56 resultados para global problems

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The accelerated rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration in recent years has revived the idea of stabilizing the global climate through geoengineering schemes. Majority of the proposed geoengineering schemes will attempt to reduce the amount of solar radiation absorbed by our planet. Climate modelling studies of these so called 'sunshade geoengineering schemes' show that global warming from increasing concentrations of CO2 can be mitigated by intentionally manipulating the amount of sunlight absorbed by the climate system. These studies also suggest that the residual changes could be large on regional scales, so that climate change may not be mitigated on a local basis. More recent modelling studies have shown that these schemes could lead to a slow-down in the global hydrological cycle. Other problems such as changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle and ocean acidification remain unsolved by sunshade geoengineering schemes. In this article, I review the proposed geoengineering schemes, results from climate models and discuss why geoengineering is not the best option to deal with climate change.


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Some of the well known formulations for topology optimization of compliant mechanisms could lead to lumped compliant mechanisms. In lumped compliance, most of the elastic deformation in a mechanism occurs at few points, while rest of the mechanism remains more or less rigid. Such points are referred to as point-flexures. It has been noted in literature that high relative rotation is associated with point-flexures. In literature we also find a formulation of local constraint on relative rotations to avoid lumped compliance. However it is well known that a global constraint is easier to handle than a local constraint, by a numerical optimization algorithm. The current work presents a way of putting global constraint on relative rotations. This constraint is also simpler to implement since it uses linearized rotation at the center of finite-elements, to compute relative rotations. I show the results obtained by using this constraint oil the following benchmark problems - displacement inverter and gripper.


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Methodologies are presented for minimization of risk in a river water quality management problem. A risk minimization model is developed to minimize the risk of low water quality along a river in the face of conflict among various stake holders. The model consists of three parts: a water quality simulation model, a risk evaluation model with uncertainty analysis and an optimization model. Sensitivity analysis, First Order Reliability Analysis (FORA) and Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the fuzzy risk of low water quality. Fuzzy multiobjective programming is used to formulate the multiobjective model. Probabilistic Global Search Laussane (PGSL), a global search algorithm developed recently, is used for solving the resulting non-linear optimization problem. The algorithm is based on the assumption that better sets of points are more likely to be found in the neighborhood of good sets of points, therefore intensifying the search in the regions that contain good solutions. Another model is developed for risk minimization, which deals with only the moments of the generated probability density functions of the water quality indicators. Suitable skewness values of water quality indicators, which lead to low fuzzy risk are identified. Results of the models are compared with the results of a deterministic fuzzy waste load allocation model (FWLAM), when methodologies are applied to the case study of Tunga-Bhadra river system in southern India, with a steady state BOD-DO model. The fractional removal levels resulting from the risk minimization model are slightly higher, but result in a significant reduction in risk of low water quality. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A connectionist approach for global optimization is proposed. The standard function set is tested. Results obtained, in the case of large scale problems, indicate excellent scalability of the proposed approach


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A feedforward network composed of units of teams of parameterized learning automata is considered as a model of a reinforcement teaming system. The internal state vector of each learning automaton is updated using an algorithm consisting of a gradient following term and a random perturbation term. It is shown that the algorithm weakly converges to a solution of the Langevin equation implying that the algorithm globally maximizes an appropriate function. The algorithm is decentralized, and the units do not have any information exchange during updating. Simulation results on common payoff games and pattern recognition problems show that reasonable rates of convergence can be obtained.


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Given an undirected unweighted graph G = (V, E) and an integer k ≥ 1, we consider the problem of computing the edge connectivities of all those (s, t) vertex pairs, whose edge connectivity is at most k. We present an algorithm with expected running time Õ(m + nk3) for this problem, where |V| = n and |E| = m. Our output is a weighted tree T whose nodes are the sets V1, V2,..., V l of a partition of V, with the property that the edge connectivity in G between any two vertices s ε Vi and t ε Vj, for i ≠ j, is equal to the weight of the lightest edge on the path between Vi and Vj in T. Also, two vertices s and t belong to the same Vi for any i if and only if they have an edge connectivity greater than k. Currently, the best algorithm for this problem needs to compute all-pairs min-cuts in an O(nk) edge graph; this takes Õ(m + n5/2kmin{k1/2, n1/6}) time. Our algorithm is much faster for small values of k; in fact, it is faster whenever k is o(n5/6). Our algorithm yields the useful corollary that in Õ(m + nc3) time, where c is the size of the global min-cut, we can compute the edge connectivities of all those pairs of vertices whose edge connectivity is at most αc for some constant α. We also present an Õ(m + n) Monte Carlo algorithm for the approximate version of this problem. This algorithm is applicable to weighted graphs as well. Our algorithm, with some modifications, also solves another problem called the minimum T-cut problem. Given T ⊆ V of even cardinality, we present an Õ(m + nk3) algorithm to compute a minimum cut that splits T into two odd cardinality components, where k is the size of this cut.


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Differential evolution (DE) is arguably one of the most powerful stochastic real-parameter optimization algorithms of current interest. Since its inception in the mid 1990s, DE has been finding many successful applications in real-world optimization problems from diverse domains of science and engineering. This paper takes a first significant step toward the convergence analysis of a canonical DE (DE/rand/1/bin) algorithm. It first deduces a time-recursive relationship for the probability density function (PDF) of the trial solutions, taking into consideration the DE-type mutation, crossover, and selection mechanisms. Then, by applying the concepts of Lyapunov stability theorems, it shows that as time approaches infinity, the PDF of the trial solutions concentrates narrowly around the global optimum of the objective function, assuming the shape of a Dirac delta distribution. Asymptotic convergence behavior of the population PDF is established by constructing a Lyapunov functional based on the PDF and showing that it monotonically decreases with time. The analysis is applicable to a class of continuous and real-valued objective functions that possesses a unique global optimum (but may have multiple local optima). Theoretical results have been substantiated with relevant computer simulations.


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Reduction of carbon emissions is of paramount importance in the context of global warming and climate change. Countries and global companies are now engaged in understanding systematic ways of solving carbon economics problems, aimed ultimately at achieving well defined emission targets. This paper proposes mechanism design as an approach to solving carbon economics problems. The paper first introduces carbon economics issues in the world today and next focuses on carbon economics problems facing global industries. The paper identifies four problems faced by global industries: carbon credit allocation (CCA), carbon credit buying (CCB), carbon credit selling (CCS), and carbon credit exchange (CCE). It is argued that these problems are best addressed as mechanism design problems. The discipline of mechanism design is founded on game theory and is concerned with settings where a social planner faces the problem of aggregating the announced preferences of multiple agents into a collective decision, when the actual preferences are not known publicly. The paper provides an overview of mechanism design and presents the challenges involved in designing mechanisms with desirable properties. To illustrate the application of mechanism design in carbon economics,the paper describes in detail one specific problem, the carbon credit allocation problem.


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A new global stochastic search, guided mainly through derivative-free directional information computable from the sample statistical moments of the design variables within a Monte Carlo setup, is proposed. The search is aided by imparting to the directional update term additional layers of random perturbations referred to as `coalescence' and `scrambling'. A selection step, constituting yet another avenue for random perturbation, completes the global search. The direction-driven nature of the search is manifest in the local extremization and coalescence components, which are posed as martingale problems that yield gain-like update terms upon discretization. As anticipated and numerically demonstrated, to a limited extent, against the problem of parameter recovery given the chaotic response histories of a couple of nonlinear oscillators, the proposed method appears to offer a more rational, more accurate and faster alternative to most available evolutionary schemes, prominently the particle swarm optimization. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The response of structural dynamical systems excited by multiple random excitations is considered. Two new procedures for evaluating global response sensitivity measures with respect to the excitation components are proposed. The first procedure is valid for stationary response of linear systems under stationary random excitations and is based on the notion of Hellinger's metric of distance between two power spectral density functions. The second procedure is more generally valid and is based on the l2 norm based distance measure between two probability density functions. Specific cases which admit exact solutions are presented, and solution procedures based on Monte Carlo simulations for more general class of problems are outlined. Illustrations include studies on a parametrically excited linear system and a nonlinear random vibration problem involving moving oscillator-beam system that considers excitations attributable to random support motions and guide-way unevenness. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Using a mixed-type Fourier transform of a general form in the case of water of infinite depth and the method of eigenfunction expansion in the case of water of finite depth, several boundary-value problems involving the propagation and scattering of time harmonic surface water waves by vertical porous walls have been fully investigated, taking into account the effect of surface tension also. Known results are recovered either directly or as particular cases of the general problems under consideration.


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Enumeration of adhered cells of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on sulphide minerals through protein assay poses problems due to interference from dissolved mineral constituents. The manner in which sulphide minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite interfere with bacterial protein estimation is demonstrated. Such interferences can be minimised either through dilution or addition of H2O2 to the filtrate after hot alkaline digestion of the biotreated mineral samples.


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We consider some non-autonomous second order Cauchy problems of the form u + B(t)(u) over dot + A(t)u = f (t is an element of [0, T]), u(0) = (u) over dot(0) = 0. We assume that the first order problem (u) over dot + B(t)u = f (t is an element of [0, T]), u(0) = 0, has L-p-maximal regularity. Then we establish L-p-maximal regularity of the second order problem in situations when the domains of B(t(1)) and A(t(2)) always coincide, or when A(t) = kappa B(t).


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The light distribution in the disks of many galaxies is ‘lopsided’ with a spatial extent much larger along one half of a galaxy than the other, as seen in M101. Recent observations show that the stellar disk in a typical spiral galaxy is significantly lopsided, indicating asymmetry in the disk mass distribution. The mean amplitude of lopsidedness is 0.1, measured as the Fourier amplitude of the m=1 component normalized to the average value. Thus, lopsidedness is common, and hence it is important to understand its origin and dynamics. This is a new and exciting area in galactic structure and dynamics, in contrast to the topic of bars and two-armed spirals (m=2) which has been extensively studied in the literature. Lopsidedness is ubiquitous and occurs in a variety of settings and tracers. It is seen in both stars and gas, in the outer disk and the central region, in the field and the group galaxies. The lopsided amplitude is higher by a factor of two for galaxies in a group. The lopsidedness has a strong impact on the dynamics of the galaxy, its evolution, the star formation in it, and on the growth of the central black hole and on the nuclear fuelling. We present here an overview of the observations that measure the lopsided distribution, as well as the theoretical progress made so far to understand its origin and properties. The physical mechanisms studied for its origin include tidal encounters, gas accretion and a global gravitational instability. The related open, challenging problems in this emerging area are discussed.


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A pseudo-dynamical approach for a class of inverse problems involving static measurements is proposed and explored. Following linearization of the minimizing functional associated with the underlying optimization problem, the new strategy results in a system of linearized ordinary differential equations (ODEs) whose steady-state solutions yield the desired reconstruction. We consider some explicit and implicit schemes for integrating the ODEs and thus establish a deterministic reconstruction strategy without an explicit use of regularization. A stochastic reconstruction strategy is then developed making use of an ensemble Kalman filter wherein these ODEs serve as the measurement model. Finally, we assess the numerical efficacy of the developed tools against a few linear and nonlinear inverse problems of engineering interest.