7 resultados para context-sensitive help

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Context-sensitive points-to analysis is critical for several program optimizations. However, as the number of contexts grows exponentially, storage requirements for the analysis increase tremendously for large programs, making the analysis non-scalable. We propose a scalable flow-insensitive context-sensitive inclusion-based points-to analysis that uses a specially designed multi-dimensional bloom filter to store the points-to information. Two key observations motivate our proposal: (i) points-to information (between pointer-object and between pointer-pointer) is sparse, and (ii) moving from an exact to an approximate representation of points-to information only leads to reduced precision without affecting correctness of the (may-points-to) analysis. By using an approximate representation a multi-dimensional bloom filter can significantly reduce the memory requirements with a probabilistic bound on loss in precision. Experimental evaluation on SPEC 2000 benchmarks and two large open source programs reveals that with an average storage requirement of 4MB, our approach achieves almost the same precision (98.6%) as the exact implementation. By increasing the average memory to 27MB, it achieves precision upto 99.7% for these benchmarks. Using Mod/Ref analysis as the client, we find that the client analysis is not affected that often even when there is some loss of precision in the points-to representation. We find that the NoModRef percentage is within 2% of the exact analysis while requiring 4MB (maximum 15MB) memory and less than 4 minutes on average for the points-to analysis. Another major advantage of our technique is that it allows to trade off precision for memory usage of the analysis.


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Context sensitive pointer analyses based on Whaley and Lam’s bddbddb system have been shown to scale to large Java programs. We provide a technique to incorporate flow sensitivity for Java fields into one such analysis and obtain an escape analysis based on it. First, we express an intraprocedural field flow sensitive analysis, using Fink et al.’s Heap Array SSA form in Datalog. We then extend this analysis interprocedurally by introducing two new φ functions for Heap Array SSA Form and adding deduction rules corresponding to them. Adding a few more rules gives us an escape analysis. We describe two types of field flow sensitivity: partial (PFFS) and full (FFFS), the former without strong updates to fields and the latter with strong updates. We compare these analyses with two different (field flow insensitive) versions of Whaley-Lam analysis: one of which is flow sensitive for locals (FS) and the other, flow insensitive for locals (FIS). We have implemented this analysis on the bddbddb system while using the SOOT open source framework as a front end. We have run our analysis on a set of 15 Java programs. Our experimental results show that the time taken by our field flow sensitive analyses is comparable to that of the field flow insensitive versions while doing much better in some cases. Our PFFS analysis achieves average reductions of about 23% and 30% in the size of the points-to sets at load and store statements respectively and discovers 71% more “caller-captured” objects than FIS.


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We propose a novel formulation of the points-to analysis as a system of linear equations. With this, the efficiency of the points-to analysis can be significantly improved by leveraging the advances in solution procedures for solving the systems of linear equations. However, such a formulation is non-trivial and becomes challenging due to various facts, namely, multiple pointer indirections, address-of operators and multiple assignments to the same variable. Further, the problem is exacerbated by the need to keep the transformed equations linear. Despite this, we successfully model all the pointer operations. We propose a novel inclusion-based context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm based on prime factorization, which can model all the pointer operations. Experimental evaluation on SPEC 2000 benchmarks and two large open source programs reveals that our approach is competitive to the state-of-the-art algorithms. With an average memory requirement of mere 21MB, our context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm analyzes each benchmark in 55 seconds on an average.


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Null dereferences are a bane of programming in languages such as Java. In this paper we propose a sound, demand-driven, inter-procedurally context-sensitive dataflow analysis technique to verify a given dereference as safe or potentially unsafe. Our analysis uses an abstract lattice of formulas to find a pre-condition at the entry of the program such that a null-dereference can occur only if the initial state of the program satisfies this pre-condition. We use a simplified domain of formulas, abstracting out integer arithmetic, as well as unbounded access paths due to recursive data structures. For the sake of precision we model aliasing relationships explicitly in our abstract lattice, enable strong updates, and use a limited notion of path sensitivity. For the sake of scalability we prune formulas continually as they get propagated, reducing to true conjuncts that are less likely to be useful in validating or invalidating the formula. We have implemented our approach, and present an evaluation of it on a set of ten real Java programs. Our results show that the set of design features we have incorporated enable the analysis to (a) explore long, inter-procedural paths to verify each dereference, with (b) reasonable accuracy, and (c) very quick response time per dereference, making it suitable for use in desktop development environments.


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Points-to analysis is a key compiler analysis. Several memory related optimizations use points-to information to improve their effectiveness. Points-to analysis is performed by building a constraint graph of pointer variables and dynamically updating it to propagate more and more points-to information across its subset edges. So far, the structure of the constraint graph has been only trivially exploited for efficient propagation of information, e.g., in identifying cyclic components or to propagate information in topological order. We perform a careful study of its structure and propose a new inclusion-based flow-insensitive context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm based on the notion of dominant pointers. We also propose a new kind of pointer-equivalence based on dominant pointers which provides significantly more opportunities for reducing the number of pointers tracked during the analysis. Based on this hitherto unexplored form of pointer-equivalence, we develop a new context-sensitive flow-insensitive points-to analysis algorithm which uses incremental dominator update to efficiently compute points-to information. Using a large suite of programs consisting of SPEC 2000 benchmarks and five large open source programs we show that our points-to analysis is 88% faster than BDD-based Lazy Cycle Detection and 2x faster than Deep Propagation. We argue that our approach of detecting dominator-based pointer-equivalence is a key to improve points-to analysis efficiency.


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This paper proposes the use of empirical modeling techniques for building microarchitecture sensitive models for compiler optimizations. The models we build relate program performance to settings of compiler optimization flags, associated heuristics and key microarchitectural parameters. Unlike traditional analytical modeling methods, this relationship is learned entirely from data obtained by measuring performance at a small number of carefully selected compiler/microarchitecture configurations. We evaluate three different learning techniques in this context viz. linear regression, adaptive regression splines and radial basis function networks. We use the generated models to a) predict program performance at arbitrary compiler/microarchitecture configurations, b) quantify the significance of complex interactions between optimizations and the microarchitecture, and c) efficiently search for'optimal' settings of optimization flags and heuristics for any given microarchitectural configuration. Our evaluation using benchmarks from the SPEC CPU2000 suits suggests that accurate models (< 5% average error in prediction) can be generated using a reasonable number of simulations. We also find that using compiler settings prescribed by a model-based search can improve program performance by as much as 19% (with an average of 9.5%) over highly optimized binaries.


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in any dimension. Key to the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm is an alternate definition of the Reeb graph that considers equivalence classes of level sets instead of individual level sets. The algorithm works in two steps. The first step locates all critical points of the function in the domain. Critical points correspond to nodes in the Reeb graph. Arcs connecting the nodes are computed in the second step by a simple search procedure that works on a small subset of the domain that corresponds to a pair of critical points. The paper also describes a scheme for controlled simplification of the Reeb graph and two different graph layout schemes that help in the effective presentation of Reeb graphs for visual analysis of scalar fields. Finally, the Reeb graph is employed in four different applications-surface segmentation, spatially-aware transfer function design, visualization of interval volumes, and interactive exploration of time-varying data.