. In addition, two types of amplitude functions for the velocity of the surface, symmetric and asymmetric about zero velocity, are considered. In all cases, differential equations for the distribution of velocities at the vibrating surface are obtained using a flux balance condition in velocity space, and these are solved to determine the distribution function. It is found that the distribution function is a Gaussian distribution when the dissipation is due to inelastic collisions and the amplitude function is symmetric, and the mean square velocity scales as [[U-2](s)/(1 - e(2))], where [U-2](s) is the mean square velocity of the vibrating surface and e is the coefficient of restitution. The distribution function is very different from a Gaussian when the dissipation is due to air drag and the amplitude function is symmetric, and the mean square velocity scales as ([U-2](s)g/mu(m))(1/(m+2)) when the acceleration due to the fluid drag is -mu(m)u(y)\u(y)\(m-1), where g is the acceleration due to gravity. For an asymmetric amplitude function, the distribution function at the vibrating surface is found to be sharply peaked around [+/-2[U](s)/(1-e)] when the dissipation is due to inelastic collisions, and around +/-[(m +2)[U](s)g/mu(m)](1/(m+1)) when the dissipation is due to fluid drag, where [U](s) is the mean velocity of the surface. The distribution functions are compared with numerical simulations of a particle colliding with a vibrating surface, and excellent agreement is found with no adjustable parameters. The distribution function for a two-dimensional vibrated granular material that includes the first effect of binary collisions is determined for the system with dissipation due to inelastic collisions and the amplitude function for the velocity of the vibrating surface is symmetric in the limit delta(I)=(2nr)/(1 - e)much less than 1. Here, n is the number of particles per unit width and r is the particle radius. In this Limit, an asymptotic analysis is used about the Limit where there are no binary collisions. It is found that the distribution function has a power-law divergence proportional to \u(x)\((c delta l-1)) in the limit u(x)-->0, where u(x) is the horizontal velocity. The constant c and the moments of the distribution function are evaluated from the conservation equation in velocity space. It is found that the mean square velocity in the horizontal direction scales as O(delta(I)T), and the nontrivial third moments of the velocity distribution scale as O(delta(I)epsilon(I)T(3/2)) where epsilon(I) = (1 - e)(1/2). Here, T = [2[U2](s)/(1 - e)] is the mean square velocity of the particles.


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The kinematic flow pattern in slow deformation of a model dense granular medium is studied at high resolution using in situ imaging, coupled with particle tracking. The deformation configuration is indentation by a flat punch under macroscopic plane-strain conditions. Using a general analysis method, velocity gradients and deformation fields are obtained from the disordered grain arrangement, enabling flow characteristics to be quantified. The key observations are the formation of a stagnation zone, as in dilute granular flow past obstacles; occurrence of vortices in the flow immediately underneath the punch; and formation of distinct shear bands adjoining the stagnation zone. The transient and steady state stagnation zone geometry, as well as the strength of the vortices and strain rates in the shear bands, are obtained from the experimental data. All of these results are well-reproduced in exact-scale non-smooth contact dynamics simulations. Full 3D numerical particle positions from the simulations allow extraction of flow features that are extremely difficult to obtain from experiments. Three examples of these, namely material free surface evolution, deformation of a grain column below the punch and resolution of velocities inside the primary shear band, are highlighted. The variety of flow features observed in this model problem also illustrates the difficulty involved in formulating a complete micromechanical analytical description of the deformation.


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We report measurements of the wall stress in a granular material sheared in a cylindrical Couette cell, as a function of the distance from the free surface. Our results shows that when the material is static, all components of the stress saturate to constant values within a short distance from the free surface, in conformity with earlier experiments and theoretical predictions. When the material is sheared by rotating the inner cylinder at a constant rate, the stresses are remarkably altered. The radial normal stress does not saturate, and increases even more rapidly with depth than the linear hydrostatic pressure profile. The axial shear stress changes sign on shearing, and its magnitude increases with depth. These results are discussed in the context of the predictions of the classical and Cosserat plasticity theories.


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The tendency of granular materials in rapid shear flow to form non-uniform structures is well documented in the literature. Through a linear stability analysis of the solution of continuum equations for rapid shear flow of a uniform granular material, performed by Savage (1992) and others subsequently, it has been shown that an infinite plane shearing motion may be unstable in the Lyapunov sense, provided the mean volume fraction of particles is above a critical value. This instability leads to the formation of alternating layers of high and low particle concentrations oriented parallel to the plane of shear. Computer simulations, on the other hand, reveal that non-uniform structures are possible even when the mean volume fraction of particles is small. In the present study, we have examined the structure of fully developed layered solutions, by making use of numerical continuation techniques and bifurcation theory. It is shown that the continuum equations do predict the existence of layered solutions of high amplitude even when the uniform state is linearly stable. An analysis of the effect of bounding walls on the bifurcation structure reveals that the nature of the wall boundary conditions plays a pivotal role in selecting that branch of non-uniform solutions which emerges as the primary branch. This demonstrates unequivocally that the results on the stability of bounded shear how of granular materials presented previously by Wang et al. (1996) are, in general, based on erroneous base states.


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We derive boundary conditions at a rigid wall for a granular material comprising rough, inelastic particles. Our analysis is confined to the rapid flow, or granular gas, regime in which grains interact by impulsive collisions. We use the Chapman-Enskog expansion in the kinetic theory of dense gases, extended for inelastic and rough particles, to determine the relevant fluxes to the wall. As in previous studies, we assume that the particles are spheres, and that the wall is corrugated by hemispheres rigidly attached to it. Collisions between the particles and the wall hemispheres are characterized by coefficients of restitution and roughness. We derive boundary conditions for the two limiting cases of nearly smooth and nearly perfectly rough spheres, as a hydrodynamic description of granular gases comprising rough spheres is appropriate only in these limits. The results are illustrated by applying the equations of motion and boundary conditions to the problem of plane Couette flow.


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A continuum model based on the critical-state theory of soil mechanics is used to generate stress, density, and velocity profiles, and to compute discharge rates for the flow of granular material in a mass flow bunker. The bin–hopper transition region is idealized as a shock across which all the variables change discontinuously. Comparison with the work of Michalowski (1987) shows that his experimentally determined rupture layer lies between his prediction and that of the present theory. However, it resembles the former more closely. The conventional condition involving a traction-free surface at the hopper exit is abandoned in favour of an exit shock below which the material falls vertically with zero frictional stress. The basic equations, which are not classifiable under any of the standard types, require excessive computational time. This problem is alleviated by the introduction of the Mohr–Coulomb approximation (MCA). The stress, density, and velocity profiles obtained by integration of the MCA converge to asymptotic fields on moving down the hopper. Expressions for these fields are derived by a perturbation method. Computational difficulties are encountered for bunkers with wall angles θw [gt-or-equal, slanted] 15° these are overcome by altering the initial conditions. Predicted discharge rates lie significantly below the measured values of Nguyen et al. (1980), ranging from 38% at θw = 15° to 59% at θw = 32°. The poor prediction appears to be largely due to the exit condition used here. Paradoxically, incompressible discharge rates lie closer to the measured values. An approximate semi-analytical expression for the discharge rate is obtained, which predicts values within 9% of the exact (numerical) ones in the compressible case, and 11% in the incompressible case. The approximate analysis also suggests that inclusion of density variation decreases the discharge rate. This is borne out by the exact (numerical) results – for the parameter values investigated, the compressible discharge rate is about 10% lower than the incompressible value. A preliminary comparison of the predicted density profiles with the measurements of Fickie et al. (1989) shows that the material within the hopper dilates more strongly than predicted. Surprisingly, just below the exit slot, there is good agreement between theory and experiment.


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The tendency of granular materials in rapid shear ow to form non-uniform structures is well documented in the literature. Through a linear stability analysis of the solution of continuum equations for rapid shear flow of a uniform granular material, performed by Savage (1992) and others subsequently, it has been shown that an infinite plane shearing motion may be unstable in the Lyapunov sense, provided the mean volume fraction of particles is above a critical value. This instability leads to the formation of alternating layers of high and low particle concentrations oriented parallel to the plane of shear. Computer simulations, on the other hand, reveal that non-uniform structures are possible even when the mean volume fraction of particles is small. In the present study, we have examined the structure of fully developed layered solutions, by making use of numerical continuation techniques and bifurcation theory. It is shown that the continuum equations do predict the existence of layered solutions of high amplitude even when the uniform state is linearly stable. An analysis of the effect of bounding walls on the bifurcation structure reveals that the nature of the wall boundary conditions plays a pivotal role in selecting that branch of non-uniform solutions which emerges as the primary branch. This demonstrates unequivocally that the results on the stability of bounded shear flow of granular materials presented previously by Wang et al. (1996) are, in general, based on erroneous base states.


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An experimental study has been made of the flow field in indentation of a model granular material. A granular ensemble composed of spherical sand particles with average size of 0.4 mm is indented with a flat ended punch under plane-strain conditions. The region around the indenter is imaged in situ using a high-speed charge-coupled device (CCD) imaging system. By applying a hybrid image analysis technique to image sequences of the indentation, flow parameters such as velocity, velocity gradient, and strain rate are measured at high resolution. The measurements have enabled characterization of the main features of the flow such as dead material zones, velocity jumps, localization of deformation, and regions of highly rotational flow resembling vortices. Implications for validation of theoretical analyses and applications are discussed.


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We present measurements of the stress as a function of vertical position in a column of granular material sheared in a cylindrical Couette device. All three components of the stress tensor on the outer cylinder were measured as a function of distance from the free surface at shear rates low enough that the material was in the dense, slow flow regime. We find that the stress profile differs fundamentally from that of fluids, from the predictions of plasticity theories, and from intuitive expectation. We argue that the anomalous stress profile is due to an anisotropic fabric caused by the combined action of gravity and shear.


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The mechanical behaviour of cohesive-frictional granular materials is a combination of the strength pervading as intergranular friction (represented as an angle of internal friction - Phi), and the cohesion (C) between these particles. Most behavioral or constitutive models of this class of granular materials comprise of a cohesion and frictional component with no regard to the length scale i.e. from the micro structural models through the continuum models. An experimental study has been made on a model granular material, viz. angular sand with different weights of binding agents (varying degrees of cohesion) at multiple length scales to physically map this phenomenon. Cylindrical specimen of various diameters - 10, 20, 38, 100, 150 mm (and with an aspect ratio of 2) are reconstituted with 2, 4 and 8% by weight of a binding agent. The magnitude of this cohesion is analyzed using uniaxial compression tests and it is assumed to correspond to the peak in the normalized stress-strain plot. Increase in the cohesive strength of the material is seen with increasing size of the specimen. A possibility of ``entanglement'' occurring in larger specimens is proposed as a possible reason for deviation from a continuum framework.


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The development of the flow of a granular material down an inclined plane starting from rest is studied as a function of the base roughness. In the simulations, the particles are rough frictional spheres interacting via the Hertz contact law. The rough base is made of a random configuration of fixed spheres with diameter different from the flowing particles, and the base roughness is decreased by decreasing the diameter of the base particles. The transition from an ordered to a disordered flowing state at a critical value of the base particle diameter, first reported by Kumaran and Maheshwari Phys. Fluids 24, 053302 (2012)] for particles with the linear contact model, is observed for the Hertzian contact model as well. The flow development for the ordered and disordered flows is very different. During the development of the disordered flow for the rougher base, there is shearing throughout the height. During the development of the ordered flow for the smoother base, there is a shear layer at the bottom and a plug region with no internal shearing above. In the shear layer, the particles are layered and hexagonally ordered in the plane parallel to the base, and the velocity profile is well approximated by Bagnold law. The flow develops in two phases. In the first phase, the thickness of the shear layer and the maximum velocity increase linearly in time till the shear front reaches the top. In the second phase, after the shear layer encompasses the entire flow, there is a much slower increase in the maximum velocity until the steady state is reached. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.