42 resultados para distributive lattices

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We consider diffusively coupled map lattices with P neighbors (where P is arbitrary) and study the stability of the synchronized state. We show that there exists a critical lattice size beyond which the synchronized state is unstable. This generalizes earlier results for nearest neighbor coupling. We confirm the analytical results by performing numerical simulations on coupled map lattices with logistic map at each node. The above analysis is also extended to two-dimensional P-neighbor diffusively coupled map lattices.


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We report on the fabrication and characterization of a device which allows the formation of an antidot lattice (ADL) using only electrostatic gating. The antidot potential and Fermi energy of the system can be tuned independently. Well defined commensurability features in magnetoresistance as well as magnetothermopower are observed. We show that the thermopower can be used to efficiently map out the potential landscape of the ADL. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3493268]


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Statistically averaged lattices provide a common basis to understand the diffraction properties of structures displaying deviations from regular crystal structures. An average lattice is defined and examples are given in one and two dimensions along with their diffraction patterns. The absence of periodicity in reciprocal space corresponding to aperiodic structures is shown to arise out of different projected spacings that are irrationally related, when the grid points are projected along the chosen coordinate axes. It is shown that the projected length scales are important factors which determine the existence or absence of observable periodicity in the diffraction pattern more than the sequence of arrangement.


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The Generalized Distributive Law (GDL) is a message passing algorithm which can efficiently solve a certain class of computational problems, and includes as special cases the Viterbi's algorithm, the BCJR algorithm, the Fast-Fourier Transform, Turbo and LDPC decoding algorithms. In this paper GDL based maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) is introduced and a sufficient condition for an STBC to admit low GDL decoding complexity is given. Fast-decoding and multigroup decoding are the two algorithms used in the literature to ML decode STBCs with low complexity. An algorithm which exploits the advantages of both these two is called Conditional ML (CML) decoding. It is shown in this paper that the GDL decoding complexity of any STBC is upper bounded by its CML decoding complexity, and that there exist codes for which the GDL complexity is strictly less than the CML complexity. Explicit examples of two such families of STBCs is given in this paper. Thus the CML is in general suboptimal in reducing the ML decoding complexity of a code, and one should design codes with low GDL complexity rather than low CML complexity.


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We investigate a system of fermions on a two-dimensional optical square lattice in the strongly repulsive coupling regime. In this case, the interactions can be controlled by laser intensity as well as by Feshbach resonance. We compare the energetics of states with resonating valence bond d-wave superfluidity, antiferromagnetic long-range order, and a homogeneous state with coexistence of superfluidity and antiferromagnetism. Using a variational formalism, we show that the energy density of a hole e(hole)(x) has a minimum at doping x = x(c) that signals phase separation between the antiferromagnetic and d-wave paired superfluid phases. The energy of the phase-separated ground state is, however, found to be very close to that of a homogeneous state with coexisting antiferromagnetic and superfluid orders. We explore the dependence of the energy on the interaction strength and on the three-site hopping terms and compare with the nearest-neighbor hopping t-J model.


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A density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented for the Bethe lattice with connectivity Z = 3 and antiferromagnetic exchange between nearest-neighbor spins s = 1/2 or 1 sites in successive generations g. The algorithm is accurate for s = 1 sites. The ground states are magnetic with spin S(g) = 2(g)s, staggered magnetization that persists for large g > 20, and short-range spin correlation functions that decrease exponentially. A finite energy gap to S > S(g) leads to a magnetization plateau in the extended lattice. Closely similar DMRG results for s = 1/2 and 1 are interpreted in terms of an analytical three-site model.


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The problem of designing good space-time block codes (STBCs) with low maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding complexity has gathered much attention in the literature. All the known low ML decoding complexity techniques utilize the same approach of exploiting either the multigroup decodable or the fast-decodable (conditionally multigroup decodable) structure of a code. We refer to this well-known technique of decoding STBCs as conditional ML (CML) decoding. In this paper, we introduce a new framework to construct ML decoders for STBCs based on the generalized distributive law (GDL) and the factor-graph-based sum-product algorithm. We say that an STBC is fast GDL decodable if the order of GDL decoding complexity of the code, with respect to the constellation size, is strictly less than M-lambda, where lambda is the number of independent symbols in the STBC. We give sufficient conditions for an STBC to admit fast GDL decoding, and show that both multigroup and conditionally multigroup decodable codes are fast GDL decodable. For any STBC, whether fast GDL decodable or not, we show that the GDL decoding complexity is strictly less than the CML decoding complexity. For instance, for any STBC obtained from cyclic division algebras which is not multigroup or conditionally multigroup decodable, the GDL decoder provides about 12 times reduction in complexity compared to the CML decoder. Similarly, for the Golden code, which is conditionally multigroup decodable, the GDL decoder is only half as complex as the CML decoder.


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The problem of designing good Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) with low maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding complexity has gathered much attention in the literature. All the known low ML decoding complexity techniques utilize the same approach of exploiting either the multigroup decodable or the fast-decodable (conditionally multigroup decodable) structure of a code. We refer to this well known technique of decoding STBCs as Conditional ML (CML) decoding. In [1], we introduced a framework to construct ML decoders for STBCs based on the Generalized Distributive Law (GDL) and the Factor-graph based Sum-Product Algorithm, and showed that for two specific families of STBCs, the Toepltiz codes and the Overlapped Alamouti Codes (OACs), the GDL based ML decoders have strictly less complexity than the CML decoders. In this paper, we introduce a `traceback' step to the GDL decoding algorithm of STBCs, which enables roughly 4 times reduction in the complexity of the GDL decoders proposed in [1]. Utilizing this complexity reduction from `traceback', we then show that for any STBC (not just the Toeplitz and Overlapped Alamouti Codes), the GDL decoding complexity is strictly less than the CML decoding complexity. For instance, for any STBC obtained from Cyclic Division Algebras that is not multigroup or conditionally multigroup decodable, the GDL decoder provides approximately 12 times reduction in complexity compared to the CML decoder. Similarly, for the Golden code, which is conditionally multigroup decodable, the GDL decoder is only about half as complex as the CML decoder.


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The realization of optical lattices of cold atoms has opened up the possibility of engineering interacting lattice systems of bosons and fermions, stimulating a frenzy of research over the last decade. More recently, experimental techniques have been developed to apply synthetic gauge fields to these optical lattices. As a result, it has become possible to study quantum Hall physics and the effects of frustration in lattices of cold atoms. In this article we describe the combined effect of frustration and interactions on the superfluidity of bosons. By focussing on a frustrated ladder of interacting bosons, we show that the effect of frustration is for ``chiral'' order to develop, which manifests itself as an alternating pattern of circulating supercurrents. Remarkably, this order persists even when superfluidity is lost and the system enters a Mott phase giving rise to a novel chiral Mott insulator. We describe the combined physics of frustration and interactions by studying a fully frustrated one dimensional model of interacting bosons. The model is studied using mean-field theory, a direct quantum simulation and a higher dimensional classical theory in order to offer a full description of the different quantum phases contained in it and transitions between the different phases. In addition, we provide physical descriptions of the chiral Mott insulator as a vortex-anitvortex super solid and indirect excitonic condensate in addition to obtaining a variational wavefunction for it. We also briefly describe the chiral Mott states arising in other microscopic models.


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the membership problem for functional dependencies (FDs) and multivalued dependencies (MVDs) in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of a dependency-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several interesting properties of dependency-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a): computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b): computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c): solving the membership problem for MVDs. We also show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the membership problem for both FDs and MVDs put together. We finally show that our algorithms are more efficient than existing ones, when used to solve what we term the ‘generalized membership problem’.


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the implication problem for MVDs in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of an MVD-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of the inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several properties of MVD-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a) computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b) computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c) solving the implication problem for MVDs. Finally, we show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the implication problem for both FDs and MVDs put together.


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The transition parameters for the freezing of two one-component liquids into crystalline solids are evaluated by two theoretical approaches. The first system considered is liquid sodium which crystallizes into a body-centered-cubic (bcc) lattice; the second system is the freezing of adhesive hard spheres into a face-centered-cubic (fcc) lattice. Two related theoretical techniques are used in this evaluation: One is based upon a recently developed bifurcation analysis; the other is based upon the theory of freezing developed by Ramakrishnan and Yussouff. For liquid sodium, where experimental information is available, the predictions of the two theories agree well with experiment and each other. The adhesive-hard-sphere system, which displays a triple point and can be used to fit some liquids accurately, shows a temperature dependence of the freezing parameters which is similar to Lennard-Jones systems. At very low temperature, the fractional density change on freezing shows a dramatic increase as a function of temperature indicating the importance of all the contributions due to the triplet direction correlation function. Also, we consider the freezing of a one-component liquid into a simple-cubic (sc) lattice by bifurcation analysis and show that this transition is highly unfavorable, independent of interatomic potential choice. The bifurcation diagrams for the three lattices considered are compared and found to be strikingly different. Finally, a new stability analysis of the bifurcation diagrams is presented.


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A new geometrical method for generating aperiodic lattices forn-fold non-crystallographic axes is described. The method is based on the self-similarity principle. It makes use of the principles of gnomons to divide the basic triangle of a regular polygon of 2n sides to appropriate isosceles triangles and to generate a minimum set of rhombi required to fill that polygon. The method is applicable to anyn-fold noncrystallographic axis. It is first shown how these regular polygons can be obtained and how these can be used to generate aperiodic structures. In particular, the application of this method to the cases of five-fold and seven-fold axes is discussed. The present method indicates that the recursion rule used by others earlier is a restricted one and that several aperiodic lattices with five fold symmetry could be generated. It is also shown how a limited array of approximately square cells with large dimensions could be detected in a quasi lattice and these are compared with the unit cell dimensions of MnAl6 suggested by Pauling. In addition, the recursion rule for sub-dividing the three basic rhombi of seven-fold structure was obtained and the aperiodic lattice thus generated is also shown.


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A TEM study of the interphase boundary structure of 9R orthorhombic alpha1' martensite formed in beta' Cu---Zn alloys shows that it consists of a single array of dislocations with Burgers vector parallel to left angle bracket110right-pointing angle beta and spaced about 3.5 nm apart. This Burgers vector lies out of the interface plane; hence the interface dislocations are glissile. Unexpectedly, though, the Burgers vectors of these dislocations are not parallel when referenced to the matrix and the martensite lattices. This finding is rationalized on published hard sphere models as a consequence of relaxation of a resultant of the Bain strain and lattice invariant shear displacements within the matrix phase.


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The aim of this investigation is to evolve a method of solving two-dimensional unsteady flow problems by the method of characteristics. This involves the reduction of the given system of equations to an equivalent system where only interior derivatives occur on a characteristic surface. From this system, four special bicharacteristic directional derivatives are chosen. A finite difference scheme is prescribed for solving the equations. General rectangular lattices are also considered. As an example, we investigate the propagation of an initial pressure distribution in a medium at rest.