66 resultados para braking torque, traction, speed profile, longitudinal dynamics, wheel-rail contact parameters, bogie pitch, wheelset skid

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Assuming the grinding wheel surface to be fractal in nature, the maximum envelope profile of the wheel and contact deflections are estimated over a range of length scales. This gives an estimate of the 'no wear' roughness of a surface ground metal. Four test materials, aluminum, copper, titanium, and steel are surface ground and their surface power spectra were estimated. The departure of this power spectra from the 'no wear' estimates is studied in terms of the traction-induced wear damage of the surfaces. The surface power spectra in grinding are influenced by hardness and the power is enhanced by wear damage. No such correlation with hardness was found for the polished surface, the roughness of which is insensitive to mechanical properties and appears to be influenced by microstructure and physical properties of the material.


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PMSM drive with high dynamic response is the attractive solution for servo applications like robotics, machine tools, electric vehicles. Vector control is widely accepted control strategy for PMSM control, which enables decoupled control of torque and flux, this improving the transient response of torque and speed. As the vector control demands exhaustive real time computations, so the present work is implemented using TI DSP 320C240. Presently position and speed controller have been successfully tested. The feedback information used is shaft (rotor) position from the incremental encoder and two motor currents. We conclude with the hope to extend the present experimental set up for further research related to PMSM applications.


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This paper describes the design and development of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor system for monitoring tsunami waves generated in the deep ocean. An experimental setup was designed and fabricated to simulate the generation and propagation of a tsunami wave. The characteristics and efficiency of the developed FBG sensor was evaluated with a standard commercial Digiquartz sensor. For real time monitoring of tsunami waves, FBG sensors bonded to a cantilever is used and the wavelength shifts (Delta lambda(B)) in the reflected spectra resulting from the strain/pressure imparted on the FBGs have been recorded using a high-speed Micron Optics FBG interrogation system. The parameters sensed are the signal burst during tsunami generation and pressure variations at different places as the tsunami wave propagates away from the source of generation. The results obtained were compared with the standard commercial sensor used in tsunami detection. The observations suggest that the FBG sensor was highly sensitive and free from many of the constraints associated with the commercial tsunameter.


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The steady incompressible laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow along a rotating slender vertical cylinder with an isothermal wall has been studied. The transformed coupled nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved numerically using the Keller box method. In general, the rotation of the cylinder, the buoyancy forces and the curvature parameter are found to significantly affect the skin friction, heat transfer, velocity and temperature profiles as well as the pressure distribution. The buoyancy forces cause an overshoot in the axial velocity profile but the rotation and curvature parameters reduce it.


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Two donor acceptor diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based copolymers (PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT) have been synthesized for their application in organic devices such as metal-insulator semiconductor (MIS) diodes and field-effect transistors (FETs). The semiconductor-dielectric interface was characterized by capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage methods. These measurements yield an interface trap density of 4.2 x 10(12) eV(-1) cm(-2) in TDPP-BBT and 3.5 x 10(12) eV(-1) cm(-2) in PDPP-BBT at the flat-band voltage. The FETs based on these spincoated DPP copolymers display p-channel behavior with hole mobilities of the order 10(-3) cm(2)/(V s). Light scattering studies from PDPP-BBT FETs show almost no change in the Raman spectrum after the devices are allowed to operate at a gate voltage, indicating that the FETs suffer minimal damage due to the metal-polymer contact or the application of an electric field. As a comparison Raman intensity profile from the channel-Au contact layer in pentacene FETs are presented, which show a distinct change before and after biasing.


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The sliding history in friction-induced material transfer of dry 2H-MoS2 particles in a sheared contact was studied. Video images in contact showed fragmentation of lubricant particles and build-up of a transfer film, and were used to measure the speed of fragmented particles in the contact region. Total internal reflection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the build-up of the MoS2 transfer film. A combination of in situ and ex situ analysis of the mating bodies revealed the thickness of the transfer film at steady state to be of the order of 35 nm on the ball surface and 15 nm on the flat substrate. Insights into the mechanism of formation of the transfer film in the early stages of sliding contact are deduced.


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It is known in literature that a wheeled mobile robot (WMR) with fixed length axle will slip on an uneven terrain. One way to avoid wheel slip is to use a torus-shaped wheel with lateral tilt capability which allows the distance between the wheel-ground contact points to change even with a fixed length axle. Such an arrangement needs a two degree-of-freedom (DOF) suspension for the vertical and lateral tilting motion of the wheel. In this paper modeling, simulation, design and experimentation with a three-wheeled mobile robot, with torus-shaped wheels and a novel two DOF suspension allowing independent lateral tilt and vertical motion, is presented. The suspension is based on a four-bar mechanism and is called the double four-bar (D4Bar) suspension. Numerical simulations show that the three-wheeled mobile robot can traverse uneven terrain with low wheel slip. Experiments with a prototype three-wheeled mobile robot moving on a constructed uneven terrain along a straight line, a circular arc and a path representing a lane change, also illustrate the low slip capability of the three-wheeled mobile robot with the D4Bar suspension. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An approximate dynamic programming (ADP)-based suboptimal neurocontroller to obtain desired temperature for a high-speed aerospace vehicle is synthesized in this paper. A I-D distributed parameter model of a fin is developed from basic thermal physics principles. "Snapshot" solutions of the dynamics are generated with a simple dynamic inversion-based feedback controller. Empirical basis functions are designed using the "proper orthogonal decomposition" (POD) technique and the snapshot solutions. A low-order nonlinear lumped parameter system to characterize the infinite dimensional system is obtained by carrying out a Galerkin projection. An ADP-based neurocontroller with a dual heuristic programming (DHP) formulation is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC) controller for this approximate nonlinear model. Actual control in the original domain is calculated with the same POD basis functions through a reverse mapping. Further contribution of this paper includes development of an online robust neurocontroller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties inherent in such a complex dynamic system. A neural network (NN) weight update rule that guarantees boundedness of the weights and relaxes the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition is presented. Simulation studies show that in a fairly extensive but compact domain, any desired temperature profile can be achieved starting from any initial temperature profile. Therefore, the ADP and NN-based controllers appear to have the potential to become controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems.


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The Jansen mechanism is a one degree-of-freedom, planar, 12-link, leg mechanism that can be used in mobile robotic applications and in gait analysis. This paper presents the kinematics and dynamics of the Jansen leg mechanism. The forward kinematics, accomplished using circle intersection method, determines the trajectories of various points on the mechanism in the chassis (stationary link) reference frame. From the foot point trajectory, the step length is shown to vary linearly while step height varies non-linearly with change in crank radius. A dynamic model for the Jansen leg mechanism is proposed using bond graph approach with modulated multiport transformers. For given ground reaction force pattern and crank angular speed, this model helps determine the motor torque profile as well as the link and joint stresses. The model can therefore be used to rate the actuator torque and in design of the hardware and controller for such a system. The kinematics of the mechanism can also be obtained from this dynamic model. The proposed model is thus a useful tool for analysis and design of systems based on the Jansen leg mechanism. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dynamics of solvation of newly created charged species in dense dipolar liquids can proceed at a high speed with time constants often in the subpicosecond domain. The motion of the solvent molecules can be in the inertial limit at such short times. In this paper we present a microscopic study of the effects of inertial motion of solvent molecules on the solvation dynamics of a newly created ion in a model dipolar liquid. Interesting dynamical behavior emerges when the relative contribution of the translational modes in the wave-vector-dependent longitudinal relaxation time is significant. Especially, the theory predicts that the time correlation function of the solvation energy can become oscillatory in some limiting situations. In general, the dynamics becomes faster in the presence of the inertial contribution. We discuss the experimental situations where the inertial effects can be noticeable.


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This paper is a review prepared for the second Marseille Colloquium on the mechanics of turbulence, held in 2011, 50 years after the first. The review covers recent developments in our understanding of the large-scale dynamics of cumulus cloud flows and of the atmospheric boundary layer in the low-wind convective regime that is often encountered in the tropics. It has recently been shown that a variety of cumulus cloud forms and life cycles can be experimentally realized in the laboratory, with the transient diabatic plume taken as the flow model for a cumulus cloud. The plume is subjected to diabatic heating scaled to be dynamically similar to heat release from phase changes in clouds. The experiments are complemented by exact numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations for plumes with scaled off-source heating. The results show that the Taylor entrainment coefficient first increases with heating, reaches a positive maximum and then drops rapidly to zero or even negative values. This reduction in entrainment is a consequence of structural changes in the flow, smoothing out the convoluted boundaries in the non-diabatic plume, including the tongues engulfing the ambient flow. This is accompanied by a greater degree of mixedness in the core flow because of lower dilution by the ambient fluid. The cloud forms generated depend strongly on the history of the diabatic heating profile in the vertical direction. The striking effects of heating on the flow are attributable to the operation of the baroclinic torque due to the temperature field. The mean baroclinic torque is shown to peak around a quasi-cylindrical sheet situated midway between the axis of the flow and the edges. This torque is shear-enhancing and folds down the engulfment tongues. The increase in mixedness can be traced to an explosive growth in the enstrophy, triggered by a strong fluctuating baroclinic torque that acts as a source, especially at the higher wave numbers, thus enhancing the mixedness. In convective boundary layers field measurements show that, under conditions prevailing in the tropics, the eddy fluxes of momentum and energy do not follow the Monin-Obukhov similarity. Instead, the eddy momentum flux is found to be linear in the wind speed at low winds; and the eddy heat flux is, to a first approximation, governed by free convection laws, with wind acting as a small perturbation on a regime of free convection. A new boundary layer code, based on heat flux scaling rather than wall-stress scaling, shows promising improvements in predictive skills of a general circulation model.


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In this paper we propose a framework for optimum steering input determination of all-wheel steer vehicles (AWSV) on rough terrains. The framework computes the steering input which minimizes the tracking error for a given trajectory. Unlike previous methodologies of computing steering inputs of car-like vehicles, the proposed methodology depends explicitly on the vehicle dynamics and can be extended to vehicle having arbitrary number of steering inputs. A fully generic framework has been used to derive the vehicle dynamics and a non-linear programming based constrained optimization approach has been used to compute the steering input considering the instantaneous vehicle dynamics, no-slip and contact constraints of the vehicle. All Wheel steer Vehicles have a special parallel steering ability where the instantaneous centre of rotation (ICR) is at infinity. The proposed framework automatically enables the vehicle to choose between parallel steer and normal operation depending on the error with respect to the desired trajectory. The efficacy of the proposed framework is proved by extensive uneven terrain simulations, for trajectories with continuous or discontinuous velocity profile.


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The derivation of a quasi-geostrophic system from the rotating shallow-water equations on a midlatitude -plane coupled with moisture is presented. Condensation is prescribed to occur whenever the moisture at a point exceeds a prescribed saturation value. It is seen that a slow condensation time-scale is required to obtain a consistent set of equations at leading order. Further, since the advecting wind fields are geostrophic, changes in moisture (and hence precipitation) occur only via non-divergent mechanisms. Following observations, a saturation profile with gradients in the zonal and meridional directions is prescribed. A purely meridional gradient has the effect of slowing down the dry Rossby waves, through a reduction in the equivalent gradient' of the background potential vorticity. A large-scale unstable moist mode results on the inclusion of a zonal gradient by itself, or in conjunction with a meridional moisture gradient. For gradients that are are representative of the atmosphere, the most unstable moist mode propagates zonally in the direction of increasing moisture, matures over an intraseasonal time-scale and has small phase speed.


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We demonstrate the phenomenon of self-organized criticality (SOC) in a simple random walk model described by a random walk of a myopic ant, i.e., a walker who can see only nearest neighbors. The ant acts on the underlying lattice aiming at uniform digging, i.e., reduction of the height profile of the surface but is unaffected by the underlying lattice. In one, two, and three dimensions we have explored this model and have obtained power laws in the time intervals between consecutive events of "digging." Being a simple random walk, the power laws in space translate to power laws in time. We also study the finite size scaling of asymptotic scale invariant process as well as dynamic scaling in this system. This model differs qualitatively from the cascade models of SOC.


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A pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique is proposed for minimizing the rms torque ripple in inverter-fed induction motor drives subject to a given average switching frequency of the inverter. The proposed PWM technique is a combination of optimal continuous modulation and discontinuous modulation. The proposed technique is evaluated both theoretically as well as experimentally and is compared with well-known PWM techniques. It is shown that the proposed method reduces the rms torque ripple by about 30% at the rated speed of the motor drive, compared to conventional space vector PWM.