22 resultados para glucose tolerance test

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The effectiveness of various trace element concentrations in medicinal plants in the cure of various diseases can be determined by their quantitative estimation. Elemental concentrations of aqueous extract of F. religiosa leaves were measured by Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). LIBS is a very powerful and efficient analytical tool for determining elemental constitution. The present study deals with the LIBS-based validation of elements responsible for the glycemic potential of aqueous extract of F. religiosa leaves in streptozotocin-induced diabetic models. The significant decrease in blood glucose level and marked improvement in glucose tolerance test of diabetic models is correlated to the concentration of elements present in the extract as revealed by LIBS spectra. Elements such as Mg and Ca have been observed in the LIBS spectra of F. religiosa.


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Psoralea corylifolia (PC), a medicinal plant, is used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes. Purpose of the research was to examine the antidiabetic and antilipemic potential of PC and to determine the relationship between its antidiabetic potential and the trace elements present. Wistar rats (150-200 g) with fasting blood glucose (FBG) of 80-110 mg dl(-1)(sub-diabetic) and 150-200 mg dl(-1)(mild diabetic) were selected for the short term antidiabetic studies and severely diabetic rats (FBG > 300 mg dl(-1)) were chosen for the long term antidiabetic and hypolipemic studies of PC seed extract. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used to detect trace elements in the PC extract and the intensity ratios of trace elements were estimated. The dose of 250 mg kg(-1) of PC extract was found to be the most effective in lowering blood glucose level (BGL) of normal, sub, mild and severely diabetic rats during FBG and glucose tolerance test (GTT) studies. Lipid profile studies on severely diabetic rats showed substantial reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides, very low density lipoprotein, and low density lipoprotein and an increase in the total protein, body weight, high density lipoprotein, and hemoglobin after 28 days of treatment. Significant reduction in urine sugar and protein levels was also observed. LIBS analysis of the PC extract revealed the presence of Mg, Si, Na, K, Ca, Zn and Cl. The study validates the traditional use of PC in the treatment of diabetes and confirms its antilipemic potential. The antidiabetic activity of PC extract may partly be due to the presence of appreciable amounts of insulin potentiating elements like Mg, Ca, and K.


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Careful study of various aspects presented in the note reveals basic fallacies in the concept and final conclusions.The Authors claim to have presented a new method of determining C-v. However, the note does not contain a new method. In fact, the method proposed is an attempt to generate settlement vs. time data using only two values of (t,8). The Authors have used a rectangular hyperbola method to determine C-v from the predicated 8- t data. In this context, the title of the paper itself is misleading and questionable. The Authors have compared C-v values predicated with measured values, both of them being the results of the rectangular hyperbola method.


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A strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was adapted to grow at higher concentrations of copper by single step culturing in the presence of 20 g/L (0.314 mol/L) cupric ions added to 9K medium. Exposure to copper results in change in the surface chemistry of the microorganism. The isoelectric point of the adapted strain (pI=4.7) was observed to be at a higher pH than that of the wild unadapted strain(pI=2.0). Compared to the wild strain, the copper adapted strain was found to be more hydrophobic and showed enhanced attachment efficiency to the pyrite mineral. The copper adsorption ability of the adapted strain was also found to be higher than that of the wild strain. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of adapted cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface component is synthesized by the adapted strain. Treatment of adapted cells with proteinase-K, resulted in complete loss of tolerance to copper, reduction in copper adsorption and hydrophobicity of the adapted cells. These observations strongly suggest a role played by cell surface modifications of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in imparting the copper tolerance to the cells and bioleaching of sulphide minerals.


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Using Terzaghi's degree of consolidation, U, and the time factor, T, relationship, if M-U1 and M-U2 (M-U1 not equal M-U2) are slopes of the U-root T curve at any two time factors T-U1 and T-U2, then it can be shown that a unique relationship exists between T-U2/T-U1, M-U1/M-U2, and TU, (or TU2), and knowing any two of these, the third can be uniquely determined. A chart, called the T chart, has been plotted using these three variables for quickly determining T and U at any experimental time, t, to determine the coefficient of consolidation, c(v), corrected zero settlement, delta(o), and ultimate primary settlement, delta(100). The chart can be used even in those cases where settlement and time, at the instant of load increment, are not known.


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Taylor (1948) suggested the method for determination of the settlement, d, corresponding to 90% consolidation utilizing the characteristics of the degree of consolidation, U, versus the square root of the time factor, square root of T, plot. Based on the properties of the slope of U versus square root of T curve, a new method is proposed to determine d corresponding to any U above 70% consolidation for evaluation of the coefficient of consolidation, Cn. The effects of the secondary consolidation on the Cn value at different percentages of consolidation can be studied. Cn, closer to the field values, can be determined in less time as compared to Taylor's method. At any U in between 75 and 95% consolidation, Cn(U) due to the new method lies in between Taylor's Cn and Casagrande's Cn.


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Na+.C6HI209 P-, Mr=282.1, monoclinic, e2~, a=5-762(1), b=7.163(2), c=12.313(1)A, fl= 99.97 (1) °, U= 500.5 A 3, Z= 2, D m = 1.86, D x = 1.87 Mg m -s, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418 A, /a = 3-3 mm -1, F(000) = 292, T= 300 K, final R for 922 observed reflections is 0-042. The phosphate ester bond, P-O(6), is 1.575 (5)A, slightly shorter than the P~O bond in monopotassium phosphoenolpyruvate [1.612 (6) A] [Hosur & Viswamitra (1981). Acta Cryst. B37, 839-843]. The pyranose sugar ring takes a 4C 1 chair conformation. The conformation about the exocyclic C(5)-C(6) bond is gauche-trans. The endocyclic C-O bonds in the glucose ring are nearly equal with C(5)-O(5) = 1.435 (8) and C(1)-O(5) = 1.436 (9) A. The sodium ion has seven near neighbours within a distance of 2.9 A. The crystal structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between the O atoms of symmetryrelated molecules.


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Multiprocessor systems which afford a high degree of parallelism are used in a variety of applications. The extremely stringent reliability requirement has made the provision of fault-tolerance an important aspect in the design of such systems. This paper presents a review of the various approaches towards tolerating hardware faults in multiprocessor systems. It. emphasizes the basic concepts of fault tolerant design and the various problems to be taken care of by the designer. An indepth survey of the various models, techniques and methods for fault diagnosis is given. Further, we consider the strategies for fault-tolerance in specialized multiprocessor architectures which have the ability of dynamic reconfiguration and are suited to VLSI implementation. An analysis of the state-óf-the-art is given which points out the major aspects of fault-tolerance in such architectures.


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The test based on comparison of the characteristic coefficients of the adjancency matrices of the corresponding graphs for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains has been shown to fail in the case of two pairs of ten-link, simple-jointed chains, one pair corresponding to single-freedom chains and the other pair corresponding to three-freedom chains. An assessment of the merits and demerits of available methods for detection of isomorphism in graphs and kinematic chains is presented, keeping in view the suitability of the methods for use in computerized structural synthesis of kinematic chains. A new test based on the characteristic coefficients of the “degree” matrix of the corresponding graph is proposed for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains. The new test is found to be successful in the case of a number of examples of graphs where the test based on characteristic coefficients of adjancency matrix fails. It has also been found to be successful in distinguishing the structures of all known simple-jointed kinematic chains in the categories of (a) single-freedom chains with up to 10 links, (b) two-freedom chains with up to 9 links and (c) three-freedom chains with up to 10 links.


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Mr= 367.2, monoclinic, C2, a = 8.429 (1),b= 10.184(2), c= 16.570(2)A, /~= 99.18 (1) °, U= 1404.2 A 3, z = 4, D m = 1.73, D x = 1.74 Mg m -3,Cu K~, 2 = 1.5418 A, g = 2.99 mm -1, F(000) = 764,T= 300K, final R for 1524 observed reflections is0.069. The endocyclic C-O bonds in the glucose ring are nearly equal with C(5)-O(5)= 1.445 (10) and C(1)-O(5)= 1.424(10). The pyranose sugar ring adopts a 4C 1 chair conformation. The conformation about the exocyclic C(5)-C(6) bond is gauche-gauche, in contrast to gauche-trans observed in the structure of the dipotassium salt of glucose 1-phosphate. The phosphate ester bond, P-O(1), is 1.641 (6)A, slightly longer than the 'high-energy' P-,.O bond in the monopotassium salt of phosphoenolpyruvate [1.612 (6)A]. Two sodium ions are six coordinated while the third has only five neighbours.


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Abstract is not available.


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Combustion is a complex phenomena involving a multiplicity of variables. Some important variables measured in flame tests follow [1]. In order to characterize ignition, such related parameters as ignition time, ease of ignition, flash ignition temperature, and self-ignition temperature are measured. For studying the propagation of the flame, parameters such as distance burned or charred, area of flame spread, time of flame spread, burning rate, charred or melted area, and fire endurance are measured. Smoke characteristics are studied by determining such parameters as specific optical density, maximum specific optical density, time of occurrence of the densities, maximum rate of density increase, visual obscuration time, and smoke obscuration index. In addition to the above variables, there are a number of specific properties of the combustible system which could be measured. These are soot formation, toxicity of combustion gases, heat of combustion, dripping phenomena during the burning of thermoplastics, afterglow, flame intensity, fuel contribution, visual characteristics, limiting oxygen concentration (OI), products of pyrolysis and combustion, and so forth. A multitude of flammability tests measuring one or more of these properties have been developed [2]. Admittedly, no one small scale test is adequate to mimic or assess the performance of a plastic in a real fire situation. The conditions are much too complicated [3, 4]. Some conceptual problems associated with flammability testing of polymers have been reviewed [5, 6].


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The pollen of Parthenium hysterophorus, an alien weed growing wild in India was found to be a potential source of allergic rhinitis. A clinical survey showed that 34% of the patients suffering from rhinitis and 12% suffering from bronchial asthma gave positive skin-prick test reactions to Parthenium pollen antigen extracts. Parthenium-specific IgE was detected in the sera of sixteen out of twenty-four patients suffering from seasonal rhinitis. There was 66% correlation between skin test and RAST.