202 resultados para energy collisional activation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Pisum sativum purified 28 fold showed two closely moving protein bands on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both of which have AChE activity. AChE activity occurs in roots, stem and leaves, that in roots varying with age. Activity is optimal at pH 9 and at 30”. The energy of activation is 9.82 x lo3 J per mol and MW is greater than 200000. Although the enzyme can hydrolyze both choline and non-choline esters, it has greater affinity for acetylthiocholine (ATCh) and acetylcholine (ACh). ATCh inhibits the enzyme at higher concentrations and the K, is 0.2 mM with this as substrate. The enzyme is not as sensitive to Eserine as it is to Neostigmine. It is also inhibited by organophosphorus pesticides such as Fensulfothion, Parathion and Dimethoate. Treatment of the seeds with Fensulfothion [O, O-diethyl (p-methylsulfinylphenyl) phosphorothioate] affects growth and secondary root development. This might be explained by its inhibition of AChE and the consequent increase of endogenous levels of ACh.


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The purification and some properties of the enzyme indoleacetaldoxime hydrolyase (EC from the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi, which dehydrates indoleacetaldoxime (IAOX) to indoleacetonitrile (IAN), are described. The enzyme activity in the fungus is present only under certain culture conditions. It is a soluble enzyme, has an optimum pH at 7, shows an energy of activation of —15,670 cal/mole, and has a Michaelis constant of 1.7 × 10−4 Image at 30 °. It appears to be specific for IAOX, and 1 mole of IAN is produced per mole of IAOX utilized. The enzyme is inhibited by a number of aldoximes of which phenylacetaldoxime (PAOX) is the most potent inhibitor. Inhibition by PAOX is competitive (Ki = 2.2 × 10−8 Image ). The enzyme is inhibited by SH reagents such as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide, and by a number of SH compounds such as cysteine, β-mercaptoethanol, and 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BAL). However, glutathione activates the enzyme. Metal chelating agents such as 8-OH-quinoline and diethyl dithiocarbamate inhibit the enzyme; the inhibition is partly reversed by ferric citrate. Ascorbic acid, and particularly dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), are good activators of the enzyme. Several other biological oxidants had either no action or had a slight effect. Potassium cyanide activates the enzyme at low concentration but inhibits at higher concentrations. Reduction of the enzyme with NaBH4 reduces activity, and the effect is partly reversed by pyridoxal phosphate and also by DHA. The above properties indicate that both an SH function and an oxidized function are required for activity.


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The particle size and crystallite size of anatase increase markedly in the region of the crystal structure transformation. The unit cell of anatase seems to expand prior to the transformation to rutile. This expansion has been attributed to a displacive transformation of the type defined by Buerger. Smaller particle size and larger surface area seem to favour the transformation. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase prepared by the hydrolysis of titanium sulphate have been studied at different temperatures and are found to be considerably different from the kinetics of the transformation of pure anatase. The transformation becomes immeasurably slow below ∼695 ± 10°C compared to ∼610°C for pure anatase. An induction period is observed in the transformation of anatase obtained from sulphate hydrolysis and the duration decreases with increase in temperature. The activation energy is ∼120 kcal/mole, a value higher than that for the pure anatase-rutile transformation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative rates of nucleation and propagation processes. The activation energy for the nucleation process seems to be much larger than for the propagation process. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase samples doped with different amounts of sulphate ion impurity have also been studied and the transformation is found to be progressively decelerated with increase in the impurity concentration. The energy of activation for the transformation appears to increase progressively with increase in impurity concentration.


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Brookite, the orthorhombic modification of titanium dioxide, transforms to the tetragonal modification, rutile, on heating. The kinetics and energetics of the transformation have been studied. Below 715±10°C, the rate of transformation is extremely slow. There appears to be little or no induction time. The kinetic data can be fitted reasonably well by the first-order equation. The energy of activation is about 60 kcal/mole and the frequency factor is of the order of 1013 h-1. The entropy of activation from Eyring's theory is about -18 cal/mole deg. at 800°C. The heat of this transformation is -100±75 cal/mole. The kinetic results may be explained qualitatively in terms of various analogies but more clearly by the application of the order-disorder theory to diffusionless transformation in solids. It has been shown that the ratio of propagation rate constant to the nucleation rate constant is small and that there is little or negligible phase aggregation.


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A number of AgI based fast ion conducting glasses, with a general formula AgI---Ag2O---MxOy (MxOy=MoO3, SeO3, WO3, V2O5, P2O5, GeO2, B2O3, As2O3, CrO3) have been studied. A chemical approach is made to investigate the origin of fast ion conduction in these glasses. An index known as Image tructural Image npinning Image umber, SUN (S), has been defined for the purpose, based on the unscreened nuclear charge of silver ions and the equilibrium lectronegativities of the halide-oxyanion matrix in these glasses. The variation of the glass transition temperature, Tg, conductivity, σ, and the energy of activation, Ea, with the concentration of AgI are discussed in the light of the structural unpinning number. Conductivities increase uniformly in any given glass series as a smooth function of S and level off at very high values. The entire range of conductivity appears to vary as ln Image , where ln σ0 corresponds roughly to the conductivity of the hypothetical AgI glass and “a” is a constant which could be obtained as the slope in the graph of ln Ea versus S. It is suggested that the increase in the concentration of AgI beyond 75–80 mole% in the glass is not advantageous from the conductivity point of view.


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1.2,3-Trihydroxybenzene (THB) reacts with 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) in the solid state forming an orange-coloured charge transfer complex THB* (8HQ)(2). When the reaction was carried out in a petri dish, or when the vapours of 8HQ were allowed to react with solid THB (gravimetric study), the reaction product separated out as good quality, shiny single crystals. X-Ray diffraction studies on single crystals showed that they belong to the orthorhombic system with a = 15.408(1), b = 16.276(1), c = 7.825(1) Angstrom, Z = 4, D-x = 1.413 g cm(-3) and space group Pnaa. From the crystallographic evidence it has been found that the proton of the middle OH group of THB is transferred to the N atom of 8HQ. This accounts for the observed colour change. Kinetic studies on the solid state reaction showed that the 8HQ molecules diffuse towards THB, and the lateral diffusion occurs through surface migration, grain boundary diffusion and vapour phase diffusion. Gravimetric studies of the reaction between solid THB and 8HQ vapour showed that the diffusion of 8HQ molecules into the crystal lattice of THB has a higher energy of activation than that observed when the reactants are in contact. The nature of the crystal packing in the reaction product indicates diffusion of 8HQ molecules into the crystal lattice of THB along the c-axis, to occupy the cavities present between the THB molecules in the unit cell.


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Thermal oxidative polymerization of alpha-methylstyrene (AMS) has been studied at various temperatures(45-70 degrees C) and pressures (50-400 psi). Due to its high electron dense double bond, it undergoes thermal oxidative polymerization even at low temperatures fairly easily. The major products are poly(alpha-methylstyrene peroxide) (PMSP), and its decomposition products are acetophenone and formaldehyde. Above 45 degrees C the rate of polymerization increases sharply at a particular instant showing an ''autoacceleration'' with the formation of a knee point. The ''autoacceleration'' is supported from the fact that the plot, of R-p vs T shows a rapid rise, and the plot of ln R-p vs 1/T is non-Arrhenius. The occurrence of autoacceleration is explained on the basis of acetophenone-induced cleavage of PMSP during polymerization, generating more initiating alkoxy radicals, which subsequently leads to the rapid rise in the rate of polymerization. The mechanism of autoacceleration is supported by the change in. order, activation energy, and activation volume before and after the knee point.


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The kinetics of thermal degradation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) in solution was investigated at various temperatures (210-250degreesC). The degradation rate coefficients were determined from the time evolution of the molecular weight distribution (MWD). The energy of activation, determined from the temperature dependence of the rate coefficient, was 26.6 kcal/mol. The degradation of PVC was also studied in the presence of a catalyst (HZSM-5 zeolite). The results indicated that increase of the degradation rate of PVC is first order with the HZSM-5 concentration up to 50 g/L and zero order at higher concentrations. The thermal degradation kinetics of PVC in the presence of 50 g/L of the catalyst was studied at various temperatures. The temperature dependency of the rate coefficient was used to calculate the activation energy (21.5 kcal/mol). This is consistent with the observation that the presence of a catalyst generally decreases the activation energy and promotes degradation. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc.


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The copolyperoxides of indene with methyl methacrylate and methacrylonitrile have been synthesized by the free-radical-initiated oxidative copolymerization of indene and the monomers. The compositions of copolyperoxides, obtained from H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra, have been utilized to determine the reactivity ratios. The reactivity ratios indicate that the copolyperoxides contain a large proportion of the indene units in random placement. Thermal degradation studies of the copolyperoxides by differential scanning calorimetry and electron-impact mass spectroscopy support alternating peroxide units in the copolyperoxide chain. The energy of activation for thermal degradation suggests that the degradation is controlled by the dissociation of the peroxide (-O-O-) bonds in the copolyperoxide chain. The flexibility of copolyperoxide in terms of glass transition temperature (T-g) has also been examined. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Distinctions between isobaric residues have been a major challenge in mass spectrometric peptide sequencing. Here, we propose a methodology for distinction among isobaric leucine, isoleucine, and hydroxyproline, a commonly found post-translationally modified amino acid with a nominal mass of 113 Da, through a combined electron transfer dissociation-collision-induced dissociation approach. While the absence of c and z(center dot) ions, corresponding to the Yyy-Xxx (Xxx = Leu, Ile, or Hyp) segment, is indicative of the presence of hydroxyproline, loss of isopropyl (Delta m = 43 Da) or ethyl radicals (Delta m = 29 Da), through collisional activation of z(center dot) radical ions, are characteristic of leucine or isoleucine, respectively. Radical migration processes permit distinctions even in cases where the specific e ions, corresponding to the Yyy-Leu or -Ile segments, are absent or of low intensity. This tandem mass spectrometric (MSn) method has been successfully implemented in a liquid chromatography MSn platform to determine the identity of 23 different isobaric residues from a mixture of five different peptides. The approach is convenient for distinction of isobaric residues from any crude peptide mixture, typically encountered in natural peptide libraries or proteomic analysis.


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The migration of a metal atom in a metal olefin complex from one pi face of the olefin to the opposite pi face has been rarely documented. Gladysz and co-workers showed that such a movement is indeed possible in monosubstituted chiral Re olefin complexes, resulting in diastereomerization. Interestingly, this isomerization occurred without dissociation, and on the basis of kinetic isotope effects, the involvement of a trans C-H bond was indicated. Either oxidative addition or an agostic interaction of the vinylic C-H(D) bond with the metal could account for the experimentally observed kinetic isotope effect. In this study we compute the free energy of activation for the migration of Re from one enantioface of the olefin to the other through various pathways. On the basis of DFT calculations at the B3LYP level we show that a trans (C-H)center dot center dot center dot Re interaction and trans C-H oxidative addition provide a nondissociative path for the diastereomerization. The trans (C-H)center dot center dot center dot Re interaction path is computed to be more favorable by 2.3 kcal mol(-1) than the oxidative addition path. While direct experimental evidence was not able to discount the migration of the metal through the formation of a eta(2)-arene complex (conducted tour mechanism), computational results at the B3LYP level show that it is energetically more expensive. Surprisingly, a similar analysis carried out at the M06 level computes a lower energy path for the conducted tour mechanism and is not consistent with the experimental isotope effects observed. Metal-(C-H) interactions and oxidative additions of the metal into C-H bonds are closely separated in energy and might contribute to unusual fluxional processes such as this diastereomerization.


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Diffusion such is the integrated diffusion coefficient of the phase, the tracer diffusion coefficient of species at different temperatures and the activation energy for diffusion, are determined in V3Si phase with A15 crystal structure. The tracer diffusion coefficient of Si Was found to be negligible compared to the tracer diffusion coefficient of V. The calculated diffusion parameters will help to validate the theoretical analysis of defect structure of the phase, which plays an important role in the superconductivity.


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A new method is suggested where the thermal activation energy is measured directly and not as a slope of an Arrhenius plot. The sample temperature T is allowed to fluctuate about a temperature T0. The reverse-biased sample diode is repeatedly pulsed towards zero bias and the transient capacitance C1 at time t1 is measured The activation energy is obtained by monitoring the fluctuations in C1 and T. The method has been used to measure the activation energy of the gold acceptor level in silicon.


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A graphical method is presented for Hall data analysis, including the temperature variation of activation energy due to screening. This method removes the discrepancies noted in the analysis of recently reported Hall data on Si(In).


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The dynamics of reactions with low internal barriers are studied both analytically and numerically for two different models. Exact expressions for the average rate,kI, are obtained by solving the associated first passage time problems. Both the average rate constant, kI, and the numerically calculated long-time rate constant, kL, show a fractional power law dependence on the barrier height for very low barriers. The crossover of the reaction dynamics from low to high barrier is investigated.