20 resultados para expectation of soil loss map

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Studies on the swelling behaviour of mixtures of bentonite clay and nonswelling coarser fractions of different sizes and shapes reveal that observed swelling occurs only after the voids of the nonswelling particles are filled up with swollen clay particles. The magnitude of the swell within the voids, called intervoid swelling is large when the size and percentage of the nonswelling coarser fraction is large. The observable swell, after intervoid swelling, is called primary swelling and follows a rectangular hyperbolic relationship with time. The total swell per gram of the clay decreases with an increase in the size of the nonswelling fraction and with a decrease in the percentage of swelling clay. Time-swell relationships show that swelling continues to occur for a long time after the primary swelling, and this is called secondary swelling.


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Site-specific geotechnical data are always random and variable in space. In the present study, a procedure for quantifying the variability in geotechnical characterization and design parameters is discussed using the site-specific cone tip resistance data (qc) obtained from static cone penetration test (SCPT). The parameters for the spatial variability modeling of geotechnical parameters i.e. (i) existing trend function in the in situ qc data; (ii) second moment statistics i.e. analysis of mean, variance, and auto-correlation structure of the soil strength and stiffness parameters; and (iii) inputs from the spatial correlation analysis, are utilized in the numerical modeling procedures using the finite difference numerical code FLAC 5.0. The influence of consideration of spatially variable soil parameters on the reliability-based geotechnical deign is studied for the two cases i.e. (a) bearing capacity analysis of a shallow foundation resting on a clayey soil, and (b) analysis of stability and deformation pattern of a cohesive-frictional soil slope. The study highlights the procedure for conducting a site-specific study using field test data such as SCPT in geotechnical analysis and demonstrates that a few additional computations involving soil variability provide a better insight into the role of variability in designs.


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Bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of mulberry (Morus indica) as well as from control soil were tested for their effects on the growth of mulberry seedlings and for phytohormone production. About 12.8 per cent of the rhizosphere and 9.7 per cent of the soil isolates produced phytohormones in cultures. Rhizosphere isolates were more active in hormone synthesis than their soil counterparts. Soaking mulberry stem cuttings in culture filtrates of phytohormone synthesisers hastened their rooting. Culture filtrates of many isolates — hormone producers or not — stimulated or inhibited the growth of shoot and/or root of plants. Many cultures could also inhibit the germination of mulberry seeds.


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The swelling pressure of soil depends upon various soil parameters such as mineralogy, clay content, Atterberg's limits, dry density, moisture content, initial degree of saturation, etc. along with structural and environmental factors. It is very difficult to model and analyze swelling pressure effectively taking all the above aspects into consideration. Various statistical/empirical methods have been attempted to predict the swelling pressure based on index properties of soil. In this paper, the computational intelligence techniques artificial neural network and support vector machine have been used to develop models based on the set of available experimental results to predict swelling pressure from the inputs; natural moisture content, dry density, liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction. The generalization of the model to new set of data other than the training set of data is discussed which is required for successful application of a model. A detailed study of the relative performance of the computational intelligence techniques has been carried out based on different statistical performance criteria.


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The swelling pressure of soil depends upon various soil parameters such as mineralogy, clay content, Atterberg's limits, dry density, moisture content, initial degree of saturation, etc. along with structural and environmental factors. It is very difficult to model and analyze swelling pressure effectively taking all the above aspects into consideration. Various statistical/empirical methods have been attempted to predict the swelling pressure based on index properties of soil. In this paper, the computational intelligence techniques artificial neural network and support vector machine have been used to develop models based on the set of available experimental results to predict swelling pressure from the inputs; natural moisture content, dry density, liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction. The generalization of the model to new set of data other than the training set of data is discussed which is required for successful application of a model. A detailed study of the relative performance of the computational intelligence techniques has been carried out based on different statistical performance criteria.


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Often the soil hydraulic parameters are obtained by the inversion of measured data (e.g. soil moisture, pressure head, and cumulative infiltration, etc.). However, the inverse problem in unsaturated zone is ill-posed due to various reasons, and hence the parameters become non-unique. The presence of multiple soil layers brings the additional complexities in the inverse modelling. The generalized likelihood uncertainty estimate (GLUE) is a useful approach to estimate the parameters and their uncertainty when dealing with soil moisture dynamics which is a highly non-linear problem. Because the estimated parameters depend on the modelling scale, inverse modelling carried out on laboratory data and field data may provide independent estimates. The objective of this paper is to compare the parameters and their uncertainty estimated through experiments in the laboratory and in the field and to assess which of the soil hydraulic parameters are independent of the experiment. The first two layers in the field site are characterized by Loamy sand and Loamy. The mean soil moisture and pressure head at three depths are measured with an interval of half hour for a period of 1 week using the evaporation method for the laboratory experiment, whereas soil moisture at three different depths (60, 110, and 200 cm) is measured with an interval of 1 h for 2 years for the field experiment. A one-dimensional soil moisture model on the basis of the finite difference method was used. The calibration and validation are approximately for 1 year each. The model performance was found to be good with root mean square error (RMSE) varying from 2 to 4 cm(3) cm(-3). It is found from the two experiments that mean and uncertainty in the saturated soil moisture (theta(s)) and shape parameter (n) of van Genuchten equations are similar for both the soil types. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The characteristics of hot deformation of INCONEL alloy MA 754 have been studied processing maps obtained on the basis of flow stress data generated in compression in the temperature range 700-degrees-C to 1150-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s-1. The map exhibited three domains. (1) A domain of dynamic recovery occurs in the temperature range 800-degrees-C to 1075-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.02 to 2 s-1, with a peak efficiency of 18 pct occurring at 950-degrees-C and 0.1 s-1. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) micrographs revealed stable subgrain structure in this domain with the subgrain size increasing exponentially with an increase in temperature. (2) A domain exhibiting grain boundary cracking occurs at temperatures lower than 800-degrees-C and strain rates lower than 0.01 s-1. (3) A domain exhibiting intense grain boundary cavitation occurs at temperatures higher than 1075-degrees-C. The material did not exhibit a dynamic recrystallization (DRX) domain, unlike other superalloys. At strain rates higher than about 1 s-1, the material exhibits flow instabilities manifesting as kinking of the elongated grains and adiabatic shear bands. The material may be safely worked in the domain of dynamic recovery but can only be statically recrystallized.


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This paper examines the role of microstructure and matric suction in the collapse behavior of a compacted clay soil from Bangalore District in Karnataka State, India. The microstructure of the compacted specimens was examined by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), and the ASTM Filter Paper Method was used to determine their matric suction. The microstructure and matric suction of the compacted specimens were changed by varying their compaction water content, dry density, and clay content (< 2 mum fraction). Experimental results showed that relative abundance of coarse (60 to 6 mum) pores was mainly affected by increasing the dry density of the specimens from 1.49 to 1.77 g/cm(3). The relative abundance of coarse and fine (0.01 to 0.002 mum) pores was affected by increasing the compaction water content from 10.6 to 26.4%. Variations in dry density, compaction water content, and clay contents notably affected the matric suction of the compacted specimens. The collapse behavior of the compacted specimens is explained from analysis of the MIP and matric suction results.


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For the successful performance of a granular filter medium, existing design guidelines, which are based on the particle size distribution (PSD) characteristics of the base soil and filter medium, require two contradictory conditions to be satisfied, viz., soil retention and permeability. In spite of the wider applicability of these guidelines, it is well recognized that (i) they are applicable to a particular range of soils tested in the laboratory, (ii) the design procedures do not include performance-based selection criteria, and (iii) there are no means to establish the sensitivity of the important variables influencing performance. In the present work, analytical solutions are developed to obtain a factor of safety with respect to soil-retention and permeability criteria for a base soil - filter medium system subjected to a soil boiling condition. The proposed analytical solutions take into consideration relevant geotechnical properties such as void ratio, permeability, dry unit weight, effective friction angle, shape and size of soil particles, seepage discharge, and existing hydraulic gradient. The solution is validated through example applications and experimental results, and it is established that it can be used successfully in the selection as well as design of granular filters and can be applied to all types of base soils.


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The paper brings out the role of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on the volume change behaviour of natural black cotton soil with 1N sulfuric acid (H2SO4) as pore fluid. Natural black cotton soil contained predominantly montmorillonite [Ca0.2(Al,Mg)2Si4 O10 (OH)2 .4H2O] along with other minerals such as amesite [(Mg Fe)2 Al (Si Al)2 O5 (OH)4], kalsilite [KAlSiO4] and quartz [SiO2]. The calcitic soil, reacted with H2SO4 during consolidation testing, showed the presence of the new mineral yavapaiite [K Fe(SO4)2]. Consequently, the carbonate soil treated with 1N H2SO4 led to higher swell at seating load and more compression upon loading than the soil with no carbonate. The swelling increased with increase in the amount of carbonate present in the soil.


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The inverse problem in photoacoustic tomography (PAT) seeks to obtain the absorbed energy map from the boundary pressure measurements for which computationally intensive iterative algorithms exist. The computational challenge is heightened when the reconstruction is done using boundary data split into its frequency spectrum to improve source localization and conditioning of the inverse problem. The key idea of this work is to modify the update equation wherein the Jacobian and the perturbation in data are summed over all wave numbers, k, and inverted only once to recover the absorbed energy map. This leads to a considerable reduction in the overall computation time. The results obtained using simulated data, demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed scheme without compromising the accuracy of reconstruction.


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The allowed and the ``disallowed'' regions in the celebrated Ramachandran map (phi-psi] map) was elegantly deduced by Ramachandran, Ramakrishnan and Sasisekharan even before the protein crystal structures became available. This powerful map was derived based on rigid geometry of the peptide group and later several investigations on protein crystal structures reported the occurrence of a small fraction of the phi-psi] torsion angles in the disallowed region. The question is what factors make these residues adopt disallowed conformations? Is it driven by the necessity to maintain the overall topology or is it associated with function or is it just that the disallowed conformations are extreme limits of the allowed conformations? Today, with the availability of a large number of high resolution crystal structures, we have revisited this problem. Apart from validating some of the earlier findings such as residue propensities, preferred location in the secondary structure, we have explored their spatial neighborhood preferences using the protein structure network PSN] approach developed in our lab. Finally, the structural and functional implications of the disallowed conformations are examined.


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Using a dataset of 1164 crystal structures of largely non-homologous proteins defined at a resolution of 1.5 angstrom or better, we have investigated the (phi,psi) preferences of 20 residue types by considering the residues which occur in loops. Propensities of residue types to occur in the loops with (phi,psi) values in the aa region of the Ramachandran map has a poor correlation coefficient of 0.48 to the Chou-Fasman propensities of the residue types to occur in the a-helical segments. However the correlation coefficient between propensities of residues in loops to adopt beta conformations and those in beta-sheet is much higher (0.95). These observations suggest that a-helix formation is well influenced by the local amino acid sequence while intrinsic preference of residue types for beta-sheet plays a major role in the formation of beta-sheet. The main chain polar groups of residues in loops, that can affect the (phi,psi) values, can be involved in intra-molecular hydrogen bonding. Therefore we investigated further by considering subset of residues in loops with low (0 to 2) number of intra-molecular hydrogen bonds per residue involving main chain polar atoms. For this subset, the correlation coefficients between propensities for alpha-helix and alpha(R) region and between beta-sheet and beta-region are 0.26 and 0.64 respectively. This reiterates higher intrinsic tendency of beta-region favouring residues to adopt beta-sheet than alpha(R) region favouring residues to adopt alpha-helical structure.