11 resultados para geologia micropaleontologia foraminiferi torbiditi HAT

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Die kristalline Struktur von Aza-twistanon wurde durch eine Röntgenstruktur-analyse untersucht. Die Kristalle gehören zur monoklinen Raumgruppe P21/n mit den Zelldimensionen a = 6,662(6), b = 13,36(2), c = 8,606(9) Å, = 98,97(2)°, V = 757 Å3, Z = 4. Die Struktur wurde mit Direktmethoden gelöst und bis zu R = 0,035 verfeinert (mittlere (c) = 0,003 Å3).Die cis-Amidgruppe ist relativ stark deformiert und hat einen Torsionswinkel C -C -N-C von 14,5(4)° (Deformation aus der Ebene c = 5,0(5)° und N = 13,5(4,0)°). Die gegenüberliegende äthylenbrücke weist einen Torsionswinkel von 25,1(5)° auf. Die entsprechenden Winkel in Twistan betragen je 20°. Das tricyclische Gerüst von Aza-twistanon hat approximative.


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A solution for the stresses and displacements in an radially infinite thick plate having a circular hole, one face of which resting on a smooth rigid bed and the other face subjected to axisymmetric normal loading is given. The solution is obtained in terms of Fourier-Bessel series and integral for the Love's stress function. Numerical results are presented for one particular ratio of thickness of plate to the hole radius and loading. It is also shown that the Poisson's ratio has a predominant effect on certain stresses and displacements. The solution would be useful in the stress analysis of bolted joints.Eine Lösung für die Spannungen und Verschiebungen in einer radial, unendlich ausgedehnten, dicken Platte mit einem kreisförmigen Loch, wobei eine Seite auf einer ebenen, starren Unterlage aufliegt, die andere Seite durch eine achsensymmetrische Vertikallast belastet ist, wird angegeben. Die Lösung wird in Form von Fourier-Bessel-Reihen und Integralen der Loveschen Spannungsfunktion angegeben. Numerische Ergebnisse werden für ein bestimmtes Verhältnis der Plattendicke zum Lochradius sowie zur Belastung angegeben. Es wird auch gezeigt, daß das Poisssonsche Verhältnis einen besonderen Einfluß auf bestimmte Spannungen und Verschiebungen hat. Die Lösung ist anwendbar für die Spannungsermittlung von Bolzenverbindungen.


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Unsteady laminar mixed convection flow (combined free and forced convection flow) along a vertical slender cylinder embedded in a porous medium under the combined buoyancy effect of thermal and species diffusion has been studied. The effect of the permeability of the medium as well as the magnetic field has been included in the analysis. The partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using a implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been carried out for accelerating, decelerating and oscillatory free stream velocity distributions. The effects of the permeability of the medium, buoyancy forces, transverse curvature and magnetic field on skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer have been studied. It is found that the effect of free stream velocity distribution is more pronounced on the skin friction than on the heat and mass transfer. The permeability and magnetic parameters increase the skin friction, but reduce the heat and mass transfer. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are enhanced due to the buoyancy forces and curvature parameter. The heat transfer is strongly dependent on the viscous dissipation parameter and the Prandtl number, and the mass transfer on the Schmidt number. Untersucht wurde die instationäre laminare Mischkonvektion längs eines vertikalen, in einem porösen Medium eingebetteten Zylinders unter kombinierten Auftriebseffekten von thermischer und spezieller Diffusion. Der Einfluß der Permeabilität des Mediums sowie des magnetischen Feldes wurden in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit drei unabhängigen Variablen, welche die Strömung beschreiben, wurde numerisch anhand des Schemas der endlichen Differenzen in Verbindung mit der Technik der Quasilinearisation gelöst. Berechnungen für die beschleunigte, verzögerte und oszillierende Geschwindigkeitsverteilung der freien Strömung sind durchgeführt worden. Untersucht wurden ebenfalls die Effekte der Permeabilität des Mediums, der Auftriebskräfte, der transversalen Krümmung, des magnetischen Feldes auf die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung. Es wurde festgestellt, daß die Geschwindigkeit mehr Einfluß auf die Oberflächenreibung als auf die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung hat. Die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden durch die Auftriebskräfte und die Krümmungsparameter verbessert. Die Wärmeübertragung ist stark abhängig von den Parametern der viskosen Dissipation und der Prandtl-Zahl; die Stoffübertragung von der Schmidt-Zahl.


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Fractionation of nuclear extracts from posterior silk glands of mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori. resolved the transcription factor TFIIIC into two components (designated here as TFIIIC and TFIIIC1) as in HeLa cell nuclear extracts. The reconstituted transcription of tRNA genes required the presence of both components. The affinity purified TFIIIC is a heteromeric complex comprising of five subunits ranging from 44 to 240 kDa. Of these, the 51-kDa subunit could be specifically crosslinked to the B box of tRNA(1)(Gly). Purified swTFIIIC binds to the B box sequences with an affinity in the same range as of yTFIIIC or hTFIIIC2. Although an histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity was associated with the TFIIIC fractions during the initial stages of purification. the HAT activity, unlike the human TFIIIC preparations, was separated at the final DNA affinity step. The tRNA transcription from DNA template was independent of HAT activity but the repressed transcription from chromatin template could be partially restored by external supplementation of the dissociated HAT activity. This is the first report on the purification and characterization of TFIIIC from insect systems.


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With the emergence of Internet, the global connectivity of computers has become a reality. Internet has progressed to provide many user-friendly tools like Gopher, WAIS, WWW etc. for information publishing and access. The WWW, which integrates all other access tools, also provides a very convenient means for publishing and accessing multimedia and hypertext linked documents stored in computers spread across the world. With the emergence of WWW technology, most of the information activities are becoming Web-centric. Once the information is published on the Web, a user can access this information from any part of the world. A Web browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer is used as a common user interface for accessing information/databases. This will greatly relieve a user from learning the search syntax of individual information systems. Libraries are taking advantage of these developments to provide access to their resources on the Web. CDS/ISIS is a very popular bibliographic information management software used in India. In this tutorial we present details of integrating CDS/ISIS with the WWW. A number of tools are now available for making CDS/ISIS database accessible on the Internet/Web. Some of these are 1) the WAIS_ISIS Server. 2) the WWWISIS Server 3) the IQUERY Server. In this tutorial, we have explained in detail the steps involved in providing Web access to an existing CDS/ISIS database using the freely available software, WWWISIS. This software is developed, maintained and distributed by BIREME, the Latin American & Caribbean Centre on Health Sciences Information. WWWISIS acts as a server for CDS/ISIS databases in a WWW client/server environment. It supports functions for searching, formatting and data entry operations over CDS/ISIS databases. WWWISIS is available for various operating systems. We have tested this software on Windows '95, Windows NT and Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Appolo) Kernel 2. 0. 36 on an i686. The testing was carried out using IISc's main library's OPAC containing more than 80,000 records and Current Contents issues (bibliographic data) containing more than 25,000 records. WWWISIS is fully compatible with CDS/ISIS 3.07 file structure. However, on a system running Unix or its variant, there is no guarantee of this compatibility. It is therefore safe to recreate the master and the inverted files, using utilities provided by BIREME, under Unix environment.


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The oscillations of a drop moving in another fluid medium have been studied at low values of Reynolds number and Weber number by taking into consideration the shape of the drop and the viscosities of the two phases in addition to the interfacial tension. The deformation of the drop modifies the Lamb's expression for frequency by including a correction term while the viscous effects split the frequency into a pair of frequencies—one lower and the other higher than Lamb's. The lower frequency mode has ample experimental support while the higher frequency mode has also been observed. The two modes almost merge with Lamb's frequency for the asymptotic cases of a drop in free space or a bubble in a dense viscous fluid but the splitting becomes large when the two fluids have similar properties. Instead of oscillations, aperiodic damping modes are found to occur in drops with sizes smaller than a critical size ($\sim\hat{\rho}\hat{\nu}^2/T $). With the help of these calculations, many of the available experimental results are analyzed and discussed.


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In this work, the wave propagation analysis of built-up composite structures is performed using frequency domain spectral finite elements, to study the high frequency wave responses. The paper discusses basically two methods for modeling stiffened structures. In the first method, the concept of assembly of 2D spectral plate elements is used to model a built-up structure. In the second approach, spectral finite element method (SFEM) model is developed to model skin-stiffener structures, where the skin is considered as plate element and the stiffener as beam element. The SFEM model developed using the plate-beam coupling approach is then used to model wave propagation in a multiple stiffened structure and also extended to model the stiffened structures with different cross sections such as T-section, I-section and hat section. A number of parametric studies are performed to capture the mode coupling, that is, the flexural-axial coupling present in the wave responses.


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Buoyant jets in natural ventilation of a model room with water as the fluid medium have been studied. A constant heat flux has been maintained on the bottom surface of the room. The buoyancy causes flow to enter through the bottom opening and leave through the top opening. The shadowgraph technique is used for visualization. At the inlet, a negatively buoyant jet is observed, whereas a positively buoyant jet is observed at the outlet. The theoretical results for the centerline trajectories of these buoyant jets using both Gaussian and top-hat profiles are discussed considering the variation of the entrainment coefficient with the local Froude number and the variation of the spreading ratio of buoyancy to velocity profile with the distance from the source. The shape of the profiles is found to evolve from top-hat to Gaussian geometry.


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The objective of the current study is to evaluate the fidelity of load cell reading during impact testing in a drop-weight impactor using lumped parameter modeling. For the most common configuration of a moving impactor-load cell system in which dynamic load is transferred from the impactor head to the load cell, a quantitative assessment is made of the possible discrepancy that can result in load cell response. A 3-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) LPM (lumped parameter model) is considered to represent a given impact testing set-up. In this model, a test specimen in the form of a steel hat section similar to front rails of cars is represented by a nonlinear spring while the load cell is assumed to behave in a linear manner due to its high stiffness. Assuming a given load-displacement response obtained in an actual test as the true behavior of the specimen, the numerical solution of the governing differential equations following an implicit time integration scheme is shown to yield an excellent reproduction of the mechanical behavior of the specimen thereby confirming the accuracy of the numerical approach. The spring representing the load cell, however,predicts a response that qualitatively matches the assumed load-displacement response of the test specimen with a perceptibly lower magnitude of load.


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The basic objective in the present study is to show that for the most common configuration of an impactor system, an accelerometer cannot exactly reproduce the dynamic response of a specimen subject to impact loading. Assessment of the accelerometer mounted in a drop-weight impactor setup for an axially loaded specimen is done with the aid of an equivalent lumped parameter model (LPM) of the setup. A steel hat-type specimen under the impact loading is represented as a non-linear spring of varying stiffness, while the accelerometer is assumed to behave in a linear manner due to its high stiffness. A suitable numerical approach has been used to solve the non-linear governing equations for a 3 degrees-of-freedom system in a piece-wise linear manner. The numerical solution following an explicit time integration scheme is used to yield an excellent reproduction of the mechanical behavior of the specimen thereby confirming the accuracy of the numerical approach. The spring representing the accelerometer, however, predicts a response that qualitatively matches the assumed load–displacement response of the test specimen with a perceptibly lower magnitude of load.