211 resultados para bounded spins

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Artifacts in the form of cross peaks have been observed along two- and three-quantum diagonals in single-quantum two-dimensional correlated (COSY) spectra of several peptides and oligonucleotides. These have been identified as due to the presence of a non-equilibrium state of kind I (a state describable by populations which differ from equilibrium) of strongly coupled spins carried over from one experiment to the next in the COSY algorithm.


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in thermotropic liquid crystalline media provide information on the molecular structure and order. The spins are generally strongly dipolar coupled and the spectral analyse require the tedious and time consuming numerical iterative calculations. The present study demonstrates the application of multiple quantum spin state selective detection of single quantum transitions for mimicking the homonuclear decoupling and the direct estimation of an element of ordering matrix. This information is utilized to estimate the nearly accurate starting dipolar couplings for iterative calculations. The studies on the spectra of strongly dipolar coupled five and six interacting spin systems are reported.


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Numerical and experimental studies of a supersonic jet (Helium) inclined at 45 degrees to a oncoming Mach 2 flow have been carried out. The numerical study has been used to arrive at a geometry that could reduce an oncoming Mach 5.75 flow to Mach 2 flow and in determining the jet parameters. Experiments are carried out in the IISc. hypersonic shock tunnel HST2 at similar conditions obtained from numerical studies. Flow visualization studies carried out using Schlieren technique clearly show the presence of the bow shock in front of the jet exposed to supersonic cross flow. The jet Mach number is experimentally found to be approximate to 3. Visual observations show that the jet has penetrated up to 60% of the total height of the chamber.


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Abstract is not available.


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Let Ohm be a bounded domain in IRN, N greater than or equal to 2, lambda > 0, q is an element of (0, N - 1) and alpha is an element of (1, N/N-1 In this article we show the existence of at least two positive solutions for the following quasilinear elliptic problem with an exponential type nonlinearity:


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The instability of coupled longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic modes associated with long wavelengths is studied in bounded streaming plasmas. The main conclusions are as follows: (i) For long waves for which O (k 2)=0, in the absence of relative streaming motion of electrons and ions and aωp/c<0.66, the whole spectrum of harmonic waves is excited due to finite temperature and boundary effects consisting of two subseries. One of these subseries can be identified with Tonks-Dattner resonance oscillations for the electrons, and arises primarily due to the electrons with frequencies greater than the electrostatic plasma frequency corresponding to the electron density in the midplane in the undisturbed state. The other series arises primarily due to ion motion. When aωp/c>0.66, in addition to the above spectrum of harmonic waves, the system admits an infinite number of growing and decaying waves. The instability associated with these modes is found to arise due to the interaction of the waves inside the plasma with the external electromagnetic field. (ii) For modes with comparatively shorter wavelengths for which O (k3)=0, the coupling due to finite temperature sets in, and it is found that the two series of harmonic waves obtained in (i) deriving energy from the transverse modes also become unstable. Thus, for these wavelengths the system admits three sets of growing and decaying modes, first two for all values of aωp/c and the third for (aωp/c) > 0.66. (iii) The presence of streaming velocities introduces various other coupling mechanisms, and we find that even for the wavelengths for which O (k2)=0, we get three sets of growing and decaying waves. The numerical values for the growth rates show that the streaming velocities enhance the growth rates of instability significantly.


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The present study of the stability of systems governed by a linear multidimensional time-varying equation, which are encountered in spacecraft dynamics, economics, demographics, and biological systems, gives attention the lemma dealing with L(inf) stability of an integral equation that results from the differential equation of the system under consideration. Using the proof of this lemma, the main result on L(inf) stability is derived according; a corollary of the theorem deals with constant coefficient systems perturbed by small periodic terms. (O.C.)


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Geometric phases have been used in NMR to implement controlled phase shift gates for quantum-information processing, only in weakly coupled systems in which the individual spins can be identified as qubits. In this work, we implement controlled phase shift gates in strongly coupled systems by using nonadiabatic geometric phases, obtained by evolving the magnetization of fictitious spin-1/2 subspaces, over a closed loop on the Bloch sphere. The dynamical phase accumulated during the evolution of the subspaces is refocused by a spin echo pulse sequence and by setting the delay of transition selective pulses such that the evolution under the homonuclear coupling makes a complete 2 pi rotation. A detailed theoretical explanation of nonadiabatic geometric phases in NMR is given by using single transition operators. Controlled phase shift gates, two qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, and parity algorithm in a qubit-qutrit system have been implemented in various strongly dipolar coupled systems obtained by orienting the molecules in liquid crystal media.


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We derive the Langevin equations for a spin interacting with a heat bath, starting from a fully dynamical treatment. The obtained equations are non-Markovian with multiplicative fluctuations and concommitant dissipative terms obeying the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. In the Markovian limit our equations reduce to the phenomenological equations proposed by Kubo and Hashitsume. The perturbative treatment on our equations lead to Landau-Lifshitz equations and to other known results in the literature.


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The effect of dipolar cross correlation in 1H---1H nuclear Overhauser effect experiments is investigated by detailed calculation in an ABX spin system. It is found that in weakly coupled spin systems, the cross-correlation effects are limited to single-quantum transition probabilities and decrease in magnitude as ωτc increases. Strong coupling, however, mixes the states and the cross correlations affect the zero-quantum and double-quantum transition probabilities as well. The effect of cross correlation in steady-state and transient NOE experiments is studied as a function of strong coupling and ωτc. The results for steady-state NOE experiments are calculated analytically and those for transient NOE experiments are calculated numerically. The NOE values for the A and B spins have been calculated by assuming nonselective perturbation of all the transitions of the X spin. A significant effect of cross correlation is found in transient NOE experiments of weakly as well as strongly coupled spins when the multiplets are resolved. Cross correlation manifests itself largely as a multiplet effect in the transient NOE of weakly coupled spins for nonselective perturbation of all X transitions. This effect disappears for a measuring pulse of 90° or when the multiplets are not resolved. For steady-state experiments, the effect of cross correlation is analytically zero for weakly coupled spins and small for strongly coupled spins.


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We report a single C-13 spin edited selective proton-proton correlation experiment to decipher overcrowded 13C coupled proton NMR spectra of weakly dipolar coupled spin systems. The experiment unravels the masked C-13 satellites in proton spectrum and permits the measurement of one bond carbon-proton residual dipolar couplings in I3S and for each diastereotopic proton in I2S groups. It also provides all the possible homonuclear proton-proton residual couplings which are otherwise difficult to extract from the broad and featureless one dimensional H-1 spectrum, in addition to enantiodifferentiation in a chiral molecule. Employment of heteronuclear (C-13) decoupling in the evolution period results in complete demixing of overlapped signals from enantiomers. The observed anomalous intensity pattern in strongly dipolar coupled methyl protons in methyl selective correlation experiment has been interpreted using polarization operator formalism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A method involving eigenfunction expansion and collocation is employed to solve the axisymmetric problem of a slowly and steadily rotating circular disc in a fluid of finite extent whose surface is covered with a surfactant film. The present method (originally described by Wang (Acta Mech. 94, 97, 1992)) is observed to produce results of practical importance associated with the problem more quickly and more easily than the one used earlier by Shail and Gooden (Int. J. Multiphase Flow 7, 245, 1992). (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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Consider a sequence of closed, orientable surfaces of fixed genus g in a Riemannian manifold M with uniform upper bounds on the norm of mean curvature and area. We show that on passing to a subsequence, we can choose parametrisations of the surfaces by inclusion maps from a fixed surface of the same genus so that the distance functions corresponding to the pullback metrics converge to a pseudo-metric and the inclusion maps converge to a Lipschitz map. We show further that the limiting pseudo-metric has fractal dimension two. As a corollary, we obtain a purely geometric result. Namely, we show that bounds on the mean curvature, area and genus of a surface F subset of M, together with bounds on the geometry of M, give an upper bound on the diameter of F. Our proof is modelled on Gromov's compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves.


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We investigate the following problem: given a set of jobs and a set of people with preferences over the jobs, what is the optimal way of matching people to jobs? Here we consider the notion of popularity. A matching M is popular if there is no matching M' such that more people prefer M' to M than the other way around. Determining whether a given instance admits a popular matching and, if so, finding one, was studied by Abraham et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 37(4):1030-1045, 2007). If there is no popular matching, a reasonable substitute is a matching whose unpopularity is bounded. We consider two measures of unpopularity-unpopularity factor denoted by u(M) and unpopularity margin denoted by g(M). McCutchen recently showed that computing a matching M with the minimum value of u(M) or g(M) is NP-hard, and that if G does not admit a popular matching, then we have u(M) >= 2 for all matchings M in G. Here we show that a matching M that achieves u(M) = 2 can be computed in O(m root n) time (where m is the number of edges in G and n is the number of nodes) provided a certain graph H admits a matching that matches all people. We also describe a sequence of graphs: H = H(2), H(3), ... , H(k) such that if H(k) admits a matching that matches all people, then we can compute in O(km root n) time a matching M such that u(M) <= k - 1 and g(M) <= n(1 - 2/k). Simulation results suggest that our algorithm finds a matching with low unpopularity in random instances.