259 resultados para composed aggregation function

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The binding of the fluorescent probes 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate and dansyl cadaverine to the sodium salts of cholic, deoxycholic and dehydrocholic acids has been investigated. Enhanced probe solubilisation accompanies aggregation. Monitoring of fluorescence intensities as a function of bile salt concentration permits the detection of primary micelle formation, as well as secondary association. The transition concentrations obtained by fluorescence are in good agreement with values determined for the critical micelle concentrations, by other methods. Differences in the behaviour of cholate and deoxycholate have been noted. Fluorescence polarisation studies of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene solubilised in bile salt micelles suggest a higher microviscosity for the interior of the deoxycholate micelle as compared to cholate. 1H NMR studies of deoxycholate over the range 1–100 mg/ml suggest that micelle formation leads to a greater immobilisation of the C18 and C19 methyl groups as compared to the C21 methyl group. Well resolved 13C resonances are observed for all three steroids even at high concentration. Both fluorescence and NMR studies confirm that dehydrocholate does not aggregate.


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Peptide NH chemical shifts and their temperature dependences have been monitored as a function of concentration for the decapeptide, Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-OMe in CDCl3 (0.001-0.06M) and (CD3)2SO (0.001-0.03M). The chemical shifts and temperature coefficients for all nine NH groups show no significant concentration dependence in (CD3)2SO. Seven NH groups yield low values of temperature coefficients over the entire range, while one yields an intermediate value. In CDCl3, the Aib(1) NH group shows a large concentration dependence of both chemical shift and temperature coefficient, in contrast to the other eight NH groups. The data suggest that in (CD3)2SO, the peptide adopts a 310 helical conformation and is monomeric over the entire concentration range. In CDCl3, the 310 helical peptide associates at a concentration of 0.01M, with the Aib(1) NH involved in an intermolecular hydrogen bond. Association does not disrupt the intramolecular hydrogen-bonding pattern in the decapeptide.


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The significance of two interface arginine residues on the structural integrity of an obligatory dimeric enzyme thymidylate synthase (TS) from Lactobacillus casei was investigated by thermal and chemical denaturation. While the R178F mutant showed apparent stability to thermal denaturation by its decreased tendency to aggregate, the Tm of the R218K mutant was lowered by 5 degrees C. Equilibrium denaturation studies in guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) and urea indicate that in both the mutants, replacement of Arg residues results in more labile quaternary and tertiary interactions. Circular dichroism studies in aqueous buffer suggest that the protein interior in R218K may be less well-packed as compared to the wild type protein. The results emphasize that quaternary interactions may influence the stability of the tertiary fold of TS. The amino acid replacements also lead to notable alteration in the ability of the unfolding intermediate of TS to aggregate. The aggregated state of partially unfolded intermediate in the R178F mutant is stable over a narrower range of denaturant concentrations. In contrast, there is an exaggerated tendency on the part of R218K to aggregate in intermediate concentrations of the denaturant. The 3 A crystal structure of the R178F mutant reveals no major structural change as a consequence of amino acid substitution. The results may be rationalized in terms of mutational effects on both the folded and unfolded state of the protein. Site specific amino acid substitutions are useful in identifying specific regions of TS involved in association of non-native protein structures.


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In order to elucidate the role of the linkage region that connects polar headgroups with hydrophobic segments in a lipid monomer, cationic mixed-chain amphiphiles containing acyl and alkyl hydrophobic segments connected at the level of Me(2)N(+) headgroups 2a-d were synthesized. Related dialkyldimethyl-ammonium ion surfactants 1a-e and diacyl systems 3a-c were also synthesized. Despite mismatch in the connector region, amphiphiles 2a-d form bilayer vesicles like their dialkyl and diacyl counterparts, as revealed by electron microscopy. Introduction of an ester connector function between the polar and hydrophobic parts raises the phase transition temperature (T-m), transition enthalpies, and resistance to ion permeation. Consideration of energy minimized conformations points toward the importance of differences in the depth of chain penetration into the putative bilayer.


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Measurements of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross sections from different mixed micelles composed of CTAB and Br-, n-C16H33N+Me2-(CH2)(m)N+Me2-n-C16H33, Br- (16-m-16, 2Br(-), where m = 3, 5, and 10), in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The data have been analyzed using the Hayter and Penfold model for macroion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the micelles. The aggregate composition matches with that predicted from an ideal mixing model. The SANS analysis further indicates that the extent of aggregate growth and the Variations of shapes of the mixed micelles could be modulated by the amount of dimeric surfactant present in these mixtures. With the spacer chain length m less than or equal to 4 in the dimeric surfactant, the propensity of micellar growth is particularly pronounced. The effect of the variation of the temperature for the mixed micellar system (23.1 mol % of 16-3-16, 2Br(-)) was also examined. The systemic microviscosities that the mixed micellar aggregates offer to a solubilized, extrinsic fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, were determined. The variation of the microviscosities of the mixed micelles as a function of percentages of the dimeric surfactants could be explained in terms of conformational variations and progressive looping of the spacer chain of dimeric surfactants in mixed micellar aggregates with increasing m values.


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This paper presents studies on the use of carbon nanotubes dispersed in an insulating fluid to serve as an automaton for healing open-circuit interconnect faults in integrated circuits. The physics behind the repair mechanism is the electric-field-induced diffusion limited aggregation. On the occurrence of an open fault, the repair is automatically triggered due to the presence of an electric field across the gap. We perform studies on the repair time as a function of the electric field and dispersion concentrations with the above application in mind.


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Planar imidazolium cation based gemini surfactants 16-Im-n-Im-16], 2Br(-) (where n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12), exhibit different morphologies and internal packing arrangements by adopting different supramolecular assemblies in aqueous media depending on their number of spacer methylene units (CH2)(n). Detailed measurements of the small-angle neutron-scattering (SANS) cross sections from different imidazolium-based surfactant micelles in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The SANS data, containing the information of aggregation behavior of such surfactants in the molecular level, have been analyzed on the basis of the Hayter and Penfold model for the macro ion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the dimeric surfactant micelles. The characteristic changes in the SANS spectra of the dimeric surfactant with n = 4 due to variation of temperature have also been investigated. These data are then compared with the SANS characterization data of the corresponding gemini micelles containing tetrahedral ammonium ion based polar headgroups. The critical micellar concentration of each surfactant micelle (cmc) has been determined using pyrene as an extrinsic fluorescence probe. The variation of cmc as a function of spacer chain length has been explained in terms of conformational variation and progressive looping of the spacer into the micellar interior upon increasing the n values. Small-angle neutron-scattering (SANS) cross sections from different mixed micelles composed of surfactants with ammonium headgroups, 16-A(0), 16-Am-n-Am-16], 2Br(-) (where n = 4), 16-I-0, and 16-Im-n-Im-16], 2Br(-) (where n = 4), in aqueous media (D2O) have also been analyzed. The aggregate composition matches with that predicted from the ideal mixing model.


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Mitochondria are indispensable organelles implicated in multiple aspects of cellular processes, including tumorigenesis. Heat shock proteins play a critical regulatory role in accurately delivering the nucleus-encoded proteins through membrane-bound presequence translocase (Tim23 complex) machinery. Although altered expression of mammalian presequence translocase components had been previously associated with malignant phenotypes, the overall organization of Tim23 complexes is still unsolved. In this report, we show the existence of three distinct Tim23 complexes, namely, B1, B2, and A, involved in the maintenance of normal mitochondrial function. Our data highlight the importance of Magmas as a regulator of translocase function and in dynamically recruiting the J-proteins DnaJC19 and DnaJC15 to individual translocases. The basic housekeeping function involves translocases B1 and B2 composed of Tim17b isoforms along with DnaJC19, whereas translocase A is nonessential and has a central role in oncogenesis. Translocase B, having a normal import rate, is essential for constitutive mitochondrial functions such as maintenance of electron transport chain complex activity, organellar morphology, iron-sulfur cluster protein biogenesis, and mitochondrial DNA. In contrast, translocase A, though dispensable for housekeeping functions with a comparatively lower import rate, plays a specific role in translocating oncoproteins lacking presequence, leading to reprogrammed mitochondrial functions and hence establishing a possible link between the TIM23 complex and tumorigenicity.


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Heterodimeric proteins with homologous subunits of same fold are involved in various biological processes. The objective of this study is to understand the evolution of structural and functional features of such heterodimers. Using a non-redundant dataset of 70 such heterodimers of known 3D structure and an independent dataset of 173 heterodimers from yeast, we note that the mean sequence identity between interacting homologous subunits is only 23-24% suggesting that, generally, highly diverged paralogues assemble to form such a heterodimer. We also note that the functional roles of interacting subunits/domains are generally quite different. This suggests that, though the interacting subunits/domains are homologous, the high evolutionary divergence characterize their high functional divergence which contributes to a gross function for the heterodimer considered as a whole. The inverse relationship between sequence identity and RMSD of interacting homologues in heterodimers is not followed. We also addressed the question of formation of homodimers of the subunits of heterodimers by generating models of fictitious homodimers on the basis of the 3D structures of the heterodimers. Interaction energies associated with these homodimers suggests that, in overwhelming majority of the cases, such homodimers are unlikely to be stable. Majority of the homologues of heterodimers of known structures form heterodimers (51.8%) and a small proportion (14.6%) form homodimers. Comparison of 3D structures of heterodimers with homologous homodimers suggests that interfacial nature of residues is not well conserved. In over 90% of the cases we note that the interacting subunits of heterodimers are co-localized in the cell. Proteins 2015; 83:1766-1786. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We find in complementary experiments and event-driven simulations of sheared inelastic hard spheres that the velocity autocorrelation function psi(t) decays much faster than t(-3/2) obtained for a fluid of elastic spheres at equilibrium. Particle displacements are measured in experiments inside a gravity-driven flow sheared by a rough wall. The average packing fraction obtained in the experiments is 0.59, and the packing fraction in the simulations is varied between 0.5 and 0.59. The motion is observed to be diffusive over long times except in experiments where there is layering of particles parallel to boundaries, and diffusion is inhibited between layers. Regardless, a rapid decay of psi(t) is observed, indicating that this is a feature of the sheared dissipative fluid, and is independent of the details of the relative particle arrangements. An important implication of our study is that the non-analytic contribution to the shear stress may not be present in a sheared inelastic fluid, leading to a wider range of applicability of kinetic theory approaches to dense granular matter.


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Although LH is essential for survival and function of the corpus luteum (CL) in higher primates, luteolysis occurs during nonfertile cycles without a discernible decrease in circulating LH levels. Using genome-wide expression analysis, several experiments were performed to examine the processes of luteolysis and rescue of luteal function in monkeys. Induced luteolysis with GnRH receptor antagonist (Cetrorelix) resulted in differential regulation of 3949 genes, whereas replacement with exogenous LH (Cetrorelix plus LH) led to regulation of 4434 genes (1563 down-regulation and 2871 up-regulation). A model system for prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha-induced luteolysis in the monkey was standardized and demonstrated that PGF(2 alpha) regulated expression of 2290 genes in the CL. Analysis of the LH-regulated luteal transcriptome revealed that 120 genes were regulated in an antagonistic fashion by PGF(2 alpha). Based on the microarray data, 25 genes were selected for validation by real-time RT-PCR analysis, and expression of these genes was also examined in the CL throughout the luteal phase and from monkeys treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to mimic early pregnancy. The results indicated changes in expression of genes favorable to PGF(2 alpha) action during the late to very late luteal phase, and expressions of many of these genes were regulated in an opposite manner by exogenous hCG treatment. Collectively, the findings suggest that curtailment of expression of downstream LH-target genes possibly through PGF(2 alpha) action on the CL is among the mechanisms underlying cross talk between the luteotropic and luteolytic signaling pathways that result in the cessation of luteal function, but hCG is likely to abrogate the PGF(2 alpha)-responsive gene expression changes resulting in luteal rescue crucial for the maintenance of early pregnancy. (Endocrinology 150: 1473-1484, 2009)


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Immunization of proven fertile adult male monkeys (n = 3) with a recombinant FSH receptor protein preparation (oFSHR-P) (representing amino acids 1-134 of the extracellular domain of the receptor Mr similar to 15KDa) resulted in production of receptor blocking antibodies. The ability of the antibody to bind a particulate FSH receptor preparation and receptors in intact granulosa cells was markedly (by 30-80%) inhibited by FSH. Serum T levels and LH receptor function following immunization remained unchanged. The immunized monkeys showed a 50% reduction (p<0.001) in transformation of spermatogonia(2C) to primary spermatocytes (4C) as determined by flow cytometry and the 4C:2C ratio showed a correlative change (R 0.81, p<0.0007) with reduction in fertility index (sperm counts X motility score). Breeding studies indicated that monkeys became infertile between 242-368 days of immunization when the fertility index was in the range of 123+/-76 to 354+/-42 (compared to a value of 1602+/-384 on day 0). As the effects observed ate near identical to that seen following immunization with FSH it is suggestive that oFSHR-P can substitute for FSH in the development of a contraceptive vaccine.


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Nanoporous structures with high active surface areas are critical for a variety of applications. Here, we present a general templateless strategy to produce such porous structures by controlled aggregation of nanostructured subunits and apply the principles for synthesizing nanoporous Pt for electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol. The nature of the aggregate produced is controlled by tuning the electrostatic interaction between surfactant-free nanoparticles in the solution phase. When the repulsive force between the particles is very large, the particles are stabilized in the solution while instantaneous aggregation leading to fractal-like structures results when the repulsive force is very low. Controlling the repulsive interaction to an optimum, intermediate value results in the formation of compact structures with very large surface areas. In the case of Pt, nanoporous clusters with an extremely high specific surface area (39 m(2)/g) and high activity for methanol oxidation have been produced. Preliminary investigations indicate that the method is general and can be easily extended to produce nanoporous structures of many inorganic materials.


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Texture evolution in a low cost beta titanium alloy was studied for different modes of rolling and heat treatments. The alloy was cold rolled by unidirectional and multi-step cross rolling. The cold rolled material was either aged directly or recrystallized and then aged. The evolution of texture in alpha and beta phases were studied. The rolling texture of beta phase that is characterized by the gamma fiber is stronger for MSCR than UDR; while the trend is reversed on recrystallization. The mode of rolling affects alpha transformation texture on aging with smaller alpha lath size and stronger alpha texture in UDR than in MSCR. The defect structure in beta phase influences the evolution of a texture on aging. A stronger defect structure in beta phase leads to variant selection with the rolled samples showing fewer variants than the recrystallized samples.


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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone, is composed of an alpha subunit noncovalentlv associated with the hormone-specific beta subunit. The objective of the present study was recombinant expression of properly folded, biologically active hCG and its subunits using an expression system that could be used for structure-function studies while providing adequate quantities of the hormone for immunocontraceptive studies. We report here expression of biologically active hCG and its subunits using a yeast expression system, Pichia pastoris. The recombinant hGG alpha and hCG beta subunits were secreted into the medium and the levels of expression achieved at shake culture level were 24 and 2.7-3 mg/l secretory medium respectively. Go-expression of both subunits in the same cell resulted in secretion of heterodimeric hGG into the medium. The pichia-expressed hCG was immunologically similar to the native hormone, capable of binding to the LH receptors and stimulating a biological response in vitro. Surprisingly, the maximal response obtained was twice that obtained with the native hGG. The le level of expression of hCG achieved was 12-16 mg/l secretory medium and is expected to increase several-fold in a fermenter. Thus the Pichia expression system is capable of hyperexpressing properly folded, biologically active hGG and is suitable for structure-function studies of the hormone.