28 resultados para fischer

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Using an iterative sequence of Wittig olefination, reduction, oxidation, and condensation of an active methylene group to carbonyl, it was possible to prepare a series of organometallic push-pull molecules [(CO)(5)M=C(OCH3)(-CH=CH-)(n)(C5H4)Fe(C5H5), M = W, Cr, n = 1-4] in which ferrocene is the donor element and a Fisher carbene moeity is the acceptor group. The molecular first hyperpolarizability beta was determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering experiments. The beta values ranged from 110 x 10(-30) to 2420 x 10(-30) esu in acetonitrile, and they are among the highest reported for organometallic molecules so far. Electrochemical measurements are consistent with the push-pull nature of these compounds.


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A new one-pot version of the titled reaction involves heating a mixture of a carbonyl compound, a phenylhydrazine, and the cation exchange resin Amberlite IR 120 in refluxing ethanol. A variety of enolizable aldehydes, and ketones and several substituted phenylhydrazines could thus be converted to the corresponding indoles in excellent yields (70-88%). Reaction times were typically 6-10 h, with the resin being then filtered off and the product isolated after minimal workup.


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Current global energy scenario and the environmental deterioration aspect motivates substituting fossil fuel with a renewable energy resource - especially transport fuel. This paper reviews the current status of trending biomass to liquid (BTL) conversion processes and focuses on the technological developments in Fischer Tropsch (FT) process. FT catalysts in use, and recent understanding of FT kinetics are explored. Liquid fuels produced via FT process from biomass derived syngas promises an attractive, clean, carbon neutral and sustainable energy source for the transportation sector. Performance of the FT process with various catalysts, operating conditions and its influence on the FT products are also presented. Experience from large scale commercial installations of FT plants, primarily utilizing coal based gasifiers, are discussed. Though biomass gasification plants exist for power generation via gas engines with power output of about 2 MWe; there are only a few equivalent sized FT plants for biomass derived syngas. This paper discusses the recent developments in conversion of biomass to liquid (BTL) transportation fuels via FT reaction and worldwide attempts to commercialize this process. All the data presented and analysed here have been consolidated from research experiences at laboratory scale as well as from industrial systems. Economic aspects of BTL are reviewed and compared. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Combustion synthesized (CS) cobalt catalysts deposited over two supports, alumina and silica doped alumina (SDA), were characterized and tested for its Fischer-Tropsch (FT) activity. The properties of CS catalysts were compared to catalysts synthesized by conventional impregnation method (IWI). The CS catalysts resulted in 40-70% increase in the yield of C6+ hydrocarbons compared to MI catalysts. The FT activity for CS catalysts showed formation of long chain hydrocarbon waxes (C24+) compared to the formation of middle distillates (C-10-C-20) for IWI synthesized catalysts, indicating higher hydrocarbon chain growth probability for CS catalysts. This is ascribed to the smaller crystallite sizes, increased degree of cobalt reduction and consequentially, a higher number of active metal sites, exposed over the catalyst surface. Additionally, 12-13% increase in the overall C6+ hydrocarbon yield is realized for SDA-CS catalysts, compared to Al2O3-CS catalysts. The improved performance of CS-SDA catalysts is attributed to 48% increase in cobalt dispersion compared to Al2O3 supported CS catalysts, which is again caused by the decrease in the cobalt -support interaction for SDA supports. The metal support interactions were analyzed using XPS and H-2 TPR-TPD experiments. Combustion method produced catalysts with smaller crystallite size (17-18 nm), higher degree of reduction (similar to 92%) and higher metal dispersion (16.1%) compared to the IWI method. Despite its enhanced properties, the CS catalysts require prominently higher reduction temperatures (similar to 1100-1200 K). The hydrocarbon product analysis for Al2O3 supported catalyst showed higher paraffin wax concentrations compared to SDA supported catalysts, due to the lower surface basicity of Al2O3. This work reveals the impact of the CS catalysts and the nature of support on FT activity and hydrocarbon product spectrum. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new parallel algorithm for transforming an arithmetic infix expression into a par se tree is presented. The technique is based on a result due to Fischer (1980) which enables the construction of the parse tree, by appropriately scanning the vector of precedence values associated with the elements of the expression. The algorithm presented here is suitable for execution on a shared memory model of an SIMD machine with no read/write conflicts permitted. It uses O(n) processors and has a time complexity of O(log2n) where n is the expression length. Parallel algorithms for generating code for an SIMD machine are also presented.


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During preimplantation development, embryos of many species are known to express up to five isoforms of the facilitative glucose transporter proteins (GLUT). Development of hamster blastocysts is inhibited by glucose. We therefore investigated GLUT isoform and insulin receptor (IR) expression in hamster preimplantation embryos cultured in glucose-free medium from the 8-cell stage onwards. We show that GLUT1, 3 and 8 mRNA are constitutively expressed from the 8-cell to the blastocyst stage. The IR is expressed from the morula stage onwards. Messenger RNA of the insulin-responsive GLUT4 was not detected at any stage. GLUT1 and 3 were localised by immunocytochemistry. GLUT1 was expressed in both embryoblast and trophoblast, in the latter, mainly in basal and lateral membranes directed towards the blastocoel. and embryoblast. GLUT3 was exclusively localised in the apical. membrane of trophoblast cells. We show that hamster preimplantation embryos express several GLUT isoforms thus closely resembling embryos of other mammalian species. Despite endogenous IR expression, the insulin-sensitive isoform GLUT4 was not expressed, indicating that the insulin-mediated glucose uptake known from classical insulin target cells may not be relevant for hamster blastocysts.


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Measurements of impurity diffusion of 86Rb, 90Sr, 133Ba, and 137Cs in single crystal Bi were carried out. Diffusion samples were prepared from single crystal Bi by ion implantation. About 1012-1013 ions were implanted, resulting in surface activities approx =104 cpm. After implantation, specimens were annealed for specified times at 220-265 deg C, and tracer penetration profiles were determined by an electrolytic method. A typical penetration profile for 137Cs in Bi showed a linear relationship for log C vs x in with Fick's law for volume diffusion. Laws of grain boundary diffusion were not obeyed and the order of magnitude of the penetration distances was much less than on a grain boundary mechanism. Results were interpreted in terms of a modified Fischer analysis using a kinetic trapping term. Effective half lengths for trapping at a twin boundary were determined for each impurity.


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Significant progress has been made in the fabrication of micron and sub-micron structures whose motion can be controlled in liquids under ambient conditions. The aim of many of these engineering endeavors is to be able to build and propel an artificial micro-structure that rivals the versatility of biological swimmers of similar size, e. g. motile bacterial cells. Applications for such artificial ``micro-bots'' are envisioned to range from microrheology to targeted drug delivery and microsurgery, and require full motion-control under ambient conditions. In this Mini-Review we discuss the construction, actuation, and operation of several devices that have recently been reported, especially systems that can be controlled by and propelled with homogenous magnetic fields. We describe the fabrication and associated experimental challenges and discuss potential applications.


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The list of possible G-H symmetries for triply-periodic balance surfaces, given by Koch and Fischer, is studied with a view to finding new types. It is found that balance surfaces exist for all the cases that were labelled as undecided in the work of Koch and Fischer. For some of these, new minimal surfaces have been found, with the aid of Brakke's 'Surface Evolver'. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Since the days of Digital Subscriber Links (DSL), time domain equalizers (TEQ's) have been used to combat time dispersive channels in Multicarrier Systems. In this paper, we propose computationally inexpensive techniques to recompute TEQ weights in the presence of changes in the channel, especially over fast fading channels. The techniques use no extra information except the perturbation to the channel itself, and provide excellent approximations to the new TEQ weights. Adaptation methods for two existing Channel shortening algorithms are proposed and their performance over randomly varying, randomly perturbed channels is studied. The proposed adaptation techniques are shown to perform admirably well for small changes in channels for OFDM systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We report Si-isotopic compositions of 75 sedimentologically and petrographically characterized chert samples with ages ranging from similar to 2600 to 750 Ma using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. delta Si-30 values of the cherts analyzed in this study show a similar to 7 parts per thousand range, from -4.29 to +2.85. This variability can be explained in part by (1) simple mixing of silica derived from continental (higher delta Si-30) and hydrothermal (lower delta Si-30) sources, (2) multiple mechanisms of silica precipitation and (3) Rayleigh-type fractionations within pore waters of individual basins. We observe similar to 3 parts per thousand variation in peritidal cherts from a single Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin (Spitsbergen). This variation can be explained by Rayleigh-type fractionation during precipitation from silica-saturated porewaters. In some samples, post-dissolution and reprecipitation of silica could have added to this effect. Our data also indicate that peritidal cherts are enriched in the heavier isotopes of Si whereas basinal cherts associated with banded iron formations (BIF) show lower delta Si-30. This difference could partly be due to Si being derived from hydrothermal sources in BIFs. We postulate that the difference in delta Si-30 between non-BIF and BIF cherts is consistent with the contrasting genesis of these deposits. Low delta Si-30 in BIF is consistent with laboratory experiments showing that silica adsorbed onto Fe-hydroxide particles preferentially incorporates lighter Si isotopes. Despite large intrabasinal variation and environmental differences, the data show a clear pattern of secular variation. Low delta Si-30 in Archean cherts is consistent with a dominantly hydrothermal source of silica to the oceans at that time. The monotonically increasing delta Si-30 from 3.8 to 1.5 Ga appears to reflect a general increase in continental versus hydrothermal sources of Si in seawater, as well as the preferential removal of lighter Si isotopes during silica precipitation in iron-associated cherts from silica-saturated seawater. The highest delta Si-30 values are observed in 1.5 Ga peritidal cherts; in part, these enriched values could reflect increasing sequestration of light silica during soil-forming processes, thus, delivering relatively heavy dissolved silica to the oceans from continental sources. The causes behind the reversal in trend towards lower delta Si-30 in cherts younger than 1.5 Ga old are less clear. Cherts deposited 1800-1900 Ma are especially low delta Si-30, a possible indication of transiently strong hydrothermal input at this time. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We examine the large-order behavior of a recently proposed renormalization-group-improved expansion of the Adler function in perturbative QCD, which sums in an analytically closed form the leading logarithms accessible from renormalization-group invariance. The expansion is first written as an effective series in powers of the one-loop coupling, and its leading singularities in the Borel plane are shown to be identical to those of the standard ``contour-improved'' expansion. Applying the technique of conformal mappings for the analytic continuation in the Borel plane, we define a class of improved expansions, which implement both the renormalization-group invariance and the knowledge about the large-order behavior of the series. Detailed numerical studies of specific models for the Adler function indicate that the new expansions have remarkable convergence properties up to high orders. Using these expansions for the determination of the strong coupling from the hadronic width of the tau lepton we obtain, with a conservative estimate of the uncertainty due to the nonperturbative corrections, alpha(s)(M-tau(2)) = 0.3189(-0.0151)(+0.0173), which translates to alpha(s)(M-Z(2)) = 0.1184(-0.0018)(+0.0021). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.014008


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Peptidase N (PepN), the sole M1 family member in Escherichia coli, displays broad substrate specificity and modulates stress responses: it lowers resistance to sodium salicylate (NaSal)-induced stress but is required during nutritional downshift and high temperature (NDHT) stress. The expression of PepN does not significantly change during different growth phases in LB or NaSal-induced stress; however, PepN amounts are lower during NDHT stress. To gain mechanistic insights on the roles of catalytic activity of PepN in modulating these two stress responses, alanine mutants of PepN replacing E264 (GAMEN motif) and E298 (HEXXH motif) were generated. There are no major structural changes between purified wild type (WT) and mutant proteins, which are catalytically inactive. Importantly, growth profiles of Delta pepN upon expression of WT or mutant proteins demonstrated the importance of catalytic activity during NDHT but not NaSal-induced stress. Further fluorescamine reactivity studies demonstrated that the catalytic activity of PepN is required to generate higher intracellular amounts of free N-terminal amino acids; consequently, the lower growth of Delta pepN during NDHT stress increases with high amounts of casamino acids. Together, this study sheds insights on the expression and functional roles of the catalytic activity of PepN during adaptation to NDHT stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Shoe-mounted inertial sensors offer a convenient way to track pedestrians in situations where other localization systems fail. This tutorial outlines a simple yet effective approach for implementing a reasonably accurate tracker. This Web extra presents the Matlab implementation and a few sample recordings for implementing the pedestrian inertial tracking system using an error-state Kalman filter for zero-velocity updates (ZUPTs) and orientation estimation.