18 resultados para creative works-in-progress

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Evaluation and design of shore protection works in the case of tsunamis assumes considerable importance in view of the impact it had in the recent tsunami of 26th December 2004 in India and other countries in Asia. The fact that there are no proper guidelines have made in the matters worse and resulted in the magnitude of damage that occurred. Survey of the damages indicated that the scour as a result of high velocities is one of the prime reasons for damages in the case of simple structures. It is revealed that sea walls in some cases have been helpful to minimize the damages. The objective of this paper is to suggest that design of shore line protection systems using expected wave heights that get generated and use of flexible systems such as geocells is likely to give a better protection. The protection systems can be designed to withstand the wave forces that corresponding to different probabilities of incidence. A design approach of geocells protection system is suggested and illustrated with reference to the data of wave heights in the east coast of India.


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In the paper new way of classifying spillways have been suggested. The various types, merits and demerits or existing spillway devices have been discussed. The considerations governing the choice of a design of a spillway have been mention. A criteria for working out the economics of spillway design has been suggested. An efficient surplus sing device has next been described and compared with other devices. In conclusion it has been suggested that the most efficient and at the same time economical arrangement will be a combination of devices. In conclusion it has been suggested will be a combination of crest gate, volute siphons and high head gates. The appendix gives a list of devices used in dams in various parts of the world.


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Large scale reclamation works in coastal areas of the Nakdong River plain are at various stages of progress, since early 1990's on in-situ soft marine clay deposits. These deposits are of the order of 30 to 40 m thick. A realistic rapid characterization of soft ground would ensure success of any reclamation work in this area. In order to cope with the work carried out with different agencies, it is desirable to evolve a systematic methodology. In this study, engineering properties of clays at three coastal areas, Gadukdo, Noksan and Shinho, have been generated. The analysis of data has been done within the framework of classical developments in soil mechanics. Analysis has also been made by making use of the recent developments in dealing with soft clays. The dominant factors, namely, stress, time, and environment influencing the response of clay to loading are identified.


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Crystals growing from solution, the vapour phase and from supercooled melt exhibit, as a rule, planar faces. The geometry and distribution of dislocations present within the crystals thus grown are strongly related to the growth on planar faces and to the different growth sectors rather than the physical properties of the crystals and the growth methods employed. As a result, many features of generation and geometrical arrangement of defects are common to extremely different crystal species. In this paper these commoner aspects of dislocation generation and configuration which permits one to predict their nature and distribution are discussed. For the purpose of imaging the defects a very versatile and widely applicable technique viz. x-ray diffraction topography is used. Growth dislocations in solution grown crystals follow straight path with strongly defined directions. These preferred directions which in most cases lie within an angle of ±15° to the growth normal depend on the growth direction and on the Burger's vector involved. The potential configuration of dislocations in the growing crystals can be evaluated using the theory developed by Klapper which is based on linear anisotropic elastic theory. The preferred line direction of a particular dislocation corresponds to that in which the dislocation energy per unit growth length is a minimum. The line direction analysis based on this theory enables one to characterise dislocations propagating in a growing crystal. A combined theoretical analysis and experimental investigation based on the above theory is presented.


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We present a new algorithm for continuation of limit cycles of autonomous systems as a system parameter is varied. The algorithm works in phase space with an ordered set of points on the limit cycle, along with spline interpolation. Currently popular algorithms in bifurcation analysis packages compute time-domain approximations of limit cycles using either shooting or collocation. The present approach seems useful for continuation near saddle homoclinic points, where it encounters a corner while time-domain methods essentially encounter a discontinuity (a relatively short period of rapid variation). Other phase space-based algorithms use rescaled arclength in place of time, but subsequently resemble the time-domain methods. Compared to these, we introduce additional freedom through a variable stretching of arclength based on local curvature, through the use of an auxiliary index-based variable. Several numerical examples are presented. Comparisons with results from the popular package, MATCONT, are favorable close to saddle homoclinic points.


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Protein kinases phosphorylating Ser/Thr/Tyr residues in several cellular proteins exert tight control over their biological functions. They constitute the largest protein family in most eukaryotic species. Protein kinases classified based on sequence similarity in their catalytic domains, cluster into subfamilies, which share gross functional properties. Many protein kinases are associated or tethered covalently to domains that serve as adapter or regulatory modules,naiding substrate recruitment, specificity, and also serve as scaffolds. Hence the modular organisation of the protein kinases serves as guidelines to their functional and molecular properties. Analysis of genomic repertoires of protein kinases in eukaryotes have revealed wide spectrum of domain organisation across various subfamilies of kinases. Occurrence of organism-specific novel domain combinations suggests functional diversity achieved by protein kinases in order to regulate variety of biological processes. In addition, domain architecture of protein kinases revealed existence of hybrid protein kinase subfamilies and their emerging roles in the signaling of eukaryotic organisms. In this review we discuss the repertoire of non-kinase domains tethered to multi-domain kinases in the metazoans. Similarities and differences in the domain architectures of protein kinases in these organisms indicate conserved and unique features that are critical to functional specialization. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A formal way of deriving fluctuation-correlation relations in dense sheared granular media, starting with the Enskog approximation for the collision integral in the Chapman-Enskog theory, is discussed. The correlation correction to the viscosity is obtained using the ring-kinetic equation, in terms of the correlations in the hydrodynamic modes of the linearised Enskog equation. It is shown that the Green-Kubo formula for the shear viscosity emerges from the two-body correlation function obtained from the ring-kinetic equation.


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We review the current status of various aspects of biopolymer translocation through nanopores and the challenges and opportunities it offers. Much of the interest generated by nanopores arises from their potential application to third-generation cheap and fast genome sequencing. Although the ultimate goal of single-nucleotide identification has not yet been reached, great advances have been made both from a fundamental and an applied point of view, particularly in controlling the translocation time, fabricating various kinds of synthetic pores or genetically engineering protein nanopores with tailored properties, and in devising methods (used separately or in combination) aimed at discriminating nucleotides based either on ionic or transverse electron currents, optical readout signatures, or on the capabilities of the cellular machinery. Recently, exciting new applications have emerged, for the detection of specific proteins and toxins (stochastic biosensors), and for the study of protein folding pathways and binding constants of protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes. The combined use of nanopores and advanced micromanipulation techniques involving optical/magnetic tweezers with high spatial resolution offers unique opportunities for improving the basic understanding of the physical behavior of biomolecules in confined geometries, with implications for the control of crucial biological processes such as protein import and protein denaturation. We highlight the key works in these areas along with future prospects. Finally, we review theoretical and simulation studies aimed at improving fundamental understanding of the complex microscopic mechanisms involved in the translocation process. Such understanding is a pre-requisite to fruitful application of nanopore technology in high-throughput devices for molecular biomedical diagnostics.


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Size and strain rate effects are among several factors which play an important role in determining the response of nanostructures, such as their deformations, to the mechanical loadings. The mechanical deformations in nanostructure systems at finite temperatures are intrinsically dynamic processes. Most of the recent works in this context have been focused on nanowires [1, 2], but very little attention has been paid to such low dimensional nanostructures as quantum dots (QDs). In this contribution, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with an embedded atom potential method(EAM) are carried out to analyse the size and strain rate effects in the silicon (Si) QDs, as an example. We consider various geometries of QDs such as spherical, cylindrical and cubic. We choose Si QDs as an example due to their major applications in solar cells and biosensing. The analysis has also been focused on the variation in the deformation mechanisms with the size and strain rate for Si QD embedded in a matrix of SiO2 [3] (other cases include SiN and SiC matrices).It is observed that the mechanical properties are the functions of the QD size, shape and strain rate as it is in the case for nanowires [2]. We also present the comparative study resulted from the application of different EAM potentials in particular, the Stillinger-Weber (SW) potential, the Tersoff potentials and the environment-dependent interatomic potential (EDIP) [1]. Finally, based on the stabilized structural properties we compute electronic bandstructures of our nanostructures using an envelope function approach and its finite element implementation.


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Nonextremal solution with warped resolved-deformed conifold background is important to study the infrared limit of large N thermal QCD. Earlier works in this direction have not taken into account all the backreactions on the geometry, namely from the branes, fluxes, and black-hole carefully. In the present work we make some progress in this direction by solving explicitly the supergravity equations of motions in the presence of the backreaction from the black hole. The backreactions from the branes and the fluxes on the other hand and to the order that we study, are comparatively suppressed. Our analysis reveal, among other things, how the resolution parameter would depend on the horizon radius and how the renormalization group flows of the coupling constants should be understood in these scenarios, including their effects on the background three-form fluxes. We also study the effect of switching on a chemical potential in the background and, in a particularly simplified scenario, compute the actual value of the chemical potential for our case.


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The concept of barrel stratification of air-fuel mixture is evaluated for a port gas injection (PGI) single cylinder spark ignition (SI) internal combustion (IC) engine using a transient three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model. The gaseous fuel used in the study is compressed natural gas (CNG). It is observed that compared to the premixed gas carburettor case, a substantial amount of in-cylinder stratification can be achieved with port gas injection system. A detailed parametric study is reported to understand the effect of the various injection parameters such as injection location, injection orientation, start of injection (SOT) and its duration, and injection rate. Furthermore, the best injection timing is evaluated for various load and speed cases. It is observed that the best stratification pattern can be achieved at 50% engine load. The injection location is observed to have a profound effect on the in-cylinder stratification pattern, and injection towards the side of the spark plug is observed to give a rich fuel-air mixture near the spark plug. It is also shown that there exists an optimal injection pressure.


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Rich data bearing on the structural and evolutionary principles of protein protein interactions are paving the way to a better understanding of the regulation of function in the cell. This is particularly the case when these interactions are considered in the framework of key pathways. Knowledge of the interactions may provide insights into the mechanisms of crucial `driver' mutations in oncogenesis. They also provide the foundation toward the design of protein protein interfaces and inhibitors that can abrogate their formation or enhance them. The main features to learn from known 3-D structures of protein protein complexes and the extensive literature which analyzes them computationally and experimentally include the interaction details which permit undertaking structure-based drug discovery, the evolution of complexes and their interactions, the consequences of alterations such as post-translational modifications, ligand binding, disease causing mutations, host pathogen interactions, oligomerization, aggregation and the roles of disorder, dynamics, allostery and more to the protein and the cell. This review highlights some of the recent advances in these areas, including design, inhibition and prediction of protein protein complexes. The field is broad, and much work has been carried out in these areas, making it challenging to cover it in its entirety. Much of this is due to the fast increase in the number of molecules whose structures have been determined experimentally and the vast increase in computational power. Here we provide a concise overview. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.