20 resultados para buried infrastructure

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The network scenario is that of an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN with a single AP with which several stations (STAs) are associated. The AP has a finite size buffer for storing packets. In this scenario, we consider TCP controlled upload and download file transfers between the STAs and a server on the wireline LAN (e.g., 100 Mbps Ethernet) to which the AP is connected. In such a situation, it is known (see, for example, (3), [9]) that because of packet loss due to finite buffers at the Ap, upload file transfers obtain larger throughputs than download transfers. We provide an analytical model for estimating the upload and download throughputs as a function of the buffer size at the AP. We provide models for the undelayed and delayed ACK cases for a TCP that performs loss recovery only by timeout, and also for TCP Reno.


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Prediction of thermodynamic parameters of protein-protein and antigen-antibody complex formation from high resolution structural parameters has recently received much attention, since an understanding of the contributions of different fundamental processes like hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, salt bridge formation, solvent reorganization etc. to the overall thermodynamic parameters and their relations with the structural parameters would lead to rational drug design. Using the results of the dissolution of hydrocarbons and other model compounds the changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp), enthalpy (DeltaH) and entropy (DeltaS) have been empirically correlated with the polar and apolar surface areas buried during the process of protein folding/unfolding and protein-ligand complex formation. In this regard, the polar and apolar surfaces removed from the solvent in a protein-ligand complex have been calculated from the experimentally observed values of changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp) and enthalpy (DeltaH) for protein-ligand complexes for which accurate thermodynamic and high resolution structural data are available, and the results have been compared with the x-ray crystallographic observations. Analyses of the available results show poor correlation between the thermodynamic and structural parameters. Probable reasons for this discrepancy are mostly related with the reorganization of water accompanying the reaction which is indeed proven by the analyses of the energetics of the binding of the wheat germ agglutinin to oligosaccharides.


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The network scenario is that of an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN with a single AP with which several stations (STAs) are associated. The AP has a finite size buffer for storing packets. In this scenario, we consider TCP-controlled upload and download file transfers between the STAs and a server on the wireline LAN (e.g., 100 Mbps Ethernet) to which the AP is connected. In such a situation, it is well known that because of packet losses due to finite buffers at the AP, upload file transfers obtain larger throughputs than download transfers. We provide an analytical model for estimating the upload and download throughputs as a function of the buffer size at the AP. We provide models for the undelayed and delayed ACK cases for a TCP that performs loss recovery only by timeout, and also for TCP Reno. The models are validated incomparison with NS2 simulations.


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Transient natural convection flow on a heated cylinder buried in a semi-infinite liquid-saturated porous medium has been studied. The unsteadiness in the problem arises due to the cylinder which is heated (cooled) suddenly and then maintained at that temperature. The coupled partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer are cast into stream function-temperature formulation, and the solutions are obtained from the initial time to the time when steady state is reached. The heat transfer is found to change significantly with increasing time in a small time interval immediately after the start of the impulsive change, and steady state is reached after some time. The average Nusselt number is found to increase with Rayleigh number When the surface of the cylinder is suddenly cooled, there is a change in the direction of the heat transfer in a small time interval immediately after the start of the impulsive change in the surface temperature;however when the surface temperature is suddenly increased, no such phenomenon is observed.


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The interaction of transient electromagnetic field due to an NEMP with buried cables has been studied in this paper. The cables studied were of two types: shielded as well as unshielded cables. Using transmission line analysis, the induced voltage and current are computed at the load end of the cable for different soil conductivities, different depths of burial of cable and for different lengths of the cable. Effect of shielding on the induced voltage on the cable inner conductor as well as the dependence of the induced voltage on the shield thickness are also studied.


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We focus on the energy spent in radio communication by the stations (STAs) in an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure WLAN. All the STAs are engaged in web browsing, which is characterized by a short file downloads over TCP, with short duration of inactivity or think time in between two file downloads. Under this traffic, Static PSM (SPSM) performs better than CAM, since the STAs in SPSM can switch to low power state (sleep) during think times while in CAM they have to be in the active state all the time. In spite of this gain, performance of SPSM degrades due to congestion, as the number of STAs associated with the access point (AP) increases. To address this problem, we propose an algorithm, which we call opportunistic PSM (OPSM). We show through simulations that OPSM performs better than SPSM under the aforementioned TCP traffic. The performance gain achieved by OPSM over SPSM increases as the mean file size requested by the STAs or the number of STAs associated with the AP increases. We implemented OPSM in NS-2.33, and to compare the performance of OPSM and SPSM, we evaluate the number of file downloads that can be completed with a given battery capacity and the average time taken to download a file.


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We develop analytical models for estimating the energy spent by stations (STAs) in infrastructure WLANs when performing TCP controlled file downloads. We focus on the energy spent in radio communication when the STAs are in the Continuously Active Mode (CAM), or in the static Power Save Mode (PSM). Our approach is to develop accurate models for obtaining the fraction of times the STA radios spend in idling, receiving and transmitting. We discuss two traffic models for each mode of operation: (i) each STA performs one large file download, and (ii) the STAs perform short file transfers. We evaluate the rate of STA energy expenditure with long file downloads, and show that static PSM is worse than just using CAM. For short file downloads we compute the number of file downloads that can be completed with given battery capacity, and show that PSM performs better than CAM for this case. We provide a validation of our analytical models using the NS-2 simulator.


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We conducted surveys of fire and fuels managers at local, regional, and national levels to gain insights into decision processes and information flows in wildfire management. Survey results in the form of fire managers’ decision calendars show how climate information needs vary seasonally, over space, and through the organizational network, and help determine optimal points for introducing climate information and forecasts into decision processes. We identified opportunities to use climate information in fire management, including seasonal to interannual climate forecasts at all organizational levels, to improve the targeting of fuels treatments and prescribed burns, the positioning and movement of initial attack resources, and staffing and budgeting decisions. Longer-term (5–10 years) outlooks also could be useful at the national level in setting budget and research priorities. We discuss these opportunities and examine the kinds of organizational changes that could facilitate effective use of existing climate information and climate forecast capabilities.


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The problem of on-line recognition and retrieval of relatively weak industrial signals such as partial discharges (PD), buried in excessive noise, has been addressed in this paper. The major bottleneck being the recognition and suppression of stochastic pulsive interference (PI) due to the overlapping broad band frequency spectrum of PI and PD pulses. Therefore, on-line, onsite, PD measurement is hardly possible in conventional frequency based DSP techniques. The observed PD signal is modeled as a linear combination of systematic and random components employing probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) and the pdf of the underlying stochastic process is obtained. The PD/PI pulses are assumed as the mean of the process and modeled instituting non-parametric methods, based on smooth FIR filters, and a maximum aposteriori probability (MAP) procedure employed therein, to estimate the filter coefficients. The classification of the pulses is undertaken using a simple PCA classifier. The methods proposed by the authors were found to be effective in automatic retrieval of PD pulses completely rejecting PI.


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There have been several studies on the performance of TCP controlled transfers over an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN, assuming perfect channel conditions. In this paper, we develop an analytical model for the throughput of TCP controlled file transfers over the IEEE 802.11 DCF with different packet error probabilities for the stations, accounting for the effect of packet drops on the TCP window. Our analysis proceeds by combining two models: one is an extension of the usual TCP-over-DCF model for an infrastructure WLAN, where the throughput of a station depends on the probability that the head-of-the-line packet at the Access Point belongs to that station; the second is a model for the TCP window process for connections with different drop probabilities. Iterative calculations between these models yields the head-of-the-line probabilities, and then, performance measures such as the throughputs and packet failure probabilities can be derived. We find that, due to MAC layer retransmissions, packet losses are rare even with high channel error probabilities and the stations obtain fair throughputs even when some of them have packet error probabilities as high as 0.1 or 0.2. For some restricted settings we are also able to model tail-drop loss at the AP. Although involving many approximations, the model captures the system behavior quite accurately, as compared with simulations.


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This paper deals with the coupling of High Power Microwaves with a buried twisted pair cable. The electric field at a distance of 1km from the HPM antenna has been computed and is used for further computation of induced voltage and current. It is found that the peak of the induced current and voltage in a buried unshielded twisted pair cable at a distance of 1km from an HPM antenna of power level 10GW is 20A and 2kV respectively.


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We propose a Cooperative Opportunistic Automatic Repeat ReQuest (CoARQ) scheme to solve the HOL-blocking problem in infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLANs. HOL blocking occurs when the head-of-the-line packet at the Access Point (AP) queue blocks the transmission of packets to other destinations resulting in severe throughput degradation. When the AP transmits a packet to a mobile station (STA), some of the nodes in the vicinity can overhear this packet transmission successfully. If the original transmission by the AP is unsuccessful, our CoARQ scheme chooses the station. STA or AP) with the best channel to the intended receiver as a relay and the chosen relay forwards the AP's packet to the receiver. This way, our scheme removes the bottleneck at the AP, thereby providing significant improvements in the throughput of the AP. We analyse the performance of our scheme in an infrastructure WLAN under a TCP controlled file download scenario and our analytical results are further validated by extensive simulations.


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By incorporating the variation of peak soil friction angle (phi) with mean principal stress (sigma(m)), the effect of pipe diameter (D) on the vertical uplift resistance of a long horizontal pipeline embedded in sand has been investigated. The analysis has been performed by using the lower bound finite-element limit analysis in combination with nonlinear optimization. Three well-defined phi versus sigma(m) curves reported from literature for different sands have been used. It is observed that for a given embedment ratio, with an increase in pipe diameter, the magnitude of the uplift factor (F-gamma) reduces quite significantly, which indicates the importance of considering scale effects while designing buried pipe lines. The scale effects have been found to become even more substantial with an increase in the embedment ratio. The analysis compares well with various theoretical results reported from literature. On the other hand, as compared to available centrifuge test results, the present analysis has been found to provide quite a higher magnitude of the uplift resistance when the theoretical prediction is based on peak soil friction angle. However, if the theoretical analysis is performed by using the friction angle that accounts for the progressive shear failure, the difference between the theoretical and centrifuge test results decreases quite significantly.(C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.