92 resultados para distance decay

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Let n points be placed independently in d-dimensional space according to the density f(x) = A(d)e(-lambda parallel to x parallel to alpha), lambda, alpha > 0, x is an element of R-d, d >= 2. Let d(n) be the longest edge length of the nearest-neighbor graph on these points. We show that (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n) - b(n) converges weakly to the Gumbel distribution, where b(n) similar to ((d - 1)/lambda alpha) log log n. We also prove the following strong law for the normalized nearest-neighbor distance (d) over tilde (n) = (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n)/log log n: (d - 1)/alpha lambda <= lim inf(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= lim sup(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= d/alpha lambda almost surely. Thus, the exponential rate of decay alpha = 1 is critical, in the sense that, for alpha > 1, d(n) -> 0, whereas, for alpha <= 1, d(n) -> infinity almost surely as n -> infinity.


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We find in complementary experiments and event-driven simulations of sheared inelastic hard spheres that the velocity autocorrelation function psi(t) decays much faster than t(-3/2) obtained for a fluid of elastic spheres at equilibrium. Particle displacements are measured in experiments inside a gravity-driven flow sheared by a rough wall. The average packing fraction obtained in the experiments is 0.59, and the packing fraction in the simulations is varied between 0.5 and 0.59. The motion is observed to be diffusive over long times except in experiments where there is layering of particles parallel to boundaries, and diffusion is inhibited between layers. Regardless, a rapid decay of psi(t) is observed, indicating that this is a feature of the sheared dissipative fluid, and is independent of the details of the relative particle arrangements. An important implication of our study is that the non-analytic contribution to the shear stress may not be present in a sheared inelastic fluid, leading to a wider range of applicability of kinetic theory approaches to dense granular matter.


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In our previous report on resonance energy transfer from a dye molecule to graphene [J. Chem. Phys.129, 054703 (2008)], we had derived an expression for the rate of energy transfer from a dye to graphene. An integral in the expression for the rate was evaluated approximately. We found a Yuwaka-type dependence of the rate on the distance. We now present an exact evaluation of the integral involved, leading to very interesting results. For short distances (z < 20 A), the present rate and the previous rate are in good agreement. For larger distances, the rate is found to have a z(-4) dependence on the distance, exactly. Thus we predict that for the case of pyrene on graphene, it is possible to observe fluorescence quenching up to a distance of 300 A. This is in sharp contrast to the traditional fluorescence resonance energy transfer where the quenching is observable only up to 100 A.


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The paper presents the results of an experimental study regarding the effect of the lateral dimension of the receiving water on the spreading, mixing, and temperature decay of a horizontal buoyant surface jet. The widths of the ambient water in the experiments have been 240, 120, 90 and 60 times the diameter of the jet nozzle. Based on the experimental data, correlations are carried out and empirical equations for prediction of jet width, thickness in vertical direction and longitudinal temperature decay are obtained. The available data of earlier investigators are included to obtain generalized equations for the spreading and temperature decay. Similarity of temperature profiles in the lateral and vertical directions is observed. The longitudinal temperature decay is found to vary inversely with distance in the flow direction and ¼th power of the densimetric Froude number.


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The conventional procedure of determining the surface potential of clay platelet and the variation of potential with distance is lengthy and time consuming. Simplified graphical procedures using Gouy theory have been developed and presented. The new procedures are simple, accurate and very much less time consuming.


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A relativistic bound-state formalism is used to calculate the branching ratio Γ(V→H+γ)/Γ(V→e+e-) where H is a Higgs scalar and significant relativistic effects have been obtained compared to the nonrelativistic calculation originally due to Wilczek


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In this paper, a new approach to enhance the transmission system distance relay co-ordination is presented. The approach depends on the apparent impedance loci seen by the distance relay during all possible disturbances. In a distance relay, the impedance loci seen at the relay location is obtained by extensive transient stability studies. Support vector machines (SVMs), a class of patterns classifiers are used in discriminating zone settings (zone-1, zone-2 and zone-3) using the signals to be used by the relay. Studies on a sample 9-bus are presented for illustrating the proposed scheme.


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The mean flow development in an initially turbulent boundary layer subjected to a large favourable pressure gradient beginning at a point x0 is examined through analyses expected a priori to be valid on either side of relaminarization. The ‘quasi-laminar’ flow in the later stages of reversion, where the Reynolds stresses have by definition no significant effect on the mean flow, is described by an asymptotic theory constructed for large values of a pressure-gradient parameter Λ, scaled on a characteristic Reynolds stress gradient. The limiting flow consists of an inner laminar boundary layer and a matching inviscid (but rotational) outer layer. There is consequently no entrainment to lowest order in Λ−1, and the boundary layer thins down to conserve outer vorticity. In fact, the predictions of the theory for the common measures of boundary-layer thickness are in excellent agreement with experimental results, almost all the way from x0. On the other hand the development of wall parameters like the skin friction suggests the presence of a short bubble-shaped reverse-transitional region on the wall, where neither turbulent nor quasi-laminar calculations are valid. The random velocity fluctuations inherited from the original turbulence decay with distance, in the inner layer, according to inverse-power laws characteristic of quasi-steady perturbations on a laminar flow. In the outer layer, there is evidence that the dominant physical mechanism is a rapid distortion of the turbulence, with viscous and inertia forces playing a secondary role. All the observations available suggest that final retransition to turbulence quickly follows the onset of instability in the inner layer.It is concluded that reversion in highly accelerated flows is essentially due to domination of pressure forces over the slowly responding Reynolds stresses in an originally turbulent flow, accompanied by the generation of a new laminar boundary layer stabilized by the favourable pressure gradient.


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The decay of sound in a rectangular room is analyzed for various boundary conditions on one of its walls. It is shown that the decay of the sound-intensity level is in general nonlinear. But for specific areas and impedances of the material it is possible to obtain a linear initial decay. It is also shown that the coefficients derived from the initial decay rates neither correspond to the predictions of Sabine's or Eyring's geometrical theories nor to the normal coefficients of Morse's wave theory. The dependence of the coefficients on the area of the material is discussed. The influence of the real and the imaginary parts of the specific acoustic impedance of the material on the coefficients is also discussed. Finally, the existence of a linear initial decay corresponding to the decay of a diffuse field in the case of a highly absorbing material partially covering a wall is explained on the basis of modal coupling.


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The decay of sound in a rectangular room is analyzed for various boundary conditions on one of its walls. It is shown that the decay of the sound-intensity level is in general nonlinear. But for specific areas and impedances of the material it is possible to obtain a linear initial decay. It is also shown that the coefficients derived from the initial decay rates neither correspond to the predictions of Sabine's or Eyring's geometrical theories nor to the normal coefficients of Morse's wave theory. The dependence of the coefficients on the area of the material is discussed. The influence of the real and the imaginary parts of the specific acoustic impedance of the material on the coefficients is also discussed. Finally, the existence of a linear initial decay corresponding to the decay of a diffuse field in the case of a highly absorbing material partially covering a wall is explained on the basis of modal coupling.


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Grain misorientation was studied in relation to the nearest neighbor's mutual distance using electron back-scattered diffraction measurements. The misorientation correlation function was defined as the probability density for the occurrence of a certain misorientation between pairs of grains separated by a certain distance. Scale-invariant spatial correlation between neighbor grains was manifested by a power law dependence of the preferred misorientation vs. inter-granular distance in various materials after diverse strain paths. The obtained negative scaling exponents were in the range of -2 +/- 0.3 for high-angle grain boundaries. The exponent decreased in the presence of low-angle grain boundaries or dynamic recrystallization, indicating faster decay of correlations. The correlations vanished in annealed materials. The results were interpreted in terms of lattice incompatibility and continuity conditions at the interface between neighboring grains. Grain-size effects on texture development, as well as the implications of such spatial correlations on texture modeling, were discussed.


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Deviations from the usual R (-6) dependence of the rate of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) on the distance between the donor and the acceptor have been a common scenario in the recent times. In this paper, we present a critical analysis of the distance dependence of FRET, and try to illustrate the non R (-6) type behaviour of the rate for the case of transfer from a localized electronic excitation on the donor, a dye molecule to three different energy acceptors with delocalized electronic excitations namely, graphene,two-dimensional semiconducting sheet and the case of such a semiconducting sheet rolled to obtain a nanotube. We use simple analytic models to understand the distance dependence in each case.


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With the liberalisation of electricity market it has become very important to determine the participants making use of the transmission network.Transmission line usage computation requires information of generator to load contributions and the path used by various generators to meet loads and losses. In this study relative electrical distance (RED) concept is used to compute reactive power contributions from various sources like generators, switchable volt-amperes reactive(VAR) sources and line charging susceptances that are scattered throughout the network, to meet the system demands. The transmission line charge susceptances contribution to the system reactive flows and its aid extended in reducing the reactive generation at the generator buses are discussed in this paper. Reactive power transmission cost evaluation is carried out in this study. The proposed approach is also compared with other approaches viz.,proportional sharing and modified Y-bus.Detailed case studies with base case and optimised results are carried out on a sample 8-bus system. IEEE 39-bus system and a practical 72-bus system, an equivalent of Indian Southern grid are also considered for illustration and results are discussed.


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The flow around a 120 degrees blunt cone model with a base radius of 60mm has been visualised at Mach 14.8 and 9.1 using argon as the test gas, at the newly established high speed schlieren facility in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST2. The experimental shock stand off distance around the blunt cone is compared with that obtained using a commercial CFD package. The computed values of shock stand off distance of the blunt cone is found to agree reasonably well with the experimental data.


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We propose a novel, language-neutral approach for searching online handwritten text using Frechet distance. Online handwritten data, which is available as a time series (x,y,t), is treated as representing a parameterized curve in two-dimensions and the problem of searching online handwritten text is posed as a problem of matching two curves in a two-dimensional Euclidean space. Frechet distance is a natural measure for matching curves. The main contribution of this paper is the formulation of a variant of Frechet distance that can be used for retrieving words even when only a prefix of the word is given as query. Extensive experiments on UNIPEN dataset(1) consisting of over 16,000 words written by 7 users show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art DTW method. Experiments were also conducted on a Multilingual dataset, generated on a PDA, with encouraging results. Our approach can be used to implement useful, exciting features like auto-completion of handwriting in PDAs.