367 resultados para calcium-dependent proteolysis

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediated modulation of signal transduction pathways represent an important mechanism of cell injury and barrier dysfunction leading to the development of vascular disorders. Towards understanding the role of ROS in vascular dysfunction, we investigated the effect of diperoxovanadate (DPV), derived from mixing hydrogen peroxide and vanadate, on the activation of phospholipase D (PLD) in bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAECs). Addition of DPV to BPAECs in the presence of .05% butanol resulted in an accumulation of [P-32] phosphatidylbutanol (PBt) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. DPV also caused an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of several protein bands (Mr 20-200 kD), as determined by Western blot analysis with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies. The DPV-induced [P-32] PBt-accumulation was inhibited by putative tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as genistein, herbimycin, tyrphostin and by chelation of Ca2+ with either EGTA or BAPTA, however, pretreatment of BPAECs with the inhibitor PKC bisindolylmaleimide showed minimal inhibition. Also down-regulation of PKC alpha and epsilon, the major isotypes of PKC in BPAECs, by TPA (100 nM, 18 h) did not attenuate the DPV-induced PLD activation. The effects of putative tyrosine kinase and PKC inhibitors were specific as determined by comparing [P-32] PBt formation between DPV and TPA. In addition to tyrosine kinase inhibitors, antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate also attenuated DPV-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation and PLD stimulation. These results suggest that oxidation, prevented by reduction with thiol compounds, is involved in DPV-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation and PLD activation.


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Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) constitute a unique family of kinases involved in many physiological responses in plants. Biochemical and kinetic properties of a recombinant Swainsona canescens calcium-dependent protein kinase (ScCPK1) were examined in this study. The optimum pH and temperature for activity were pH 7.5 and 37 degrees C, respectively. Substrate phosphorylation activity of ScCPK1 was calmodulin (CaM) independent. Yet CaM antagonists, W7 N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulphonamide] and calmidazolium inhibited the activity with IC50 values of 750 nM and 350 pM, respectively. Both serine and threonine residues were found to be phosphorylated in auto-phosphorylated ScCPK1 and in histone III-S phosphorylated by ScCPK1. The Ca2+] for half maximal activity (K-0.5) was found to be 0.4 mu M for ScCPK1 with histone III-S as substrate. Kinetic analysis showed that Km of ScCPK1 for histone III-S was 4.8 mu M. These data suggest that ScCPK1 is a functional Ser/Thr kinase, regulated by calcium, and may have a role in Ca2+-mediated signaling in S. canescens. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Phospholipids, the major structural components of membranes, can also have functions in regulating signaling pathways in plants under biotic and abiotic stress. The effects of adding phospholipids on the activity of stress-induced calcium dependent protein kinase (CaCDPK1) from chickpea are reported here. Both autophosphorylation as well as phosphorylation of the added substrate were enhanced specifically by phosphatidylcholine and to a lesser extent by phosphatidic acid, but not by phosphatidylethanolamine. Diacylgylerol, the neutral lipid known to activate mammalian PKC, stimulated CaCDPK1 but at higher concentrations. Increase in V-max of the enzyme activity by these phospholipids significantly decreased the K-m indicating that phospholipids enhance the affinity towards its substrate. In the absence of calcium, addition of phospholipids had no effect on the negligible activity of the enzyme. Intrinsic fluorescence intensity of the CaCDPK1 protein was quenched on adding PA and PC. Higher binding affinity was found with PC (K-1/2 = 114 nM) compared to PA (K-1/2 = 335 nM). We also found that the concentration of PA increased in chickpea plants under salt stress. The stimulation by PA and PC suggests regulation of CaCDPK1 by these phospholipids during stress response.


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Theoretical and computational frameworks for synaptic plasticity and learning have a long and cherished history, with few parallels within the well-established literature for plasticity of voltage-gated ion channels. In this study, we derive rules for plasticity in the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels, and assess the synergy between synaptic and HCN channel plasticity in establishing stability during synaptic learning. To do this, we employ a conductance-based model for the hippocampal pyramidal neuron, and incorporate synaptic plasticity through the well-established Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro (BCM)-like rule for synaptic plasticity, wherein the direction and strength of the plasticity is dependent on the concentration of calcium influx. Under this framework, we derive a rule for HCN channel plasticity to establish homeostasis in synaptically-driven firing rate, and incorporate such plasticity into our model. In demonstrating that this rule for HCN channel plasticity helps maintain firing rate homeostasis after bidirectional synaptic plasticity, we observe a linear relationship between synaptic plasticity and HCN channel plasticity for maintaining firing rate homeostasis. Motivated by this linear relationship, we derive a calcium-dependent rule for HCN-channel plasticity, and demonstrate that firing rate homeostasis is maintained in the face of synaptic plasticity when moderate and high levels of cytosolic calcium influx induced depression and potentiation of the HCN-channel conductance, respectively. Additionally, we show that such synergy between synaptic and HCN-channel plasticity enhances the stability of synaptic learning through metaplasticity in the BCM-like synaptic plasticity profile. Finally, we demonstrate that the synergistic interaction between synaptic and HCN-channel plasticity preserves robustness of information transfer across the neuron under a rate-coding schema. Our results establish specific physiological roles for experimentally observed plasticity in HCN channels accompanying synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons, and uncover potential links between HCN-channel plasticity and calcium influx, dynamic gain control and stable synaptic learning.


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In plants, calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are key intermediates in calcium-mediated signaling that couple changes in Ca2+ levels to a specific response. In the present study, we report the high-level soluble expression of calcium-dependent protein kinase1 from Cicer arietinum (CaCDPK1) in Escherichia coli. The expression of soluble CaCDPK1 was temperature dependent with a yield of 3-4 mg/l of bacterial culture. CaCDPK1 expressed as histidine-tag fusion protein was purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography till homogeneity. The recombinant CaCDPK1 protein exhibited both calcium-dependent autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation activities with a V (max) and K (m) value of 13.2 nmol/min/mg and 34.3 mu M, respectively, for histone III-S as substrate. Maximum autophosphorylation was seen only in the presence of calcium. Optimum temperature for autophosphorylation was found to be 37 A degrees C. The recombinant protein showed optimum pH range of 6-9. The role of autophosphorylation in substrate phosphorylation was investigated using histone III-S as exogenous substrate. Our results show that autophosphorylation happens before substrate phosphorylation and it happens via intra-molecular mechanism as the activity linearly depends on enzyme concentrations. Autophosphorylation enhances the kinase activity and reduces the lag phase of activation, and CaCDPK1 can utilize both ATP and GTP as phosphodonor but ATP is preferred than GTP.


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Calcium plays a crucial role as a secondary messenger in all aspects of plant growth, development and survival. Calcium dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are the major calcium decoders, which couple the changes in calcium level to an appropriate physiological response. The mechanism by which calcium regulates CDPK protein is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the interactions of Ca2+ ions with the CDPK1 isoform of Cicer arietinum (CaCDPK1) using a combination of biophysical tools. CaCDPK1 has four different EF hands as predicted by protein sequence analysis. The fluorescence emission spectrum of CaCDPK1 showed quenching with a 5 nm red shift upon addition of calcium, indicating conformational changes in the tertiary structure. The plot of changes in intensity against calcium concentrations showed a biphasic curve with binding constants of 1.29 mu M and 120 mu M indicating two kinds of binding sites. Isothermal calorimetric (ITC) titration with CaCl2 also showed a biphasic curve with two binding constants of 0.027 mu M and 1.7 mu M. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra showed two prominent peaks at 208 and 222 nm indicating that CaCDPK1 is a alpha-helical rich protein. Calcium binding further increased the alpha-helical content of CaCDPK1 from 75 to 81%. Addition of calcium to CaCDPK1 also increased fluorescence of 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (ANS) indicating exposure of hydrophobic surfaces. Thus, on the whole this study provides evidence for calcium induced conformational changes, exposure of hydrophobic surfaces and heterogeneity of EF hands in CaCDPK1. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Groundnut bud necrosis virus belongs to the genus Tospovirus, infects a wide range of crop plants and causes severe losses. To understand the role of the nucleocapsid protein in the viral life cycle, the protein was overexpressed in E. coli and purified by Ni-NTA chromatography. The purified N protein was well folded and was predominantly alpha-helical. Deletion analysis revealed that the C-terminal unfolded region of the N protein was involved in RNA binding. Furthermore, the N protein could be phosphorylated in vitro by Nicotiana benthamiana plant sap and by purified recombinant kinases such as protein kinase CK2 and calcium-dependent protein kinase. This is the first report of phoshphorylation of a nucleocapsid protein in the family Bunyaviridae. The possible implications of the present findings for the viral life cycle are discussed.


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While the effect of stress on neuronal physiology is widely studied, its effect on the functionality of astrocytes is not well understood. We studied the effect of high doses of stress hormone corticosterone, on two physiological properties of astrocytes, i.e., gliotransmission and interastrocytic calcium waves. To study the release of peptidergic vesicles from astrocytes, hippocampal astrocyte cultures were transfected with a plasmid to express pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) fused with the emerald green fluorescent protein (ANP.emd). The rate of decrease in fluorescence of ANP.emd on application of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore was monitored. Significant increase in the rate of calcium-dependent exocytosis of ANP.emd was observed with the 100 nM and 1 M corticosterone treatments for 3 h, which depended on the activation of the glucocorticoid receptor. ANP.emd tagged vesicles exhibited increased mobility in astrocyte culture upon corticosterone treatment. Increasing corticosterone concentrations also resulted in concomitant increase in the calcium wave propagation velocity, initiated by focal ATP application. Corticosterone treatment also resulted in increased GFAP expression and F-actin rearrangements. FITC-Phalloidin immunostaining revealed increased formation of cross linked F-actin networks with the 100 nM and 1 M corticosterone treatment. Alternatively, blockade of actin polymerization and disruption of microtubules prevented the corticosterone-mediated increase in ANP.emd release kinetics. This study reports for the first time the effect of corticosterone on gliotransmission via modulation of cytoskeletal elements. As ANP acts on both neurons and blood vessels, modulation of its release could have functional implications in neurovascular coupling under pathophysiological conditions of stress.


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An open question within the Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro theory for synaptic modification concerns the specific mechanism that is responsible for regulating the sliding modification threshold (SMT). In this conductance-based modeling study on hippocampal pyramidal neurons, we quantitatively assessed the impact of seven ion channels (R- and T-type calcium, fast sodium, delayed rectifier, A-type, and small-conductance calcium-activated (SK) potassium and HCN) and two receptors (AMPAR and NMDAR) on a calcium-dependent Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro-like plasticity rule. Our analysis with R- and T-type calcium channels revealed that differences in their activation-inactivation profiles resulted in differential impacts on how they altered the SMT. Further, we found that the impact of SK channels on the SMT critically depended on the voltage dependence and kinetics of the calcium sources with which they interacted. Next, we considered interactions among all the seven channels and the two receptors through global sensitivity analysis on 11 model parameters. We constructed 20,000 models through uniform randomization of these parameters and found 360 valid models based on experimental constraints on their plasticity profiles. Analyzing these 360 models, we found that similar plasticity profiles could emerge with several nonunique parametric combinations and that parameters exhibited weak pairwise correlations. Finally, we used seven sets of virtual knock-outs on these 360 models and found that the impact of different channels on the SMT was variable and differential. These results suggest that there are several nonunique routes to regulate the SMT, and call for a systematic analysis of the variability and state dependence of the mechanisms underlying metaplasticity during behavior and pathology.


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The synaptic plasticity literature has focused on establishing necessity and sufficiency as two essential and distinct features in causally relating a signaling molecule to plasticity induction, an approach that has been surprisingly lacking in the intrinsic plasticity literature. In this study, we complemented the recently established necessity of inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)R) in a form of intrinsic plasticity by asking if InsP(3)R activation was sufficient to induce intrinsic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Specifically, incorporation of D-myo-InsP(3) in the recording pipette reduced input resistance, maximal impedance amplitude, and temporal summation but increased resonance frequency, resonance strength, sag ratio, and impedance phase lead. Strikingly, the magnitude of plasticity in all these measurements was dependent on InsP 3 concentration, emphasizing the graded dependence of such plasticity on InsP(3)R activation. Mechanistically, we found that this InsP(3)-induced plasticity depended on hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Moreover, this calcium-dependent form of plasticity was critically reliant on the release of calcium through InsP(3)Rs, the influx of calcium through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels, and on the protein kinase A pathway. Our results delineate a causal role for InsP(3)Rs in graded adaptation of neuronal response dynamics, revealing novel regulatory roles for the endoplasmic reticulum in neural coding and homeostasis.


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Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is implicated to play a key role in learning and memory. NR2B subunit of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) is a high affinity binding partner of CaMKII at the postsynaptic membrane. NR2B binds to the T-site of CaMKII and modulates its catalysis. By direct measurement using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), we show that NR2B binding causes about 11 fold increase in the affinity of CaMKII for ATP gamma S, an analogue of ATP. ITC data is also consistent with an ordered binding mechanism for CaMKII with ATP binding the catalytic site first followed by peptide substrate. We also show that dephosphorylation of phospho-Thr(286)-alpha-CaMKII is attenuated when NR2B is bound to CaMKII. This favors the persistence of Thr(286) autophosphorylated state of CaMKII in a CaMKII/phosphatase conjugate system in vitro. Overall our data indicate that the NR2B- bound state of CaMKII attains unique biochemical properties which could help in the efficient functioning of the proposed molecular switch supporting synaptic memory.


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The local fast-spiking interneurons (FSINs) are considered to be crucial for the generation, maintenance, and modulation of neuronal network oscillations especially in the gamma frequency band. Gamma frequency oscillations have been associated with different aspects of behavior. But the prolonged effects of gamma frequency synaptic activity on the FSINs remain elusive. Using whole cell current clamp patch recordings, we observed a sustained decrease of intrinsic excitability in the FSINs of the dentate gyrus (DG) following repetitive stimulations of the mossy fibers at 30 Hz (gamma bursts). Surprisingly, the granule cells (GCs) did not express intrinsic plastic changes upon similar synaptic excitation of their apical dendritic inputs. Interestingly, pairing the gamma bursts with membrane hyperpolarization accentuated the plasticity in FSINs following the induction protocol, while the plasticity attenuated following gamma bursts paired with membrane depolarization. Paired pulse ratio measurement of the synaptic responses did not show significant changes during the experiments. However, the induction protocols were accompanied with postsynaptic calcium rise in FSINs. Interestingly, the maximum and the minimum increase occurred during gamma bursts with membrane hyperpolarization and depolarization respectively. Including a selective blocker of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) in the bath; significantly attenuated the calcium rise and blocked the membrane potential dependence of the calcium rise in the FSINs, suggesting their involvement in the observed phenomenon. Chelation of intracellular calcium, blocking HCN channel conductance or blocking CP-AMPARs during the experiment forbade the long lasting expression of the plasticity. Simultaneous dual patch recordings from FSINs and synaptically connected putative GCs confirmed the decreased inhibition in the GCs accompanying the decreased intrinsic excitability in the FSINs. Experimentally constrained network simulations using NEURON predicted increased spiking in the GC owing to decreased input resistance in the FSIN. We hypothesize that the selective plasticity in the FSINs induced by local network activity may serve to increase information throughput into the downstream hippocampal subfields besides providing neuroprotection to the FSINs. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The calcium binding characteristics of antibiotic X-537A (lasalocid-A) in a lipophilic solvent, acetonitrile (CH3CN), have been studied using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The analysis of the data indicated that in this medium polar solvent, X-537A forms predominantly the charged complexes of stoichiometries 2:1 and 1:1, the relative amounts of the two being dependent on [Ca2+]. The conformation of the complexes, arrived at on the basis of the data, seem to indicate a rigid part encompassing Ca2+, liganded to 3 oxygens of the molecule, viz., the carbonyl, the substituted tetrahydrofuran ring and the substituted pyran ring oxygens (apart from possibly, the liganding provided by nitrogen atoms of the solvent molecules), and a flexible part consisting of the salicylic acid group of the molecule.


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The circular dichroism studies on calcium ionophore, A23187, incorporated in Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) vesicle showed interesting time dependent changes in the CD spectra. Analysis of the data indicated the possible aggregation of the observed dimeric structure of this molecule in non-polar solvents into a stacked dimeric pore in the phospholipid vesicle.


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In vitro studies using first-trimester human placental minces have shown that stimulation of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) secretion by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is dependent upon the presence of extracellular calcium. Addition of GnRH to first-trimester placental minces in vitro was found to stimulate 45Ca2+ uptake into placental minces, and the process was associated with an increase in immunoreactive hCG in the medium. Addition of GnRH to placental minces preloaded with 45Ca2+ stimulated the efflux of 45Ca2+ within one minute. The calmodulin inhibitors chlorpromazine andtrifluoperazine inhibited the basal uptake and efflux of 45Ca2+ suggesting the involvement of calmodulin in the mobilization of calcium in the placenta.