54 resultados para cell transformation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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PROBLEM: It is yet to be determined clearly whether the two hormones FSH and T act synergistically in the same cell type-the Sertoli cells-to control overall spermatogenesis or influence independently the transformation of specific germ cell types during spermatogenesis in the adult mammal. METHOD: Adult male bonnet monkeys specifically deprived of either FSH or LH using immunoneutralization techniques were monitored for changes in testicular germ cell transformation by DNA flow cytometry. RESULTS: FSH deprivation caused a significant reduction (>40%; P < 0.05) in [H-3] thymidine incorporation into DNA of proliferating 2C (spermatogonial) cells, a marked inhibition (>50%) in the transformation of 2C to primary spermatocytes (4C) and a concomitant, belated reduction (50%) in the formation of round spermatids (1C). In contrast, specific LH/T deprivation led to an immediate arrest in the meiotic transformation of 4C to 1C/HC leading to an effective and significant block (<90%; P < 0.01) in sperm production. CONCLUSION: Thus, LH rather than FSH deprivation has a more pronounced and immediate effect as the former primarily blocks meiosis (4C --> 1C/HC) which controls production of spermatids. These data provide evidence for LH/T and FSH regulating spermatogenic process in the adult primate by primarily acting at specific germ cell transformation steps.


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Our finding that the inhibitors of DNA methylation, 5-azacytidine, 5-azadeoxycytidine or adenosine dialdehyde, given after a carcinogen all potentiated initiation suggested that hypomethylation of DNA during repair synthesis of DNA might play a role in the initiation of the carcinogenic process. To examine this aspect further, we have asked the question, do the nodules which develop from initiated cells after promotion with 1% orotic acid exhibit an altered methylation pattern in their DNA? The methylation status of the DNA from nodules has been examined using the restriction endonucleases HpaII/MspI and HhaI which distinguish between methylated and unmethylated cytosines in their nucleotide recognition DNA 5'-CCGG and 5'-GCGC respectively. The proto-oncogenes, c-myc, c-fos and c-Ha-ras, in the DNA were primarily studied in this investigation because of their possible involvement in cell proliferation and/or in cell transformation and tumorigenesis. The results indicate that in the nodule DNA, c-myc and c-fos are hypomethylated in the sequence of CCGG while the c-Ha-ras shows hypomethylation in the alternating GCGC sequence. This methylation pattern seen in the nodule DNA is not found in the DNA of the non-nodular surrounding liver or liver tissue after exposure to promoter or carcinogen alone. It is also not found in the DNA of regenerating liver. It is particularly significant that the methylation patterns in the c-myc and c-Ha-ras regions are similar to those found in several cancer tissues. The results suggest that this methylation pattern is acquired early in the carcinogenic process and raises the question whether it has any bearing on the process.


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Suspensions of testicular germ cells from six species of mammals were prepared and stained for the DNA content with a fluorochrome (ethidium bromide) adopting a common technique and subjected to DNA flow cytometry. While uniform staining of the germ cells of the mouse, hamster, rat and monkey could be obtained by treating with 0.5% pepsin for 60 min followed by staining with ethidium bromide for 30 min, that of the guinea pig and rabbit required for optimal staining pepsinization for 90 min and treatment with ethidium bromide for 60 min. The procedure adopted here provided a uniform recovery of over 80% of germ cells with each one of the species tested and the cell population distributed itself according to the DNA content (expressed as C values) into 5 major classes-spermatogonia (2C), cells in S-phase, primary spermatocytes (4C), round spermatids (1C), and elongating/elongated spermatids (HC). Comparison of the DNA distribution pattern of the germ cell populations between species revealed little variation in the relative quantities of cells with 2C (8-11%), S-phase (6-9%), and 4C (6-9%) amount of DNA. Though the spermatid cell populations exhibited variations (1C:31-46%, HCI:7-20% and and HC2:11-25%) they represented the bulk of germ cells (70-80%). The overall conversion of 2C to 1C (1C:2C ratio) and meiotic transformation of 4C cells to IC (1C:4C ratio) kinetics were relatively constant between the species studied. The present study clearly demonstrates that DNA flow cytometry can be adopted with ease and assurance to quantify germ cell transformation and as such spermatogenesis by analysing a large number of samples with consistency both within and across the species barrier. Any variation from the norms in germ cell proportions observed following treatment, for e.g. hormonal stimulation or deprivation can then be ascribed due to a specific effect of the hormone/drug on single/multiple steps in germ cell transformation


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Aberrant activation of Notch and Ras pathways has been detected in breast cancers. A synergy between these two pathways has also been shown in breast cell transformation in culture. Yet, the clinical relevance of Notch-Ras cooperation in breast cancer progression remains unexplored. In this study, we show that coordinate hyperactivation of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways in breast cancer patient specimens, as assessed by IHC for cleaved Notch1 and pErk1/2, respectively, correlated with early relapse to vital organs and poor overall survival. Interestingly, majority of such Notch1 (high)Erk(high) cases encompassed the highly aggressive triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), and were enriched in stem cell markers. We further show that combinatorial inhibition of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways, using a novel mAb against Notch1 and a MEK inhibitor, respectively, led to a significant reduction in proliferation and survival of breast cancer cells compared with individual inhibition. Combined inhibition also abrogated sphere-forming potential, and depleted the putative cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. Most importantly, combinatorial inhibition of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways completely blocked tumor growth in a panel of breast cancer xenografts, including the TNBCs. Thus, our study identifies coordinate hyperactivation of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways as novel biomarkers for poor breast cancer outcome. Furthermore, based on our preclinical data, we propose combinatorial targeting of these two pathways as a treatment strategy for highly aggressive breast cancers, particularly the TNBCs that currently lack any targeted therapeutic module. (C) 2014 AACR.


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Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are essential for growth and survival that suppress apoptosis and promote cell cycle progression, angiogenesis, and metastatic activities in various cancers. The IGFs actions are mediated through the IGF-1 receptor that is involved in cell transformation induced by tumour. These effects depend on the bioavailability of IGFs, which is regulated by IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). We describe here the role of the IGF system in cancer, proposing new strategies targeting this system. We have attempted to expand the general viewpoint on IGF-1R, its inhibitors, potential limitations of IGF-1R, antibodies and tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and IGFBP actions. This review discusses the emerging view that blocking IGF via IGFBP is a better option than blocking IGF receptors. This can lead to the development of novel cancer therapies.


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Abstract Microbial transformation of N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylene diamine (DMPDA), a microbial product formed from the fungicide fenaminosulf (p-dimethylaminobenzenediazo sodium sulfonate) was studied by enriching microbes in soils treated with the amine. Microorganisms isolated from DMPDA-treated soil belonged to the genera of Micrococcus, Alcaligenes, and Corynebacterium. Of the various isolates, Alcaligenes DM4 showed maximal growth on DMPDA utilizing it as sources of carbon and nitrogen. When grown in mineral salts basal medium containing 0.05% DMPDA to serve as carbon and nitrogen sources, Alcaligenes DM4 grew exponentially up to 18 h. Even though the characterization of the complete pathway of microbial degradation of DMPDA could not be carried out due to the auto-oxidation of the compound, the initial transformation product of DMPDA by Alcaligenes DM4 has been identified as a dimer. The dimer is generated into the culture medium presumably by the extra-cellular oxidase of Alcaligenes DM4. It is suggested that the risk-benefit evaluation on the use of fenaminosulf is to be made taking into consideration the microbial transformations of the fungicide.


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The particle size and crystallite size of anatase increase markedly in the region of the crystal structure transformation. The unit cell of anatase seems to expand prior to the transformation to rutile. This expansion has been attributed to a displacive transformation of the type defined by Buerger. Smaller particle size and larger surface area seem to favour the transformation. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase prepared by the hydrolysis of titanium sulphate have been studied at different temperatures and are found to be considerably different from the kinetics of the transformation of pure anatase. The transformation becomes immeasurably slow below ∼695 ± 10°C compared to ∼610°C for pure anatase. An induction period is observed in the transformation of anatase obtained from sulphate hydrolysis and the duration decreases with increase in temperature. The activation energy is ∼120 kcal/mole, a value higher than that for the pure anatase-rutile transformation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative rates of nucleation and propagation processes. The activation energy for the nucleation process seems to be much larger than for the propagation process. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase samples doped with different amounts of sulphate ion impurity have also been studied and the transformation is found to be progressively decelerated with increase in the impurity concentration. The energy of activation for the transformation appears to increase progressively with increase in impurity concentration.


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Genetic transformation systems have been established for Brassica nigra (cv. IC 257) by using an Agrobacterium binary vector as well as by direct DNA uptake of a plasmid vector. Both the type of vectors carried nptII gene and gus gene. For Agrobacterium mediated transformation, hypocotyl tissue explants were used, and up to 33% of the explants produced calli on selection medium. All of these expressed B-glucuronidase gene on histochemical staining. Protoplasts isolated from hypocotyl tissues of seedlings could be transformed with a plasmid vector by FEG mediated uptake of vector DNA. A number of fertile kanamycin resistant plants were obtained using both the methods, and their transformed nature was confirmed by Southern blot analysis and histochemical staining for GUS. Backcrossed and selfed progenies of these transformed plants showed the presence of npt and gus genes.


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The enthalpy increments and the standard molar Gibbs energies of formation-of DyFeO3(s) and Dy3Fe5O12(s) have been measured using a Calvet micro-calorimeter and a solid oxide galvanic cell, respectively. A co-operative phase transition, related to anti-ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transformation, is apparent. from the heat capacity data for DyFeO3 at similar to 648 K. A similar type of phase transition has been observed for Dy3Fe5O12 at similar to 560 K which is related to ferrimagnetic to paramagnetic transformation. Enthalpy increment data for DyFeO3(s) and Dy3Fe5O12(s), except in the vicinity of the second-order transition, can be represented by the following polynomial expressions:{H(0)m(T) - H(0)m(298.15 K)) (Jmol(-1)) (+/-1.1%) = -52754 + 142.9 x (T (K)) + 2.48 x 10(-3) x (T (K))(2) + 2.951 x 10(6) x (T (K))(-1); (298.15 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1000) for DyFeO3(s), and {H(0)m(T) - H(0)m(298.15 K)} (Jmol(-1)) (+/-1.2%) = -191048 + 545.0 x (T - (K)) + 2.0 x 10(-5) x (T (K))(2) + 8.513 x 10(6) x (T (K))(-1); (208.15 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1000)for Dy3Fe5O12(s). The reversible emfs of the solid-state electrochemical cells: (-)Pt/{DyFeO3(s) + Dy2O3(s) + Fe(s)}/YDT/CSZ//{Fe(s) + Fe0.95O(s)}/Pt(+) and (-)Pt/{Fe(s) + Fe0.95O(s)}//CSZ//{DyFeO3(s) + Dy3Fe5O12(s) + Fe3O4(s)}/Pt(+), were measured in the temperature range from 1021 to 1250 K and 1035 to 1250 K, respectively. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of solid DyFeO3 and Dy3Fe5O12 calculated by the least squares regression analysis of the data obtained in the present study, and data for Fe0.95O and Dy2O3 from the literature, are given by Delta(f)G(0)m(DyFeO3,s)(kJmol(-1))(+/-3.2)= -1339.9 + 0.2473 x (T(K)); (1021 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1548)and D(f)G(0)m(Dy3Fe5O12,s) (kJmol(-1)) (+/-3.5) = -4850.4 + 0.9846 x (T (K)); (1035 less than or equal to T (K) less than or equal to 1250) The uncertainty estimates for Delta(f)G(0)m include the standard deviation in the emf and uncertainty in the data taken from the literature. Based on the thermodynamic information, oxygen potential diagram and chemical potential diagrams for the system Dy-Fe-O were developed at 1250 K. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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In Neurospora crassa, multinucleate macroconidia are used for genetic transformation. The barrier for such a transformation can be either at the cell membrane level or at the nuclear membrane level. For assessment of these possibilities, a forced heterokaryon (containing two genetically marked nuclei and auxotrophic for histidine) of Neurospora crassa was transformed with a plasmid containing his-3(+) gene. The transformants, which could grow without histidine supplementation, were then resolved into component homokaryons to determine into which nucleus or nuclei the plasmid had entered. Our results suggest that the barrier for transformation in Neurospora crassa is at the nuclear level, not at the cell membrane level. In a heterokaryon containing two genetically distinct nuclei, plasmid DNA integrated into only one of the nuclear types at any instance, but never into both nuclear types. Thus, in Neurospora crassa, the competent nucleus is essential for the transformation event to take place, and at a given time only one type of nucleus is competent to take up the exogenous DNA. Genomic Southern analysis showed that the transformants harbor both ectopic and homologous integrations of the plasmid DNA. The type and number of integrations were reflected at the post-translational level, since the specific activity of histidinol dehydrogenase (the translation product of his-3+ gene) was variable among several transformants and always less than the level of the wild type.


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Shock waves are one of the most competent mechanisms of energy dissipation observed in nature. We have developed a novel device to generate controlled micro-shock waves using an explosive-coated polymer tube. In this study, we harnessed these controlled micro-shock waves to develop a unique bacterial transformation method. The conditions were optimized for the maximum transformation efficiency in Escherichia coli. The maximum transformation efficiency was obtained when we used a 30 cm length polymer tube, 100 mu m thick metal foil, 200 mM CaCl(2), 1 ng/mu l plasmid DNA concentration, and 1 x 10(9) cell density. The highest transformation efficiency achieved (1 x 10(-5) transformants/cell) was at least 10 times greater than the previously reported ultrasound-mediated transformation (1 x 10(-6) transformants/cell). This method was also successfully employed for the efficient and reproducible transformation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium. This novel method of transformation was shown to be as efficient as electroporation with the added advantage of better recovery of cells, reduced cost (40 times cheaper than a commercial electroporator), and growth phase independent transformation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Emerging evidence suggests that cancers arise in stem/progenitor cells. Yet, the requirements for transformation of these primitive cells remains poorly understood. In this study, we have exploited the `mammosphere' system that selects for primitive mammary stem/progenitor cells to explore their potential and requirements for transformation. Introduction of Simian Virus 40 Early Region and hTERT into mammosphere-derived cells led to the generation of NBLE, an immortalized mammary epithelial cell line. The NBLEs largely comprised of bi-potent progenitors with long-term self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation potential. Clonal and karyotype analyses revealed the existence of heterogeneous population within NBLEs with varied proliferation, differentiation and sphere-forming potential. Significantly, injection of NBLEs into immunocompromised mice resulted in the generation of invasive ductal adenocarcinomas. Further, these cells harbored a sub-population of CD44(+)/CD24(-) fraction that alone had sphere- and tumor-initiating potential and resembled the breast cancer stem cell gene signature. Interestingly, prolonged in vitro culturing led to their further enrichment. The NBLE cells also showed increased expression of stemness and epithelial to mesenchymal transition markers, deregulated self-renewal pathways, activated DNA-damage response and cancer-associated chromosomal aberrations-all of which are likely to have contributed to their tumorigenic transformation. Thus, unlike previous in vitro transformation studies that used adherent, more differentiated human mammary epithelial cells our study demonstrates that the mammosphere-derived, less-differentiated cells undergo tumorigenic conversion with only two genetic elements, without requiring oncogenic Ras. Moreover, the striking phenotypic and molecular resemblance of the NBLE-generated tumors with naturally arising breast adenocarcinomas supports the notion of a primitive breast cell as the origin for this subtype of breast cancer. Finally, the NBLEs represent a heterogeneous population of cells with striking plasticity, capable of differentiation, self-renewal and tumorigenicity, thus offering a unique model system to study the molecular mechanisms involved with these processes. Oncogene (2012) 31, 1896-1909; doi:10.1038/onc.2011.378; published online 29 August 2011


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A gene is a unit of heredity in a living organism. It normally resides on a stretch of DNA that codes for a type of protein or for an RNA chain that has a function in the organism. All living things depend on genes, as they specify all proteins and functional RNA chains. Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism’s cells and pass genetic traits to offspring. The gene has to be transferred to bacteria or eukaryotic cells for basic and applied molecular biology studies. Bacteria can uptake exogenous genetic material by three ways: conjugation, transduction and transformation. Genetic material is naturally transferred to bacteria in case of conjugation and transferred through bacteriophage in transduction. Transformation is the acquisition of exogenous genetic material through cell wall. The ability of bacteria of being transformed is called competency and those bacteria which have competency are competent cells. Divalent Calcium ions can make the bacteria competent and a heat shock can cause the bacteria to uptake DNA. But the heat shock method cannot be used for all the bacteria. In electroporation, a brief electric shock with an electric field of 10-20kV/cmmakes pores in the cell wall, facilitates the DNA to enter into the bacteria. Microprecipitates, microinjection, liposomes, and biological vectors are also used to transfer polar molecules like DNA into host cells.


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Pressure-induced phase transformations (PIPTs) occur in a wide range of materials. In general, the bonding characteristics, before and after the PIPT, remain invariant in most materials, and the bond rearrangement is usually irreversible due to the strain induced under pressure. A reversible PIPT associated with a substantial bond rearrangement has been found in a metal-organic framework material, namely tmenH(2)]Er(HCOO)(4)](2) (tmenH(2)(2+) = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium). The transition is first-order and is accompanied by a unit cell volume change of about 10%. High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal the complex bond rearrangement through the transition. The reversible nature of the transition is confirmed by means of independent nanoindentation measurements on single crystals.


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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive type of brain tumor and shows very poor prognosis. Here, using genome-wide methylation analysis, we show that G-CIMP+ and G-CIMP-subtypes enrich distinct classes of biological processes. One of the hypermethylated genes in GBM, ULK2, an upstream autophagy inducer, was found to be down-regulated in GBM. Promoter hypermethylation of ULK2 was confirmed by bisulfite sequencing. GBM and glioma cell lines had low levels of ULK2 transcripts, which could be reversed upon methylation inhibitor treatment. ULK2 promoter methylation and transcript levels showed significant negative correlation. Ectopic overexpression of ULK2-induced autophagy, which further enhanced upon nutrient starvation or temozolomide chemotherapy. ULK2 also inhibited the growth of glioma cells, which required autophagy induction as kinase mutant of ULK2 failed to induce autophagy and inhibit growth. Furthermore, ULK2 induced autophagy and inhibited growth in Ras-transformed immortalized Baby Mouse Kidney (iBMK) ATG5(+/+) but not in autophagy-deficient ATG5(-/-) cells. Growth inhibition due to ULK2 induced high levels of autophagy under starvation or chemotherapy utilized apoptotic cell death but not at low levels of autophagy. Growth inhibition by ULK2 also appears to involve catalase degradation and reactive oxygen species generation. ULK2 overexpression inhibited anchorage independent growth, inhibited astrocyte transformation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Of all autophagy genes, we found ULK2 and its homologue ULK1 were only down-regulated in all grades of glioma. Thus these results altogether suggest that inhibition of autophagy by ULK1/2 down-regulation is essential for glioma development.